Comments 129

Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation


@MARI0 Humor comes from upending expectations. Things that are so bad they’re bad are just boring because you know what to expect. Things that are so bad they’re good are so utterly bonkers because they constantly upends expectations and is just a wild ride. It also help if it was an earnest attempt to make something good. It’s definitely not for everyone.

Re: Did Mad Catz Really Create "The Worst Video Game Controllers Ever"?


I recently bought an official Nintendo branded GameCube memory card to replace my Mad Catz card which has been flaking out for a bit. 2 corrupt save files and frequent “cannot read memory card” errors. I suppose nearly 20 years of service is pretty commendable, but I now feel better with my Animal Crossing town living on official memory.

Re: One Of The Rarest NES Games Is Currently Up For Auction At Goodwill


Collectors have definitely been keeping theirs eyes on ShopGoodwill. I found a listing for a pile of game accessories. Lots of wires and misc controllers, but I could see a sliver of the Gameboy Player disc in with the mess. Others did too because the bids started getting pretty high for all the other stuff in the pile.

Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You


Was the Tapwave Zodica brought up for consideration? Came out at the same time as the Gizmondo and N-Gage, but had a much better design. Also had a very active homebrew scene making emulators, media players, and games. It was such a great console and a great PDA too!

Re: A New Playdate Update Showcase Takes Place This Month


@-wc- After trying to rate the games in another post, I realized the best crank games are the games that ONLY use the crank (or maybe crank and one button). It’s the difference between playing arkanoid with the knob vs a joystick. Knob is just a much better experience for it. Not trying to sell you on it because it’s still a relatively high price, but the crank provides a great experience when implemented properly.

Re: After Shipping 70,000 Playdates, Panic Has Finally Caught Up With Demand


I’m looking forward to the new games. I got mine in the first batch and haven’t played it much in the last few months because I’m really into narrative games right now and I’ve kinda played through em all (Bloom was fantastic!). If you like arcade games, Playdate has em in spades. I’m still eagerly awaiting a turn-based RPG.