This looks amazing. I am not a shmup fan but I do have fond memories of NES shmups, especially those found on the wonderful and illegal xx-in-1 cartridges. They had a certain magic this seems to have as well, judging from the screenshots.
@EarthboundBenjy Yeah, S3 is bigger again, I think. But I did take my sweet, sweet time. There's also a fan translation of Suikogaiden 1 and 2, which have a story that takes place between 2 and 3, but it's a visual novel.
I helped a bit with the translation but once I finally had the opportunity to play I didn't get very far. VN's are not for me, it seems.
@EarthboundBenjy When you finish playing Suikoden 2, please give Suikoden 3 a chance.
Suikoden 3 is viewed as poorer than 1 and 2, but the story is yet another continuation of the stories started in 1 and 2. I can't say any more without potential spoilers, but finishing it made Suikoden 1 and 2 even better for me.
I actually had the game in my posession for a loooong time but as it was an import was somewhat of a hassle to play. I only started playing it about 2 years ago and let me tell you... I am so glad I finally did.
The story takes place some 15 or so years after 2, so me playing it 15 years later was pretty cool... even though I only finally finished 2 to completion for the first time just before that.
Yes, I am ashamed of that. I got near the end before but for some reason never finished it back then.
@sdelfin I couldn't get past the first boss in Metroid Prime on GC. The controls were horrid for me. RE4 felt slow on GC. Playing with Wiimote was instant greatness for me. But I can totally understand the opposite being true.
@shouryuuken Well, then I must at the very least add some nuance to my initial thoughts. Because if Mr. Culkin was comparing the machine to the NES, then the Turbografx, while still not very impressive in my eyes, does look better in the graphics department than the NES.
I really enjoy all these developer stories you have been publishing.
I recently bought Kairosoft's Game Dev Story (it was really cheap) and honestly... As simple as that game is, it perfectly captures the feelings that all these developer stories give me.
I enjoy coming up with silly names for my games, and try to create these elaborate "franchises" (which is not a requirement in the game but I enjoy it nevertheless) and all the stress that I can read in these articles of coming up with ideas and gambling on a franchise doing well can sort of be felt in that game.
Like, you are spending a ton of money on a game and then suddenly a competitor's new console is being released and you really want to start developing for that console but the cost of getting a dev kit is very high so you need to start saving up and start doing contract work but it really takes a lot of time so by the time you finally release your first game on that new console, another, newer console is being released.
It sounds stressful but it really isn't. It's an incredibly fun game and it makes reading these articles even more immersive, funnily enough.
So keep putting these articles up! They are such a wonderful insight into developing in the 80s, 90s and 00s.
I am not well versed in industry names, so I don't know who she was, but now my eyes have been set to those D&D modules and I kind of want to incorporate them into my games now. Pay a small tribute that way.
@RetroGames You hit the nail on the head. It looks AMAZING in screenshots (well, aside from that dorky gem), but as soon as it starts moving, you can feel it's nowhere near as polished.
Still, they could've struck gold here, and I am finding myself going back to the screenshots and wishing it was an actual game. If someone made something similar to this today, I would be all over it.
I recently started playing Mario RPG, and even though it's obviously a graphical upgrade, it still feels like the old school experience and it just feels RIGHT. I can totally see myself playing a new but old school action RPG like this and enjoying it greatly.
Interesting how there were very different versions. And a NES version looking like SMW.
Makes you wonder why Nintendo didn't take more time to skin out Mario in the first game. While iconic, I feel Mario was the least impressive animated sprite in there.
Well, if the Japanese developers don't even want tot touch it, maybe it's just not meant to be. 90s THQ though, ooff... their tie-ins had a charm, no doubt, but they weren't very good.
@species8472 Well, if that is the case, I hope he gets a lot of money and the buyer will be happy too. Far be it from me to have an opinion on the matter.
It's surprising to me, though, that these are so sought after, but then again, I never really liked the N64 era, so I have little nostalgia for these things. I preferred Playstation during that era. Not many N64 games I hold dear.
