@Duffman92 It could have been done better, and much simpler than they did by using a modern SoC, some of them run modern games on low-medium setting and run at maybe 15-30watts. That would have made the system cost maybe $200 without the controllers, then you sell a version with controllers for $300.
At the end of the day the company was mismanaged and poorly planned.
@KillerBOB I am really excited for the Saturn one, I have never played a Saturn game on original hardware or emulation so having it cycle accurate on MiSTer is very appealing. I just need to get a retro-bit Saturn controller and I will be set.
@StuTwo It supports it, but you will have to modify it like I did for my SP, had to remove the plastic housing because the connection has a fat plastic housing with tabs that need to be removed for it to fit in the link cable hole. The SP didn't have the tab holes either hence the mod lol.
@Axecon It is powerful enough to run what the MiSTer can run so I expect all consoles will open up for this over time as developers make/port custom cores for it.
I want one but I am going to wait until they inevitably make one shaped like the original GBA, my hands are too big for this thing and it would destroy my carpel tunnel.
Worst case they can just make Earthworm Jim 4 multi-platform and recoup the losses, I think it will find a niche market. Legitimately if they have like four or five exclusives that are more than half decent they will get people to buy it.
@doctorhino it's not even close to the same as far as how they work at a fundamental level as it's not emulating the game software themselves but the system hardware in real time.
@carlos82 there's advantages to both emulation and simulation, for non 3D games the simulation route is definitely preferred and way closer to actual hardware.
I'm getting mine in about a week or two fully decked out, I'm tired of paying ridiculous prices just to play old games on original hardware so this is better and every possible way for 16 bit and under. But it's all said and done it's about $400 Canadian for the whole setup but it's worth it for me I just have to sell two games for my collection to cover it.
@Damo Analogue hasn't released custom firmware's, but their main developer who makes the official firmware's has made one for each of their analogue systems which allows SD rom loading. Anything past 32 bit is emulated almost perfectly on PC and Android devices so it is a non issue.
@status-204 Software emulation has come a long way and is not much different than actual hardware now for many emulators, but ya I will hold off for my analogue pocket as it will get hacked and be able to play most of what this can.
@Damo I think it is pretty cool over all but I am going to get an Analogue Pocket instead, portability is important and with the custom firmware's for all the analogue devices you can use FPGA cores for all the old consoles and run off the SD card.
I got $280 for my like 20 dreamcast games and then just burned them all to still be able to play them, I may have to invest in one of these because the OG controllers are not that great lol.
@Yas Don't expect VC to ever happen again, Capcom, Konami, Square ENIX and many others rather make more money doing compilations, nets far more money than single VC releases.
A hacked Switch is far better at this, I am going to just buy another Switch and hack my OG one as it is a RCM model so it can be hacked regardless of firmware and I will use my new one for all my legit Nintendo doings/online and such. I was going to wait for the Analogue Pocket but that thing won't be out for a few years now likely due to the Pandemic.
@redd214 xCloud will be added to GamePass at no additional cost as far as I can tell. I know the ability to stream your own console anywhere is going to be a free feature even without GamePass once the preview is over sometime in the fall which is very nice. I can tell you though, MS wins the game streaming battle, been using their xCloud servers on the beta/preview and it is damn nice, not one disconnect that wasn't my fault and very few hiccups.
Just to let people know, it will in fact not have all the streaming services as Stadia, GeForce Now, and xCloud (It will be added to GamePass once the preview is over at no additional cost) are all competing services and some of them do not play nice together or want to be on the same devices. At best they will end up with two of them.
@FragRed As far as I can tell they programmed their own BIOS for each core, so even if they piggy backed on an open source emulator this is still legit.
@Kalmaro Unfortunately Nintendo doesn't have enough news to supplement every news story so to keep these wonderful people working they have to make more than just Nintendo posts.
Revenge of Death Adder I would argue is better than the first games, it is a very awesome playthrough. If you haven't just get MAME and play it on PC first if you are interested in the cabinet.
I mean I have the entire library ready to go onto it once I get mine so not really worth it. Plus people will be able to dump the regional OS sets so we can flash them as well too if we want. Only need one of them to do all that.
@JRJalapeno I agree, I think this thing is really cool, and I also support hacking and roms as well. Just enjoy what you enjoy and stop bashing on others for it. This team vs team mentality is the worst of humanity, we are all on the same team with the same general goals in life.
I am probably going to pick one up down the road since it can easily be modified to also play the entire libraries off an SD card as well as my legit Master System and Genesis games.
Anyone who is interested in tinkering there is something potentially better and that is the MiSTer FPGA console that does a ton more systems but it is more DIY.
@Bomberman64 That is why I am waiting for the 8bitdo genesis ones, theirs are lag free or in other words the same or less than any other controller which is sweet.
@sleepinglion I plan on getting both systems, I was using the retron 3 for a long while but it just isn't too tier, mind you it is not the worst clone by any means.
@Painkiller_Mike Ya I have a similar take on it too, I buy games all the time that I already own or bought before if I really want it on a new platform but people will still try and say you are stealing and a horrible person lol.
