@Hikingguy this sounds relatively painless - bookmarking this for the future. I don’t have a steam deck, just a Mac, Switch and PS5. I actually went ahead and just bought them on PS5. Cost ~3.50 and I can play them on the TV with a familiar controller which is what I prefer anyway.
I'm crushed.. These are only playable on Windows. I don't want to to go through the rigamarole of wrapping them in some weird thing to make them playable on other OS's.
At this price though I might just get them so I have them if and when I can ever play them non-Windows.
EDIT: Look like the sale reached PSN for Natsuki Chronicles too at $1.99! Haven't checked Ginga Force yet. I am not finding these games on Switch for some reason despite seeing they should be. Perhaps they're just not available on the US store...
@Impossibilium can 100% agree with you that Rush Rally 3 is the real deal. For a long while that was my go to rally/racing game. I’ve since moved on to EA Sports WRC for PS5 but I’ll be damned if I didn’t put tons of hours into RR3 on Switch. It’s so good and made so well!
I am ALL about this! I much prefer this “engine” style with the fully 3D environments to that Outrun style with the static background (I.e. Horizon Chase Turbo) They both have their place and all but I love this style better.
If this ever comes to Switch I’ll be all over this! I used to play and loved Top Gear Rally 1& 2 on N64 and that’s what this is looking like. 🤞Come to Switch/Consoles 🤞 Come to Switch/Consoles! 🤞
This article went hard. I’ve never played a Suikoden title but I really hope that changes someday. Well, it will in due time, but I hope I’m able to give it the attention it clearly deserves.
I thought I recognized her name from Mario and Luigi series!
The soundtrack in Dream Team, particularly the battle theme, is still pulse-pounding to me! The soundtrack in all of those games is just so rich.
WELL DESERVED! What a resume
7 really improved (not that it was bad in even the slightest sense) but im a solo gamer so... I have yet to touch the online stuff. That being said, 3 will always be my reference. 3 is my absolute favorite and always will be until we get a proper single-player-focused release. In my ideal world, we'd get one disc single player and one-disc multiplayer. Or like.. release it as single player for like $50-60 and let those who want to play online pay an extra $10 or something to download the "online DLC" to take them online.
I actually love this. I would 100% be entering into this if I knew even the slightest about making a game. It’s something I’ve always toyed with on the very edge and never get far enough to warrant progress. All tutorials are good for the first few pages and then BAM they start talking about some stuff that comes out of nowhere and that’s the wall I always hit. Anyway, that’s a personal problem I guess. Point being, this is exactly what I’d love to be involved in lol Make something silly, in a medium I like, with an IP I adore.
I’m excited. I have an Analogue Pocket and truth be told, no regrets, but the buttons leave a little to be desired. Their tactile feel is suboptimal. It’s totally fine and I love the system but I can’t shake the feeling I’m “ruining” it every time I press a button or play games handheld, therefore I play docked most of the time with a Wii U Pro Controller. Now that plays like a dream: it’s literally the perfect retro console.
Other than that, it’ll be nice to have some competition. If it plays physical carts, I’ll be comparing and would have no problem selling off the pocket if this new device stacks up better somehow but it’ll be tough to beat the Pocket. It’s just a great device.
@Serpenterror yep that just about covers every scenario 😂
I’m excited for any GameCube news, any of those you mentioned above. Could you imagine a tiny GameCube mini? That would be freaking amazing. Although half the love I have for that thing was how solid it felt when you pressed the button to eject a disc. That won’t be there of course on an all digital iteration. That whole system actually, just so solid-feeling.
If we only get Rogue Squadron for GameCube, that alone would make me happy. I didn’t have too many games for GC back in the day and most of the ones I did have have been remastered or re-released (Pikmin, Tony Hawk, Mario Sunshine, Smash Bros…)
But yeah I’d be very happy regardless! Would 100% keep my subscription and what have you.
@no_donatello this is actually really helpful. I was watching some gameplay videos of Yakuza Kiwami after reading your comment and I 100% see the style now. I’ll give this game a shot someday coming up, thank you!
Never played a Yakuza game and definitely never knew it was considered a spiritual successor to Shenmue. That makes me want to pay more attention. My friend is always plugging the Yakuza series but I feel like there are so many and I’m a bit overwhelmed. Seems this newest entry is the place to start though, easy decision. I own Shenmue 1,2,3 and still have to go back and revisit those too. The backlog is huge.
Ugh I just got a PS Classic for all my PS1 gaming needs and I also have my Analogue Pocket for all else.