@species8472 I highly doubt these will be worth anything. If that be the case, so would my "custom" controller I customised with a black marker pen. This is a third party endeavour, so...
The guy thought N64 Magazine was an official Nintendo magazine. It wasn't.
@kennycottam You should see what they cost now. Think more along the lines of Pokemon game PLUS the machine to play it on.
@Teadog17 Warhammer Fantasy has direct links to D&D though, and was a sort of "what happens when the heroes and villains of D&D start leading armies". The magazine White Dwarf started out as a D&D magazine.
Total was my main magazine before I discovered Super Play. I adored Total and its absolute Britishness, but Super Play and their focus on Japanese games and most notably RPGs left the biggest impression on me.
Mind you, I was a Dutch kid living in the Netherlands, so these magazines had an added flair of exoticism to them for me, especially Super Play. We were fortunate most bookstores had a dedicated section for English magazines, so we got many of them.
Never expected an article about these two on a website like this one, but I am all here for it.
I miss 90s Games Workshop. I came into the hobby late 90s, and felt like GW was declining each and every year, especially around 2005 I think, where they completely dropped the creative part of the hobby (in my eyes) and focused completely on selling boxes. As if scratch building scenery and kitbashing models never even existed.
Pfffttt... I distinctly remember the promise of true free raomibg in Fable, and then me hitting an invisible wall on my way to a lovely looking spot.
Look, I don't mind constraints. In fact, I might prefer railroaded stories over free roaming ones in games. Just don't say your game does something it doesn't.
They popped up in the Netherlands a few years ago and I really dislike them. Way overpriced. I also dislike the styling of the stores. We have a different "boutique" store which I like a lot, not so much for second hand but they sell all the niche titles that you can't find in other stores.
But the magic is kind of gone. Everything is easily available online these days. I do miss those times, back when I was a kid, when I was lucky enough it was only an hour bike ride to find US imports like FF3 and Mario RPG.
Not very nice of you to remind us of all these masterpieces when they are very hard to come by. Luckily, I own a couple, though sadly I also sold a few, which I regret now.
I greatly prefer the 64 version over the GC version, which I always felt was too... nimble for lack of a better word. The 64 machines felt heavier to control, which felt way better.
@masterLEON Yeah it surprised me too. Doesn't sound like they would be massive sellers but hey, you can't ever be sure.
I haven't been interested in any yet, though Splatterhouse has piqued my interest. I remember one of the first magazines I ever bought had a feature on it, maybe Splatterhouse 2, I don't remember, but as I had a Nintendo but not a Sega, it would be one of those elusive things. I might just buy it simply to cater to my inner child, and finally play it.
This was a fun read. I never knew those two were the starters of Games Workshop. I WAS aware of two Steve Jacksons though.
I never got into these. I did find out about Lone Wolf through an app that had a lot of the stories (maybe all, not sure) for free and with integrated continuity, you kept all your items and stats and such between books, which was absolutely amazing to go through. I think I got up to book 6 or 7 or so. No cheating either, you had to restart if you died.
I looked it up and it is still available, look for Lone Wolf Saga. Definitely worth a try if you use Android, not sure if Apple has it.
@-wc- For very real. It has been scaring (scarring?) me for some time now. Time flies by at an insanse speed, and my memories are also all jumbled. Something that happened last year feels like 10 years ago, and some things 10 years ago feel like last year. It is dreadful.
This is truly a Time Extension article, seeing as the first comments here are well over ten years older than even the site this is hosted on!
I used to LOVE Super Play. As a Dutch kid, I was so happy that so many English magazines were available in Holland. I read Total before I found out about Super Play. I only had a few magazines but I read them to death. The Final Fantasy 6 segment was a thing of pure beauty.
I also loved Wil Overton's art. As someone who liked to draw animé, I was very thrilled when a picture of mine was featured in N64 Magazine, where he would later be the head art guy, and it was mentioned my piece was his favourite. That was definitely a highlight for me in my younger years.
