Comments 29

Re: This New N64 / 64DD Flash Cart Offers A Cheaper Way To Play Your Favourite Games


Is there anything it does better than the ED64P/Super64? I've never been a big N64 guy, but it does everything I can think of needing an N64 to do... it'll play those Aleck64 arcade games, 64DD games (not like I'll ever play any of those haha). It was cheap and worked 99% out of the box, then with the Altra64 firmware I got it to do the rest. It's hardly a requirement though, I mostly just like tinkering.
It's always good to have options, this isn't a critique! Just curious if there's any features I haven't considered.

Re: 36 Years After It Released, There Are So Many New Genesis Games Someone Has Built A Site To Track Them All


@RetroGames Haha wtf dude, can you imagine how much work it must be staying on top of all the recent Genesis releases? I wasn't even aware of all these, and I follow the retro-dev scenes religiously.

"Now, unless you have some good reason for not doing so or just some bias against it, could you do a SNES list like this too?"

That phrasing is just so demanding and paranoid... it's just a simple website to track Genesis releases, man. You're reacting as if it's some "Genesis Does" advertisement you need to protect the SNES from. Given how soon your top comment appeared after the article was posted, it's clear there was a knee-jerk reaction there. Relax! We're all here to enjoy the hobby.

Besides, you seem quite plugged in to the SNES scene yourself. What's that quote... "be the change you wish to see in the world," I believe? Why not take it upon yourself to make a similar page for the SNES?

Re: Pre-Vanillaware Saturn Classic 'Princess Crown' Finally Gets An English Translation, Thanks To Fans


I'm not sure how I feel about these "thanks to fans" headlines...
Often these projects are HUGE undertakings by a single person. While it's true the tools & knowledge involved in each project are typically a the result of community efforts, the projects themselves are a different thing entirely.
I'm not suggesting each modder/hacker specifically needs to be mention by name in the headline, I just find the "thanks to fans" phrasing to be poor. It comes across... "dismissive" is too strong a word, more like impersonal. Plus when it comes to games of a certain vintage, fan translations are the norm... it really doesn't need to be clarified. The exception however is when one of these games gets an "official" translation for the first time.

Re: Hudson Soft Almost Created A Castlevania-Style Dungeons & Dragons Game For SNES


Heroes of the Lance came out in '88, not '98.
Though I'm thoroughly amused by the thought of it bursting onto the scene while everyone's glued to their PS1 or N64. My older brother had that game & it was TERRIBLE. Whenever the topic of "worst game ever" comes up, you usually hear about ET, the CD-i's games, Superman 64, all the usual suspects. But Heroes of the Lance is equally bad if not worse.