I suppose this is the hardware video game equivalent of a $1,000 iPhone or Samsung Galaxy so the price may be justified but I'll just wait until someone makes equivalent games in Labo Toy-con Garage.
If I wanted to spend that much on a piece of tech I'd buy a Cozmo. You can probably play similar games on it's face.
I owned a PSP for a day. I bought a 3 game bundle so my kids and I could play PS3 like games on the go. Only we couldn't, b/c despite Sony saying PSP was a portable PS3 you could only have 1 account at a time on the PSP unlike the many you could have on a PS3. But I did try, me being the nice dad that I was, I thought, whatever, I'll just share the 3 games that came with the system with my kids, I don't really care about trophy counts anyway. So I tried all 3 games that came with my system, and not a single 1 had more than 1 save slot. And as much as I wouldn't mind sharing my account with my kids, I wasn't going to share 1 save file with them. And my kids wouldn't have been happy sharing save files with each other either.
So if Sony did decide to make a PSP2, forget Vita 2, it needs to have multiple accounts like the Switch does. I think even most games on Switch have multiple save files within each game as well. Nintendo got that part right. 3DS is the same as PSP, but Nintnedo really marketed it as a home console you could take with you, that was how Sony roped me in, with the promise of a portable PS3 system with multiple accounts.
I actually dont' know how Vita handles multiple accounts or save files, but I did buy a PS TV ($28 clearance at Target) to remote stream my PS4 to my bedroom TV. Only that only lets you use 1 account as well. A freakin streaming device and you can't even pick which account to stream off of your PS4. I gave it to my kid in his bedroom so he can stream PS4 games while I'm watching the big tv. He doesn't use it much but it does work ok for streaming. Even Horizon Zero Dawn worked well enough.
Any new portable gaming device by any company should have multiple accounts as a starting point. Even if like Nintnedo they expect each person to own their own device at some point. Some families can't afford multiple of the same console.
@get2sammyb "Do you think new systems built in the same spirit as the 3DS and PS Vita would improve upon their predecessors if they launched this year?"
I don't think it would be very hard to improve upon Vita sales, what did it sell, only 15 million? They could almost sell that in Japan as well as Vita continues to sell there. Add in normal Micro SD card support instead of proprietary, most social media apps, streaming services, and an optional wireless out TV dongle stick, and you have yourself a winner. I don't think it could outsell 3DS though, that will hit 80mil as Nintnedo keeps pushing the $79 2DS which counts towards 3DS sales. I'm expecting a new 3DS game holiday 2019 to tie in w/ Frozen 2 in theaters. But beat the Vita's 15m? No problem.
Impressed that the Go even appeared in the article, but Damo is nothing if not spot on with his nostalgia.
I dont' think the Go should be mentioned w/o also mentioning the April-May 2011 PSN outage however. For about a month people w/ a Go were unable to buy or download anything as Sony shut down it's online network. That was about 1 1/2 years after the Go launched, leaving Go owners wondering why they bought something that was digital only.
Can you imagine the Apple iTunes store being down for 23 days? Or the Google Play store? Imagine no internet at all for 23 days. People would probably start committing suicide after a couple of weeks.
@samuelvictor Yeah, everybody gets their 15 minutes of porn stardom fame. And sometimes porn stars get never-ending fame and $130,000 for not performing. smh
@samuelvictor The made up stories in those papers can't compete with the "truth" today on Facebook, so they had to go. And porn, well all the porn you'll ever need is free in the palm of your hand on your phone, so....
I was like that back in college and grad school, I could tell you everything you'd ever want to know about Batboy, but 16 years of being home has turned me into Peg Bundy. Or it's some age thing like Alzheimers, senility, dementia. Though if ti means not knowing who the people on Jersey Shore are, well that's a fair trade off for not remembering my own kids names.
Trump, Jersey Shore, the Kardashians, it all begins with Batboy. He's the Godfather of pop-culture celebratory, and just as real.
