Comments 163

Re: Genesis Virtua Racing Port Almost Cost As Much As The Console Itself, Thanks To The SVP Chip


@Bod2019 Yup — and while it was an impressive feat, the amount of content you got in the game (one car, three tracks — six if you count Mirror Mode), it's shockingly meagre for that amount of 1994 money.

I believe Super Street Fighter's RRP was £80 — I don't remember seeing it on sale, but I do remember Mean Machines citing the insane price as a negative, especially considering it was an iteration.

Re: Flashback: 24 Years Ago, The BBC Asked If Xbox Could Dethrone PlayStation


@no_donatello I picked up a relatively cheap 360 primarily to play the Mass Effect trilogy, and there were a handful of XBLA exclusives that I discovered and enjoyed, but these days there seems to be zero draw to getting an XBox console when the majority of stuff I can get elsewhere (and Bethesda games leave me completely cold)

Re: Cleared Hot Is The Desert Strike Spiritual Successor We've All Been Waiting For


@Diogmites Yeah I remember initially turning inertia off (I think I preferred the more digital feeling), but over time grew to embrace the more natural flow of having it turned on - especially when strafing.

Gameplay trailer looks bang-on — seems like they've really gone out of their way for a very faithful spiritual successor to the original

Re: Streets Of Rage 3 Cover Artist Finally Identified 30 Years On


in fact, it appeared there first before the game was released

I forget where I read this, but wasn't the story that Mean Machines commissioned Weston to do the cover specially for the mag, and then when Sega saw what he'd done, they were so impressed that they asked if they could use it for the UK version of the game?

Re: CIBSunday: Sega Multi-Mega


Man, Sega of America really had an aversion to using anything with the word "Mega" in their consoles and add-ons, didn't they?

@RetroGames Yeah, maybe not at the time (Sega really should have been focusing on the Saturn), but an all-in-one Mega Drive/CD/32X would be a really neat device to have sitting on one's retro gaming shelf!

Re: This Dedicated Fan Has Fixed A Much-Maligned 'Fist Of The North Star' Video Game


As someone who was foaming-at-the-mouth desperate to see Final Fight come to the Mega Drive, I find it intriguing that they renamed the game "Last Battle" in the west. Whether that was intentional, or just a coincidence, kid-me was ALMOST duped into considering getting it, even though in my heart of hearts I knew it was meant to be rubbish. Glad I never did.

Re: We're Getting A Final Fight Comic This July


My favourite Street Fighter comic is still the Masaomi Kanzaki series from the mid '90s — it only features the original 12 characters, but it had a very focused plot, and a really crisp, expressive art style - I find most of the current UDON comics look a little too pristine and shiny

Re: Anniversary: Katamari Damacy Turns 20 Today (No Pun Intended)


Love me some Katamari — has to be one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard in a videogame, and have listened
to it constantly. Plus I'm so chuffed they re-released the original as we never originally got it in the UK.

@somnambulance I only finally got around to playing Wattam a few months ago — it's such a fun little diversion isn't it?

Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?


I'm a little column A/B

Videogames have been a constant ever since I was about 4, so like with any song/book/movie there are gonna be unavoidable emotional connections to a period of my life, but I can chart that feeling to as recently as last year.

With consoles I definitely have a fondness for games that were designed around their inherent limitations and have always found it fascinating. For actual nostalgia though I'd say I lean more into arcade games, as that's something I simply don't do as often as I used to.

Re: Here's Why The Designers Republic Stopped Working On WipEout


I really felt that the series hit a massive peak with Wip3out — Fusion felt (rather like Angel of Darkness, as mentioned above), that they were basically starting from scratch with a whole new engine that not everyone was familiar or comfortable working with, and it really suffered from that. The Omega collection felt like a fine return to form, but Fusion really dinged my love for the series for a good long while, especially after how sublime I felt 3 was.

Re: Classic Game Arts RPG 'Grandia' Coming To PS4 / PS5 On November 21st


@gojiguy The graphics on the first game I don't think actually look that bad — it always had a slightly quirky proto-HD-2D look to it (although saying that, HD-2D has never really sat quite right with me), but I think having it be portable, and the japanese language option, might just tip it for me.