Just backed this as want the physical book plus looked like already at over 100k of only 25k needed...
EGM was a great magazine with an American twist back in the 90s, wall to wall game previews, and screenshots, import reviews, Sushi X , the unique review format, and The Quartermaster rumours section...so good they ended up releasing two magazines a month!
Looks like EDGE's sister magazine in terms of design sensibility, will take it for a spin but at £25 it better be good, as you can get an entire book for that price!
In a world where a revamp of this game goes ahead despite 25 year film anniversary, yet we are still waiting on official HD revamps of the 1990s amazing X Wing series of games, maybe there is such a thing as bad nostalgia after all...
Looks like Sir Demis got it for Chemistry technically, as a result of the Protein and Alphafold mapping AI work though...this one is hugely deserved IMO...
Unsurprising for his work in AI especially mapping proteins guy is a genius...Herman Nerula will be knighted at some point in the future too IMO if he continues on this track with "Improbable".......
Tracked down a 3DS mint jet black eventually, as hard to find in this day and age, as released during my sabbatical from 2008-2022. Had lots of fun with it, still to play Kid Icarus but got back into DS undiscovered gems like Miami Crisis by Hudson a sort of adventure detective game, with Confidential Mission sections from SEGA. If ANBERNIC make this new model in metal eventually will take a look...always been impressed with their hardware output.
To be frank the UK in 80s/90s even early 00s were "world leaders" in computing and console creation and publishing... the fact so many talented coders/artists and developers plus writers now work worldwide is proof of this...
Plus many more, its a real shame EIDOS was in the end bought by Square Enix to remove the last UK publishing outlet..would be helpful to have one large international publisher left in UK hands...
Just got a combo special edition of Super R Type and R Type 3 Third Lightening from Retrobits for USA SNES NTSC actually with art cards, book, pin badges and authentication certificate plus a very lovely nice replica SNES box with new artwork, and a storage box for everything, only 2000-3000 made though.
If companies put the work and effort in physical is easily great and the only way to go... it is one of the nicest editions I have now.
Would buy a complete boxed Micro Machines Die Cast line of Video Game Consoles from Galoob/Hasbro in boxes of three old school style from 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s to present day...
Nintendo Series Sega Series NEC Series SNK Series SONY Series Microsoft Series
Do not give them ideas... and worringly enough to be highly plausible giving the way monetization of content/experiences is going in terms of direction of travel!
Do not own a Switch amazingly at present even though huge Nintendo fan as took large break from gaming for like 15 years to concentrate on career until pandemic regenerated interest but mainly in retro scene resurgence...
Swithered about black and white OLED model may as well wait for Switch part deux if going to be backward compatible before starting collection now...
Thanks for clarification on Mana games on platform had a little peak here and saw Square Enix uses a screenshot of the amazing giant crab in Secret of Mana 2 that I recalled from the Superplay issue to advertise it to this day! Impressive Boss takes up entire screen!
You should definitely give it another shot to finish the Area 88 fight! It has a nice end sequence and last boss will make you feel like you have accomplished something on its destruction for sure!
The best way to beat the late Cave Level as boss hit point is in tricky position is to use second best plane the YF23 which is easier to aquire early as cheaper $$$$ if you save up and are able to get through first third quickly with original jet...
I nearly always kept the original standard plane the F8E, saved everything as early levels need few specials do some bonus money missions, to raise extra funds then upgraded straight to second best plane the YF23 by 1/3rd way through usually just before or after the Jungle or Battleship or Desert levels depending on your level route choice sequence, as best for all remaing levels.
Then use the diagonal vertical add on weapons upgrade to hit Cave Boss Machine sweet spot that is directly above you from the left of the screen constantly as rapid fire...
It has the most ammo and multiple units so can really make a dent to red on the energy circle in no time. Fly carefully on the left of screen and navigate watching screen scroll and attacking it from the left diagonally up to the right, refreshing units each time they run out of ammo, dies in absolutely no time..
You should have enough cash if collected the secret bonus money stars and completed all the missions then to aquire the very best plane for the final level the F200 and definitely easier with all the special weapons and larger ammo cache for the gigantic boss!..
...that is what is actually really cool about Area 88/UN Squadron everbody creates their own different tactics and level choices to get through each phase or stages of the game on SNES with multiple different plane plus weapon options and routes...plus try to finish the game with just the Tomcat for example...
Only really X-Out by Rainbow Arts on Amiga of that era has as much weapon customization or Xenon 2...
Recall speaking to Stuart Campbell at the Future Entertainment Show long time ago now in 90s and his favourite was to upgrade to the A10 Tank Killer plane to use the front and diagonal strafing attack for any ground units to early on, to get through most of game for example...
Got to regional final in my neck of woods, actually in the whole country technically as UN Squadron was one of the games they selected to use for heats, so I thought great!
In end I stupidly suggested we get one life only in the regional finals, after Stuart set it to "Gamer Mode" difficulty with a smile in the play off. That was fine as had been training on that level just in case!
An older chap of about 18 as I was only like 14, ended up using the Megacrush special just in time a split second before he died to gain more points otherwise I was through to the final three where you played on Amiga, SNES and Megadrive games to reach London...
Totally gutted to this day! I think it was Zool and Sonic the other games for the heats, maybe something different for Sega as why have two platformers, perhaps Road Rash!
Personally I blame it on training on an NTSC machine that was 17.5% faster...it did make a vast difference, having to downgrade to PAL in terms of what you can and cannot do actually with response times and movements...PAL machines are unplayable to me, having grown up with an import console.
I could have been the "Ask Allan" of Superplay if only they had used NTSC machines...
Thanks for the link that is amazing made my weekend! Enjoyed reading your comment. Never heard this remix!
Need to pick up a Japanese copy for the artwork actually for the last 12 months, but relatively inexpensive SFC games are so much lower in cost to purchase than USA or PAL due to not being in English, but some of the cover art is 100 times better on the Japanese version for sure than Western efforts...
If Capcom ever eventually get around to releasing a third game to complete the trilogy I will be very pleased...
