I would have added either mortal kombat ir mortal kombat 2. Yes they are paired down versus 16 but versions, but are both still very playable to the extent that if you got good at them you’d be good on the arcade version too.
Agree with the other comments people have made above.
I remember this console coming out, the hype on bad influence and then the lack of support for software and any well known titles. In some ways it was abused in the same way as the 32x - just used to make cheap 16 but ports which then did nothing to convince you to buy into the next gen. At least they got the price right.
Well balanced review which sums this product up well - probably for fans only. As such my pre-order is arriving today and will be pride of place under the Xmas tree come December.
Game selection will always come down to personal preference and I reckon that, on balance, this is a decent effort (again).
I always wonder Microsoft didn’t buy sega when sega eventually did leave the hardware business. Both would have benefited and might have helped Xbox make more in roads in Japan.
I think I’ll pick this up for the family at Christmas. Great memories and a great introduction to the world of fantasy D&D style games for a new generation
This was always a big bear of mine with the Wii virtual console - such a bizarre short sighted decision. Really ruined neo geo titles on there with slow gameplay and ugly boarders versus what we weee all used to from the arcades.
Great that more people now have access to these rare games, notwithstanding that they appeared on the megadrive mini. Still access to a wider audience has to be a good thi mg, right?
This is one of my favourite SNES games - it set such a great atmosphere and a believable world. Yes there were issues with having to ask every character every command to ensure nothing was missed, but I still have great memories of this game. One of my favourites. I’m going to check out the switch versions for sure.
@belmont My view continues to be that we are in a bubble- no doubt some games are that rare, others as you say are not and should not command a retro premium. In time, like all bubbles this will burst.
I used to live inOsaka 2002 - 2003 and would often frequent the store. I had another opportunity to visit in 2016 and it was still there - picked up a neo geo Cd.
Great article and sounds like you did yourself proud Martin. Am surprised there wasn’t greater use of solitaire as I always found the analogue better for aiming.
Loved playing this game - so many great multi player memories. The advantage of online play is that multiplayer is more accessible to. Disadvantage is the lack of physicality with other players.
How about revenge of Shinobi 🥷 on the megadrive? That had spidy, batman and Godzilla fighting as bosses.
Sega once again at its best.
I notice that the Ferrari logo has been replaced on the red car in Outrun on the megadrive mini 2 so it appears as though Sega has learnt from its past mistakes.
This article is flawed - the USD prices need to be adjusted for inflation in order to compare the launch price of a PS5 versus say the PS1. Would be interesting to re do the analysis to understand whether, at launch consoles are getting cheaper or more expensive in real terms.
However you are right in that I can’t recall an increase in the price of a console ever. The trend is always down.
This was also released on the Xbox 360 live and is a decent sonic title. I ve always preferred the 2d games but I remember seeing sonic adventure for the 1st time - you definitely knew the next generation had arrived!!
Unfortunately given Kim ted income as a teenager I would always spend my hard saved cash on a new game versus an action replay or game genie. That said I was always curious. I remember there being coded that allowed to you to “be@ the bosses inSF2 world warrior SNES. Didn’t work terribly well but at the time gamers were so desperate for that!
Why would they ever release SG-1000? The Master System would be a much more popular option with a large number of Sega games that wouldn’t require licensing Sonic Hang On Shining Alex Kidd Phantasy Star Master of Darkness Etc.
A great console, could even have a 3D glasses version 🤩
I am a big fan of these mini consoles as a very accessible entry point to exploring new systems, in addition to scratching that nostalgia itch. This system is a great example of the former. Can’t wait to try my hand at some of the highly regarded classics present. Consider me in🥳
Great article - although this guy definitely comes across as quite the salesmen!
Whilst I loved stunt race fx at the time, playing it today I can see that it really was pushing the envelope on the SNES - the controls weren’t great, small viewing area and choppy visuals. But combined with the bouncy music and bright visuals it still just about works.
