Comments 387

Re: Ex-Xbox Producer Claims Microsoft Cancelled Soccer Game To Appease EA


As it turns out, Sega’s biggest problem wasn’t the excellent controller or lack of EA games it was running out of money that did for the Dreamcast.

Still, it does make sense for Microsoft to curry favour with EA considering how few well known IPs they had when the Xbox first launched. They needed as many big titles as they could get (and were lucky Sega had many great Dreamcast games that were in development that could be shifted over to the Xbox).

Re: Gears Of Rage Brings "Mode 7-Like" Scaling To Sega Genesis / Mega Drive


Given that storage/cartridge size is no longer an issue, I’ve always wondered if it would be possible to replicate super scaler games like OutRun by pre-calculating the scaled sprites and storing them in the ROM. It would then just be a case of selecting the correctly scaled sprite for each frame (assuming there’s enough cartridge bandwidth to handle it!)

Re: Aya Neo Unveils 'Remake' Line With Nintendo DS And Game Boy-Style Devices


@Azuris Yeah I did think about its value for DS games. The trouble is the lower screen is a long way from the top screen and doesn’t seem to be scaled well to fit with it. Something like Contra 4 where you’re jumping between the two screens or trying to shoot things on the top screen might not work very well with that layout.

You’re right about 3DS pricing, it’s kind of crazy how expensive they are. Back in the day people would be practically giving away old systems once the next generation was out!

Re: Anniversary: Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Is 20 Today


I replayed Sands of Time recently and it’s still a wonderful story with excellent gameplay. Ubi have kind of missed the boat with the reboot given how long they’ve taken. They’d have been better off releasing an HD version of the original rather than trying to recreate it from scratch.

As everyone has already commented, it’s a shame the two sequels decided to try and be edgy and cool. The 2008 reboot was pretty decent, I’m still annoyed they ended it on a cliffhanger (that was a bad habit of Ubi in that era).

The aptly titled Forgotten Sands is actually very good too I think. The story is weak, but it has superb gameplay, the final climb at the end where you’re rapidly freezing and unfreezing water to make or dismiss platforms and obstacles is brilliant. With a better story it could have been an all-time classic.

Re: OverClocked ReMix Founder Steps Down From Lead Role After Almost 24 Years


While I haven't been keeping it up to date for a while now, I've got 1,286 remixes I downloaded over the years from OC Remix on my hard drive.

There's so many great remixes from so many great games, but the Castlevania and Megaman ones in particular are ones I listen to a lot. There's so much variety with so many different genres of music represented.

Long live OC Remix!

Re: Best Electronic Table-Top Games Of All Time


I missed having Star Force so I bought a knackered one off eBay recently and fixed it up. The biggest problem was battery acid had destroyed the contacts, but after replacing all of those and cleaning everything inside and out it looks very good.

Especially for this sort of device it has quite catchy tunes that play before each wave of enemies. It's very loud though so I've added a volume pot! 😅

Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output


@KayFiOS I would guess it will be native N64 resolution upscaled to 4K. Analogue are usually quite good with accuracy and trying to add options to render games at 4K would likely cause problems with things like frame buffer effects.

I think the 4K output will be used to make the aperture grille on their CRT filters look as accurate as possible.

Re: The Making Of: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter - The N64's Other Must-Have FPS


It feels a bit wrong commenting on such an old article, but I tried the N64 version recently after really enjoying the Nightdive port. Unfortunately I found it unplayable for one key reason- the game constantly tries to auto-centre the camera!

It’s really weird to try to look to the right only for the camera to return back to the left as soon as you release the stick. Hopefully one day someone can figure out a rom hack to remove it!

Re: CIBSunday: Time Crisis 4 (PS3)


@TeamBigRig Yeah it's a shame that we seem to get the same old games from both Namco and Sega, anything more recent than the 16-bit era just gets ignored.

I guess it's the complexity of the emulation (or porting the source code), but there are a lot of emulators capable of running those games now, you'd think a collaboration with some emulator authors could result in something really good.

Re: CIBSunday: Time Crisis 4 (PS3)


I really wish Namco would do some sort of Time Crisis HD collection and a new GunCon for all modern platforms. I wish they’d do it for Ridge Racer and Ace Combat too… 😅

Re: The Keyboard-Packing Aya Neo Slide Is Available To Order Today


Just how many devices can AyaNeo release in one year? 😅

That said, I’m on holiday at the moment and spent some of the afternoon hacking the SF2 Turbo ROM on my Steam Deck and the lack of keyboard made it so much fiddlier, especially as the on-screen keyboard covers half the screen! 😩🤣

Re: Ghostbusters II NES Prototype Sells For Over $1,000 At Auction


What’s the betting it’s identical to retail? It doesn’t look like a dev cart so chances are it’s just final retail code.

