Comments 157

Re: Best Sega Master System Games


I would have added either mortal kombat ir mortal kombat 2. Yes they are paired down versus 16 but versions, but are both still very playable to the extent that if you got good at them you’d be good on the arcade version too.

Agree with the other comments people have made above.

Roll on the SMS mini (please!!).

Re: Ultimate Guide: Atari Jaguar - The Death Rattle Of A Pioneer


I remember this console coming out, the hype on bad influence and then the lack of support for software and any well known titles. In some ways it was abused in the same way as the 32x - just used to make cheap 16 but ports which then did nothing to convince you to buy into the next gen. At least they got the price right.

Re: Flashback: Super Monaco GP And The Infamous "Marlbobo" Lawsuit


How about revenge of Shinobi 🥷 on the megadrive? That had spidy, batman and Godzilla fighting as bosses.

Sega once again at its best.

I notice that the Ferrari logo has been replaced on the red car in Outrun on the megadrive mini 2 so it appears as though Sega has learnt from its past mistakes.

Re: PS5 Price Hike: Here's How It Compares To Past PlayStation Console Prices


This article is flawed - the USD prices need to be adjusted for inflation in order to compare the launch price of a PS5 versus say the PS1. Would be interesting to re do the analysis to understand whether, at launch consoles are getting cheaper or more expensive in real terms.

However you are right in that I can’t recall an increase in the price of a console ever. The trend is always down.

Re: Feature: Jez San On Star Fox, Super FX And Teaching Nintendo How To Fly


Great article - although this guy definitely comes across as quite the salesmen!

Whilst I loved stunt race fx at the time, playing it today I can see that it really was pushing the envelope on the SNES - the controls weren’t great, small viewing area and choppy visuals. But combined with the bouncy music and bright visuals it still just about works.

Great start to my Sunday morning.

Re: Feature: How Pirate Television Helped Sega Beat Nintendo In The UK


A great article which really took me back. I had a SNES back then, but in recent years have really come to appreciate the mega drive more and more. Even the much derided sound chip could pump that bass in a way the SNES could never replicate. Enjoy both for what they are - amazing consoles- and enjoy 😉