

kaizokuou ni orewa naru!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments 4

Re: The Man Responsible For Sega's Blast Processing Gimmick Is Sorry For Creating "That Ghastly Phrase"


yahahahah this article plus the comments reminded me of the 16 bit era and it's console wars. I remember being blown away by the megadrive's arcade quality graphics and pestering my parents to get me one which they refused. And then a year later the SNES hit the scene and the graphics in games like super mario world and all the other great launch titles really knocked my socks off and the megadrive seemed pale by comparison. And so it was that when sega loyalists claimed megadrive to be the best because it had blast processing and could do fast games like Sonic which SNES couldn't (according to them) I was one of the kids who refuted that SNES was better as it had better graphics with more colour and it had mode 7 capabilities. Needless to say those arguments did get very heated at times. At the time I just couldn't understand how anybody could think megadrive was better because at the time I didn't realise that people chose sides for many reasons primarily out of personal preference but also due to economic reasons - because those 16 bit consoles plus games and accessories were so expensive in the early nineties the only kids who could have both were the really, really rich kids. everyone else had to make do with what they had or could get and so as not to feel like they're missing out it was simply easier to trash what they couldn't have so that they could claim what they had was superior. As a grown up who can buy as many consoles and games as he wants it all seems so silly now but kids were very serious about the sides that they chose. It wasn't until high school when the focus shifted to fitting in and chasing after chicks that we all forgot about console wars.