I bought this game with my holiday money one year, It was such a huge disappointment, considering how Sega managed to stike gold first time with Castle of Illusion, and they follow it up with this tripe.
This enhancement feels like "what if Sega released a Mega CD version of Fantasia?".
Amazing how Infogrammes got away with this mess for years, did they EVER make anything decent in this generation?
@profkross I'm trying to gather evidence for a video, but from what I gather it's a personal grudge from one of the heads, after they dicked him around over a super cheap copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga he wanted to buy! (not a joke)
@NewBond Yeah, I remember them saying in interviews they wanted to make the actual city the main character of the game (if that makes sense).
But the only real difference really is it's missing a couple of side streets/back alleys, and the game makes London look far far cleaner and far less traffic than it actually does/is.
I absolutely loved The Getaway, the city was such a close approximation of London, I actually used to use it like a TomTom/Google Street View to plan some business trips I had there back in the day.
I am honestly surprised we've not had a remake/remaster of this game, considering it's Sony's first ever cinematic game. Ant it would be nice of them to remaster a game that isn't three years old for once.
But, note all the CEX stores are boarded up in the game, no fake replacement, literally boarded up as Studio London despised them.
There's definitely false nostalgia, like how many kids today think EVERYONE grew up with a NES, all because of the American YouTube channels talking about their history.
@retrogamer1 Aw, thanks matey, I really appreciate it!!! I've been rather sick behind the scenes unfortunately, so not put anything out in nearly a year. But I will be back soon, written a ton of scripts behind the scenes.
I mean there's THREE American characters in SFII and only two Japanese characters, so it never came across as some kind of war.
I was more annoyed there were no Brits in it until Super. (well Vega was supposed to be English, and in an Assassins Creed-esque costume but that fell through)
Molyneux: Well, when I was designing the game, I asked the question: Does the player want to be a good Ronald McDonald. or an evil Ronald McDonald? So I created a McDonalds God simulator where you play as Ray Croc himself and must fight supernatural beings, but that was later cut.
Not gonna Lie, but "NBA Superstars" is literally the most generic, thoughtless, "that'll do", Friday afternoon job name I've ever heard for a game
At least give it some Jazz, like "NBA Slammageddon", or just "NBA SLAM!!!" (as it sounds like NBA JAM). Something catchy that'll stick in people's minds.
BTW CEX started out as a stall at Wembley Market, I remember buying Amstrad and Master System games from them in the '80s.
They also heavily got into import gaming soon after, I bought a US Copy of Sonic 1 long before it was released here, Also Wardner, one of my fave ever arcade games.
All CEX stores are required to hire a miserable looking goth who stares at you like you're wasting their time, a tall, skinny, long haired guy who stinks of cigarettes, a fat guy who is actually knowledgeable about games that looks like Hurley from LOST, and a slightly overweight manager that resembles Ricky Gervais.
There was also another Escape.. Game developed, but sadly cancelled around the PS2 era, Escape from Earth, where the entire planet had been turned into a prison.
I didn't do this to my Mega Drive carts as I owned a Japanese console.
But I did try and fit a US WWF Super WrestleMania into a PAL SNES by sawing the sides off, then was gutted to discover they had extra region locking.
And I also sawed the tabs off the back of my Japanese N64 games to run on my US console (stuck a tiny square of duck tape over the holes to look nicer )
Comments 151
Re: Blaze Offers Update On The Evercade Products Launching in November & December
How about actually getting their Tomb Raider Evercade VS consoles out to Amazon???
My order has been delayed for nearly five months now!
Re: One Of The Worst Mickey Mouse Platformers Has Just Got A Fan Upgrade
I bought this game with my holiday money one year, It was such a huge disappointment, considering how Sega managed to stike gold first time with Castle of Illusion, and they follow it up with this tripe.
This enhancement feels like "what if Sega released a Mega CD version of Fantasia?".
Amazing how Infogrammes got away with this mess for years, did they EVER make anything decent in this generation?
Re: "Thanks For The Nostalgia Kick" - Devs Behind The Getaway Look Back On A PS2 Classic
@profkross I'm trying to gather evidence for a video, but from what I gather it's a personal grudge from one of the heads, after they dicked him around over a super cheap copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga he wanted to buy! (not a joke)
Re: "Thanks For The Nostalgia Kick" - Devs Behind The Getaway Look Back On A PS2 Classic
@NewBond Yeah, I remember them saying in interviews they wanted to make the actual city the main character of the game (if that makes sense).
But the only real difference really is it's missing a couple of side streets/back alleys, and the game makes London look far far cleaner and far less traffic than it actually does/is.
