Comments 24

Re: Evercade's First Firmware Update Of 2025 Is Live


The DIP switch thing is an absolute game-changer - quite literally - for some of these carts. Bravo to Evercade for implementing this - though it turns out that the default setting on the Street Fighter games was on the easier side, and I'm still just rubbish at them.

Re: My Arcade's OutRun Mini-Arcade Will Include The Legendary OutRunners


@Moroboshi876 I have the Galaga one (that happens to have Pacman/Mappy/Galaxian/Dig Dug/Rolling Thunder on it too, if you're prepared to crack it open and do some physical modding!) - I'd say it's fine as a little novelty, but realistically you're just not going to want to play on one of these for a long time.

Re: We're Not Getting Saturn And Dreamcast Minis, But We Are Getting More Sega Mini-Arcades


@SlangWon given you're on this site I don't need to explain to you about the problems with old light gun games now. And tracking hardware like PS Move or the Wii Remote is pretty good but not perfect for that genuine aiming skill. Pretty much the only reason I've kept a CRT in the garage, but I'd LOVE for an official Nintendo/Sony supported Sinden-esque light gun and some retro collections on Switch 2/PS5/6/7/8 etc.

Re: The Making Of: Powermonger, Bullfrog's Forgotten RTS Follow-Up To Populous


Massive fan of this on the Amiga, though I was never particularly proficient at it - much of the time my tactic was just to recruit as fast as possible by running around all the villages on the map, get them to make some weapons and stuff and then run at the enemy and hope to win through sheer force of numbers.

Agree with Peter, the carrier pigeon idea between generals was not a good one - at first having not read the manual very well I just thought that nobody was doing as they were told!

Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated


Not going to weigh in on the emulation debate. I quite like the Miyoo Mini+ though for its nice little form factor and ease of setup.

NIntendo - as everyone else does too - have a legal obligation to protect their copyright and IP if they don't want to see it creep into the public domain, so whilst occasionally they can seem rather heavy handed it's essentially their job to do it, so I can't feel too strongly against it.

Re: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 Brings Amiga Classics To Evercade


I had an A500 back in the day… what a machine! I’m pretty happy with the A500 mini now, it’s a neat piece of kit and super easy to use which helps.

This is a nice collection, just a shame the previous one didn’t use the Amiga version (I could say this of a number of collections, including the Oliver Twins collection and the Codemasters collections too). Just wish we wouldn’t get ‘mouse’ games, pretty sure Z is one of those.

Fingers crossed we can still be doing the do with Betty Boo!

Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions


I think a lot of other USB sticks works for this though - I've deployed my 8bitdo Switch Arcade stick and it works brilliantly. I'm genuinely more pleased with this than I thought I would be - I love the Amiga (massive nostalgia factor!) and I've been running on WinUAE for years, but this seems to work pretty well straight out of the box and sideloading using WHDLoad works nicely too. I haven't tried it yet but hopefully can use a USB hub to have USB mouse, stick, keyboard and USB stick all plugged in at the same time.

@GravyThief - lha format games for WHDLoad should be easy to find. I might search for WHDownload if I were looking for appropriate backups. You can't find EVERY game in that format for reasons I don't fully understand, but you'll find all the essentials.

The review is right though - the choice of pad was pretty dense. Haven't tried to see if the controllers bundled with the Mini Megadrive work yet - I always used to use original Megadrive controllers on the Amiga as was the same plug configuration!

Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides


I've really enjoyed the handheld over the past year or so, particularly some of the more recent releases so I can play things like Sensible Soccer and work my way through old Dizzy games on the move (legitimately!) Kind of wish they'd gone for Amiga versions of some of these old games rather than the Megadrive ones but not sure if they're able to emulate it (or some licensing thing or somethingorother). Definitely excited to be getting my black Founder's edition of this at some point soon, though part of me isn't sure whether the white one is slightly prettier?

I have to say that I quite like the physical cartridge thing... but at the same time as I'm lucky enough to have all of the ones currently released it does become a storage annoyance - there's a lot to be said for smaller physical media!

Re: Would You Just Look At This Tiny Bubble Bobble Arcade Machine


I have one of those tiny little My Arcade machines that plays Galaga (and with a bit of tinkering a whole bunch of other games). But it's just a novelty, the small form is utterly impractical.

These things LOOK cute, but a total bugger to use - and I can't imagine having two players shoulder to shoulder on this.

Taito - PLEASE release the arcade versions of Bubble Bobble, Rainbow Islands, Parasol Stars and New Zealand Story onto current platforms. Don't bugger about with them (Rainbow Islands Revolution and the awful Wiiware version, I'm looking at you), Just pure arcade ports please!

Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks


It seems REALLY small. It's either 15 or 17 (I suspect the latter) inches across - less than a foot and a half - you'll have to be pretty good friends with someone to play 2 player. And it's a very similar selection of games to the (excellent, even with the weird drip-feeding of the 2nd lot of 20 games) Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro. And I can use that to play other games with an arcade stick too.