As a Canadian I’m happy I’m represented. Even if I don’t wear much plaid, can’t grow a beard, don’t own overalls and am not a lumberjack. Are there lots of lumberjacks in Saskatchewan? I doubt it but it’s a video game.
Plans change. Nate said Nintendo is petty so they won’t release it because he and others leaked it. Sounds credible. Love the YouTube influencer world. Changing billion dollar companies plans.
How about they just release the multiplayer maps and guns from goldeneye as dlc for perfect dark xbla.... add in a generic 008 and release it for switch as well with wireless local play please
Its OK to say you don't know. I understand people here thought I was throwing Nintendo under the bus without sufficient information. But here we get some information and now we question its credibility because we want to continue to believe Nintendo is the good guy. Again its OK to say you don't know.
I have chosen to put more blame on Nintendo but I DONT KNOW
Others have chosen to blame EON and MGM but they DONT KNOW
Sega should just be sell their 16bit arcade games off to Hamster so we could get on with it and then focus on dreamcast Naomi for their Sega Ages line.
I enjoy the articles despite knowing i likely wont buy these mini cabs.. I tried four player tmnt and to me it was too small...
Why do i like these articles. Because there are so many people who say Nintendo cant release Goldeneye. Or this cant be released or that cant be released. I only heard of 1up arcade about a year ago but this small company has managed to figure out all sorts of licensing issues. If there is a will there is a way. These games (TMNT please!!!) should be able to find a home on the Switch. 1up make it happen. Hamster make it happen. Nintendo figure out your microsoft issues and bond licensing and make Goldeneye happen!
Comments 19
Re: MAME 0.274 Is Out Now, Bringing With It A Ton Of New Features & Fixes
NBA play by play. Someone dump a good Rom please and thank you.
Re: Konami's Bizarre Arcade Racing Game 'Escape Kids' Is Heading To PS4 & Switch
@KingMike the arcade game uses fictional team names, players and does not reference the NBA.
Re: Konami's Bizarre Arcade Racing Game 'Escape Kids' Is Heading To PS4 & Switch
Where is Konami Run and Gun!!! This is what I’m waiting for other than raiden 2 / DX
Re: Punch-Out!!'s Characters Aren't To Blame For The Series's Hiatus After All
As a Canadian I’m happy I’m represented. Even if I don’t wear much plaid, can’t grow a beard, don’t own overalls and am not a lumberjack. Are there lots of lumberjacks in Saskatchewan? I doubt it but it’s a video game.
Re: Hands On: Run 'n' Gun: A History Of On-Foot Shooters Takes You From Contra To Cuphead
@KingMike every week I wait for Hamster to announce this as part of Arcade archives. Every week I’m disappointed
Re: Evercade's Latest Carts Offer Inexpensive Access To Yet More Retro Classics
If this thing had a Neo geo collection I’d be all over it
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides
@sword_9mm Ridge Racerrrrrr!
Re: Random: Even If We Don't See Switch Pro Today, At Least We've Got The Atari VCS, Right?
@Jeromym why are you on a Nintendo site. Clearly you’re an imposter
Re: Random: Even If We Don't See Switch Pro Today, At Least We've Got The Atari VCS, Right?
Plans change. Nate said Nintendo is petty so they won’t release it because he and others leaked it. Sounds credible. Love the YouTube influencer world. Changing billion dollar companies plans.
Re: Feature: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
This is like the very first skyward sword amiibo. Except it worked on multiple games and was actually cool.
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@Edu23XWiiU that very well could be true. But unless I know for certain I’m not giving Nintendo the benefit of the doubt.
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@Edu23XWiiU why didnt you include the excerpt instead of paraphrasing what Reggie said.
Also is Reggie above telling half truths...?
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
How about they just release the multiplayer maps and guns from goldeneye as dlc for perfect dark xbla.... add in a generic 008 and release it for switch as well with wireless local play please
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
Its OK to say you don't know. I understand people here thought I was throwing Nintendo under the bus without sufficient information. But here we get some information and now we question its credibility because we want to continue to believe Nintendo is the good guy. Again its OK to say you don't know.
I have chosen to put more blame on Nintendo but I DONT KNOW
Others have chosen to blame EON and MGM but they DONT KNOW
Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series
I hope they include the arcade version with new game.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
Sega should just be sell their 16bit arcade games off to Hamster so we could get on with it and then focus on dreamcast Naomi for their Sega Ages line.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
I enjoy the articles despite knowing i likely wont buy these mini cabs.. I tried four player tmnt and to me it was too small...
Why do i like these articles. Because there are so many people who say Nintendo cant release Goldeneye. Or this cant be released or that cant be released. I only heard of 1up arcade about a year ago but this small company has managed to figure out all sorts of licensing issues. If there is a will there is a way. These games (TMNT please!!!) should be able to find a home on the Switch. 1up make it happen. Hamster make it happen. Nintendo figure out your microsoft issues and bond licensing and make Goldeneye happen!
Re: Hardware Review: Capcom Home Arcade Is The Most Ludicrous Micro-Console Yet, And We're In Love
Bring these games to a compilation please
Re: Feature: 25 Years Ago, Nintendo Took On The Might Of Street Fighter With Killer Instinct
Now we're left with ARMs