Comments 71

Re: Anniversary: Super Street Fighter II Turbo Is 30 Years Old


I loved this period of the arcades for fighting games. SF2 championship edition was ok but then hyper fighting was fun and fast. At our local arcade we also had super street fighter first before ssf2t and it was quite a step up from the first one. Can't remember the cabinet name but it was a big 50inch CRT screen and was quite dominating for the arcade at the time. Granted they increased the price of a game from 20p to 50p but was worth it once I got used to it. I never managed to execute a super though until the 3do demo unit in a virgin shop.

After ssf2t, you had the marvel Vs games followed by street fighter 3. Also early Tekken games as well as virtua fighter and king of fighter games. All next to each other, all amazing. Shame I only used to have £2 max to spend when I went there!

Re: The Tetris World Record Has Been Obliterated


I wish these sorts of things existed when I was a kid as I was pretty good at these sorts of things. I really don't have the time to master these now but my regular games used to be wipeout and solitaire on windows (basically complete the game I'm under a min or less). I also managed to complete soul caliber 2 on the Dreamcast in under 20 seconds or something like that - but never took a screenshot etc before I sold my Dreamcast.

Great these types of things are good now and people can compete!

Re: Best Tekken Games Of All Time, Ranked By You


I do have a feeling Tekken 8 is right up there but it needs time to mature. I love the all out blast nature of it and the speed it much faster than before. Single player stuff is a weeny but less than before but enough to keep interest. I hope they add more local content tbh!

Re: 26 Years Later, Virtua Fighter 3tb Is Returning To Arcades


What a shame they don't do this stuff in the ROW. Why does Japan always get the pick of the crop with titles like this? Is it far too complicated for the ROW to understand (in Sega's eyes?)

Things have moved on from 20 years ago and the world has got a lot more complicated. I'm sure we can all embrace an arcade + card system. The problem in the past is it was always half arsed except in London. No wonder these card systems were never popular. Just make it nfc with mobiles (which is what I think this is) then we are all laughing.

I remember virtual fighter 3 looking so groundbreaking when it came out. The graphics were like nothing else at the time. For some reason, I remember the quality looking better on the old CRT screens, it was truly jaw dropping. My local arcade upped the vf3 machine to a vf3 tb final machine - it was glorious. It lasted about 1 year before they got rid of it, it was big and no one really understood how to play it except hard core fighters, which where I live are few and far between. People liked marvel Vs capcom however!

Re: Team17 Classic 'Worms' Is About To Become A Board Game


@Poodlestargenerica your probably right, although nostalgia sells these days. Can't believe I was 10 when I was playing this game if it's 30 years old this year. I'm too cynical for anything like this to be good, so I agree with you. But these videos brought me pleasure and reminded me of the initial days of cd rom. I can't also believe I was creating my own samples at this point, recording from VHS via phono cables into my creative sound card. I created a mafia sound set, which involved a lot of swear words, perfect for a 10 year old!

Re: Review: Aya Neo Air Plus - 2022's Best Steam Deck Rival Is Back


Price makes this no comparison for the deck. Secondly, the future support of the device and the dock will be limited to most likely 1-2 years max, whereas the steam decks support is expected to be multiple years not to mention the steam deck dock software upgrades.
So for me, the money and support make the deck the only option.

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