Comments 26

Re: The Making Of: The Wizard - An Oral History Of Nintendo's Hollywood Debut


I loved it then and I loved it now. Everything you say is true. And ironically despite the way this conversation went I’m a huge Savage fan as he was as a kid as an actor. He really had this naturalistic talent that sold a character so well.

I have it on my plex server and watched about a year ago for the first time in decades. It held up really well.

Re: The Making Of: The Wizard - An Oral History Of Nintendo's Hollywood Debut


I don't want to derail this thread further - the allegations are now acknowledged and we should move on.

All I will say is that I wasn't even aware of the second set of allegations that you posted. There have been MORE since then, on the set of The Wonder Years reboot where he admitted wrong doing and was fired.

So that's actually THREE serious sets of allegations against him.

As I said, all acknowledged now so we can move on. I was actually hoping they would just post something like Fred Savage (who in his subsequent work has had legal issues) or something like that. And then allowed people to investigate as they wish.

Re: The Making Of: The Wizard - An Oral History Of Nintendo's Hollywood Debut


@jesse_dylan 13 I think……

The Wonder Years was slated to go another season originally (dunno if you remember it, but one of the greatest TV series ever made and it made Savage famous). However, it stopped very abruptly.

Savage and his co-star Jason Hervey (Wayne) were accused of sexually assaulting a make up artist. The matter was settled out of court by the production company but the series ended rather than go one more season as planned.

When working on the reboot, however, Sabage was then accused of multiple (and I’m talking MANY) sexual assaults and also inappropriate relationships. Across many series.

He was fired from The Wonder Years reboot and has since disappeared having issued a statement saying that he denied any criminal offence but admitted that his behaviour may have been inappropriate at times.

It should be noted for the sense of balance that with multiple accusations come multiple defenders - both when he was a kid and recently.

It should also be noted that no allegations have been proven in a court of law.

I just feel that the article should at least have acknowledged it because if it’s true then MANY women have been affected and deserve a voice.

Re: The Making Of: The Wizard - An Oral History Of Nintendo's Hollywood Debut


I kind of feel that at least out of consideration for his victims at least a small mention of Fred Savage’s misdemeanors should be included in his bio. I appreciate there’s been no criminal trial but there was even an allegation not long after this film was made. I used to think he was fantastic in the day. The Wonder Years was amazing and I also love The Wizard. I was a Savage fan but we do really need to at least acknowledge these things.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2013?


Very interesting results. Definite swing towards Nintendo so far.

I voted for GTA V. The first and only GTA game I’ve ever played and I completed all the different endings.

And super Mario 3D world. I actually reckon this is one of the greatest Mario games. And WAY better than the switch remake which was a HUGE disappointment.

Re: The GameCube & Wii Emulator Dolphin Adds New WiiConnect24 Support & More


Dolphin is one of the more difficult emulators to work with but it’s certainly not impossible. I guess I can’t really give you too much to go on here, but on the website itself there’s a directory of games and you can configure the emulator according to each game. You only need to do this once and it should be pretty easy to work out. Many games don’t even need this - but some of the harder to run ones do.

Stick with it, it’s well worth it.

Re: Soapbox: Ridge Racer V is The Greatest Game Ever Made


Excellent article, thank you. I used to shop in the same store as you

I love Ridge Racer but only played this for the first time on emulation in the last few weeks. However, I couldn’t access any GPs apart from the basic one even though I know they’re there. Any tips?

Re: Poll: What's The Best Ridge Racer?


And this perfectly illustrates why the site redesign (which must have been implemented years ago now) was a complete disaster that the admins of this whole group of sites simply will not acknowledge.

I complained about it loudly at the time and continue to do so to the extent that the admins threatened to ban me if I kept doing so.

But how can you defend a site design than means readers simply never see articles that they would be interested in?

I never even saw this article at the time - although I would have loved to read it.

You will defend yourselves and you will get annoyed. The irony is you produce such amazing content across all your sites but this terrible design hampers your work.

And yes i’m sure you’ll tell me that I can click on X and then set filter to Y and then set the drop down box to Z and finally bookmark A and then I can see what I want.

But why the hell should I?

Sorry - I gave up moaning about it but frankly it is still rubbish all these years later.

Re: The Making Of Split/Second


awesome game which I'm still playing today thanks to BC. If anyone has Apple Arcade check out Detonation Racing. It's a cell shaded tribute to Split/Second and if you play it with a controller (I play it on 4K screen with an Xbox controller with my Apple TV) it's superb.

Re: Best Dreamcast Games


You missed out THE greatest home console version of HYDROOOOOO THUNDER!

That post acopolyptic New York track at the end of the game……..

Re: Full Of Eastern Promise: The Rise And Fall Of Grey Importing


Super Play - still the greatest video games magazine ever.

I used to get grey imports from a big shop in Bournemouth UK. I can’t remember the name. I used to go down there when a big release had come out stateside for the SNES but wasn’t in the UK yet. Super Star Wars. Starfox. The latter was over £100 in eighties money!

Re: Welcome To Time Extension


Awesome idea and already bookmarked. As someone whose first gaming machine was a Grandstand TV console in the seventies and has owned pretty much every system since from ZX80 through 3DO to Xbox series X I am going to enjoy it here.

One day I might bore you about spending over £100 importing Starfox for the Super Nintendo so I could practice, win the Woolworths competition and own an exclusive hat