@Tasuki While I agree that a new term would be needed to bridge the gap, modern usually refers to current gen. It would be weird to think in 20 years that Elden Ring or Bloodborne would be considered retro lol.
I did side by side comparisons of my physical consoles to emulation last year, and ended up getting rid of the consoles. I couldn’t find any differences in the quality, and since retroarch has settings to eliminate input latency and grants the ability to run patched games/translations, the obvious winner is emulation. I’m so much happier not having a dozen consoles + cartridges lying around, collecting dust.
@MetalGear_Yoshi For $200 more, you could get a fine gaming laptop that performs or out-performs this thing anyway. Plus the you have a device that you can use for anything, and is just as portable.
Damn. It lost me at Windows 11. It’s still too early in that OSes lifespan to commit to it. Too many bugs. Is it possible to install any OS on this thing? Seems like it’s screaming for Linux, too!
What I enjoyed about the article is how you like to highlight underdog games as a way to appreciate modern releases.
The only games worth a damn to me on this console are F Zero X and Mario 64. The rest have aged so, so poorly. The Mario 64 PC port has been a godsend, bravo to those guys!
@MSaturn I used to think like that until I could find little to no discernible difference! It really helped my life to let go of all that old hardware that just sat around.
@MSaturn I did side-by-side comparisons of my legacy consoles and emulation, and could barely tell the difference. In fact, I would say emulation is an even better experience than console, due to being able to minimize input delay and load patched ROMs with improvements/translations.
I went about decluttering my game collection this week and I said I will only own one Zelda game. I ended up choosing the NES version, and got rid of the rest. Couldn’t be happier.
I grew weary of Chrome, the difficulty spike for the last couple levels (speeder bike level in particular) turned me off. Didn’t these guys also do Oniken and Odallus? Odallus was excellent, felt more well balanced.
Not too sure I’m in the market for Moonrider, still too hyped for Bushiden.
Growing up with the original MK, seeing it transition from arcade to console, and the rampant fanboy-ism between Sega and Nintendo fans, was truly a magical moment in gaming.
Sadly, I had to bow out of the MK scene because the ultra-realistic graphics are just a bit much for me, but the old, goofy looking trilogy will always hold a special place in my heart.
Sekiro is truly its own beast. The game is designed to troll people who have mastered demons-dark souls, as it plays nothing like them in the slightest but SEEMS to look like it does.
I still come back to Demons frequently. There’s NOTHING like the good old DBS/CW combo, especially with the broken talisman. If you’ve played you’ll know what I’m talking about.
Dark Souls and Demons Souls both win for mood and setting, truly astounding.
Dark Souls 2 is easily my favorite, though. Best world design, best gameplay, and tons to do. It causes an unprecedented amount of tears in the community, which pleases me greatly.
Dark Souls 3, while good, is still just “hallways towards bosses,” and limits the hallmark of the series: exploration. It’s decent, but it’s sound design is god-awful on the ears. It has a few good bosses, but most of them are nothing to write home about. So much screeching!
Thankfully, Elden Ring fixed almost all that, while mucking up all the names. Yes, I still call it Estus, and I still rest at bonfires while collecting souls. You can’t stop me.
There’s a beautiful simplicity in the cards that I enjoy, but what the bloody hell is that bizarre info-graphic explaining the correct way to turn the thing on?!
This is immediately a cool and bad thing , for me. Form factor looks great and seems good quality, but Batocera is very frustrating to customize when compared to Retroarch. Oh well! I’ll have to pass on this one.
@ralphdibny Nice! I'm too busy binging on Sekiro right now (trying to finally learn this thing!) but if I have time I'll check out your recommendation!
@ralphdibny There are a couple of QOL patches on rom hacking .net that make this game perfect, imo. I enjoyed Snakes revenge much more than the original. No shame in using emus for old, dead games
Comments 116
Re: Feature: Digging Into Drihoo, The Xbox Exclusive That Shares DNA With The Soulsborne Series
So it's Kaiko's fault that we had to endure Rivers of Blood up until patch 1.06...
Re: Analogue Pocket NES And SNES Support Is Almost Here
Wow! If that develops further, I can see myself grabbing one of these things!
Re: Radiant Silvergun Re-Release Is Really Real, And It's Out Today
Did anything get updated in this version?
Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?
@Tasuki While I agree that a new term would be needed to bridge the gap, modern usually refers to current gen. It would be weird to think in 20 years that Elden Ring or Bloodborne would be considered retro lol.
Re: Hands On: Evercade EXP - Now Packed With Capcom Goodness
Has this thing been hacked yet?
Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?
Might need to coin a new term for it, like nu-retro or neo-retro, since the aesthetic of that era is so distinctly NOT retro lol.
Re: Feature: The Inside Story Of Games-X, The UK's First Weekly Video Game Magazine
They just needed an excuse to get game sex on a mag cover lol
Re: Sega Steampunk Shmup Classic 'Steel Empire' Is Coming To Nintendo Switch
Has this game ever gotten a solid port? The Genesis version was laggy af, and the PC port on Steam is...uhhhhhhh. How was the 3DS version?
Re: Random: Japanese Dentist Steals Name And Logo From RPG Series 'Ys'
Just let them keep it. It's a cheeky word play, and it's free advertising for a popular series. Literally a win-win for both parties.
Re: Poll: How Do You Play Your Retro Games?
I did side by side comparisons of my physical consoles to emulation last year, and ended up getting rid of the consoles. I couldn’t find any differences in the quality, and since retroarch has settings to eliminate input latency and grants the ability to run patched games/translations, the obvious winner is emulation. I’m so much happier not having a dozen consoles + cartridges lying around, collecting dust.
Re: Review: Aya Neo Air And Air Pro - A Steam Deck Rival And Emulation Powerhouse
@MetalGear_Yoshi For $200 more, you could get a fine gaming laptop that performs or out-performs this thing anyway. Plus the you have a device that you can use for anything, and is just as portable.
Re: Review: Aya Neo Air And Air Pro - A Steam Deck Rival And Emulation Powerhouse
Damn. It lost me at Windows 11. It’s still too early in that OSes lifespan to commit to it. Too many bugs. Is it possible to install any OS on this thing? Seems like it’s screaming for Linux, too!
Re: Soapbox: The Nintendo 64 Isn't Perfect, But I Still Love It
What I enjoyed about the article is how you like to highlight underdog games as a way to appreciate modern releases.
The only games worth a damn to me on this console are F Zero X and Mario 64. The rest have aged so, so poorly. The Mario 64 PC port has been a godsend, bravo to those guys!
Re: Castlevania Meets Doom In This Awesome Fan-Made Mod
This is fantastic, I'll certainly play this tonight!
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
@MSaturn I used to think like that until I could find little to no discernible difference! It really helped my life to let go of all that old hardware that just sat around.
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
@MSaturn I did side-by-side comparisons of my legacy consoles and emulation, and could barely tell the difference. In fact, I would say emulation is an even better experience than console, due to being able to minimize input delay and load patched ROMs with improvements/translations.
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
This was the article that caused me to go full digital, and I couldn’t be happier.
Re: PSP2 Leak? Nope, It's The Upcoming GPD Win 4
It's pretty! I just wish it had the same D-pad configuration, since I prefer to play classic games on stuff like this.
Re: Anniversary: The Legend Of Zelda Released On NES 35 Years Ago In North America
I went about decluttering my game collection this week and I said I will only own one Zelda game. I ended up choosing the NES version, and got rid of the rest. Couldn’t be happier.
Re: Sunsoft Announces Rebirth Plans, Reveals Three New Titles
Played Gimmick, beat Gimmick, never want to see it again lol.
Soundtrack is one of the best, but it’s an unbalanced mess to play!
Re: Blazing Chrome Developers Reveal New Game Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider
I grew weary of Chrome, the difficulty spike for the last couple levels (speeder bike level in particular) turned me off. Didn’t these guys also do Oniken and Odallus? Odallus was excellent, felt more well balanced.
Not too sure I’m in the market for Moonrider, still too hyped for Bushiden.
Re: Impressive New Mod 'Voxelizes' The Original Doom
@JackGYarwood Oh, I watched the video lol. I guess the effect is just too subtle!
Re: Impressive New Mod 'Voxelizes' The Original Doom
Must be getting old, I'm having a hard time seeing exactly what this is doing when compared to the original.
Re: Retail Therapy: Sore Thumb Retro Games, York, United Kingdom
If that bike was left outside a store near where I live, you would no longer be the owner of that bike lol
Re: Random: Hackers Get Doom Running On Tractor
Ah, finally. Now when I’m running my tractor through the fields, I can have some actual entertainment.
Re: New Video Reveals Secrets of Challenging Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Level
I’ve beaten this awful game as a kid and never plan on going back, but now I don’t feel so bad about that ridiculous level!
Re: Did The Stamper Brothers Really Work On Gyruss?
I used to get my fingers pinched by the track ball at the arcade for Gyruss, but that didn't stop me from coming back for more! Fun times! lol
Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo
Growing up with the original MK, seeing it transition from arcade to console, and the rampant fanboy-ism between Sega and Nintendo fans, was truly a magical moment in gaming.