Got a graded copy of it from States last year, my first one ever and then found a mint sealed copy in even better condition. A sealed edition went a few years ago for approx $1000 dollars so great investment to be honest and might send my sealed copy away to CGC or WATA eventually.
Have a premium metal Anbernic device to play Area 88 Arcade as it is obviously totally different to SNES conversion plus the same with Carrier Airwing for me in terms of wanting to play it at home.
Played it religiously in 90s in the arcades as it was excluive back then and Capcom Arcade Stadium was the first home conversion ever I think as I do not believe it ever appeared on any Capcom compilations before then.
Even purchased a mint copy during pandemic of Mean Machines edition with it on the cover as that was the first review ever read of it that I drooled over for 6 months...and the CRT screenshoots by Rignall and his team were the very best out of all the magazines, something about their capture system I recall reading elsewhere same for their SF2 review issue, it looked genuinely like the arcade in that edition with their 8 page review.
94% as well rated in Mean Machines, easily best horizontal shooter on system. Have to go with Space Megaforce/Super Aleste as close second for pure unadulterated vertical action.
I think it is something about the anime/manga origins and Capcom art style plus sprite work its customisation, playability and setting that make it really stand out as a 10/10 for me, with multiple routes to the endpoint in terms of plane options, weapons choices, hidden secrets and amazing bosses plus Top Gun feel...
@KingMike ...mentioned Secret of Mana 2 as probably biggest high profile release that was never localised at time bar Final Fantasy 5.
Still recall it being covered in Superplay and the cover issue then the mass dissappointment by readers when announced Square had decided it was Japan only as graphics looked utterly amazing, some of the best sprite art ever on the console like the big crab boss pictured in the preview issue. Plus Mana was a genuinely loved title by fans in 90s, like Link to the Past as a special game, and rarer action title, with unique play mechanics system.
We did got some other titles, Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, Secret of Evermore in end yet lots of money left on table by Square and Enix in 90s due to costs and much more importantly time needed for a full English translation.
Only so many resources back then and teams working, as back then usually the full Japanese to English translation was done by just one or two individuals.
The game has been localised officially in English now as I think there is a Switch collection of Mana games with a graphical update of the original in 3D plus the 16 bit originals added with it, so its already done beyond the original fan translations for playing on ZSNES.
Would make a nice 30th anniversary release if done physically for USA SNES and even PAL customers as one of few Square Enix games that got a European release. I think there was even a really nice big box version of Mana ala Metroid, Bomberman, Lethal Enforcers and Earthbound released exclusively in Germany with a players guide that is quite rare.
Only way to get it for SNES in English with a manual and maps plus posters is a reproduction. Some of these are actually amazing though in quality. There is a guy in Spain that makes Grade AAA SNES games with all inserts and posters for unreleased games, mainly RPGs, but in the end it is not an official product still...
Got a 1990s style boxed Starfox 2 recently with cart and instructions in this style and really nice artwork plus extras that looks truly great as another example of a high profile title that could be done officially easily by Nintendo for a little effort and cost plus sold at a premium.
Plugging the chunky Super FX cartridge with extra connector tabs in, and pressing the power button on, then playing this game natively on original 1990s SNES is even better than the Mini!
@AJB83 Just got a combo special edition of Super R Type and R Type 3 Third Lightening from Retrobits for USA SNES NTSC with art cards, book, pin badges and authentication certificate plus a very lovely nice replica SNES box with new artwork, and a storage box for everything, only 2000-3000 made though.
If companies put the work and effort in physical is easily great and the only way to go... it is actually one of the nicest editions I have now.
Definitely still a market for these type of games as well. Gamers still want to own stuff if lived through 70s, 80s, 90s eras.
The day Nintendo removed instruction books for 3DS was a dark one though...
Yes totally agreed regarding new original games for old systems.
If Capcom made an official Carrier Airwing version for SNES with reformatted levels and bonus missions like the SNES original I am dropping $200-300 on that easy for an authentic SNES cartridge and box in the 1990s style... there is totally a market for games like this now and they should be done officially not by third parties...
Development cost would be low, back catalogue of arcade and 16 bit plus CPS systems for conversion, charge at premium price, with some extras, its literally a license to print money for Capcom, Konami, Square Enix even Nintendo and Sega if they got their finger out for SNES and Megadrive/Genesis.
Secret of Mana 2 officially getting a boxed SNES western English release is a prime example, nevermind Bahamut Lagoon, Final Fantasy 5, Romancing Saga, Alcahest and everything else we never got translated as well officially back in the day...
Time for the industry to realise that its been around for 50 plus years and not everybody has the time or even inclination to play open world, collectathon, day one patched, DLC, Micro Transactioned to death year long season games on 32K high end screens plugged into your brain, being broadcast simultaneously via Twitch...
I want one right now, recently bought a USA SNES NTSC version of Super Gameboy blind that did not function in end so have the correct cartridge shell.
If they or anyone provides a service to send shell in and do the work = ££££££/$$$$$$$, so get on it if you are a smart buisness!
Still have a Sinclair Spectrum power pack expertly soldered for me in 1992 by my engineering neighbour for my USA SNES NTSC bought in San Diego with Mario World system, Steetfighter 2 when it was released on day one in June/July, UN Squadron, and F Zero that works to this day!
I still vividly recall the retail outlet got SNES system from as it was on the border near Mexico, tax free as well, so substantial savings for USA residents by about 20%.
It was literally the buisest I have ever seen a games shop ever at that point, as everyone was coming in to buy Streetfighter on day one taking time off work, must have been one of the first instances of this phenonemon, maybe Mario 3 predates it.
$65 with exchange rate at £1 = $2 meant half price games for a 12 year old that had saved up all his pocket money for 12 months and washed loads of neighbours cars Spring/early Summer before vacation to get everything I wanted.
First and best console as well ever after just having an Acorn and Amiga computers!
Saved quite a bit on grey importers charging £100 for SF2 back in the day!