Re: "Thanks For The Nostalgia Kick" - Devs Behind The Getaway Look Back On A PS2 Classic
I absolutely loved The Getaway, the city was such a close approximation of London, I actually used to use it like a TomTom/Google Street View to plan some business trips I had there back in the day.
I am honestly surprised we've not had a remake/remaster of this game, considering it's Sony's first ever cinematic game. Ant it would be nice of them to remaster a game that isn't three years old for once.
But, note all the CEX stores are boarded up in the game, no fake replacement, literally boarded up as Studio London despised them.
Re: "Thanks For The Nostalgia Kick" - Devs Behind The Getaway Look Back On A PS2 Classic
@UK_Kev It's set in London ten years in the future, hence the self driving taxi's and The new Euston arch.
Re: Random: This Is One Device Doom Should Never Have Been Ported To
Do you think he could also get Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball running on this too?
Just asking for a friend.
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
@Nua sign your comment?
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
@Sketcz Sega did that in-house with their Japanese division. Same with Jurassic Park and Dick Tracy.
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
@JackGYarwood TBH I quite liked the more Anime look the SNES version had with it's sprites.
But, I think gameplay wise, the SNES version is the better game, even if the Mega Drive version destroyed it graphically.
BTW do you know if any of this had any affect on the Blue Sky version of Aladdin before it was axed?
Re: Random: Did You Know About This Motion Control Dragon Quest Game That Predates The Wii?
@retrogamer1 Aw, thank you
Re: Think The NES Can't Handle Mode 7? Think Again
@RetroGames I said it's not mode 7, the moose chase scene, and the tower ascention.
Re: GamesMaster Returns For A New Series Next Year
Well, it's almost 2025 now, what happened?
Re: GamesMaster Golden Joysticks Go On Sale, Sell Out Immediately
£250? I literally bought two genuine Gamesmaster Golden Joysticks off eBay for less than that!!!
Re: This Proto-GamesMaster TV Show Predicted Our Impending AI Hellscape 40 Years Ago
Cheers for the shout-out
The presenter, Adrian Hedley is probably most known today as the guy who infamously played Mr. Noseybonk on Jigsaw.
Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console
It kinda reminds me of the Coleco Chamelion.
Re: New Adapter Turns Your Sega Saturn 3D Control Pad Into A Bluetooth Controller
Didn't you do a feature sometime ago on Sega's patent of the Saturn 3D pad?
It was designed to be a plug and play system, capable of adding rumble packs, light guns, air mouse Etc.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
There's definitely false nostalgia, like how many kids today think EVERYONE grew up with a NES, all because of the American YouTube channels talking about their history.
Re: Think The NES Can't Handle Mode 7? Think Again
Is it Mode 7, or is it that wrapping feature that Mickey Mania did on the Mega Drive?
(Also Nebulus, and Battletoads on the tower stage on the NES)
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
Didn't Disney additionally animate the sprites for Sega/Virgin? So they were literally drawing in a sword for Aladdin.
Re: Random: Did You Know About This Motion Control Dragon Quest Game That Predates The Wii?
@retrogamer1 Aw, thanks matey, I really appreciate it!!! I've been rather sick behind the scenes unfortunately, so not put anything out in nearly a year. But I will be back soon, written a ton of scripts behind the scenes.
Re: Fan Creates A "First Of Its Kind" Xbox Portable Using Real Hardware
I thought it was a Gizmondo scrolling through
Re: Random: Did You Know About This Motion Control Dragon Quest Game That Predates The Wii?
I bought one back in the day, it's actually not too bad!
They also used the same technology in the West a year later for a Star Wars game.
Re: Time Crisis Is Coming To Modern TVs Thanks To A Plug-And-Play, AI-Powered Light Gun
Is it only going to have the one game on it, or will you be able to add more?
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
@MegaManFan Aw, bless you. Thanks bud ^_^
Re: Guide: Evercade Secret Games And How To Unlock Them
@ThisIsPete Wasn't Pyramids of Ra on one of those unnoficial multicarts that Hulk Hogan promoted in the '90s.?
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
@Tasuki Yeah, there's a few art pieces of the character during development.
Shame they haven't brought him back in some shape or form.
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
@MegaManFan Lol, noooo, I've been rather ill behind the scenes. so have taken some time off to get better.
But I will be back very soon!!!
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
I mean there's THREE American characters in SFII and only two Japanese characters, so it never came across as some kind of war.
I was more annoyed there were no Brits in it until Super. (well Vega was supposed to be English, and in an Assassins Creed-esque costume but that fell through)
Re: This Is Why You Should Never Store Your Retro Game Collection In A Shed
Happened to me a few years ago, the cardboard boxes literally turned into mud in mine.
Re: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 3 Line-Up Announced
Still no Chase HQ???