Years later, several years ago, I decided to see what he was up to, found his website and sent him an e-mail, thanking him for liking my artwork many years before. He was so kind as to send me a reply and we had some back and forth e-mailing, which I thought was a really cool thing. He didn't have to do that. Truly a swell guy!
I still have the cutouts from the FF6 articles that I had. I didn't get all of them.
I still wonder how they got the Moogles that joined Locke in the beginning of the game in the World of Ruin, which they teased was a possibility. I guess I'll never know, maybe it was an April's Fools. Does anyone know?
Comments 252
Re: JRPG 'Breath Of Thunder' Could Come To The Jaguar, Saturn, N64 And (Reads Notes) Virtual Boy
@JDulay Hello developer! Cool that you take thr time to answer questions here.
So I have one. 3D graphics in RPG Maker 2003? How?!?
I NEED TO KNOW!! For obvious personal reasons haha.
Re: Don't Let This Awesome NES-Style Shmup Fly Under Your Radar
This looks amazing. I am not a shmup fan but I do have fond memories of NES shmups, especially those found on the wonderful and illegal xx-in-1 cartridges. They had a certain magic this seems to have as well, judging from the screenshots.
Re: The Making Of: Suikoden II, A JRPG To Match 'Game Of Thrones' In Intrigue And Impact
@EarthboundBenjy Yeah, S3 is bigger again, I think. But I did take my sweet, sweet time. There's also a fan translation of Suikogaiden 1 and 2, which have a story that takes place between 2 and 3, but it's a visual novel.
I helped a bit with the translation but once I finally had the opportunity to play I didn't get very far. VN's are not for me, it seems.
Re: The Making Of: Suikoden II, A JRPG To Match 'Game Of Thrones' In Intrigue And Impact
@EarthboundBenjy When you finish playing Suikoden 2, please give Suikoden 3 a chance.
Suikoden 3 is viewed as poorer than 1 and 2, but the story is yet another continuation of the stories started in 1 and 2. I can't say any more without potential spoilers, but finishing it made Suikoden 1 and 2 even better for me.
I actually had the game in my posession for a loooong time but as it was an import was somewhat of a hassle to play. I only started playing it about 2 years ago and let me tell you... I am so glad I finally did.
The story takes place some 15 or so years after 2, so me playing it 15 years later was pretty cool... even though I only finally finished 2 to completion for the first time just before that.
Yes, I am ashamed of that. I got near the end before but for some reason never finished it back then.
Re: Review: Under The Castle (Playdate) - An Essential Roguelike Adventure
Would you look at that, a rogue-like which actually deserves the moniker.
It looks neat.
Re: N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade Via Piko Interactive Collection 4
@Poodlestargenerica Sure, but they're not Street Racer, are they?
Re: N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade Via Piko Interactive Collection 4
Street Racer sequel when?
The 4 player split screen was pants but my oh my was it a fun game!!
Re: Poll: What Is Rare's Best Game?
Solar Jetman was theirs? Love that game. Wizards and Warriors too? Wow! Super Off Road? Mind blown! Didn't even know they existed pre-N64. Cool cool.
Re: New Bravoman Patch Addresses Its Notoriously Terrible TurboGrafx-16 Translation
I see nothing wrong with the original script. "I am Japanese telephone booth" sounds like pure poetry to me.
Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked
@sdelfin I couldn't get past the first boss in Metroid Prime on GC. The controls were horrid for me. RE4 felt slow on GC. Playing with Wiimote was instant greatness for me. But I can totally understand the opposite being true.
Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked
I really don't like the Wiimote for most games, but there really is only one way to play Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4.
Pure bliss and more immersive than VR, in my opinion.
Edit: Oh, and tennis, of course.
Re: Back In 1990, Macaulay Culkin Thought TurboGrafx-16 Was "Better Than Nintendo"
@shouryuuken Well, then I must at the very least add some nuance to my initial thoughts. Because if Mr. Culkin was comparing the machine to the NES, then the Turbografx, while still not very impressive in my eyes, does look better in the graphics department than the NES.