I don’t know, this one is tempting. I love my pocket and all but I like this form factor too. I also understand, this is pure software emulation vs the pocket with FPGA but still, I really dig this.
I might actually get this as my traveling console and keep the pocket for all other home usage.
The mini HDMI out is my deal breaker. I just need to read again/more if I can pair a wireless controller (I likely missed that above!)
EDIT: for those interested, according to the website at the buy link above, it supports Bluetooth and shows using a wireless controller with HDMI connection.
I’m kind of sold on this. 😬
3DS is seriously the perfect device. I wish so bad we lived in a world like Devil Survivor where the 3DS had cellular capability and could hold a SIM card and could be used as a phone + gaming system. Would love to have it with me to compose emails and take notes, etc. Gives me sort of that old but new tech vibe like in Alien and Blade Runner. 😭
@RAHelllord I totally misunderstood these then — I assumed it was palettes OR screen filters. Not the case at all… You can bet I’ll be giving these a try this morning ! Thank you for all the work you put in for the Pocket experience!
The palettes are really cool but I honestly just enjoy the original GBC screen mode for gameboy color as well as the OG Gameboy filter for GB. Options are great though and it looks like these can really breathe new life into your games! The Pocket is such an amazing little device especially if you have the carts to go along with it.
I chose 3 games but of the 3, link between worlds is the one that I played the most. I mean, it was on an amazing handheld and I was able to take it on the flight across the country and continue playing through the entire time. So good!
I was on the hunt for this game awhile back. The cutscenes included in MGS always looked so cool and always made me want to play the game. I gave up after finding there is no official English version.
Now that I know there are fan translations, perhaps I’ll start the hunt again and figure some things out…
Yo this is exciting. I wonder what the chances are that this comes to official GB cart? Or that we can at least have a playable ROM. Any games like this now get exclusively played on my Analogue Pocket!
When this was announced, NGL, I didn't know if it was an actual PC or more something like an emulation machine or... But this is cooler than I thought. and I appreciate you going over it and doing a full review. I'm a Mac person so I won't be buying but if I ever need a Windows machine, this will be the one. I love the asthetic which is obviously one of the biggest selling points.
@romanista this most recent news drop about the adapters and crt and fpga filters came through just fine. The other one before this article was updated didn’t come through until a day or two after I think? Definitely saw it here first though.
But not as far as gettin tons of repeated so any emails, no! Just one when there’s a news drop. I’m also someone who has repeatedly signed up for “alerts” on their site. I wonder why you’re getting so many!
I hope this comes west soooo bad. I watched some gameplay and it’s oozing character and looks like it was genuinely made with love, care and detail. I loved Mystical Ninja 64 and will definitely be buying this if it comes out this way! I’d hate to make a Japanese account and pay for it and then have it come west and feel pressured to buy it again being a proper English version.
Run’n’guns are awesome but I draw the line at games that kill you with 1-hit. I draw two lines at bullet-hell run’n’guns that kill you with 1-hit. I suppose it all comes down to how many lives I have/how many times I can die per level. Blazing Chrome is juuusssttt at that sweet spot for me. If this is like that and is fairly liberal with lives I think I might bite and get the ROM for my Analogue Pocket. This one looks really good so I’m bookmarking it to do some more research.
DOWNLOADED. I’m always up for more Gameboy or Gameboy Color games, especially horror. I love the idea of creating a horror game (or really any game) with limited parameters, or limits by hardware. It really gets you to use your imagination and really tune in to get filled up with the content. I can’t wait to play this later!
Thanks, TE and Flower Studio, MoonFlowers69, and Free Game Planet!
I like street fighter 2 because the arcade cabinet used to play on repeat in my favorite pizza joint. I’d be hearing the intro and the demo screen going while downing slices.
Unfortunately, I am terrible at street fighter 2 and every other fighting game not titled smash bros.
I have trouble with these kinds of controls and they never make sense to me.
This is a cool fact though! So many different versions of street fighter.
@-wc- I know, it’s unfortunate and it doesn’t seem to affect everyone but there is a decent amount of chatter on Reddit about the issue overall. Not sure if it’s a defect or what… I’m very happy with my purchase otherwise because I play docked a lot with the Wii U Pro controller (works OOTB!) so I can mostly ignore it but it does affect gameplay slightly when playing handheld. Landstalker is almost unplayable to say the least and it suck’s because that’s one of my favorite games Docked it’s like a perfect retro console though and that to me is worth everything else. Still, if I end up getting lucky enough and snag a purple analogue on Friday, the first time I’ll be checking is if it has the same input issues as my current black one.
