Comments 203

Re: Former Sega Composer Revisiting Early PC-88 Soundtracks For New Release


@JackGYarwood Yeah, I appreciate that it's tough to get right and also that not everyone will know him. I own loads of albums by him and have revered him for years so maybe assume more people know him than actually do. Mind you, he did (along with Motohiro Kawashima) play a sold out concert in Paris in 2018 (great video on YouTube), so his work obviously still resonates with many! Anyway, I love any place on the net that promotes new releases by Yuzo, so keep up the good work!

Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision


"One of those challenges is making sure the system generates a profit."

I fear this goal is impossible. This thing will not sell well. The only way for a new product in this industry to become a hit with families is with a really affordable price. Charging the same as an Xbox Series S is crazy talk.

That said, if it ends up in the bargain bin I will definitely buy one. I see all these obscure and interesting consoles of the past going for crazy prices when they were chucked in bargain bins for pennies back in the day and am filled with regret at not striking while the iron was hot. Never again!

Re: Exclusive: Polymega's Next Module Brings Nintendo 64 Support


@nessisonett I guess this thing may play clone cartridges if they exist for that. Then again as its database looks for each game you insert I don't know how it would deal with rom hacks. I definitely think devices like this should support loading of patches like translations and hacks to apply to original cartridges on the fly.

Re: Exclusive: Polymega's Next Module Brings Nintendo 64 Support


@BrandonGiesing I never said you implied that, I was referring to the implication in other people's comments that I was referring to in my original comment.

Homebrew may be a legitimate reason to want to load roms, but how many people really want rom loading on a Polymega for that reason? If someone's that into N64 homebrew I'd have thought they'd want to play them on an actual N64 anyway. As for rare and expensive games, they may make you decide that downloading a rom is excusable, but they don't make it legit in the eyes of most of the companies that may support this machine with its claimed future online store plans, and Polymega won't want to burn bridges.

The last part where you say 'you wouldn't want to keep around two separate systems'... I have 30 odd consoles in my house, so clearly I would want to!

I get that it's not absolutely ridiculous to want to be able to use an Everdrive with this, but I still think it's mostly against the whole concept of the system. To each their own though.

Re: Exclusive: Polymega's Next Module Brings Nintendo 64 Support


@BrandonGiesing Don't get me wrong, I totally get owning an Everdrive if you play on original consoles, and I guess if someone already owns an N64 and an Everdrive then being able to use the combination of their existing carts and the Everdrive with the Polymega might be useful. The idea of someone buying just an Everdrive + Polymega as a solution to play N64 games would seem nuts to me though as they'd be better off getting a Shield TV or something.

I thought the point of the Polymega was that it recognises original carts and adds the game to your database with artwork and info etc, giving you the option to rip it to the hard drive, so I don't personally think an Everdrive really fits with that design. That said, pretty sure the Polymega will get hacked in the not too distant future and side loading on roms will become a thing.

Re: UK Legends The Bitmap Brothers Are Joining The Evercade Lineup


They may not be the best versions possible but this is still possibly my favourite game announcement of the year!

I assume the reason they haven't done any home computer game releases yet (like Amiga) is that they want to keep things simple and many of those games require some sort of keyboard inputs.

Re: There's Another Evercade Console In The Works


Given their road map of cart releases planned for the next few months I'd be surprised if they were launching a new console that wasn't backwards compatible. It doesn't actually even say it is new hardware. Could be a competition or something! At most I expect a new Evercade that allows for either multiplayer via link cable/WiFi or online. The former feels more likely.

I wonder though, could a firmware update allow multiplayer through linking using the USB ports? Or a second controller that connects to the USB port and allows for 2 player (would need to be while using HDMI out really).

Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall


This is one of those projects where from the start I haven't been able to understand how anyone thought it was a good idea. Even a giant like Google or Amazon has its work cut out pushing into the video games business. The only way for a small company to sell hardware these days is to go for something cheap that people can buy on a whim. This seemed doomed from day 1.

Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games


I get buying top quality, and top priced, FPGA hardware to play your original games, but if you're going to play roms you may as well get a real Mega-CD (for a lot less than this thing costs) and play burned discs.

Also, all the stuff I read about the issues with the RGB output of their Super SD System prevents me from having complete faith in these guys. I certainly wouldn't buy a day 1 release from them.

Re: A Second Namco Collection Has Been Revealed For The Evercade Handheld System


That's a pretty impressive line-up. This thing officially has my attention now.

Still think it's a shame that it has a 16:9 screen though. The button layout doesn't look like it'll work for playing games in TATE mode and so every single game is going to have borders at the side when played in its original aspect ratio. Would have preferred a 4:3 screen, but I guess they're hard to source cheaply these days.

Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console


I can't justify the price right now given that I have a Mega Drive 1 + OSSC but if this thing had 32X support built in and a CD slot to allow the playing of Mega Drive, 32X and Mega CD games out of the box...

Likewise, if they made a single unit capable of playing PC Engine, TurboGrafx, SuperGrafx and PCE CD games I'd order in an instant. I highly doubt they'll ever do an optical drive though. Maybe support for the images from SD... (again, I doubt it)