RIP Jason and thank you for contributing to a magazine that helped define my world view and inspired me to go and work in Japan. The magazine was awesome. I remember the first issue I bought was the super play gold special, which was awesome! Good times, the magazines are still a fantastic read today
A great article which really took me back. I had a SNES back then, but in recent years have really come to appreciate the mega drive more and more. Even the much derided sound chip could pump that bass in a way the SNES could never replicate. Enjoy both for what they are - amazing consoles- and enjoy 😉
Comments 157
Re: Best Sega Master System Games
I would have added either mortal kombat ir mortal kombat 2. Yes they are paired down versus 16 but versions, but are both still very playable to the extent that if you got good at them you’d be good on the arcade version too.
Agree with the other comments people have made above.
Roll on the SMS mini (please!!).
Re: Ultimate Guide: Atari Jaguar - The Death Rattle Of A Pioneer
I remember this console coming out, the hype on bad influence and then the lack of support for software and any well known titles. In some ways it was abused in the same way as the 32x - just used to make cheap 16 but ports which then did nothing to convince you to buy into the next gen. At least they got the price right.
Re: Atari's XP Nightmare Continues As It Ships Broken Cartridges To Customers
At least they are being true to form and you are getting the full Atari experience….. another good idea poorly executed.
Re: Review: Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2 - Sega's Sequel Scores CD Support
Well balanced review which sums this product up well - probably for fans only. As such my pre-order is arriving today and will be pride of place under the Xmas tree come December.
Game selection will always come down to personal preference and I reckon that, on balance, this is a decent effort (again).
Re: Flashback: Yu Suzuki's Real-Life 200kph Drive To Create Out Run
I wish I was given a 3 week road trip all expenses paid road trip to Europe to find my inspiration for work.
Having said that, given the results, maybe software houses should use this approach more frequently!
Re: CIBSunday: Batman: The Video Game (Mega Drive)
Only played this briefly but couldn’t get into it. Your article has encouraged me to give it another try!
Re: Data East's Legendary RoboCop Coin-Op Is Coming To The Mega Drive / Genesis
If this is any bit as good as the final fight WIP then we are in for a real treat!
Re: Flashback: What If Sega And Sony Joined Forces To Battle Nintendo In The '90s? Well, They Nearly Did
A time of intrigue and boardroom whispers.
I always wonder Microsoft didn’t buy sega when sega eventually did leave the hardware business. Both would have benefited and might have helped Xbox make more in roads in Japan.
Re: Game Gear Micro Hack Finally Allows You To Load Up More Games
What a wasted opportunity to bring the game gear. I passed on these. Bring on the master system mini already!!
Re: The Making Of: HeroQuest - When Tabletop Gaming Went Mainstream
I think I’ll pick this up for the family at Christmas. Great memories and a great introduction to the world of fantasy D&D style games for a new generation
Re: Spider-Man Dev Opens Up On The Hellish Experience Of Making Licenced Video Games In The '90s
I love these type of articles that raise the veil. The industry was defo an interesting place to work in the 90s
Re: New Patch Unlocks 60FPS Modes For Star Fox And Its Sequel
The best just got better!!
Re: Mortal Kombat's Logo Was Nearly Scrapped For Looking Like A Seahorse
Thank goodness the icon remained. The Asian kung fu movie influence on the original MK made it stand out further from the crowd.
Re: 50Hz/60Hz Region Switching Finally Comes To The PS Plus PS1 Collection
This was always a big bear of mine with the Wii virtual console - such a bizarre short sighted decision. Really ruined neo geo titles on there with slow gameplay and ugly boarders versus what we weee all used to from the arcades.
Re: Best Retro Gaming Systems - Polymega, MiSTer, Analogue, Evercade
Mine is a bit of a mush mash - original co doors, Wii virtual console and now mini systems. Each have their advantages and disadvantages.
From a copy write perspective some of the replica cartridges can now be of such high quality it can be hard to discern the difference.