Re: Have You Ever Wondered Why There's No Sega Logo On Streets Of Rage 4, House Of The Dead, And Arcade 1Up's OutRun Cab?
Namco has the same rule too, none of the Arcade 1up machines have Namco's logo on them.
But that might also be because they're Bandai Namco now.
Re: Rockstar Came Extremely Close To Releasing 'The Warriors' On GBA
I'm still hoping for a leak for the "sequel" Rockstar were working on that was based on the movie, Quadrophenia.
Re: "We Are Waiting For A Reply From Sega" - SuperSega FPGA Console Team Talk Price, Release Date And More
I've noticed on licensed things like the Arcade1up machines, that Sega demands their logo removed from the product.
They don't like their name on 3rd party products.
Re: Andy Dyer Of Commodore Format, Total! And Mega Fame Has Passed Away
Andy "Thicky" Dyer? He was one of my fave reviewers as a kid. Thats terrible news, Rest in peace Sir!
Re: 30 Years On, And Capcom Is Still Making "Millions" From Van Damme's Live-Action Street Fighter Movie
For you, it was one of the most profitable movies based on one of our IPs ever.
But for us, it was Tuesday.
Re: Sega Wants You To Know It Isn't Announcing Any New 'Mini' Hardware In 2024
Sega: "Yeah, um, we were kinda hoping you'd want a Master System mini next".
Re: Remember That $400,000 Haul Of Stolen Playdate Consoles? They've Been Found
Did anyone ever find those stolen EverDrive EXP's?
Re: Shadow The Hedgehog Almost Became A F***-Filled Swearfest
The PC version of Bomberman had a ton of swearing in it that was removed.
Luckily it's still in the games files!
Re: MSX2+ Action RPG Golvellius Comes To Nintendo Switch
Loved Golvellius as a kid, annoyed that it ended on a cliffhanger for a sequel that never came. >.>
Re: Campaign To Secure Refunds For Paprium Kickstarter Goes Live
I'd be up for that, I never received my copy >.>
Re: Peter Molyneux Declined McDonald's Video Game Because "Kids Imagine Ronald Skewering Them"
@amongtheworms Ronald McDonald has literally killed more people than Pennywise and John Wayne Gacy combined!
He's the world's most evil clown.
Re: Peter Molyneux Declined McDonald's Video Game Because "Kids Imagine Ronald Skewering Them"
Molyneux: Well, when I was designing the game, I asked the question: Does the player want to be a good Ronald McDonald. or an evil Ronald McDonald? So I created a McDonalds God simulator where you play as Ray Croc himself and must fight supernatural beings, but that was later cut.
Re: Cruis'n Blast Team's NBA Jam Spiritual Successor Is Called NBA Superstars
Not gonna Lie, but "NBA Superstars" is literally the most generic, thoughtless, "that'll do", Friday afternoon job name I've ever heard for a game
At least give it some Jazz, like "NBA Slammageddon", or just "NBA SLAM!!!" (as it sounds like NBA JAM). Something catchy that'll stick in people's minds.
Re: Sierra On-Line's History To Be Told In New Documentary, Legends Of Adventure
NGL, I thought that old guy on the left was Jimmy Greaves scrolling past!
Re: Konami, This Isn't The New Castlevania We Wanted
This is the Silent Hill Pachinko thing all over again!
Re: Random: Former CeX Staffer Holds Reddit AMA, And The First Question Is A Doozy
BTW CEX started out as a stall at Wembley Market, I remember buying Amstrad and Master System games from them in the '80s.
They also heavily got into import gaming soon after, I bought a US Copy of Sonic 1 long before it was released here, Also Wardner, one of my fave ever arcade games.
Re: Random: Former CeX Staffer Holds Reddit AMA, And The First Question Is A Doozy
All CEX stores are required to hire a miserable looking goth who stares at you like you're wasting their time, a tall, skinny, long haired guy who stinks of cigarettes, a fat guy who is actually knowledgeable about games that looks like Hurley from LOST, and a slightly overweight manager that resembles Ricky Gervais.
Re: Duke Nukem And Max Payne Co-Creator Once Pitched An Escape From New York MOBA
There was also another Escape.. Game developed, but sadly cancelled around the PS2 era, Escape from Earth, where the entire planet had been turned into a prison.
Re: Did You Butcher Your Mega Drive / Genesis Carts To Overcome Sega's Physical Region Lock?
I didn't do this to my Mega Drive carts as I owned a Japanese console.
But I did try and fit a US WWF Super WrestleMania into a PAL SNES by sawing the sides off, then was gutted to discover they had extra region locking.
And I also sawed the tabs off the back of my Japanese N64 games to run on my US console (stuck a tiny square of duck tape over the holes to look nicer )