Comments 169

Re: CIBSunday: Street Fighter Zero 3 (Sega Saturn)


@damo I picked up a Jap Streetfighter Alpha 3 for Ā£15. I keep my eye out for s Saturn version, but never want to pay the current prices.

I do have some other Japanese Saturn games that utilise the 4 Meg Cart, but I used to run my Japanese games on my EU Saturn, with an import cartridge, so never was able to get the benefit of the extra RAM. My Saturn no longer works.
Currently waiting for a Polymega to arrive. I hear that this will run Saturn games with the extra RAM updates. How significant are load time improvements on a PM ? (Would be interested to know if you have a game like Mortal Kombat on Mega CD, do you still get Shang Tsung morph loading?)

Re: Poll: How Do You Play Your Retro Games?


I would prefer to have all of consoles hooked up, but do not have luxury of space (or Plug Sockets) for this.
I also do not have the time for updating my consoles for HDTV compatibility, also do not have time to mess around with fine tuning emulators.
I have a Polymega on pre-order so I can play my retro (most of) collection in the living room, without upsetting the Mrs.
Still waiting for delivery shipment date on that.

Re: Best Sega Saturn Games


I canā€™t get my head round Daytona champ edition made it in to this list. The 2 things they got right in the 1st conversion (music and playability) completely butchered in this game. This was so disappointing at the time

Re: Best Amstrad CPC Games


@themightyant I had Ghostbusters as part of ā€œThey Sold a Million 3ā€ on Disc, but tape loading was a nightmare with some games

Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions


@Ninfan hello there. When I wrote the comment, it was an on screen keyboard, and re-mapping keyboard keys to the controller buttons on a separate game menu (before loading the game)
But sinse then, I recently lent the A500 mini to my brother, he managed to connect a usb keyboard and had that working ok.

Like the first C64 Mini, the keyboard on the A500 mini is not functional

Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support


@Orokosaki I have been keeping an eye on Polymega over the last year. The only real negative I have seen is people complaining about is high price. The system itself and in particular the OS has had mostly positive feedback from what I have seen.

Some people will see value in this. I for one do see the value in this product (I am not an expert in all things emulation, but I have a large collection of SNES / Megadrive / Mega CD / Saturn EU & Jap / PS1 games. Where my original systems no longer work. I also have alot of N64 games, a few 3DO games / Atari Jaguar games, these could potentially be supported in the future)
I also have limited amount of space, that makes this system very appealing.
But to each their own

Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions


I got the A500 Mini a few days ago. I still own a lot of Amiga Disks, so I have no shame in adding titles I already own. Truth be told I still havenā€™t played the games that are preloaded.
I been playing Cannon Fodder, North & South, Lemmings, Shadow of the Beast, Defender of the Crown, Batman the Movie, Hunter.
I would recommend this to anyone who had an Amiga