Going through customs with the boxed system under my arm and games in suitcase, expertly packed to prevent damage was the most nervous I have ever felt as a kid, my face would have dropped if they stopped me!
Then the wait for the soldering and getting correct leads from Shekhana Consoles in the mail for the Phillips 8833 Mk II Monitor and expanded the screen at the back to make SF2 full screen and running at full speed 17.5% faster than the unplayable PAL ports! Having an NTSC system back then was the height of cool!
So many amazing games first 12 months of SNES in USA from September 91 to Autumn 92.
Mario World
F Zero
Super Ghouls n Ghosts
UN Squadron
Super Castlevania IV
Zelda III Link to Past
Mystical Ninja
Streetfighter 2
Super Mario Kart
Even more forgotten no doubt, best first year launch line up of all time for a console IMO!
I just bought the official Nintendo Super Gameboy colour guide actually as well with big features on likes of Metroid, Links Awakening, Mario Land 2, and detailed visual instructions guide plus troubleshooting section. Very nice.
Plus just got a minty jet black Gameboy Colour yesterday with 12 month warranty from one of the best retro shops in UK!
Looking for link to top Original Gameboy games now on Time Extension as these console best of lists are great for collecting checklist. Ah here it is...
This looks pretty neat, especially artistically, with strong Ranger X vibes from the Megadrive 16 bit era with a HD anime reshine, crossed with a bit of Cybernator and Evangelion!
Thank you for this will read now while having a mocha. Loved that magazine back in 90s for the weekly hit, plus surprised at how big it was at 50 pages. There is a lot in each issue plus standard of fun and enthusiasm is lacking overall in writing online these days or indeed in any print magazine that is left. (Time extension is great though!)
Supercars 2 review in the preview issue as well by Magnetic Fields. You guys need to do a feature on them and push for HD remixes of Supercars and Lotus Trilogy.
More of a progenitor of what was to come with the internet revolution in games journalism and daily 24 hr updates was Games X!
Here is the first question on origins of the Bitmap Bros...
Ok Eric so how did you get involved in creating games?
"When I was at art college studying sculpture I met a computer games programmer who asked me to draw some computer game graphics. I did graphic freelance for a bit and then around 87-88 Mike, Steve and I decided rather than writing games for other people we would get together and do our own thing. So Xenon was our first creation."
Never played Cadaver, only game in Bitmap softography missed I think and forgot there was an extra dungeon add on disc with more levels as well! Trying to think of other 16 bit isometric RPG in this style, Immortal from EA, Shadowlands from Domark with the lighting was great, Equinox on SNES, Hero Quest board game adaption by Gremlin...probably loads more.
In other news just got a copy of the preview edition of Games X and issue 1 of the magazine, the weekly one for 60p from Interactive Publishing.
Puts most modern journalism to shame but it did have a Bitmap three page feature spread with Betty Boo and Bomb The Bass entitled "What do Betty Boo, Rhythm King Records and the Bitmap Bros all have in common?"...plus interview questions with Eric Matthews.
No obligatory black and white shot of developers in sunglasses with a helicopter in background though! I will enjoy reading this more than Edge this month!
Hybris and Battle Squadron were some of the first games I ever played on the Amiga at a friend's house and it really felt like an arcade experience at home during the early 90s as those titles were extremely well done. Amazing intro sequence music for Squadron as well. Way back when EA were still producing great games!
Looks really nice, trying to think of other Amiga shooters that need a remix upgrade now this and X Out are on way.
Hybris, Battle Squadron, Xenon 2 for sure. As Romanista said Apidya, then Silkworm and SWIV would be nice as would Z Out, Banshee, Menace, Blood Money, Disposable Hero, Datastorm, the Defender clone, oh and an HD Agony with new levels and art plus piano music would be amazing today!
For you Rachael Hutchinson the moment you were mentioned online by the country of Japan was the greatest day in your life for every other Streetfighter fan in the world it was Friday!
I recall the early to mid 90s as being a really interesting time for hardware unlike the standardisation we have today. With the advent of CD technology and experiments elsewhere we got the transition from 16 bit computers and consoles. Just of the top of my head there was the 3DO Mega CD, 32X, PC Engine Duo CD, CDTV, NEC 32 bit, Neo Geo CD, Hyper Neo Geo 64, Pippen, FM Towns Marty, Saturn, Playstation , CD32, Atari Falcon, Amiga 1200, N64 eventually, probably a fair few I have forgotten and loads of hardware on handheld as well. Really was a battleground for supremacy and a unique period in the industry. Interesting times indeed. I knew nobody that had a 3DO here in the UK though.
@Blast16 Far too many in the end. I had a very big collection of Dreamcast games way more than Gamecube or PS2 of that generation by a long distance due to the low cost of the titles on clearance. Plus Dreamcast games and video game prices during Covid really spiked especially in great condition. I saw a set of 10 boxed SNES NTSC USA games go for crazy money 700+ on all of them with titles like R Type 3 and others. There was a lot of extra money floating around and with people trapped in homes looking for stuff to do lots of online activity. Prices seemed to have settled down a little, but overall market has certainly grown and interest plus prices in general have went up.
@UK_Kev I could not believe the prices around early to Easter 2001 for SEGA stuff. The console itself was only 49.95 if I recall brand new. Yet the prices in Game itself getting rid of their stock as if it was a fire sale were absolutely ridiculous, like a few pounds to 5-10 pounds for every game. Capcom classic after classic, Powerstone 1 and 2 yes please, 3rd Strike for 7.95, how can I say no to that, Code Veronica for 4.95 why not and Gunbird add it on as well! Project Justice, Tech Romancer, Giga Wing, Mars Matrix, Plasma Sword, Cannon Spike and many more Capcom really supported Dreamcast very well as a developer.
Ended up with an extra controller 2 VMUs RGB cable console and like 40 odd games then started going to different stores for new games every week to bolster collection, as everybody just seemed to want to move it quickly as if it was worthless now for some reason.
Never got the fishing controller, lightgun or Samba Maraccas though Really crazy time but great for Dreamcast vultures like me as I ended up calling the people that never supported SEGA from day one, as it was an undiscovered treasure chest of fun. Only wish I had bought multiple copies of everything at those prices now.