Ok …. I was fine with the glow in the dark one and the clear one but I CANNOT pass on the purple one. I already own a black one but I’m thinking I’ll be selling it and going with a purple one. That’s too beautiful to pass up!!
As a side note, I hope these somehow have a minor revision to the D-PAD and A button. My A button often does a double-input and the D pad is hard to play diagonal/isometric games like Landstalker and other games that require ducking. It’s not the best d-pad or A button and those are my only complaints with the system.
Impressive but to be honest it makes me want to just play Metroid. I can see myself just quitting and booting up Super Metroid… it’s like some fever dream/beta pre-release proof-of-concept of the real thing.
It’s my favorite castlevania outside of 3 and symphony. I can’t believe we haven’t gotten it on Switch. I think I read it’s because Sony literally helped develop that Castlevania Requiem release…? Having requiem on switch would be awesome! I know the SNES version is a downgrade but it was still very very much enjoyable to me on 3DS a few halloweens ago. (Thankfully there are save states… it’s so difficult for me!) Knowing there is a “real version” out there though makes it harder to enjoy I guess.
This went up for preorder on October 18 (in the US anyway) at 1200 PST. I had the standard physical edition preordered at…. 1200 PST. I don’t know why I thought it was going to sell out but I was on it like white on white rice. Anyone else play the demo? There’s a ton of love and care put into this! It’s been a long time coming!
I think this is great! It always makes me scratch my head how some things just can’t be emulated. I don’t quite understand why it’s so hard to emulate N64 and some other things but when we can get to that point, I’ll be so happy. I’m going to jump for that Analogue 3D system whenever that becomes available. That’s got me so excited. I’ve got a nice collection of carts waiting for me that have been dormant since I had to get rid of my only RCA jack-capable TV.
@wiiware SAME… literally every few seconds. Kill an enemy, save state, kill an enemy, save state, kill an enemy, save state. I don’t know how people do it otherwise. I’m someone who beat all 3 dark souls and Elden ring but Ghosts n Ghouls? Forget it!
It’s a true testament as I still play mine! Of course I’ve upgraded it with a backlit screen and rechargeable battery and the like but the games still hold up and I never forget the controls as weeks and months pass between gaming sessions! I love the gameboy color. Just the thought of that purple gameboy with a Pokémon red cart inserted is so comforting. The perfect shades of color, side-by-side. The bleeps and bloops. Ugh… Mission Impossible had a TV remote function so I was changing TV channels with my gameboy… such a cool piece of tech. I feel like the gameboy color and even 3DS had all these extra features and functions that even Switch lacks now. No IR port, no streetpass, no expansion slots that never get utilized… I feel like the older products were more thought out or just had so much more going on. I remember I had either a green one or a purple gameboy color when it came out and my friend put a deep scratch on the screen or dropped it and dented it or something after I let him use it. His mom got me a new one to replace it (which was one of the nicest things ever.) I can’t remember if I had green first and then purple or vice-versa but ya… that’s my contribution.
@wiiware @gerald
This is correct- I’m happy for the ones that do have save states but it’s always nice to have the option for the others.
I won’t even bat an eye at Ghosts n Ghouls without save states, for example!
What I gather is that when those cores were built, they didn’t include save states and now adding them in after the fact is extremely difficult.
Basically we’d need someone to step in and build a new core for these and add them in from the beginning rather than as an after-thought.
❗️It’s important to remember that these cores were built for the community for free so it’s not like Analogue or anyone owes us anything. Someone in the open-source community would literally have to just do it on their free time and then give it away to the community. Not an easy ask!
I have high hopes someone will step in and do it someday. Once AnalogueOS starts taking off more and the system itself gets some more traction…
I think it’s wild that I still continue to get these kinds of news pieces not from Analogue directly but through you guys. I own an Analogue pocket, am technically a (very happy) customer, and am subscribed to their news and never see any updates like those you posted above.
So let this be a THANK to Time Extension and also a wtf to Analogue! I don’t have Twitter is that my fault?!
Seriously, this is really great news from Analogue Now we just need those Save States for Genesis, SNES, and some others. It’s a very hot topic…
@UK_Kev Ultra HDMI, you’re right, that’s the one … I’m going to go check that out now, thank you! I think I’ve been there a few times over the years when I’ve felt “spendy” and it was never in stock.
