

Aiming for knowledge and fun!

Comments 92

Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?


While of course it would be great if it were even better, this is definitely an exaggeration (and so won't particularly bother most NSO user, even including those who still play also on CRTs as shown by this very comment section) and I can't help but wonder if people making such statements have ever experienced actually horrid latency and/or other technical aspects - what's baffling is that you don't even have to look at games on past systems to put it in perspective as unfortunately there are games that genuinely have those issues on Switch itself!

Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated


Absolutely not and even more so considering Nintendo isn't making all their past games easily available (and even if they did there would be all the third-party ones which most likely won't ever get rereleased, but that's partially besides the point) - there will be those who will emulate them regardless for better performance, hacks/mods and yes, straight up piracy (and honestly I couldn't care less if they do although I encourage those not doing it straight up to play them pirated for free to also support the official releases), but if they were officially available again most would get them that way, especially considering it would be more pick-up-and-play than any emulator/emulation handheld will ever be!

Re: Opinion: Electronic Arts Used To Empower Developers; Now It Looks To Replace Them With AI


Again, while there are some examples of AI used to allow certain games to even exist in the first place and also how to properly use it ( that definitely won't be the case in the hands of (big) companies guided exclusively by greediness like EA and will keep me away from them even more so than before except for the occasional games published by them and made by developers who don't care only about more money in the short term (Unravel and It Takes Two for example)!

Re: Upcoming Book Celebrates The Pixel Art Of The GBA


So cool, but not having an option to purchase exclusively the digital version means that I'm out - don't get why they keep on doing this and lose on the potential sales of those who can't/don't want to get it physically (and so spend more, potentially quite so, because of shipping etc.)!

Re: This Free Fan-Made Remaster Of Game & Watch Gallery's Modern Chef Is Très Bon


Modern Chef has always been one of my favorite Game & Watch Gallery games so of course I love this, kudos to the creator (downloading it right now and will play it when I have the time)!
By the way, hope we'll see the remaining Game & Watch Gallery games come to NSO sooner rather than later - so far we got only 3, but they should eventually come considering they were all rereleased on Virtual Console if I recall correctly.

Re: 'Mario Builder 64' Is Super Mario Maker For Mario 64


I doubt we'll ever see something like this from Nintendo as I feel it would be difficult to sell it to the general public - let's not forget that regular Mario Maker already sells way less than the 2D Mario games straight up made by Nintendo -, but happy to see fans doing it at least, will definitely give it a try when I can and fingers crossed it never gets taken down (it shouldn't since you have to provide the rom yourself, but still)!

Re: Fans Rebuild Two Forgotten F-Zero SNES Games Previously Lost To Time


@bring_on_branstons As far as I know the eReader levels were included when they rereleased Advance 4 on Wii U but yeah, couldn't agree more, that's another great example of what I'd like to see Nintendo do more: include content that was originally difficult to access due to requiring additional hardware etc. - other than of course seeing more systems, not only Nintendo ones, come to NSO!

Re: Fans Rebuild Two Forgotten F-Zero SNES Games Previously Lost To Time


@bring_on_branstons Absolutely and another thing I'd love to see on NSO which would help making it stand out compared to Nintendo's past, in more than one sense, offerings would be Transfer Pak compatibility between N64 and GBC games - not to mention that it would be even easier than Satellaview and 64DD considering the games themselves are already on the service in that case!

Re: SNES Dev Explains Why He Spent 600 Hours And $2370 Just To Give His Game Away For Free


Couldn't agree more with most comments here, this is absolutely ridiculous and really hope someone will put an end to this madness by dumping one of these copies and sharing the game on the internet for free as it should've been from the start... either that or, if it had to be sold commercially, the developer should've got the consent from the copyright holders or just refrained from using such material in the first place!

Re: Anniversary: Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Is 25 Years Old Today


@Banjo- Personally I enjoyed the 3DS version of Majora more than the original because of the quality of life features, but I can definitely see where you and others are coming from about its changes.
I liked Breath of the Wild and so far Tears of the Kingdom is overall even better for me, but I really hope we'll still get also more "traditional" Zelda games, both 3D and 2D - at least in the form of ports, remasters and/or remakes, but definitely would love new ones, too!

Re: Anniversary: Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Is 25 Years Old Today


Only saw the original on N64 at a friend's house, then got it on GameCube thanks to the bonus disc included in Wind Waker but didn't finish it as I got stuck when you become an adult so it was only thanks to the 3DS remake that I finally not only finished it, but completed it and when I did I loved it (except for fishing, I sucked at it and almost got stuck there)... and the funny thing is that something similar - except that I never had that until the Virtual Console on Wii - happened for Majora, too!

Re: Anniversary: Game Boy Color Turns 25 Today


Happy anniversary Game Boy Color, it's thanks to you that I got to play not only exclusive GBC games, but also GB ones since we've never had the original Game Boy at home!
We got a red one which became my sister's and a yellow Pikachu one which became mine.

Re: Review: Game Book: The Unofficial DMG Companion


@PMurphy1978 If that's the case while still a bummer I totally get it, I had only heard about the other reason with which I disagree as stated in my previous comment!
If I have the chance I'll consider getting it physically then and regardless, kudos for making it and good luck on the sequel!

Re: Review: Game Book: The Unofficial DMG Companion


Would've loved getting this, but unfortunately it's only physical to contrasto piracy... except that those people Will find a way while they lost a potential client like me for sure!
That aside, hope everyone who can get it will enjoy it, looks great!

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