Re: Save A Fortune With These Three Mega Drive / Genesis Classics On Nintendo Switch Online
Great that more people now have access to these rare games, notwithstanding that they appeared on the megadrive mini. Still access to a wider audience has to be a good thi mg, right?
Re: The Making Of: Shadowrun - The Unique SNES RPG That Almost Never Happened
This is one of my favourite SNES games - it set such a great atmosphere and a believable world. Yes there were issues with having to ask every character every command to ensure nothing was missed, but I still have great memories of this game. One of my favourites. I’m going to check out the switch versions for sure.
Re: CIBSunday: Dreameye (Sega Dreamcast)
This sounds like a collectors dream but probably redundant for any sane person.
Still, gotta catch them all as they say!
Re: This Cheap Hack Runs Sega Saturn Games From The Console's Controller Port
My view continues to be that we are in a bubble- no doubt some games are that rare, others as you say are not and should not command a retro premium. In time, like all bubbles this will burst.
Re: This Cheap Hack Runs Sega Saturn Games From The Console's Controller Port
No doubt this will be commercialised at some points by the crew of the good ship HMS eBay!
Re: This Sega Master System Port Of Wolfenstein 3D Is Looking Promising
Impressive, but then the MS always handles the Phantasy Star dungeons well. That music though is classic MS chip tune!
Re: Robin Williams' Games Room "Hasn't Changed" In Decades, Says Daughter Zelda
What a great set up! My gaming real estate seems to be shrinking whilst volume of games increases. Hmmm.
Re: Retail Therapy: Super Potato, Osaka, Japan
I used to live inOsaka 2002 - 2003 and would often frequent the store. I had another opportunity to visit in 2016 and it was still there - picked up a neo geo Cd.
Glad to see it is still going strong.
Re: Hands On: Evercade EXP - Now Packed With Capcom Goodness
Great to see the platform going from strength to strength, especially the inclusion of arcade releases.
Re: Earning My Licence to Kill At The GoldenEye World Championships
Great article and sounds like you did yourself proud Martin. Am surprised there wasn’t greater use of solitaire as I always found the analogue better for aiming.
Re: Feature: Twenty-Five Years Later, Here's Why Players Are Still Obsessed With GoldenEye
Loved playing this game - so many great multi player memories. The advantage of online play is that multiplayer is more accessible to. Disadvantage is the lack of physicality with other players.
Re: Flashback: Super Monaco GP And The Infamous "Marlbobo" Lawsuit
How about revenge of Shinobi 🥷 on the megadrive? That had spidy, batman and Godzilla fighting as bosses.
Sega once again at its best.
I notice that the Ferrari logo has been replaced on the red car in Outrun on the megadrive mini 2 so it appears as though Sega has learnt from its past mistakes.
Re: PS5 Price Hike: Here's How It Compares To Past PlayStation Console Prices
This article is flawed - the USD prices need to be adjusted for inflation in order to compare the launch price of a PS5 versus say the PS1. Would be interesting to re do the analysis to understand whether, at launch consoles are getting cheaper or more expensive in real terms.
However you are right in that I can’t recall an increase in the price of a console ever. The trend is always down.
Re: Take A Test Drive In This Promising OutRun Port For The Atari 8-Bits
Fantastic to see these ‘new’ ports coming out for classic systems. Props.
Re: Feature: How Peter Molyneux Hooked Japan With Populous
Great article which I missed first time around. A well written piece.
Explains why this has been added into the megadrive mini 2 line up; I hadn’t realised it was so big in Japan.
Re: The Devastating Tale Of A 70-Year-Old Deck Of Nintendo Playing Cards
So sad, but also a tape of caution for other collectors purchasing sealed goods that have been stored in sub optimal conditions.
I hope someone finds a method eventually to safely separate the cards in time.
It would be really interesting to see Nintendo republish some of these ina limited edition.
Re: Zzap!64 And CRASH Illustrator Oliver Frey Has Passed Away
RIP to a legend. His covers were a huge parts of the magazine his artwork adorned, and were often an imaginative reworking of the game title in hand.
Thanks for the good times!