I'm still not sure I agree with him though.
Re: Dev Behind Cancelled 'Last Ninja 4' Might Be Showing Us Some Footage Soon
Maybe it wasn't fun, but the screenshots sure do look amazing for their time.
Re: Back In 1991, Macaulay Culkin Thought TurboGrafx-16 Was "Better Than Nintendo"
I've heard the name Turbografx-16 plenty of times, but I never actually saw anything of it in action, until this advert here.
Gotta say, Macauly Culkin doesn't know what he is talking about. SNES is clearly superior. Genesis too.
Re: "Can I Tell You How Happy I Am?" Says Judge After Settlement Of Billy Mitchell Vs Twin Galaxies Case
I'd be happy to never see that face again.
Re: 20 Years After Atari's E.T., Another Company Made The Same Mistake
I really enjoy all these developer stories you have been publishing.
I recently bought Kairosoft's Game Dev Story (it was really cheap) and honestly... As simple as that game is, it perfectly captures the feelings that all these developer stories give me.
I enjoy coming up with silly names for my games, and try to create these elaborate "franchises" (which is not a requirement in the game but I enjoy it nevertheless) and all the stress that I can read in these articles of coming up with ideas and gambling on a franchise doing well can sort of be felt in that game.
Like, you are spending a ton of money on a game and then suddenly a competitor's new console is being released and you really want to start developing for that console but the cost of getting a dev kit is very high so you need to start saving up and start doing contract work but it really takes a lot of time so by the time you finally release your first game on that new console, another, newer console is being released.
It sounds stressful but it really isn't. It's an incredibly fun game and it makes reading these articles even more immersive, funnily enough.
So keep putting these articles up! They are such a wonderful insight into developing in the 80s, 90s and 00s.
Re: Game Designer Jennell Jaquays Has Passed Away Aged 67
I am not well versed in industry names, so I don't know who she was, but now my eyes have been set to those D&D modules and I kind of want to incorporate them into my games now. Pay a small tribute that way.
Well wishes to all those she left behind.
Re: One Of The World's Most Obscure Consoles, The Casio Loopy, Gets Its Own Flash Cart
That is kind of amazing. And the name of the product is obviously brilliant.
I don't own a Loopy, unfortunately. I also did not know of its existence up until two minutes ago.
Re: The Making Of: Witchwood, Team17's Abandoned Zelda Rival
@RetroGames You hit the nail on the head. It looks AMAZING in screenshots (well, aside from that dorky gem), but as soon as it starts moving, you can feel it's nowhere near as polished.
Still, they could've struck gold here, and I am finding myself going back to the screenshots and wishing it was an actual game. If someone made something similar to this today, I would be all over it.
I recently started playing Mario RPG, and even though it's obviously a graphical upgrade, it still feels like the old school experience and it just feels RIGHT. I can totally see myself playing a new but old school action RPG like this and enjoying it greatly.
Re: The Making Of: BMX XXX - "We Were Building This Beautiful Skate Park And Ended Up With A Strip Club"
@Guitario My thoughts too. Has a way better ring to it.
Not that it would've given them any more sales though, haha.
Re: The Making Of: Mario Is Missing, The Plumber's Oddest Adventure
Interesting how there were very different versions. And a NES version looking like SMW.
Makes you wonder why Nintendo didn't take more time to skin out Mario in the first game. While iconic, I feel Mario was the least impressive animated sprite in there.
Re: Random: Mario Mascot Costume Photo Recreated 34 Years Later
@nukatha @Damo or did you mean reroasted?
Anyways, cute story!
Re: Flashback: How An American Businessman Tried To Turn Akira Into A Blockbuster Game
Well, if the Japanese developers don't even want tot touch it, maybe it's just not meant to be. 90s THQ though, ooff... their tie-ins had a charm, no doubt, but they weren't very good.
Re: Best 3DO Games Of All Time
I was like, excuse me where is Escape from Cyber City but that was on the OTHER failed console.