Back in early 2000s games were still about 50 at end of N64 era minimum or more on cartridge, and PS2 prices were 40+, just got a Gamecube from States as well at end of 2001, with similar cost for new titles. Older PS1 games were cheaper plus greatest hits as well as Saturn stuff if you could find it, the Amiga was dead and PC games were still relatively expensive so this steady stream of AAA Dreamcast games, paricularly the SEGA output and Arcade conversions were more than welcome...
I bought one when it was discounted, just shy of when SEGA pulled out of hardware market officially in early 2001 after receiving a welcome tax rebate and hoovered up every game I could and got all the classics. Rez, Outrigger, Skies of Arcadia, Streetfighter 3rd Strike, Marvel vs Capcom, Alpha 3, Gunbird, Shenmue 1 and 2, Daytona, Soul Calibur, I mean everything at bargain basement prices. So I was one of the people that did not buy in until it was too late. Really a great library of exclusive games on that console.
Liquidated it during Covid when everybody had furlough money and video game prices spiked and must have made in excess of 8-10k on everything from about 400 spent. Best money ever put down in Game of all places and I loved the console in the end with many happy memories plus complimented my Gamecube well. Did not even try out the PS2 until 2005 but never had same connection for me as the Nintendo or Sega consoles of that generation.
With emulation improving monthly so much on handhelds and the ability to recreate 128 bit hardware it was a no brainer in end. I have sneakily looked on ebay to get another console though with pangs of regret, might play Rez HD tonight. 25 years though time flys!
Why I have never heard or even seen at any arcade I visited in the 90s this horror themed scrolling gem. Original art style looks great/best and reminds me a little of Beast Busters the Operation Wolf shooter by SNK that had a sequel on the Hyper Neo Geo and a portable Neo Geo.Pocket game I just found out about Dark Arms: Beast Buster. First ever three player Op Wolf clone ever as well apparently the original arcade machine. I am trying to think of other Alien/horror themed scrollers beat em ups from the 90s Splatterhouse obviously, Darkstalkers, Alien Storm, Aliens arcade from Konami there must be many more I am forgetting.
I read the headline thinking/hoping it might be a cool new gameshow ala Cyberzone or Robot Wars presented by none other than Craig Charles cashing in on the AI craze buzz. Film sounds fun yet left with my hopes unfufilled!
I am confused what does this product actually do? Never heard of a power bank is it like an alternative power source for a console? Okay after some quick research it charges stuff or am I missing the obvious...
Begs a question many Michael Mann films would make great games actually. Collateral, Thief, Manhunter, Mohicans even The Insider or Ali, The Keep to Public Enemies. I think there was a tie in game for the Miami Vice film which reminds me of Miami Chase by Codemasters from 1990 the game that arrived a full decade nearly before GTA but is totally forgotten about now as the originator of that genre. Please do a feature on this game and the coders Time Extension.
Definitely will purchase. Just looking through ebay yesterday at Last Ninja Remix editions for 60 each on Amiga. The bonus content on Ninja 4 and IK++ sounds awesome as well. Pixel perfect jumps and infuriation here we come and death by lava nostalgia
@Moochy I just finished volume 2 of this after reading number 1 decades ago. Starts off strong but is a bit all over the place as the 360 era arrives in second half trying to cover too much ground in terms of years and misses out on some significant stuff as a result I thought.
Loads of books about at the moment both coffee table glossy ones and text heavy ones. Have still to read Britsoft, Japansoft plus 50 Years of the Console by Mike Diver amongst others plus definitely want that Run and Gun one.
Fingers crossed for a glossy coffee table Cinemaware book someday I guess, and if anybody has any Amiga/Computer recommendations or Capcom centric ones speak up!
Comments 168
Re: Windjammers' Sega Mega Drive / Genesis Port Is Making Some Incredible Progress
@samuelvictor Hi just wanted to say enjoyed reading all your informative comments on this topic!
Re: New EGM Compendium Project Announced To Celebrate History Of The Iconic Magazine
Just backed this as want the physical book plus looked like already at over 100k of only 25k needed...
EGM was a great magazine with an American twist back in the 90s, wall to wall game previews, and screenshots, import reviews, Sushi X , the unique review format, and The Quartermaster rumours section...so good they ended up releasing two magazines a month!
Re: Hands On: ON Is A Scholarly New Bookazine Created By Some Of The Best Writers In Video Games
Looks like EDGE's sister magazine in terms of design sensibility, will take it for a spin but at £25 it better be good, as you can get an entire book for that price!
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
In a world where a revamp of this game goes ahead despite 25 year film anniversary, yet we are still waiting on official HD revamps of the 1990s amazing X Wing series of games, maybe there is such a thing as bad nostalgia after all...
Re: The Co-Creator Of Theme Park Just Won A Nobel Prize
Looks like Sir Demis got it for Chemistry technically, as a result of the Protein and Alphafold mapping AI work though...this one is hugely deserved IMO...
Re: The Co-Creator Of Theme Park Just Won A Nobel Prize
Unsurprising for his work in AI especially mapping proteins guy is a genius...Herman Nerula will be knighted at some point in the future too IMO if he continues on this track with "Improbable".......
Re: Leaked Handheld Could Be The Perfect Way To Play Nintendo DS Games In 2024
Tracked down a 3DS mint jet black eventually, as hard to find in this day and age, as released during my sabbatical from 2008-2022. Had lots of fun with it, still to play Kid Icarus but got back into DS undiscovered gems like Miami Crisis by Hudson a sort of adventure detective game, with Confidential Mission sections from SEGA. If ANBERNIC make this new model in metal eventually will take a look...always been impressed with their hardware output.
Re: Sega's OutRun Gets Fan-Made Lego Kit, And It Could Become A Reality
Haha they should create an entire official series/line of these!
Re: Interview: "We Were World Leaders" - The History Of System 3 And The Last Ninja
Shinobi 3DS from SEGA is worth a whirl but not in the same ilk as the Last Ninja series in the end, but enjoyable...