Re: CIBSunday: Sonic Adventure 2 10th Anniversary Birthday Pack (Japanese Dreamcast)
This was also released on the Xbox 360 live and is a decent sonic title. I ve always preferred the 2d games but I remember seeing sonic adventure for the 1st time - you definitely knew the next generation had arrived!!
Re: The Sega Mega Drive Mini 2 Is Finally Announced For Europe
So pleased to see this heading to UK shores.
I’m pretty happy with the line up, everyone will always have a change here or there, but overall I think this is decent.
Thumbs up for Sega.
Re: Review: The King Of Fighters: The Ultimate History
This looks a fantastic book and a worthwhile homage to KoF!
Re: Gaiares Is Getting A Physical Re-Release With The Help Of The Kid Who Promoted It 31 Years Ago
@MontyCircus what were the top 10?
Re: Street Fighter II On The NES Looks Better Than You Might Expect
Looks better than the master system version. Hopefully also plays better than the master system version which was frankly, terrible.
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
I wish this platform every success but the real estate under my television is already full.
Re: Castlevania: Rondo Of Blood For The Turbo Duo Is Finally Coming To The West In Physical Form
This seems like a very niche market for Limited to try and address. Hope that doesn’t translate into high prices.
Re: Feature: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
Brilliant article.
Unfortunately given Kim ted income as a teenager I would always spend my hard saved cash on a new game versus an action replay or game genie. That said I was always curious. I remember there being coded that allowed to you to “be@ the bosses inSF2 world warrior SNES. Didn’t work terribly well but at the time gamers were so desperate for that!
Re: Sega's Next Micro-Console Could Be The Dreamcast Mini, But Don't Expect It Soon
Why would they ever release SG-1000? The Master System would be a much more popular option with a large number of Sega games that wouldn’t require licensing
Hang On
Alex Kidd
Phantasy Star
Master of Darkness
A great console, could even have a 3D glasses version 🤩
Re: Sega's Next Micro-Console Could Be The Dreamcast Mini, But Don't Expect It Soon
As long as it had powerstone! This would have the potential to be awesome 😎
Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks
This looks awesome but how would I hide it from my wife? 😂
Re: Hardware Review: PC Engine Mini - Still An Acquired Taste, Even After 30 Years
I am a big fan of these mini consoles as a very accessible entry point to exploring new systems, in addition to scratching that nostalgia itch. This system is a great example of the former. Can’t wait to try my hand at some of the highly regarded classics present. Consider me in🥳
Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?
This was a brilliant, entertaining and interesting read - much enjoyed.
Slightly off topic but I loved the use of the Atari logo in Bladerunner 2; evokes memories.
Re: Book Review: Japansoft: An Oral History - A True Treasure You Need To Read
Looks very interesting- does it also cover better known houses as well?
Re: This New Handheld Wants To Heal The Scars Of Gaming's Most Infamous Console War
I’ll stick with the original hardware, thanks and my neogeo x.
Re: Feature: Jez San On Star Fox, Super FX And Teaching Nintendo How To Fly
Great article - although this guy definitely comes across as quite the salesmen!
Whilst I loved stunt race fx at the time, playing it today I can see that it really was pushing the envelope on the SNES - the controls weren’t great, small viewing area and choppy visuals. But combined with the bouncy music and bright visuals it still just about works.
Great start to my Sunday morning.
Re: Feature: Jason Brookes Talks Super Famicom, Import Gaming And Super Play
RIP Jason and thank you for contributing to a magazine that helped define my world view and inspired me to go and work in Japan. The magazine was awesome. I remember the first issue I bought was the super play gold special, which was awesome! Good times, the magazines are still a fantastic read today
Re: Feature: How Pirate Television Helped Sega Beat Nintendo In The UK
A great article which really took me back. I had a SNES back then, but in recent years have really come to appreciate the mega drive more and more. Even the much derided sound chip could pump that bass in a way the SNES could never replicate. Enjoy both for what they are - amazing consoles- and enjoy 😉