Re: This Super Rare N64 Controller Could Fetch £1000 At Auction
@species8472 Well, if that is the case, I hope he gets a lot of money and the buyer will be happy too. Far be it from me to have an opinion on the matter.
It's surprising to me, though, that these are so sought after, but then again, I never really liked the N64 era, so I have little nostalgia for these things. I preferred Playstation during that era. Not many N64 games I hold dear.
Re: This Super Rare N64 Controller Could Fetch £1000 At Auction
@species8472 I highly doubt these will be worth anything. If that be the case, so would my "custom" controller I customised with a black marker pen. This is a third party endeavour, so...
The guy thought N64 Magazine was an official Nintendo magazine. It wasn't.
But if I am wrong, happy for the guy!
Re: R-Type Final 2 Dev Granzella Is Rebooting Jaleco's Formation Z
Oooh I seem to remember playing the original on one of those illegal muliticarts.
Good times!
Re: Best NES Games Of All Time
@mandlecreed You jest, but I hold that game in very high regards. I love it.
Re: Pokémon "Toy Fad" Had A Negative Impact On Warhammer Maker Games Workshop
@kennycottam You should see what they cost now. Think more along the lines of Pokemon game PLUS the machine to play it on.
@Teadog17 Warhammer Fantasy has direct links to D&D though, and was a sort of "what happens when the heroes and villains of D&D start leading armies". The magazine White Dwarf started out as a D&D magazine.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Ultima Game?
Ultima 7 for me, though Online gets a very honorable mention.
Re: The Making Of: TOTAL!, The Nintendo Magazine That Had To Be Made In Secret
Total was my main magazine before I discovered Super Play. I adored Total and its absolute Britishness, but Super Play and their focus on Japanese games and most notably RPGs left the biggest impression on me.
Mind you, I was a Dutch kid living in the Netherlands, so these magazines had an added flair of exoticism to them for me, especially Super Play. We were fortunate most bookstores had a dedicated section for English magazines, so we got many of them.
Re: Pokémon "Toy Fad" Had A Negative Impact On Warhammer Maker Games Workshop
Never expected an article about these two on a website like this one, but I am all here for it.
I miss 90s Games Workshop. I came into the hobby late 90s, and felt like GW was declining each and every year, especially around 2005 I think, where they completely dropped the creative part of the hobby (in my eyes) and focused completely on selling boxes. As if scratch building scenery and kitbashing models never even existed.
I must be in my grognard phase.
Re: Triple Jump Is A New Multi-Cart Featuring 3 NES Platformers
This news kind of makes me miss my Supervision 31-in-1 cart. Magical times.
Re: Peter Molyneux Expresses "Regret" For Hyping His Games, But Feels He Was Just Doing His Job
Pfffttt... I distinctly remember the promise of true free raomibg in Fable, and then me hitting an invisible wall on my way to a lovely looking spot.
Look, I don't mind constraints. In fact, I might prefer railroaded stories over free roaming ones in games. Just don't say your game does something it doesn't.
Re: NES Endings Compendium Vol. 1: 1985-89 - The End Is In Sight
The book in hardcore. Well... yeah, all NES games were hardcore.
I do love unintentionally great typos.
Reading this makes me want to play and finish some NES games. Reaching those endings was definitely magical, maybe even more so than post NES era.
Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery
They popped up in the Netherlands a few years ago and I really dislike them. Way overpriced. I also dislike the styling of the stores. We have a different "boutique" store which I like a lot, not so much for second hand but they sell all the niche titles that you can't find in other stores.
But the magic is kind of gone. Everything is easily available online these days. I do miss those times, back when I was a kid, when I was lucky enough it was only an hour bike ride to find US imports like FF3 and Mario RPG.
But those days are long gone.
Re: Best PS2 RPGs Of All Time
Not very nice of you to remind us of all these masterpieces when they are very hard to come by. Luckily, I own a couple, though sadly I also sold a few, which I regret now.