Re: Interview: "We Were World Leaders" - The History Of System 3 And The Last Ninja
Great article thank you for this...
To be frank the UK in 80s/90s even early 00s were "world leaders" in computing and console creation and publishing... the fact so many talented coders/artists and developers plus writers now work worldwide is proof of this...
Plus many more, its a real shame EIDOS was in the end bought by Square Enix to remove the last UK publishing outlet..would be helpful to have one large international publisher left in UK hands...
Re: Unofficial Sega Genesis R-Type Port Is Getting Closer To Release
Just got a combo special edition of Super R Type and R Type 3 Third Lightening from Retrobits for USA SNES NTSC actually with art cards, book, pin badges and authentication certificate plus a very lovely nice replica SNES box with new artwork, and a storage box for everything, only 2000-3000 made though.
If companies put the work and effort in physical is easily great and the only way to go... it is one of the nicest editions I have now.
Worth tracking down...
Re: Square Enix Announces Sega Genesis, Saturn And Dreamcast Die-Cast Miniatures
Would buy a complete boxed Micro Machines Die Cast line of Video Game Consoles from Galoob/Hasbro in boxes of three old school style from 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s to present day...
Nintendo Series
Sega Series
NEC Series
SNK Series
SONY Series
Microsoft Series
You get the idea...
These Square Enix ones are neat!
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@Zuljaras Thank you!
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@Zuljaras Have a question are image links only allowed for supporters is that one of the perks of supportimg Time Extension?
Re: Genesis Shmup Earthion Looks Incredible In This New TGS 2024 Footage
Thunderforce crossed with something more like Hellfire looks promising!
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
Do not give them ideas... and worringly enough to be highly plausible giving the way monetization of content/experiences is going in terms of direction of travel!
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
Do not own a Switch amazingly at present even though huge Nintendo fan as took large break from gaming for like 15 years to concentrate on career until pandemic regenerated interest but mainly in retro scene resurgence...
Swithered about black and white OLED model may as well wait for Switch part deux if going to be backward compatible before starting collection now...
Thanks for clarification on Mana games on platform had a little peak here and saw Square Enix uses a screenshot of the amazing giant crab in Secret of Mana 2 that I recalled from the Superplay issue to advertise it to this day! Impressive Boss takes up entire screen!
Much better than the giant Playstation crabs/lobsters!
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
You should definitely give it another shot to finish the Area 88 fight! It has a nice end sequence and last boss will make you feel like you have accomplished something on its destruction for sure!
The best way to beat the late Cave Level as boss hit point is in tricky position is to use second best plane the YF23 which is easier to aquire early as cheaper $$$$ if you save up and are able to get through first third quickly with original jet...
I nearly always kept the original standard plane the F8E, saved everything as early levels need few specials do some bonus money missions, to raise extra funds then upgraded straight to second best plane the YF23 by 1/3rd way through usually just before or after the Jungle or Battleship or Desert levels depending on your level route choice sequence, as best for all remaing levels.
Then use the diagonal vertical add on weapons upgrade to hit Cave Boss Machine sweet spot that is directly above you from the left of the screen constantly as rapid fire...
It has the most ammo and multiple units so can really make a dent to red on the energy circle in no time. Fly carefully on the left of screen and navigate watching screen scroll and attacking it from the left diagonally up to the right, refreshing units each time they run out of ammo, dies in absolutely no time..
You should have enough cash if collected the secret bonus money stars and completed all the missions then to aquire the very best plane for the final level the F200 and definitely easier with all the special weapons and larger ammo cache for the gigantic boss!..
...that is what is actually really cool about Area 88/UN Squadron everbody creates their own different tactics and level choices to get through each phase or stages of the game on SNES with multiple different plane plus weapon options and routes...plus try to finish the game with just the Tomcat for example...
Only really X-Out by Rainbow Arts on Amiga of that era has as much weapon customization or Xenon 2...
Recall speaking to Stuart Campbell at the Future Entertainment Show long time ago now in 90s and his favourite was to upgrade to the A10 Tank Killer plane to use the front and diagonal strafing attack for any ground units to early on, to get through most of game for example...
Got to regional final in my neck of woods, actually in the whole country technically as UN Squadron was one of the games they selected to use for heats, so I thought great!
In end I stupidly suggested we get one life only in the regional finals, after Stuart set it to "Gamer Mode" difficulty with a smile in the play off. That was fine as had been training on that level just in case!
An older chap of about 18 as I was only like 14, ended up using the Megacrush special just in time a split second before he died to gain more points otherwise I was through to the final three where you played on Amiga, SNES and Megadrive games to reach London...
Totally gutted to this day! I think it was Zool and Sonic the other games for the heats, maybe something different for Sega as why have two platformers, perhaps Road Rash!
Personally I blame it on training on an NTSC machine that was 17.5% faster...it did make a vast difference, having to downgrade to PAL in terms of what you can and cannot do actually with response times and movements...PAL machines are unplayable to me, having grown up with an import console.
I could have been the "Ask Allan" of Superplay if only they had used NTSC machines...
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
Thanks for the link that is amazing made my weekend! Enjoyed reading your comment. Never heard this remix!
Need to pick up a Japanese copy for the artwork actually for the last 12 months, but relatively inexpensive SFC games are so much lower in cost to purchase than USA or PAL due to not being in English, but some of the cover art is 100 times better on the Japanese version for sure than Western efforts...
If Capcom ever eventually get around to releasing a third game to complete the trilogy I will be very pleased...
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
It is my all time favourite game actually...
Got a graded copy of it from States last year, my first one ever and then found a mint sealed copy in even better condition. A sealed edition went a few years ago for approx $1000 dollars so great investment to be honest and might send my sealed copy away to CGC or WATA eventually.
Have a premium metal Anbernic device to play Area 88 Arcade as it is obviously totally different to SNES conversion plus the same with Carrier Airwing for me in terms of wanting to play it at home.
