Comments 20

Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History


@LuXifer game preservation has nothing to do with copyright though. Copyright fundamentally is broken, but as it stands today someone who has copyright has full access to that copyright. And is allowed to do with that whatever they want. Up until 75 years after they are deceased.

Honestly to me copyright should be more like patents and only be limited to 20 years. After which it should enter public domain. But this also has issues for games that are actively being developed for more than 20 years. For example: World of Warcraft. So then it could be 20 years after it's no longer being sold by the copyright holder.

Preservation is just that the original game should be preserved, for example in a vault. To be accessible after the work goes into the public domain.

Re: Evercade Is Getting An "EXP" Upgrade, Complete With Irem And Toaplan Collections


Very cool Nintendo console, the Evercade.

I have an original Evercade, and some of the games are fun on it. But it still feels so much like a child's toy instead of a gaming device. And this one doesn't look any better. It looks cheap and plastic. Comparing this to even a Switch lite... It looks like garbage.

Even comparing it to cheap Chinese piracy machines it looks bad.

Re: Can't Get An Analogue Pocket? This Cheap And Dinky Handheld Might Plug The Gap


@Guitario It doesn't play physical cartridges, and it has no way of importing games from physical cartridges. So my point stands.

The analouge pocket looks overpriced, but at least that uses original cartridges to play the games. And since emulation on it's own isn't illegal, those are actually legal.

I recently purchased a second hand GBA, to play all the GBA/GB/GBC games I still have (since I sold my old GBA), I even started buying some second hand GBA games as well. Also I replaced the batteries in my Pokémon cartridges and am having a blast with those.