Comments 116

Re: Welcome To Time Extension


I would also love to see reviews of classic games. It would be wonderful to see them through a new lens.

The site layout is super-sexy, by the way! Very comfy on the eyes, very appealing. Has a cozy feel to it. Nintendo Life needs a dark theme for us photo-sensitive folks!

I wish you luck on your continued success, and congratulations on the new site launch!


Re: Soul Blade Composer On The Story Behind Classic Fighting Game Anthem 'Edge of Soul'


New website AND an article on one of the most LEGENDARY songs in gaming history? Off to a strong start, I say! The article was a fun read for someone like me that grew up with this game. So many fond memories, playing against friends. Hwang was my main, theirs were Taki and Cervantes (also known in our circle as Chees-antes)

Anyway, great article, great site layout!


Re: The Intellivision Amico Has A Unique Approach To Physical Media And Digital Ownership


@Damo I don't see why everyone's feathers are getting ruffled. I read the article and thought, "wow, that sounds pretty darned convenient." I'm not into the console, but it sure looks and sounds like something interesting for the end-user. It would be nice if Nintendo had something like this, honestly. It would be really interesting to see if this practice impacts the industry in any way. It would also be nice if people read the article before commenting

@Fugazi8 Look, I'll be the first to call out hypocrisy when I see it, but there wasn't anything wrong with the posts I saw from Damo. I highly doubt this site is shilling for this extremely niche console, which has a very low number of production units to begin with.

@rottame I don't understand? Unless I misread something in the article, this actually sounds really convenient for the end-user. You get to retain ownership of the digital good, due to having the cartridge. With old carts, the ROM is flashed to the cart itself, so why is it bad that you can now freely move the game files wherever you like, as long as you have the cart?

Re: After Months Of Silence, Polymega Insists Pre-Orders Are Shipping Soon


@Gus_Campos Depends on the product! Some things are over priced for what they are, other things are priced right. I take it on an individual basis. As an example, there’s an arcade stick called a Mix Box I wanted to try, but after shipping it was close to $400 so I didn’t buy. Then I got an 8-Bit Do arcade stick for $80, and bought a $25 mod that adds the same WASD controller as the Mix Box. It then gave me room to pay another $20 for some Sanwa buttons, so I essentially “built” a Mix Box for less than half the price. I found that value much better. My gaming laptop was $900, and for what I got and how much I use it, the price was more than justified. So, depends on the product, individual basis.

Re: After Months Of Silence, Polymega Insists Pre-Orders Are Shipping Soon


@WhiteUmbrella Gotta agree with you, there. PC emulation is literal decades ahead of this thing, and is super easy to set up. I have my emulation set up alongside my physical collection to minimize wear on the older systems. The only thing that could have set this thing apart would have been if it were FPGA, but alas, it’s no different than a PC with a ROM ripper plugged into the USB port.