Sadly, I had to bow out of the MK scene because the ultra-realistic graphics are just a bit much for me, but the old, goofy looking trilogy will always hold a special place in my heart.
Re: Someone Finally Made The Original Street Fighter Worth Playing
@Mikmoomamimocki Yep, nailed it
Re: Feature: Git Gud Or Go Home: An Introduction To The 'SoulsBorne' Series
Sekiro is truly its own beast. The game is designed to troll people who have mastered demons-dark souls, as it plays nothing like them in the slightest but SEEMS to look like it does.
I still come back to Demons frequently. There’s NOTHING like the good old DBS/CW combo, especially with the broken talisman. If you’ve played you’ll know what I’m talking about.
Dark Souls and Demons Souls both win for mood and setting, truly astounding.
Dark Souls 2 is easily my favorite, though. Best world design, best gameplay, and tons to do. It causes an unprecedented amount of tears in the community, which pleases me greatly.
Dark Souls 3, while good, is still just “hallways towards bosses,” and limits the hallmark of the series: exploration. It’s decent, but it’s sound design is god-awful on the ears. It has a few good bosses, but most of them are nothing to write home about. So much screeching!
Thankfully, Elden Ring fixed almost all that, while mucking up all the names. Yes, I still call it Estus, and I still rest at bonfires while collecting souls. You can’t stop me.
Re: Street Fighter MUGEN Remake Fixes 'Broken' Original
What a great find. Mugen is truly an astounding work.
Re: Sega Master System Celebrates 35th Anniversary In The UK
There’s a beautiful simplicity in the cards that I enjoy, but what the bloody hell is that bizarre info-graphic explaining the correct way to turn the thing on?!
Re: You Can Now Play Link's Awakening DX With Amazing CD-Quality Audio From Remake
Hacks like this are amazing, and we need more of them in the wild!!
Re: Ultimate Guide: Atari Jaguar - The Death Rattle Of A Pioneer
Loving these articles! These were the types of things I wished I was able to read about when I was a kid!
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
@Axelay71 Same!!! You are certainly a person of culture!
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
@Axelay71 The soundtrack is played daily, in my home. Stay fierce, and believe in your power!!
Re: Best Sega Saturn Games
This site is bringing the fanboy out in me
Re: Poll: What's The Best Street Fighter?
That would be 3rd Strike, Mr. Damien.
Re: A Secret 2-Player Mode Has Been Discovered in Super Punch-Out!!
I hope whoever programmed these codes is still alive and well, and gets to FINALLY be noticed!
Re: Review: Astro City Mini V - Amazing Library, Horrible Lag
I absolutely adore Batsugun. It’s easily one of the best shmups ever made. So sad about the lag!
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
Gley Lancer, my love, my life...
Re: Retroid Pocket 3 Announced, And It Looks Sort Of Familiar
Definitely interested, but I would want to see performance from various emulators, especially arcade, before purchasing. No blind preorders, ever.
Re: Best SNES Games
Wonderful article, Damien! The new site's a banger; I'm enjoying it very much! The color scheme goes great with my hat.
Minor typo in the title: it says "best" instead of "legendary." A common error, I know. Just helping.
Re: After 27 Years, Rare Region-Locked Classic Rendering Ranger: R2 Is Heading To Consoles
This is great news for collectors, considering the original Rendering Ranger costs between $200-$800!
Re: A New Linux-Based Handheld Called The 'OH WOW' Revealed
This is immediately a cool and bad thing , for me. Form factor looks great and seems good quality, but Batocera is very frustrating to customize when compared to Retroarch. Oh well! I’ll have to pass on this one.
Re: Sega Reveals Genesis / Mega Drive Mini 2 Will Be In Short Supply
Meanwhile, scalpers are preparing their bots. Good luck to all who want this!
Re: Best Castlevania Games - Every Castlevania Game Ranked
Damn Damien!! This must have taken some time to put together! Great top 10, by the way. Good work!!
Re: Feature: Pixelthesia: Why We See Things In Video Games
This is SUCH a good article, and this new site is KILLER. Your team is doing a bang-up job, I'm very thankful for your work!
Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked
@ralphdibny Nice! I'm too busy binging on Sekiro right now (trying to finally learn this thing!) but if I have time I'll check out your recommendation!
Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked
@ralphdibny There are a couple of QOL patches on rom hacking .net that make this game perfect, imo. I enjoyed Snakes revenge much more than the original. No shame in using emus for old, dead games