Comments 483

Re: Best Of 2020: The Making Of Star Fox Command


@SpaceboyScreams im with you mate, it seems every game has to be tweaked messed around with then spoilt. Starfox snes, Starfox 64 were pure gold for rail shooter fans. Just give us more of that with new epic levels and boss battles. Simple as that really, if it ain't broke dont fix it.

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


This article has scared me to death, with all my precious retro kit and what could happen to them. I
Have my systems in a converted side unit with doors so they are protected from dust and light. I’m almost to scared to use em now 😫luckily I have a Retron 5 so I use that a lot. But maybe it’s time to invest in NT and SG hardware.