IIRC, it's only possible on the Wii virtual console because of a small math error that means that one rising and sinking platform in Bowser in the Fire Sea ends up very, very, very slightly higher every time. So after a long while, Mario can just stand on it without it going back into the lava; then you just have to let the game run for hours until it's moved high enough you can skip a bunch of the level. It's a beautiful and ridiculous challenge, and I love all the understanding of how Mario 64 works deep down (sometimes it barely does! but then again, I feel like it's incredibly impressive Nintendo managed to get it to work as well as it does on their first try in 3D!) we've gotten out of it.
Fascinating to do this with actual hardware, but... surely there's got to be a more direct way of doing this these days, right? Or... I guess it wouldn't be that surprising if emulators couldn't handle linking, given so few games made this much use out of it.
Comments 5
Re: Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles?
15/25. Fun, I like the leaderboard on this!
Re: Someone Has Just Beaten Super Mario 64 Without Pressing The A Button
IIRC, it's only possible on the Wii virtual console because of a small math error that means that one rising and sinking platform in Bowser in the Fire Sea ends up very, very, very slightly higher every time. So after a long while, Mario can just stand on it without it going back into the lava; then you just have to let the game run for hours until it's moved high enough you can skip a bunch of the level.
It's a beautiful and ridiculous challenge, and I love all the understanding of how Mario 64 works deep down (sometimes it barely does! but then again, I feel like it's incredibly impressive Nintendo managed to get it to work as well as it does on their first try in 3D!) we've gotten out of it.
Re: Unpacking The 64DD, Nintendo's Most Infamous Flop
@Coalescence the Virtual Boy at least gets the occasional reference, from Tomodachi to Labo to Luigi's Mansion 3. I think the 64DD's way more buried.
Re: Fans Have Made The Original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Playable Remotely
Fascinating to do this with actual hardware, but... surely there's got to be a more direct way of doing this these days, right? Or... I guess it wouldn't be that surprising if emulators couldn't handle linking, given so few games made this much use out of it.
Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?
@Crono1973 ... So that's why Breath of Fire 2's localization is so bad?