@UK_Kev I’ve never been able to find someone to install it. If memory serves me well you can’t buy PixelFX as a consumer and you have to buy from an installer service or something. Or am I thinking of another N64 mod kit?
I can no doubt solder myself and have worked in electronics for years but I can’t find a way to get my hands on one… issues with stock/supply and even locating one in the first place is very difficult. Plus you have to ship your N64 off to some rando’s address for installation. If Analogue hits a good price point for this and it’s available easily, they’ve got me won over.
This makes me so happy- it’s crazy that I’m subscribed to Analogue’s newsletter and I saw no word of this. This is huge news to me so thanks for posting!
Im 100% getting this as I have no way to play my N64 because of the lack of inputs on my TV. Because Nintendo and Konami refuses to release Castlevania 64 and most of that other stellar N64 library I need to get this.
I also refuse to buy a good quality $300 converter box to play N64 games on HDMI— that’s insane. I tried a cheaper alternative off Amazon and the picture was flickering so bad and was also extremely dark. I’d kind of rather get this new piece of tech from Analogue for that large price.
Is it a true rival though, not being able to output to a TV via dock?? And no cartridge support?
Cool handheld for sure but I think this is more a Anbernic rival if anything.
EDIT: Nevermind! It has HDMI-out!
I do prefer a dock setup rather than being tied to an HDMI cable. For my TV setup, I have a wall mounted tv and all the cords are run in the wall and hidden so the TV looks like it’s magically floating. This setup isn’t ideal for those kinds of situations.
Got 100% funded today! Strange indeed about the reservation to buy the physical copy when that releases. Now, if they give you a discount then I’ll be satisfied.
I absolutely love this article and find it immensely useful. I agree about having these zines and books to truly engage your audience. Having ads and distractions and auto-play videos popping up on your screen while you’re trying to digest a few pages at a time is not fun. Death to AI and bots too! I’m going to preorder the devils blush series and likely will one or two of the others. The pixel graphics speak to me like nothing else!
Comments 148
Re: Two Legendary Shmups Are Currently On Sale For Just A Couple Of Bucks
@Hikingguy this sounds relatively painless - bookmarking this for the future. I don’t have a steam deck, just a Mac, Switch and PS5.
I actually went ahead and just bought them on PS5. Cost ~3.50 and I can play them on the TV with a familiar controller which is what I prefer anyway.
Re: Two Legendary Shmups Are Currently On Sale For Just A Couple Of Bucks
I'm crushed.. These are only playable on Windows. I don't want to to go through the rigamarole of wrapping them in some weird thing to make them playable on other OS's.
At this price though I might just get them so I have them if and when I can ever play them non-Windows.
EDIT: Look like the sale reached PSN for Natsuki Chronicles too at $1.99! Haven't checked Ginga Force yet. I am not finding these games on Switch for some reason despite seeing they should be. Perhaps they're just not available on the US store...
Re: Colin McRae And Sega Rally Fans Take Note: This PS1-Style Racer Looks Amazing
@Impossibilium can 100% agree with you that Rush Rally 3 is the real deal. For a long while that was my go to rally/racing game. I’ve since moved on to EA Sports WRC for PS5 but I’ll be damned if I didn’t put tons of hours into RR3 on Switch. It’s so good and made so well!
Re: Colin McRae And Sega Rally Fans Take Note: This PS1-Style Racer Looks Amazing
I am ALL about this! I much prefer this “engine” style with the fully 3D environments to that Outrun style with the static background (I.e. Horizon Chase Turbo)
They both have their place and all but I love this style better.
If this ever comes to Switch I’ll be all over this! I used to play and loved Top Gear Rally 1& 2 on N64 and that’s what this is looking like.
🤞Come to Switch/Consoles 🤞 Come to Switch/Consoles! 🤞
Re: The Making Of: Suikoden II, A JRPG To Match 'Game Of Thrones' In Intrigue And Impact
This article went hard.
I’ve never played a Suikoden title but I really hope that changes someday. Well, it will in due time, but I hope I’m able to give it the attention it clearly deserves.
Re: Legendary Composer Yoko Shimomura To Be Given Lifetime Achievement Award
I thought I recognized her name from Mario and Luigi series!
The soundtrack in Dream Team, particularly the battle theme, is still pulse-pounding to me! The soundtrack in all of those games is just so rich.
WELL DESERVED! What a resume
Re: Poll: What's The Best Gran Turismo?
