Comments 666

Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Genesis Shmup Earthion Is Getting An Upgraded Arcade Release


@-wc- Sega don't mind giving their thumbs up to games being made for Sega consoles but they don't want to be involved. Can you imagine the amount of money and goodwill Sega would make if they did? I know their excuse is they don't want to spend money on a QA department but in the long run they could easily make their money back. Just one big thing that frustrates me about my favourite company. πŸ˜†

Re: Someone Compared All The Versions Of Battletoads So You Don't Have To


Without even watching the video I can tell you the SMS port was not optimised properly. I can't remember exactly but it has some known issues TecToy never fixed.

"The Genesis port – which was handled by Arc System Works – looks great and boasts additional parallax scrolling in some stages, but the Turbo Tunnel section actually runs faster and smoother on the NES original."

Yea, about that...the MD port is still completely impossible to finish without cheating in two player. πŸ˜†

Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut


"We may get a bad news for us" Oh really? Is that an extra for the crowdfunding? πŸ˜†Packaging looks fine but at the end of the day they're promoting a half finished product that needs to be stress tested more. It's too early to be asking for money.

@RetroGames Here's my hot take...once again people are getting up in arms about a foreign made emulation device. If it was American or in English we wouldn't see them get the publicity they want thanks to these new websites.

@sdelfin If people are going to back this then they would most certainly need everything included that's being sold even if it's just samples. This is not a valid criticism.

@Steel76 "I loved following the Amico scam.
And I was sad, when it ended, as I got plenty of laughs and entertainment, from all the drama, on Atariage etc." I think you needed to get a better hobby. πŸ˜†

@PXAbstracftion The dude got taken for a ride. Whooooh! πŸ˜†

@ruiner9 Correct!

Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud


I don't really have nostalgia for the original Spectrum, now if it was the ZX Spectrum 128K then we're talking! It had better sound and the potential was fully realised I feel on that computer.

Funnily enough today I came across a video by one of those ignorant American YouTubers listing worst games. He refuses to play ZX Spectrum so I think things like this mini are so important in raising awareness outside the UK. πŸ‘