You’d have to be mad to pay that much for a cart where they don’t show the board or verify the contents of the ROMs are different from the final game.

Of course this is Heritage Auctions, who sold a Star Trek phaser prop as genuine when all the evidence suggested it wasn’t and ignored all the people telling them about it.

Re: Time Crisis Is Arcade1Up's Next Release


I’m hoping Arcade1Up can clarify if it’s the arcade or PS1 version of Time Crisis. The YouTube trailer shows the arcade version but the still photos show the PS1 version. The PS1 port is very good, but the arcade version is much more preferable.

Re: Star Wars: Dark Forces Is Getting A New Remaster From Nightdive Studios


Excellent news, Dark Forces is one of my favourite PC games so it will be great to finally have it easily playable on modern hardware. Plus it's Nightdive so (Blade Runner aside) this is likely to be a really solid remaster.

While most FPS games of the era were all about shooting everything that moved, I liked how DF would throw in the occasional puzzle. In one case I think it the first time a wall texture was used as a clue to the layout of the area. It certainly felt unique to me at the time for the walls to be more than just window dressing.

I they do DF II Jedi Knight next!

Re: Best Cheat Codes Of All Time


@mjharper If you put that code in on player 1 it disables all special moves. It took me ages to work out why I couldn't pull off any moves when I played SF2 Turbo on the Wii U VC. My muscle memory of the code hadn't faded, but the fact you had to use port 2 had! 😅

Re: Best Xbox 360 Games Of All Time


@Babybahamut Yeah there were a lot of exclusives early in its life like Lost Planet, Bullet Witch, Dead Rising, Ace Combat 6, Ridge Racer 7, etc. Not all were classics (and I think some have been ported now) but I really enjoyed them all.

It's a shame how many of the best 360 games are no longer exclusive as without exclusives the uniqueness of each platform gets lost I think.

Re: Review: Aya Neo Air 1S - Wipes The Floor With Switch And Steam Deck, At A Price


Will the previous model be getting the AyaSpace 2 update? The thing that worries me about most of these annually refreshed handheld PCs is how long they support them once the new model is out.

With the Steam Deck I never bother messing with the power output I just leave it at default. I think if a game is vsync'd it will just idle until the next frame needs to be started and if it's a heavier modern game then it needs full power anyway, so I try not to worry about the battery too much.

That said, I'm always playing a mixture of old and new stuff and the old stuff doesn't really drain the battery much!

Re: Red Dead Redemption Remaster Coming To Nintendo Switch & PS4


@XiaoShao I'm getting GTA trilogy vibes from this too. That was also kept under wraps right until a week or so before release, so I'll be steering well clear of this until it's in players' hands. It didn't take long for people to discover GTA was a rushed mess and report it on forums/social media!

Re: Codemasters Was Supposed To Make A NES CD Drive, But It Never Happened


Very interesting, it sounds like this would work like a C64 cassette drive and be audio based rather than loading data digitally. I wonder how slow the loading times would be compared to cassettes and also "proper" CD-ROM drives?

I guess it would come with a RAM cartridge like the FDS and would need a cable coming out of the cartridge port so that the audio could be piped from the disc to the RAM cart.

Re: Radiant Silvergun Is Coming To Steam


IIRC there were some graphical glitches with the Switch port. They weren't game breaking or anything (at least not that I remember!) but were they ever fixed?

I'll probably end up re-buying it anyway, just like all the Ikaruga ports! 😅

Re: Activision Might Have "Lost" A Bunch Of Amazing Transformers Video Games


@smoreon It's a good question, I'd have thought if a publisher were bankrolling the game they'd want a regular copy of the source and all the assets in case the developer unexpectedly goes bust or the relationship sours for some reason.

Of course once the game has shipped and the sales have run their course a publisher like Activision may well not care about the codebase and just delete it to save some server space.

Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?


Mine would be playing Astro Fighter in the arcades some time in the mid '80s.

It's a fairly unique take on the Space Invaders formula where each wave of enemies has a different design and movement pattern, there's also a fuel gauge that only refills if you kill the boss at the end of the waves. Then it loops back around to the start.