7 really improved (not that it was bad in even the slightest sense) but im a solo gamer so... I have yet to touch the online stuff.
That being said, 3 will always be my reference. 3 is my absolute favorite and always will be until we get a proper single-player-focused release.
In my ideal world, we'd get one disc single player and one-disc multiplayer. Or like.. release it as single player for like $50-60 and let those who want to play online pay an extra $10 or something to download the "online DLC" to take them online.
TL;DR: 3 is my favorite, 7 is stellar.
Re: Amateur Coding Event Wants You To Make The Worst Sonic Mania 2 Imaginable
I actually love this.
I would 100% be entering into this if I knew even the slightest about making a game. It’s something I’ve always toyed with on the very edge and never get far enough to warrant progress. All tutorials are good for the first few pages and then BAM they start talking about some stuff that comes out of nowhere and that’s the wall I always hit.
Anyway, that’s a personal problem I guess. Point being, this is exactly what I’d love to be involved in lol
Make something silly, in a medium I like, with an IP I adore.
Re: Game Boy-like Pocket DMG "Will Astonish Many People" Says AYANEO Boss
I’m excited. I have an Analogue Pocket and truth be told, no regrets, but the buttons leave a little to be desired. Their tactile feel is suboptimal.
It’s totally fine and I love the system but I can’t shake the feeling I’m “ruining” it every time I press a button or play games handheld, therefore I play docked most of the time with a Wii U Pro Controller. Now that plays like a dream: it’s literally the perfect retro console.
Other than that, it’ll be nice to have some competition. If it plays physical carts, I’ll be comparing and would have no problem selling off the pocket if this new device stacks up better somehow but it’ll be tough to beat the Pocket. It’s just a great device.
Re: Nintendo Just Filed Multiple Trademarks For The GameCube Controller
@Serpenterror yep that just about covers every scenario 😂
I’m excited for any GameCube news, any of those you mentioned above.
Could you imagine a tiny GameCube mini? That would be freaking amazing. Although half the love I have for that thing was how solid it felt when you pressed the button to eject a disc. That won’t be there of course on an all digital iteration. That whole system actually, just so solid-feeling.
Re: Nintendo Just Filed Multiple Trademarks For The GameCube Controller
If we only get Rogue Squadron for GameCube, that alone would make me happy.
I didn’t have too many games for GC back in the day and most of the ones I did have have been remastered or re-released (Pikmin, Tony Hawk, Mario Sunshine, Smash Bros…)
But yeah I’d be very happy regardless! Would 100% keep my subscription and what have you.
Re: 'Shenmue' Earns Hilarious Reference In 'Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth'
@no_donatello this is actually really helpful. I was watching some gameplay videos of Yakuza Kiwami after reading your comment and I 100% see the style now.
I’ll give this game a shot someday coming up, thank you!
Re: 'Shenmue' Earns Hilarious Reference In 'Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth'
Never played a Yakuza game and definitely never knew it was considered a spiritual successor to Shenmue. That makes me want to pay more attention.
My friend is always plugging the Yakuza series but I feel like there are so many and I’m a bit overwhelmed.
Seems this newest entry is the place to start though, easy decision.
I own Shenmue 1,2,3 and still have to go back and revisit those too. The backlog is huge.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX H - Third Time's A Charm
Ugh I just got a PS Classic for all my PS1 gaming needs and I also have my Analogue Pocket for all else.
I don’t know, this one is tempting. I love my pocket and all but I like this form factor too. I also understand, this is pure software emulation vs the pocket with FPGA but still, I really dig this.
I might actually get this as my traveling console and keep the pocket for all other home usage.
The mini HDMI out is my deal breaker. I just need to read again/more if I can pair a wireless controller (I likely missed that above!)
EDIT: for those interested, according to the website at the buy link above, it supports Bluetooth and shows using a wireless controller with HDMI connection.
I’m kind of sold on this. 😬
Re: No, Elden Ring Has Not Been Ported To Nintendo 3DS
3DS is seriously the perfect device. I wish so bad we lived in a world like Devil Survivor where the 3DS had cellular capability and could hold a SIM card and could be used as a phone + gaming system. Would love to have it with me to compose emails and take notes, etc. Gives me sort of that old but new tech vibe like in Alien and Blade Runner. 😭
Re: Guide: How To Use Game Boy Custom Palettes On Analogue Pocket
@RAHelllord I totally misunderstood these then — I assumed it was palettes OR screen filters. Not the case at all…
You can bet I’ll be giving these a try this morning !