Played it religiously in 90s in the arcades as it was excluive back then and Capcom Arcade Stadium was the first home conversion ever I think as I do not believe it ever appeared on any Capcom compilations before then.
Even purchased a mint copy during pandemic of Mean Machines edition with it on the cover as that was the first review ever read of it that I drooled over for 6 months...and the CRT screenshoots by Rignall and his team were the very best out of all the magazines, something about their capture system I recall reading elsewhere same for their SF2 review issue, it looked genuinely like the arcade in that edition with their 8 page review.
94% as well rated in Mean Machines, easily best horizontal shooter on system. Have to go with Space Megaforce/Super Aleste as close second for pure unadulterated vertical action.
I think it is something about the anime/manga origins and Capcom art style plus sprite work its customisation, playability and setting that make it really stand out as a 10/10 for me, with multiple routes to the endpoint in terms of plane options, weapons choices, hidden secrets and amazing bosses plus Top Gun feel...
One of the best games Capcom ever made.
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
@N64-ROX No worries then, have a good weekend!
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
@KingMike ...mentioned Secret of Mana 2 as probably biggest high profile release that was never localised at time bar Final Fantasy 5.
Still recall it being covered in Superplay and the cover issue then the mass dissappointment by readers when announced Square had decided it was Japan only as graphics looked utterly amazing, some of the best sprite art ever on the console like the big crab boss pictured in the preview issue. Plus Mana was a genuinely loved title by fans in 90s, like Link to the Past as a special game, and rarer action title, with unique play mechanics system.
We did got some other titles, Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, Secret of Evermore in end yet lots of money left on table by Square and Enix in 90s due to costs and much more importantly time needed for a full English translation.
Only so many resources back then and teams working, as back then usually the full Japanese to English translation was done by just one or two individuals.
The game has been localised officially in English now as I think there is a Switch collection of Mana games with a graphical update of the original in 3D plus the 16 bit originals added with it, so its already done beyond the original fan translations for playing on ZSNES.
Would make a nice 30th anniversary release if done physically for USA SNES and even PAL customers as one of few Square Enix games that got a European release. I think there was even a really nice big box version of Mana ala Metroid, Bomberman, Lethal Enforcers and Earthbound released exclusively in Germany with a players guide that is quite rare.
Only way to get it for SNES in English with a manual and maps plus posters is a reproduction. Some of these are actually amazing though in quality. There is a guy in Spain that makes Grade AAA SNES games with all inserts and posters for unreleased games, mainly RPGs, but in the end it is not an official product still...
Got a 1990s style boxed Starfox 2 recently with cart and instructions in this style and really nice artwork plus extras that looks truly great as another example of a high profile title that could be done officially easily by Nintendo for a little effort and cost plus sold at a premium.
Plugging the chunky Super FX cartridge with extra connector tabs in, and pressing the power button on, then playing this game natively on original 1990s SNES is even better than the Mini!
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
@N64-ROX Care to explain as we are all nerds here? This kind of feels like some strange personal attack so its actually getting reported.
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@AJB83 Just got a combo special edition of Super R Type and R Type 3 Third Lightening from Retrobits for USA SNES NTSC with art cards, book, pin badges and authentication certificate plus a very lovely nice replica SNES box with new artwork, and a storage box for everything, only 2000-3000 made though.
If companies put the work and effort in physical is easily great and the only way to go... it is actually one of the nicest editions I have now.
Definitely still a market for these type of games as well. Gamers still want to own stuff if lived through 70s, 80s, 90s eras.
The day Nintendo removed instruction books for 3DS was a dark one though...
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
Yes totally agreed regarding new original games for old systems.
If Capcom made an official Carrier Airwing version for SNES with reformatted levels and bonus missions like the SNES original I am dropping $200-300 on that easy for an authentic SNES cartridge and box in the 1990s style... there is totally a market for games like this now and they should be done officially not by third parties...
Development cost would be low, back catalogue of arcade and 16 bit plus CPS systems for conversion, charge at premium price, with some extras, its literally a license to print money for Capcom, Konami, Square Enix even Nintendo and Sega if they got their finger out for SNES and Megadrive/Genesis.
Secret of Mana 2 officially getting a boxed SNES western English release is a prime example, nevermind Bahamut Lagoon, Final Fantasy 5, Romancing Saga, Alcahest and everything else we never got translated as well officially back in the day...
Time for the industry to realise that its been around for 50 plus years and not everybody has the time or even inclination to play open world, collectathon, day one patched, DLC, Micro Transactioned to death year long season games on 32K high end screens plugged into your brain, being broadcast simultaneously via Twitch...
Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade
I want one right now, recently bought a USA SNES NTSC version of Super Gameboy blind that did not function in end so have the correct cartridge shell.
If they or anyone provides a service to send shell in and do the work = ££££££/$$$$$$$, so get on it if you are a smart buisness!
Still have a Sinclair Spectrum power pack expertly soldered for me in 1992 by my engineering neighbour for my USA SNES NTSC bought in San Diego with Mario World system, Steetfighter 2 when it was released on day one in June/July, UN Squadron, and F Zero that works to this day!
I still vividly recall the retail outlet got SNES system from as it was on the border near Mexico, tax free as well, so substantial savings for USA residents by about 20%.
It was literally the buisest I have ever seen a games shop ever at that point, as everyone was coming in to buy Streetfighter on day one taking time off work, must have been one of the first instances of this phenonemon, maybe Mario 3 predates it.
$65 with exchange rate at £1 = $2 meant half price games for a 12 year old that had saved up all his pocket money for 12 months and washed loads of neighbours cars Spring/early Summer before vacation to get everything I wanted.
First and best console as well ever after just having an Acorn and Amiga computers!
Saved quite a bit on grey importers charging £100 for SF2 back in the day!
Going through customs with the boxed system under my arm and games in suitcase, expertly packed to prevent damage was the most nervous I have ever felt as a kid, my face would have dropped if they stopped me!