@samuelvictor May have heard of the Chainsmokers. I do know Zedd b/c he was on one of those morning shows, Good Morning America or the like, a few years back, when they had a woman on live singing Clarity. I'm not too big on pop music but I really like that song. "If our love is a tragedy why are you my remedy?". I'm all about the irony. Before Zedd I knew of Danger Mouse b/c he was pretty much everywhere for awhile, but that was 10 years ago.
@ThanosReXXX There's always a story with you. That's a pretty good one though. It always comes down to soccer over there doesn't it? I mean sure, Mets and Yanks fans hate each other, but it doesn't seem to reach the animosity of soccer fans. Though NY and Philly fans in almost every sport hate each other, always have. I think Elton John wrote Philadelphia Freedom just to stick it to NYers. So I suppose I can understand it a little.
@ThanosReXXX I didn't 100% KNOW what EMD stood for, but I figured my guess, which turned out to be right, was close enough to get the gist to follow along. Or at least play along if I was wrong.
Back to robotics. 405 teams heading to Detroit today. One from this place if you'd like a rooting interest. And it's their 1st year, they only formed last September and off to Detroit they go. I'm impressed.
@samuelvictor I think I've come across EDM before, "electronic dance music" I'm guessing, but not Mike Posner. And I'm really not up on anything new, anything at all. Anything 4 or 5 years old is still probably new to me. With the notable exception of Greta Van Fleet, but I can't imagine there's a lot of crossover between them and avicii.
@ThanosReXXX I didn't know who he was until I saw the article on CNN. Then sammy (PS) put out a tweet, so I figured he was big with the young Brit crowd, sammy's all about the young Brit bands. I'm not even sure how to announce his name so I just decided it was "a" "vee" "see" like saying the alphabet a b c only with v instead of b. Still not sure I've ever heard his music, barely follow bands any more, never really followed DJs. But I did think it was a nice gesture on your part.
@ThanosReXXX I get life getting in the way, try having 2 kids and owning an old home and 2 old cars.
Good luck w/ the heat. I put in my AC yesterday, bought a cheap vinyl door to keep the cool in the kitchen where I spend most of my time cooking and on the PC. We're expecting about 90' the next 3 days, which is probably only 35C or so but it's 10' hotter than I like it.
@ThanosReXXX I wouldn't mind winter right now, another heat wave is coming.
Did you know Nintnedo put pics of the Wiimote and nunchuck and Classic Pro on the back of the Zelda U box but only the Gamepad and Pro work? They're still trolling Wii U owners. And my charging cable for the Gamepad won't work, bought a new 1 from Amazon for $8. And now maybe Miiverse is over. I'm quite miffed w/ them right now.
Glass? They should call it Dragonglass, that would get them some sales. 😆
Hope the SwitchTV looks as good. I have my Atari 7800 hooked up in my kids room, those games did not age well. Not well at all. I have 7 carts but not a whole lot of fun. .
This is one of my favorite games, and nothing on the WiiU now looks as good as this did then, especially when they were showing it as an N64 game. Sorry ZombieU, thid eas more original, even if it was a poorly implemented sequel.
Comments 26
Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System
Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank
Same price as a New 2DS XL.
I suppose this is the hardware video game equivalent of a $1,000 iPhone or Samsung Galaxy so the price may be justified but I'll just wait until someone makes equivalent games in Labo Toy-con Garage.
If I wanted to spend that much on a piece of tech I'd buy a Cozmo. You can probably play similar games on it's face.

Re: First Images Of Cartridge-Based Retro Console The Evercade Revealed
They should have gone all out and made the cartridges bigger than the console while they were at it. 😂
Re: Exclusive: Polymega Creator Playmaji On FPGA, Sega Saturn And Dealing With 'Healthy' Scepticism
@Yorumi "To me that whole section just sounded like he was making things up."
Thanks for putting into words what was floating around in my early morning head.