Thank you for all the work you put in for the Pocket experience!
Re: Guide: How To Use Game Boy APGB Filters On Analogue Pocket
The palettes are really cool but I honestly just enjoy the original GBC screen mode for gameboy color as well as the OG Gameboy filter for GB. Options are great though and it looks like these can really breathe new life into your games!
The Pocket is such an amazing little device especially if you have the carts to go along with it.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2013?
I chose 3 games but of the 3, link between worlds is the one that I played the most. I mean, it was on an amazing handheld and I was able to take it on the flight across the country and continue playing through the entire time. So good!
Re: Flashback: When Hideo Kojima Argued Over Policenauts' Bouncing Boobs With Sony
I was on the hunt for this game awhile back. The cutscenes included in MGS always looked so cool and always made me want to play the game.
I gave up after finding there is no official English version.
Now that I know there are fan translations, perhaps I’ll start the hunt again and figure some things out…
Re: Draco & The Seven Scales Is A Game Boy-Style Adventure Where You Play As A Pirate Ship
Yo this is exciting. I wonder what the chances are that this comes to official GB cart? Or that we can at least have a playable ROM. Any games like this now get exclusively played on my Analogue Pocket!
Re: Guide: Evercade Secret Games And How To Unlock Them
Mark my words, I will someday buy one of these. I think they're so cool.
Re: Review: AYANEO Retro Mini PC AM01 - The Cutest PC Ever? Quite Possibly
When this was announced, NGL, I didn't know if it was an actual PC or more something like an emulation machine or...
But this is cooler than I thought. and I appreciate you going over it and doing a full review. I'm a Mac person so I won't be buying but if I ever need a Windows machine, this will be the one. I love the asthetic which is obviously one of the biggest selling points.
Re: Analogue Duo Is Shipping On December 11th
@romanista this most recent news drop about the adapters and crt and fpga filters came through just fine. The other one before this article was updated didn’t come through until a day or two after I think? Definitely saw it here first though.
But not as far as gettin tons of repeated so any emails, no! Just one when there’s a news drop. I’m also someone who has repeatedly signed up for “alerts” on their site. I wonder why you’re getting so many!
Re: Good-Feel's Spiritual Successor To Goemon Is Out Now In Japan
I hope this comes west soooo bad. I watched some gameplay and it’s oozing character and looks like it was genuinely made with love, care and detail. I loved Mystical Ninja 64 and will definitely be buying this if it comes out this way!
I’d hate to make a Japanese account and pay for it and then have it come west and feel pressured to buy it again being a proper English version.
Re: Cyborg Force Is A New Run 'N Gunner For Neo Geo, PSP, Dreamcast, & More
Run’n’guns are awesome but I draw the line at games that kill you with 1-hit. I draw two lines at bullet-hell run’n’guns that kill you with 1-hit.
I suppose it all comes down to how many lives I have/how many times I can die per level. Blazing Chrome is juuusssttt at that sweet spot for me. If this is like that and is fairly liberal with lives I think I might bite and get the ROM for my Analogue Pocket.
This one looks really good so I’m bookmarking it to do some more research.
Re: The Melting Apartment Is A Free, Junji Ito-Inspired Horror Game For Game Boy
DOWNLOADED. I’m always up for more Gameboy or Gameboy Color games, especially horror.
I love the idea of creating a horror game (or really any game) with limited parameters, or limits by hardware. It really gets you to use your imagination and really tune in to get filled up with the content.
I can’t wait to play this later!
Thanks, TE and Flower Studio, MoonFlowers69, and Free Game Planet!
Re: Did You Know SNES Street Fighter II Is Missing A Key Feature Of The Arcade Original?
I like street fighter 2 because the arcade cabinet used to play on repeat in my favorite pizza joint. I’d be hearing the intro and the demo screen going while downing slices.
Unfortunately, I am terrible at street fighter 2 and every other fighting game not titled smash bros.
I have trouble with these kinds of controls and they never make sense to me.
This is a cool fact though! So many different versions of street fighter.
Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way
@-wc- I know, it’s unfortunate and it doesn’t seem to affect everyone but there is a decent amount of chatter on Reddit about the issue overall. Not sure if it’s a defect or what…
I’m very happy with my purchase otherwise because I play docked a lot with the Wii U Pro controller (works OOTB!) so I can mostly ignore it but it does affect gameplay slightly when playing handheld. Landstalker is almost unplayable to say the least and it suck’s because that’s one of my favorite games
Docked it’s like a perfect retro console though and that to me is worth everything else.