Then the wait for the soldering and getting correct leads from Shekhana Consoles in the mail for the Phillips 8833 Mk II Monitor and expanded the screen at the back to make SF2 full screen and running at full speed 17.5% faster than the unplayable PAL ports! Having an NTSC system back then was the height of cool!
So many amazing games first 12 months of SNES in USA from September 91 to Autumn 92.
Mario World
F Zero
Super Ghouls n Ghosts
UN Squadron
Super Castlevania IV
Zelda III Link to Past
Mystical Ninja
Streetfighter 2
Super Mario Kart
Even more forgotten no doubt, best first year launch line up of all time for a console IMO!
I just bought the official Nintendo Super Gameboy colour guide actually as well with big features on likes of Metroid, Links Awakening, Mario Land 2, and detailed visual instructions guide plus troubleshooting section. Very nice.
Plus just got a minty jet black Gameboy Colour yesterday with 12 month warranty from one of the best retro shops in UK!
Looking for link to top Original Gameboy games now on Time Extension as these console best of lists are great for collecting checklist. Ah here it is...
Re: Visegunne Is A Gorgeous-Looking Mecha Shmup That's Coming To Steam Soon
This looks pretty neat, especially artistically, with strong Ranger X vibes from the Megadrive 16 bit era with a HD anime reshine, crossed with a bit of Cybernator and Evangelion!
Re: Review: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 (Evercade) - We Got The Right Versions This Time
Thank you for this will read now while having a mocha. Loved that magazine back in 90s for the weekly hit, plus surprised at how big it was at 50 pages. There is a lot in each issue plus standard of fun and enthusiasm is lacking overall in writing online these days or indeed in any print magazine that is left. (Time extension is great though!)
Supercars 2 review in the preview issue as well by Magnetic Fields. You guys need to do a feature on them and push for HD remixes of Supercars and Lotus Trilogy.
More of a progenitor of what was to come with the internet revolution in games journalism and daily 24 hr updates was Games X!
Here is the first question on origins of the Bitmap Bros...
Ok Eric so how did you get involved in creating games?
"When I was at art college studying sculpture I met a computer games programmer who asked me to draw some computer game graphics. I did graphic freelance for a bit and then around 87-88 Mike, Steve and I decided rather than writing games for other people we would get together and do our own thing. So Xenon was our first creation."
Re: Review: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 (Evercade) - We Got The Right Versions This Time
Never played Cadaver, only game in Bitmap softography missed I think and forgot there was an extra dungeon add on disc with more levels as well! Trying to think of other 16 bit isometric RPG in this style, Immortal from EA, Shadowlands from Domark with the lighting was great, Equinox on SNES, Hero Quest board game adaption by Gremlin...probably loads more.
In other news just got a copy of the preview edition of Games X and issue 1 of the magazine, the weekly one for 60p from Interactive Publishing.
Puts most modern journalism to shame but it did have a Bitmap three page feature spread with Betty Boo and Bomb The Bass entitled "What do Betty Boo, Rhythm King Records and the Bitmap Bros all have in common?"...plus interview questions with Eric Matthews.
No obligatory black and white shot of developers in sunglasses with a helicopter in background though! I will enjoy reading this more than Edge this month!
Re: Team17 Gives 'Project X' Kickstarter Successor The Thumbs Up
Hybris and Battle Squadron were some of the first games I ever played on the Amiga at a friend's house and it really felt like an arcade experience at home during the early 90s as those titles were extremely well done. Amazing intro sequence music for Squadron as well. Way back when EA were still producing great games!
Official site for a game 35 years old!
World's first split screen shooter apparently!
Re: Team17 Gives 'Project X' Kickstarter Successor The Thumbs Up
Oh wow somebody did actually tinker about with an HD Agony in 2016. I will have to investigate this...
Re: Team17 Gives 'Project X' Kickstarter Successor The Thumbs Up
Looks really nice, trying to think of other Amiga shooters that need a remix upgrade now this and X Out are on way.
Hybris, Battle Squadron, Xenon 2 for sure. As Romanista said Apidya, then Silkworm and SWIV would be nice as would Z Out, Banshee, Menace, Blood Money, Disposable Hero, Datastorm, the Defender clone, oh and an HD Agony with new levels and art plus piano music would be amazing today!
Good list here...
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
For you Rachael Hutchinson the moment you were mentioned online by the country of Japan was the greatest day in your life for every other Streetfighter fan in the world it was Friday!
Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word
@StyrofoamCup That was like the only home version of Super Turbo with Akuma for ages as well...
Re: The Making Of: Do Me A Favour (Sega Master Mix '90) - Sega's Fan-Made Rap Masterpiece
Oh the 90s a magical time indeed!
Re: Upcoming Book Celebrates The Pixel Art Of The GBA
Oh that photograph of Final Fantasy 5 reminds me it had an official Square translation on the handheld!
Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word
I recall the early to mid 90s as being a really interesting time for hardware unlike the standardisation we have today. With the advent of CD technology and experiments elsewhere we got the transition from 16 bit computers and consoles. Just of the top of my head there was the 3DO Mega CD, 32X, PC Engine Duo CD, CDTV, NEC 32 bit, Neo Geo CD, Hyper Neo Geo 64, Pippen, FM Towns Marty, Saturn, Playstation , CD32, Atari Falcon, Amiga 1200, N64 eventually, probably a fair few I have forgotten and loads of hardware on handheld as well. Really was a battleground for supremacy and a unique period in the industry. Interesting times indeed. I knew nobody that had a 3DO here in the UK though.
Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch
@Blast16 Far too many in the end. I had a very big collection of Dreamcast games way more than Gamecube or PS2 of that generation by a long distance due to the low cost of the titles on clearance. Plus Dreamcast games and video game prices during Covid really spiked especially in great condition. I saw a set of 10 boxed SNES NTSC USA games go for crazy money 700+ on all of them with titles like R Type 3 and others. There was a lot of extra money floating around and with people trapped in homes looking for stuff to do lots of online activity. Prices seemed to have settled down a little, but overall market has certainly grown and interest plus prices in general have went up.