Re: Anniversary: F-Zero X Is 25 Today
I greatly prefer the 64 version over the GC version, which I always felt was too... nimble for lack of a better word. The 64 machines felt heavier to control, which felt way better.
Re: Meet The Unsung Pioneer Behind The Most Hated Zelda Games Of All Time
This comment section feels like we're using the Ocarina of Time, haha.
Re: The Making Of: Fighting Fantasy - The Million-Selling Gamebook Series
@Rambler Not sure how violent they are compared to FF, but I loved playing them on my phone, that much I know.
Re: "It's Like A Dream" - Hamster President Satoshi Hamada On The Success Of Arcade Archives
@masterLEON Yeah it surprised me too. Doesn't sound like they would be massive sellers but hey, you can't ever be sure.
I haven't been interested in any yet, though Splatterhouse has piqued my interest. I remember one of the first magazines I ever bought had a feature on it, maybe Splatterhouse 2, I don't remember, but as I had a Nintendo but not a Sega, it would be one of those elusive things. I might just buy it simply to cater to my inner child, and finally play it.
Re: The Making Of: Fighting Fantasy - The Million-Selling Gamebook Series
This was a fun read. I never knew those two were the starters of Games Workshop. I WAS aware of two Steve Jacksons though.
I never got into these. I did find out about Lone Wolf through an app that had a lot of the stories (maybe all, not sure) for free and with integrated continuity, you kept all your items and stats and such between books, which was absolutely amazing to go through. I think I got up to book 6 or 7 or so. No cheating either, you had to restart if you died.
I looked it up and it is still available, look for Lone Wolf Saga. Definitely worth a try if you use Android, not sure if Apple has it.
Re: Anniversary: Henshin-A-Go-Go, Baby! Viewtiful Joe Turns 20 Today
@-wc- For very real. It has been scaring (scarring?) me for some time now. Time flies by at an insanse speed, and my memories are also all jumbled. Something that happened last year feels like 10 years ago, and some things 10 years ago feel like last year. It is dreadful.
Re: Kumagumi's Awesome Range Of Batsugun Merchandise Includes A $350 Rug
Yeah, I mean, why not, right? Sillier stuff has been sold for way more
Re: The Making Of: Super Play, The Japan-Obsessed SNES Magazine That Inspired A Generation
This is truly a Time Extension article, seeing as the first comments here are well over ten years older than even the site this is hosted on!
I used to LOVE Super Play. As a Dutch kid, I was so happy that so many English magazines were available in Holland. I read Total before I found out about Super Play. I only had a few magazines but I read them to death. The Final Fantasy 6 segment was a thing of pure beauty.
I also loved Wil Overton's art. As someone who liked to draw animé, I was very thrilled when a picture of mine was featured in N64 Magazine, where he would later be the head art guy, and it was mentioned my piece was his favourite. That was definitely a highlight for me in my younger years.
Years later, several years ago, I decided to see what he was up to, found his website and sent him an e-mail, thanking him for liking my artwork many years before. He was so kind as to send me a reply and we had some back and forth e-mailing, which I thought was a really cool thing. He didn't have to do that. Truly a swell guy!
I still have the cutouts from the FF6 articles that I had. I didn't get all of them.
I still wonder how they got the Moogles that joined Locke in the beginning of the game in the World of Ruin, which they teased was a possibility. I guess I'll never know, maybe it was an April's Fools. Does anyone know?
Re: A Near-Legendary Castlevania Beta Has Just Been Shared Online
@Elvie Not just Castlevania. They basically mistreat their entire legacy by now.
Re: Feature: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
I LOVED my Game Genie. Glitching out Super Mario was fun as heck.
Re: Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters Are Back In Physical Form, And They Look Amazing
Somebody set us up the Collector's Edition.
Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series
Gargoyle's Quest was one of my first GB games and I LOVED it. So much atmosphere.
Re: Evercade Retro System To Receive Oliver Twins Collection Cartridge, All Profits Will Go To Charity
Man. Never played Dizzy but read a review in Total magazine for one of them about a million times hoping to play it. Never got around it