Still, if I end up getting lucky enough and snag a purple analogue on Friday, the first time I’ll be checking is if it has the same input issues as my current black one.
Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way
@Grim I’m with you on this one- it really did breathe new life into an already amazing time sink. I love Pokémon Pinball so much!
Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way
Ok …. I was fine with the glow in the dark one and the clear one but I CANNOT pass on the purple one.
I already own a black one but I’m thinking I’ll be selling it and going with a purple one. That’s too beautiful to pass up!!
As a side note, I hope these somehow have a minor revision to the D-PAD and A button. My A button often does a double-input and the D pad is hard to play diagonal/isometric games like Landstalker and other games that require ducking. It’s not the best d-pad or A button and those are my only complaints with the system.
Re: Mega Drive Fan Game 'Metroid Mega Mission' Rebranding To Original Project
Impressive but to be honest it makes me want to just play Metroid. I can see myself just quitting and booting up Super Metroid… it’s like some fever dream/beta pre-release proof-of-concept of the real thing.
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania Classic Dracula X: Rondo Of Blood Is 30 Today
It’s my favorite castlevania outside of 3 and symphony. I can’t believe we haven’t gotten it on Switch. I think I read it’s because Sony literally helped develop that Castlevania Requiem release…?
Having requiem on switch would be awesome!
I know the SNES version is a downgrade but it was still very very much enjoyable to me on 3DS a few halloweens ago. (Thankfully there are save states… it’s so difficult for me!) Knowing there is a “real version” out there though makes it harder to enjoy I guess.
Re: Dragonyhm Is A Promising New Title For Your Game Boy Color
This went up for preorder on October 18 (in the US anyway) at 1200 PST. I had the standard physical edition preordered at…. 1200 PST.
I don’t know why I thought it was going to sell out but I was on it like white on white rice.
Anyone else play the demo? There’s a ton of love and care put into this! It’s been a long time coming!
Re: New Video Shows Just How Far "Impossible" N64 FPGA Development Has Come
I think this is great! It always makes me scratch my head how some things just can’t be emulated. I don’t quite understand why it’s so hard to emulate N64 and some other things but when we can get to that point, I’ll be so happy.
I’m going to jump for that Analogue 3D system whenever that becomes available. That’s got me so excited. I’ve got a nice collection of carts waiting for me that have been dormant since I had to get rid of my only RCA jack-capable TV.
Re: Analogue Pocket OS 2.0 Adds A Much-Requested Feature
@wiiware SAME… literally every few seconds. Kill an enemy, save state, kill an enemy, save state, kill an enemy, save state.
I don’t know how people do it otherwise.
I’m someone who beat all 3 dark souls and Elden ring but Ghosts n Ghouls? Forget it!
Re: Anniversary: Game Boy Color Turns 25 Today
It’s a true testament as I still play mine! Of course I’ve upgraded it with a backlit screen and rechargeable battery and the like but the games still hold up and I never forget the controls as weeks and months pass between gaming sessions!
I love the gameboy color. Just the thought of that purple gameboy with a Pokémon red cart inserted is so comforting. The perfect shades of color, side-by-side. The bleeps and bloops. Ugh…
Mission Impossible had a TV remote function so I was changing TV channels with my gameboy… such a cool piece of tech.
I feel like the gameboy color and even 3DS had all these extra features and functions that even Switch lacks now. No IR port, no streetpass, no expansion slots that never get utilized… I feel like the older products were more thought out or just had so much more going on.
I remember I had either a green one or a purple gameboy color when it came out and my friend put a deep scratch on the screen or dropped it and dented it or something after I let him use it. His mom got me a new one to replace it (which was one of the nicest things ever.)
I can’t remember if I had green first and then purple or vice-versa but ya… that’s my contribution.
Re: Analogue Pocket OS 2.0 Adds A Much-Requested Feature
@wiiware @gerald
This is correct- I’m happy for the ones that do have save states but it’s always nice to have the option for the others.
I won’t even bat an eye at Ghosts n Ghouls without save states, for example!
What I gather is that when those cores were built, they didn’t include save states and now adding them in after the fact is extremely difficult.
Basically we’d need someone to step in and build a new core for these and add them in from the beginning rather than as an after-thought.
❗️It’s important to remember that these cores were built for the community for free so it’s not like Analogue or anyone owes us anything. Someone in the open-source community would literally have to just do it on their free time and then give it away to the community. Not an easy ask!