My reaction to the entire article was simply

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman
I owned a PSP for a day. I bought a 3 game bundle so my kids and I could play PS3 like games on the go. Only we couldn't, b/c despite Sony saying PSP was a portable PS3 you could only have 1 account at a time on the PSP unlike the many you could have on a PS3. But I did try, me being the nice dad that I was, I thought, whatever, I'll just share the 3 games that came with the system with my kids, I don't really care about trophy counts anyway. So I tried all 3 games that came with my system, and not a single 1 had more than 1 save slot. And as much as I wouldn't mind sharing my account with my kids, I wasn't going to share 1 save file with them. And my kids wouldn't have been happy sharing save files with each other either.
So if Sony did decide to make a PSP2, forget Vita 2, it needs to have multiple accounts like the Switch does. I think even most games on Switch have multiple save files within each game as well. Nintendo got that part right. 3DS is the same as PSP, but Nintnedo really marketed it as a home console you could take with you, that was how Sony roped me in, with the promise of a portable PS3 system with multiple accounts.
I actually dont' know how Vita handles multiple accounts or save files, but I did buy a PS TV ($28 clearance at Target) to remote stream my PS4 to my bedroom TV. Only that only lets you use 1 account as well. A freakin streaming device and you can't even pick which account to stream off of your PS4. I gave it to my kid in his bedroom so he can stream PS4 games while I'm watching the big tv. He doesn't use it much but it does work ok for streaming. Even Horizon Zero Dawn worked well enough.
Any new portable gaming device by any company should have multiple accounts as a starting point. Even if like Nintnedo they expect each person to own their own device at some point. Some families can't afford multiple of the same console.
Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman
@get2sammyb "Do you think new systems built in the same spirit as the 3DS and PS Vita would improve upon their predecessors if they launched this year?"
I don't think it would be very hard to improve upon Vita sales, what did it sell, only 15 million? They could almost sell that in Japan as well as Vita continues to sell there. Add in normal Micro SD card support instead of proprietary, most social media apps, streaming services, and an optional wireless out TV dongle stick, and you have yourself a winner. I don't think it could outsell 3DS though, that will hit 80mil as Nintnedo keeps pushing the $79 2DS which counts towards 3DS sales. I'm expecting a new 3DS game holiday 2019 to tie in w/ Frozen 2 in theaters. But beat the Vita's 15m? No problem.
Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman
Impressed that the Go even appeared in the article, but Damo is nothing if not spot on with his nostalgia.
I dont' think the Go should be mentioned w/o also mentioning the April-May 2011 PSN outage however. For about a month people w/ a Go were unable to buy or download anything as Sony shut down it's online network. That was about 1 1/2 years after the Go launched, leaving Go owners wondering why they bought something that was digital only.
Can you imagine the Apple iTunes store being down for 23 days? Or the Google Play store? Imagine no internet at all for 23 days. People would probably start committing suicide after a couple of weeks.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@samuelvictor Yeah, everybody gets their 15 minutes of porn stardom fame. And sometimes porn stars get never-ending fame and $130,000 for not performing. smh
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@samuelvictor The made up stories in those papers can't compete with the "truth" today on Facebook, so they had to go. And porn, well all the porn you'll ever need is free in the palm of your hand on your phone, so....
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@samuelvictor Its like a curse.
I was like that back in college and grad school, I could tell you everything you'd ever want to know about Batboy, but 16 years of being home has turned me into Peg Bundy. Or it's some age thing like Alzheimers, senility, dementia. Though if ti means not knowing who the people on Jersey Shore are, well that's a fair trade off for not remembering my own kids names.
Trump, Jersey Shore, the Kardashians, it all begins with Batboy. He's the Godfather of pop-culture celebratory, and just as real.

Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@samuelvictor Yeah, differentiating people I don't follow isn't really my strong point. All the Kardashians are the same person to me too.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@samuelvictor It's come to my attention that I may have been confusing Danger Mouse with deadmau5 so I'm just going to shut up now.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@samuelvictor May have heard of the Chainsmokers. I do know Zedd b/c he was on one of those morning shows, Good Morning America or the like, a few years back, when they had a woman on live singing Clarity. I'm not too big on pop music but I really like that song. "If our love is a tragedy why are you my remedy?". I'm all about the irony. Before Zedd I knew of Danger Mouse b/c he was pretty much everywhere for awhile, but that was 10 years ago.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@ThanosReXXX "hooligans and hoodlums" is pretty much in the title or subtitle of any book ever written about soccer fans, deserving or not.
Good thing the rest of the world doesn't have fanaticism about the 2nd amendment or there would be no soccer fans left.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@ThanosReXXX There's always a story with you. That's a pretty good one though. It always comes down to soccer over there doesn't it? I mean sure, Mets and Yanks fans hate each other, but it doesn't seem to reach the animosity of soccer fans. Though NY and Philly fans in almost every sport hate each other, always have. I think Elton John wrote Philadelphia Freedom just to stick it to NYers. So I suppose I can understand it a little.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@ThanosReXXX I didn't 100% KNOW what EMD stood for, but I figured my guess, which turned out to be right, was close enough to get the gist to follow along. Or at least play along if I was wrong.
Back to robotics. 405 teams heading to Detroit today. One from this place if you'd like a rooting interest. And it's their 1st year, they only formed last September and off to Detroit they go. I'm impressed.
They probably get Labo more than most people here.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@samuelvictor I think I've come across EDM before, "electronic dance music" I'm guessing, but not Mike Posner. And I'm really not up on anything new, anything at all. Anything 4 or 5 years old is still probably new to me. With the notable exception of Greta Van Fleet, but I can't imagine there's a lot of crossover between them and avicii.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@ThanosReXXX I didn't know who he was until I saw the article on CNN. Then sammy (PS) put out a tweet, so I figured he was big with the young Brit crowd, sammy's all about the young Brit bands. I'm not even sure how to announce his name so I just decided it was "a" "vee" "see" like saying the alphabet a b c only with v instead of b. Still not sure I've ever heard his music, barely follow bands any more, never really followed DJs. But I did think it was a nice gesture on your part.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
@ThanosReXXX New avatar? Didn't take you for a song and dance man, but respect for the recently departed is always nice.
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
@ThanosReXXX I get life getting in the way, try having 2 kids and owning an old home and 2 old cars.
Good luck w/ the heat. I put in my AC yesterday, bought a cheap vinyl door to keep the cool in the kitchen where I spend most of my time cooking and on the PC. We're expecting about 90' the next 3 days, which is probably only 35C or so but it's 10' hotter than I like it.
Stay cool.

Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
@ThanosReXXX I wouldn't mind winter right now, another heat wave is coming.
Did you know Nintnedo put pics of the Wiimote and nunchuck and Classic Pro on the back of the Zelda U box but only the Gamepad and Pro work? They're still trolling Wii U owners. And my charging cable for the Gamepad won't work, bought a new 1 from Amazon for $8. And now maybe Miiverse is over. I'm quite miffed w/ them right now.
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
@ThanosReXXX "only" he says. They'd never make enough.
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
Glass? They should call it Dragonglass, that would get them some sales. 😆
Hope the SwitchTV looks as good. I have my Atari 7800 hooked up in my kids room, those games did not age well. Not well at all. I have 7 carts but not a whole lot of fun. .
Re: Rumour: Leading Japanese Game Company Kidnapped Dev's Sister To Stop Them From Working With Nintendo
Well that explains the lack of 3rd party support on the Wii U.
Personally, I would put this under Weird rather than Rumour, but that's just me.
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill
Was Geraldo Rivera involved?
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures
This is one of my favorite games, and nothing on the WiiU now looks as good as this did then, especially when they were showing it as an N64 game. Sorry ZombieU, thid eas more original, even if it was a poorly implemented sequel.