Comments 299

Re: Anbernic's RG ARC Handheld Looks Like A Sega Saturn Pad


@Poodlestargenerica I heard now it's like impossible to brick your 3ds when trying to hack it unless you really try to brick it, so I want to try it since there's a clear written & youtube guide for the hack.

I think the distraction is because there's just too many games, I have many games on analogue pocket but in then end I play chrono trigger rather than new, never played games lol.

Re: Anbernic's RG ARC Handheld Looks Like A Sega Saturn Pad


@Poodlestargenerica It's like, there's too many distraction with android console, rather than playing games, I just use it for browsing internet, watching youtube, fixing the games cover jpg, etc, while on 3ds after I put homebrew on it I can just start playing games.

After searching everywhere, I finally found a brand new, new nintendo 2ds xl on my local mall, already bought it and I'll put luma cfw on it, I'll play my old nintendo games there

Re: Dragonyhm Is A Promising New Title For Your Game Boy Color


Okay I want to try the demo but everyone said they want my name, adress, and email address, yeah no, just no. I don't even want to give my info if I buy the game (I'll use paypal), wtf I want to give my data for a frigging demo lol.

Demon of astaroth, astebros, goodboy galaxy, and alwa's awakening didn't need my info for their demo, and in return I'll buy their games since I enjoyed the demo (tried the demo on analogue pocket, will buy it on evercade exp, still waiting for my handheld to arrive).

Re: Analogue Pocket OS 2.0 Adds A Much-Requested Feature


@Gerald Well, gameboy, gb colors, gb advance, and nes core has save state, so I guess it depends on the core, not the FPGA I think. I heard the snes and genesis core isn't build with save state in mind, so it will be hard to add save state to those cores.

I actually didn't mind snes core didn't have save state since most snes games I've played has internal saves (mostly rpg), but there's a lot of genesis games that didn't have internal save, so I hope sometime in the future we can get save state for genesis core.

Re: Analogue Pocket OS 2.0 Adds A Much-Requested Feature


Weird I'm not hearing this even though I'm subscribed to them on twitter. Oh well, can't wait to try this on my analogue pocket

@ChromaticDracula Yeah, save state on snes and genesis will be nice since not all of the games support internal saves, like megaman x snes that still use password system, or many genesis games.

Re: A Kickstarter For A Hogs Of War Remaster Has Just Gone Live


@gingerbeardman I disagree, most people understand the diffence between real or not, so most people didn't think real war when they see a war games.

But let just agree to disagree and move on if you didn't agree with me, this comment section is for discussing the game, not real life war.

Re: A Kickstarter For A Hogs Of War Remaster Has Just Gone Live


@gingerbeardman You do know there's always war in the world right? Or unless you mean the wars that covered in twitter so people can get clout from pretending to care for it.

Besides, ukraine war is old news, the new hot war is israel-palestine war, get on with the time man, lol.

Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output


Man I want powerful openfpga console from analogue so I can play other cores on it, like psone, saturn, and maybe dreamcast.

I have n64 back then, some of the games are the best games ever but man the games are expensive compared to psone so I don't have many games for it. I remember having mario 64 (of course), mario kart 64, starfox 64, golden eye, and that's it I think

Re: Review: Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket - A Wonderful Game Boy-Style Retro Gift


The screen is just too small, 3.5inch like my analogue pocket is the perfect size for retro handheld device like this I think. Also 4 hours of battery life is kind of bad. But still want it for my retro collection though, the capcom one looks great, I wish the screen is bigger.

Edit: After a bit of search I think I rather buy evercade exp (which has 18 built-in capcom games and irem cartridge) rather than buying super pocket capcom edition. Now I want a couple of evercade cartridge too lol, I want demon of asteborg/astebros, duke nukem collection 1, maybe delphine collection, alwa’s awakening/cathedral, and technos & data east arcade 1 collection.

Re: Anniversary: Nokia's N-Gage Turns 20 Today


Do time extension has youtube page? It will be nice to watch the retrospective or maybe retro games reviews on video

@Tasuki Yup, I remember playing prince of persia game on nokia phone (forgot the phone, it's not ngage) way before iphone even made, same with app store on phone. It's just iphone is doing it way better than nokia, and the market choose the better product & service, not the first to launch.

Re: Sega Forever Games Are Being Delisted From iOS And Android


The problem with ios gaming is with every os update you won't know if it will broke the game or not, and if the developer of the game still want to update the game or not (usually because there's no money to be made).

Unlike console (and pc) gaming, if you bought (offline) games for ps4/ps5/switch/xbox on year one, it will work forever until the console broke.

Android is a bit better than ios but in the end, your games will be more safe if you bought it on console or especially pc.

And don't ever care about cloud gaming, just looks at the games at stadia games, lol.

Re: The Aya Neo 2S Will Rock AMD's New Ryzen Chipset


I saw the lineup on their website and I don't think it's worth it since it's way expensive compared to steamdeck, and one thing I don't like from aya neo is their pumping their lineup like there's no tomorrow, I prefer annual upgrade like iphone or at least updated tech like with nintendo switch (lite version, v2 and oled).

Re: We're Not Getting A Third 'Alice' Game From American McGee


I love the first alice (I remember finishing it and replaying it again every one or two year back then), but I didn't like the second game (the gameplay isn't as good as the 1st game imo).

EA should sells the ip if they're not interested in making a new alice games anymore 😕

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


I bought psp 1000 decades ago, the first time I play ridge racer on a handheld is truly an amazing experience, I enjoyed megaman powered up, god of war, wipeout, kingdom hearts bbs, dracula x chronicles, jeanne d'arc and many other games. I like the system so much that I gave it to my relatives rather than sell them after I get the vita.

Playstation portables system always click with me, I still have my oled vita for playing ps1 classic