Comments 116

Re: Poll: How Do You Play Your Retro Games?


I did side by side comparisons of my physical consoles to emulation last year, and ended up getting rid of the consoles. I couldn’t find any differences in the quality, and since retroarch has settings to eliminate input latency and grants the ability to run patched games/translations, the obvious winner is emulation. I’m so much happier not having a dozen consoles + cartridges lying around, collecting dust.

Re: Soapbox: The Nintendo 64 Isn't Perfect, But I Still Love It


What I enjoyed about the article is how you like to highlight underdog games as a way to appreciate modern releases.

The only games worth a damn to me on this console are F Zero X and Mario 64. The rest have aged so, so poorly. The Mario 64 PC port has been a godsend, bravo to those guys!


Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo


Growing up with the original MK, seeing it transition from arcade to console, and the rampant fanboy-ism between Sega and Nintendo fans, was truly a magical moment in gaming.

Sadly, I had to bow out of the MK scene because the ultra-realistic graphics are just a bit much for me, but the old, goofy looking trilogy will always hold a special place in my heart.


Re: Feature: Git Gud Or Go Home: An Introduction To The 'SoulsBorne' Series


Sekiro is truly its own beast. The game is designed to troll people who have mastered demons-dark souls, as it plays nothing like them in the slightest but SEEMS to look like it does.

I still come back to Demons frequently. There’s NOTHING like the good old DBS/CW combo, especially with the broken talisman. If you’ve played you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Dark Souls and Demons Souls both win for mood and setting, truly astounding.

Dark Souls 2 is easily my favorite, though. Best world design, best gameplay, and tons to do. It causes an unprecedented amount of tears in the community, which pleases me greatly.

Dark Souls 3, while good, is still just “hallways towards bosses,” and limits the hallmark of the series: exploration. It’s decent, but it’s sound design is god-awful on the ears. It has a few good bosses, but most of them are nothing to write home about. So much screeching!

Thankfully, Elden Ring fixed almost all that, while mucking up all the names. Yes, I still call it Estus, and I still rest at bonfires while collecting souls. You can’t stop me.


Re: Best SNES Games


Wonderful article, Damien! The new site's a banger; I'm enjoying it very much! The color scheme goes great with my hat.

Minor typo in the title: it says "best" instead of "legendary." A common error, I know. Just helping.