I have high hopes someone will step in and do it someday. Once AnalogueOS starts taking off more and the system itself gets some more traction…
Re: Analogue Pocket OS 2.0 Adds A Much-Requested Feature
I think it’s wild that I still continue to get these kinds of news pieces not from Analogue directly but through you guys.
I own an Analogue pocket, am technically a (very happy) customer, and am subscribed to their news and never see any updates like those you posted above.
So let this be a THANK to Time Extension and also a wtf to Analogue! I don’t have Twitter is that my fault?!
Seriously, this is really great news from Analogue
Now we just need those Save States for Genesis, SNES, and some others. It’s a very hot topic…
Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output
@UK_Kev Ultra HDMI, you’re right, that’s the one …
I’m going to go check that out now, thank you! I think I’ve been there a few times over the years when I’ve felt “spendy” and it was never in stock.
Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output
@UK_Kev I’ve never been able to find someone to install it. If memory serves me well you can’t buy PixelFX as a consumer and you have to buy from an installer service or something. Or am I thinking of another N64 mod kit?
I can no doubt solder myself and have worked in electronics for years but I can’t find a way to get my hands on one… issues with stock/supply and even locating one in the first place is very difficult. Plus you have to ship your N64 off to some rando’s address for installation. If Analogue hits a good price point for this and it’s available easily, they’ve got me won over.
Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output
This makes me so happy- it’s crazy that I’m subscribed to Analogue’s newsletter and I saw no word of this. This is huge news to me so thanks for posting!
Im 100% getting this as I have no way to play my N64 because of the lack of inputs on my TV. Because Nintendo and Konami refuses to release Castlevania 64 and most of that other stellar N64 library I need to get this.
I also refuse to buy a good quality $300 converter box to play N64 games on HDMI— that’s insane. I tried a cheaper alternative off Amazon and the picture was flickering so bad and was also extremely dark. I’d kind of rather get this new piece of tech from Analogue for that large price.
Re: Random: New Game Boy Color Game Turns Frasier Into A Turn-Based RPG
Never watched Frasier, despite having grown up with it sort of.
I just downloaded this and will give it a shot! This is amazing lol
Re: Second-Hand Nintendo 64DD Offers Up Some Welcome Surprises For New Owner
I always wanted one of these! The N64 is still my second favorite console (next to 3DS).
Top 3 are 3DS, N64, Analogue Pocket.
I remember reading about this peripheral and it never became available for us NA'ers.
Re: Powkiddy RGB30 - A $90 Analogue Pocket Rival? You'd Better Believe It
@Damo how did I miss that?! Thanks for clarification
Re: Powkiddy RGB30 - A $90 Analogue Pocket Rival? You'd Better Believe It
Is it a true rival though, not being able to output to a TV via dock?? And no cartridge support?
Cool handheld for sure but I think this is more a Anbernic rival if anything.
EDIT: Nevermind! It has HDMI-out!
I do prefer a dock setup rather than being tied to an HDMI cable. For my TV setup, I have a wall mounted tv and all the cords are run in the wall and hidden so the TV looks like it’s magically floating. This setup isn’t ideal for those kinds of situations.
Re: Shining Force And Landstalker Artist Yoshitaka Tamaki Has Passed Away
Landstalker and Shining Force 2 are 2 of my top games OF ALL TIME. I love the art style, sound effects, and colors of those games. Classic Genesis.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'Earthion' Coming To Current-Gen Systems In 2024
I just realized what game this actually is. I’ve been waiting for more news on this! It looks amazing and I can’t wait!!
Re: 'Aaling the Ghost' Is A Promising New Game Boy RPG, Now On Kickstarter
Got 100% funded today! Strange indeed about the reservation to buy the physical copy when that releases. Now, if they give you a discount then I’ll be satisfied.
Re: Printing Nostalgia - Why Limited Run Gaming Magazines Are Having A Moment
@Forgotten_Worlds I just ordered Forgotten Worlds Issue #1 and preordered Devils Blush 1+2! Can’t wait! ✌️
Re: Printing Nostalgia - Why Limited Run Gaming Magazines Are Having A Moment
I absolutely love this article and find it immensely useful. I agree about having these zines and books to truly engage your audience. Having ads and distractions and auto-play videos popping up on your screen while you’re trying to digest a few pages at a time is not fun. Death to AI and bots too!
I’m going to preorder the devils blush series and likely will one or two of the others. The pixel graphics speak to me like nothing else!