Re: Mega Man X8 Has Just Got A Free 16-Bit Fan Demake
I only just found out there are Megaman Series Collections 1 and 2 on Switch with X through to X8!
Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch
@UK_Kev I could not believe the prices around early to Easter 2001 for SEGA stuff. The console itself was only 49.95 if I recall brand new. Yet the prices in Game itself getting rid of their stock as if it was a fire sale were absolutely ridiculous, like a few pounds to 5-10 pounds for every game. Capcom classic after classic, Powerstone 1 and 2 yes please, 3rd Strike for 7.95, how can I say no to that, Code Veronica for 4.95 why not and Gunbird add it on as well! Project Justice, Tech Romancer, Giga Wing, Mars Matrix, Plasma Sword, Cannon Spike and many more Capcom really supported Dreamcast very well as a developer.
Ended up with an extra controller 2 VMUs RGB cable console and like 40 odd games then started going to different stores for new games every week to bolster collection, as everybody just seemed to want to move it quickly as if it was worthless now for some reason.
Never got the fishing controller, lightgun or Samba Maraccas though Really crazy time but great for Dreamcast vultures like me as I ended up calling the people that never supported SEGA from day one, as it was an undiscovered treasure chest of fun. Only wish I had bought multiple copies of everything at those prices now.
Back in early 2000s games were still about 50 at end of N64 era minimum or more on cartridge, and PS2 prices were 40+, just got a Gamecube from States as well at end of 2001, with similar cost for new titles. Older PS1 games were cheaper plus greatest hits as well as Saturn stuff if you could find it, the Amiga was dead and PC games were still relatively expensive so this steady stream of AAA Dreamcast games, paricularly the SEGA output and Arcade conversions were more than welcome...
Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch
I bought one when it was discounted, just shy of when SEGA pulled out of hardware market officially in early 2001 after receiving a welcome tax rebate and hoovered up every game I could and got all the classics. Rez, Outrigger, Skies of Arcadia, Streetfighter 3rd Strike, Marvel vs Capcom, Alpha 3, Gunbird, Shenmue 1 and 2, Daytona, Soul Calibur, I mean everything at bargain basement prices. So I was one of the people that did not buy in until it was too late. Really a great library of exclusive games on that console.
Liquidated it during Covid when everybody had furlough money and video game prices spiked and must have made in excess of 8-10k on everything from about 400 spent. Best money ever put down in Game of all places and I loved the console in the end with many happy memories plus complimented my Gamecube well. Did not even try out the PS2 until 2005 but never had same connection for me as the Nintendo or Sega consoles of that generation.
With emulation improving monthly so much on handhelds and the ability to recreate 128 bit hardware it was a no brainer in end. I have sneakily looked on ebay to get another console though with pangs of regret, might play Rez HD tonight. 25 years though time flys!
Re: Data East's Gory '90s Brawler 'Night Slashers' Is Getting A Remake Later This Month
Why I have never heard or even seen at any arcade I visited in the 90s this horror themed scrolling gem. Original art style looks great/best and reminds me a little of Beast Busters the Operation Wolf shooter by SNK that had a sequel on the Hyper Neo Geo and a portable Neo Geo.Pocket game I just found out about Dark Arms: Beast Buster. First ever three player Op Wolf clone ever as well apparently the original arcade machine. I am trying to think of other Alien/horror themed scrollers beat em ups from the 90s Splatterhouse obviously, Darkstalkers, Alien Storm, Aliens arcade from Konami there must be many more I am forgetting.
Re: This FIFA 98 And Silent Hill Mash-Up Could Be The First "Survival Horror Football Game"
I would go with "Fearball" short catchy, gets idea over easy and a bit like the classic Speedball!
Re: The Gadget Show's Jason Bradbury Is Making A Film About Retro Gamers Fighting AI
I read the headline thinking/hoping it might be a cool new gameshow ala Cyberzone or Robot Wars presented by none other than Craig Charles cashing in on the AI craze buzz. Film sounds fun yet left with my hopes unfufilled!
Re: Hands On: AYANEO Retro Power Bank - The Cutest Power Bank You'll Ever See
I am confused what does this product actually do? Never heard of a power bank is it like an alternative power source for a console? Okay after some quick research it charges stuff or am I missing the obvious...
Re: Lost PS2 Game Inspired By Michael Mann's Heat Resurfaces 20 Years Later – And You Can Actually Play It
Begs a question many Michael Mann films would make great games actually. Collateral, Thief, Manhunter, Mohicans even The Insider or Ali, The Keep to Public Enemies. I think there was a tie in game for the Miami Vice film which reminds me of Miami Chase by Codemasters from 1990 the game that arrived a full decade nearly before GTA but is totally forgotten about now as the originator of that genre. Please do a feature on this game and the coders Time Extension.
Re: The PS2 Is The First Console To Be Selected For Japan's 'Future Technology Heritage Registry'
The original Famicom surely should have been the first console from Japan inducted into this!
Re: Last Ninja Collection Will Bring The Classic Beat 'Em Up Series To PC & Switch
Definitely will purchase. Just looking through ebay yesterday at Last Ninja Remix editions for 60 each on Amiga. The bonus content on Ninja 4 and IK++ sounds awesome as well. Pixel perfect jumps and infuriation here we come and death by lava nostalgia
Re: Argonaut "Hadn't Completely Understood" How Much You All Love Croc
Remastered Starglider with high def graphics please!
Re: Gallery: The Console Chronicles Is Rather Lovely, If We Do Say So Ourselves
@Moochy I just finished volume 2 of this after reading number 1 decades ago. Starts off strong but is a bit all over the place as the 360 era arrives in second half trying to cover too much ground in terms of years and misses out on some significant stuff as a result I thought.
Loads of books about at the moment both coffee table glossy ones and text heavy ones. Have still to read Britsoft, Japansoft plus 50 Years of the Console by Mike Diver amongst others plus definitely want that Run and Gun one.
Fingers crossed for a glossy coffee table Cinemaware book someday I guess, and if anybody has any Amiga/Computer recommendations or Capcom centric ones speak up!
Might get this one too!