Comments 191

Re: Anniversary: Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Turns 20 Today


Think the divisive hing is something of that time, and looked upon from an era of a failed gamecube which changed the perspective..

Mario Kart 64 is quite bad (imho) in hind sind, and this stays as fresh as it was... happy some DD tracks came to the final rounds of the booster pass, just before mk8 closed...

Re: Atari Gobbles Up AtariAge, One Of The Web's Oldest Retro Gaming Sites


Sort of a dream
And a nightmare for a retrosite

Interesting how atari has become all about history now. Just downloaded the atari memorial on switch. Really feels. Good little border in my groups between the jap and the western nso apps. Really nicely done. Tempest 2k remains magical even thouhj tempest 4k is sitting on my switch too

Re: Glow In The Dark Analogue Pocket Announced


Lovely, but personnally i am happy with my white, not sure if they are competing resources, but their firmware updates are way behind planning, so they should focus on that...

Great that they have production now under control

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo" Problem?


Yes. For sure. And it get worse. I recently saw a top 100 of games voted for by amongst others eurogamer and nintendo life and it contained no amiga games at all and barely and other home computer games…

15 years ago sensible world of soccer was still one ‘the most important games of all time’ according to the games fev conference but now

Oh and damien pointing out that banjo sold 3 million on a smaller platform is a bit of a logical fallacy. Selling 3 million to gamers did both, so why only one with a famous developer libked to two platform holders should get the attention…

Re: Anniversary: Mario Kart Wii is 15


My ‘favourite’ moment when i finally got gold stars on the cup with bowser castle. I jumped up and the cord between wiimote and nunchuk got stuck in my lamp, taking part of the lamp down…

Re: CAVE Story: The Chronicles of DonPachi, The Shmup Series That Changed Everything


@tom-massey thanx for the article.. maybe good to add that M2 is porting a special shottriggers edition of DOJ to ps4 this year..

And on the Ikaruga thing.. it might just be that Treasure was already legendary here for gunstar heroes (and radiant silvergun), and Ikaruga was ported directly to GC and DC.. (being on a Naomi board the latter was easy, more so than a specialised board like cave's)

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


My two cents,

1. For the legal compilations companies are leaning a lot on emulators developed by volunteers, partly because they still wanted a play a game (see the nintendo example cited above, when nintendo even used a rom ripped for such an emulator.

2. The people who like classic games are both the target group for those emulators and for well done classic compilations, and most of them thefore own lots of them, as well as some of those classic games themselves, as well as maybe having some roms.. I think this is a healthy diet to keep interest in classic games alive... (we would otherwise maybe never have those compilations in the first place)

3. Don't forget the role of game discovery.. I bought fire emblem engage partly because I experienced the gba games..