@Painkiller_Mike I would not and do not feel guilty for emulating 20-30 year old games that are unavailable now to purchase in any way for the vast majority of those libraries. People can be against it but that doesn't hurt my feelings or the developers that worked on them ages ago since most hold no stake in them.
@Painkiller_Mike Don't forget, it plays them as the original console model 1 did (and model 2 in a few cases) in HD since it is FPGA. Not to mention you have an SD slot and can load the entire library from all regions if that is your sort of thing. It is pricey though no argument there.
Comments 63
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
@Duffman92 It could have been done better, and much simpler than they did by using a modern SoC, some of them run modern games on low-medium setting and run at maybe 15-30watts. That would have made the system cost maybe $200 without the controllers, then you sell a version with controllers for $300.
At the end of the day the company was mismanaged and poorly planned.
Re: Evercade Is Getting An "EXP" Upgrade, Complete With Irem And Toaplan Collections
@jikflet I said the same thing haha!
Re: "Big News" Promised At Evercade's 2nd Anniversary Show
Maybe they are getting neogeo compilations, that would be huge for their market.
Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision
I imagine if they can fix some of the quirks and reduce the price of the system it could actually do well.
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Adds Game Boy And Virtual Boy Screen Filters
@HamatoYoshi I am just waiting for the MiSTer Saturn core personally, don't need another emulation box.
Re: Hardware: Analogue Pocket Review - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@KillerBOB I have an M30 and 2 SN30 Pro as Well but I heard good things about the retro-bit Saturn controller.
Re: Hardware: Analogue Pocket Review - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@KillerBOB I am really excited for the Saturn one, I have never played a Saturn game on original hardware or emulation so having it cycle accurate on MiSTer is very appealing. I just need to get a retro-bit Saturn controller and I will be set.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@KillerBOB True but we are looking at a lot more systems than advertised.
P.S. I am excited for the MiSTer PSX core, can't imagine it will be too much longer based on his progress.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@StuTwo It supports it, but you will have to modify it like I did for my SP, had to remove the plastic housing because the connection has a fat plastic housing with tabs that need to be removed for it to fit in the link cable hole. The SP didn't have the tab holes either hence the mod lol.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@Axecon It is powerful enough to run what the MiSTer can run so I expect all consoles will open up for this over time as developers make/port custom cores for it.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@Ryu_Niiyama MVG has some docked footage, he said it is perfect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew91PeRy-ro
I want one but I am going to wait until they inevitably make one shaped like the original GBA, my hands are too big for this thing and it would destroy my carpel tunnel.
Re: Polymega Units Are Finally Arriving In The Hands Of Customers
You may as well get the much superior MiSTer for that price.
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
Worst case they can just make Earthworm Jim 4 multi-platform and recoup the losses, I think it will find a niche market. Legitimately if they have like four or five exclusives that are more than half decent they will get people to buy it.
Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming
@NinChocolate there's add-ons you can get that'll go to any type of display type you want but you have to pay more money for those add-on boards.
Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming
@doctorhino it's not even close to the same as far as how they work at a fundamental level as it's not emulating the game software themselves but the system hardware in real time.
Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming
@carlos82 there's advantages to both emulation and simulation, for non 3D games the simulation route is definitely preferred and way closer to actual hardware.
Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming
I'm getting mine in about a week or two fully decked out, I'm tired of paying ridiculous prices just to play old games on original hardware so this is better and every possible way for 16 bit and under. But it's all said and done it's about $400 Canadian for the whole setup but it's worth it for me I just have to sell two games for my collection to cover it.
Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form
Anyone remember the Rhapsody they made about his? ahaha.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@Damo Analogue hasn't released custom firmware's, but their main developer who makes the official firmware's has made one for each of their analogue systems which allows SD rom loading. Anything past 32 bit is emulated almost perfectly on PC and Android devices so it is a non issue.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@status-204 Software emulation has come a long way and is not much different than actual hardware now for many emulators, but ya I will hold off for my analogue pocket as it will get hacked and be able to play most of what this can.
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
@Damo I think it is pretty cool over all but I am going to get an Analogue Pocket instead, portability is important and with the custom firmware's for all the analogue devices you can use FPGA cores for all the old consoles and run off the SD card.
Re: Hands On: Retro Fighters Follows Up Its Superb Brawler64 Pad With The StrikerDC For Dreamcast
@Papichulo It is far cheaper than lag free wireless would be.
Re: Hands On: Retro Fighters Follows Up Its Superb Brawler64 Pad With The StrikerDC For Dreamcast
I got $280 for my like 20 dreamcast games and then just burned them all to still be able to play them, I may have to invest in one of these because the OG controllers are not that great lol.
Re: Hardware Review: Should You Ditch Your GameCube Discs For The GC Loader?
@Iandizion Guess what, it is impossible to police that so don't worry about it.
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
@Yas Don't expect VC to ever happen again, Capcom, Konami, Square ENIX and many others rather make more money doing compilations, nets far more money than single VC releases.
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
@jipiboily Love ETA Prime primes videos, given me so many good ideas.
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
A hacked Switch is far better at this, I am going to just buy another Switch and hack my OG one as it is a RCM model so it can be hacked regardless of firmware and I will use my new one for all my legit Nintendo doings/online and such. I was going to wait for the Analogue Pocket but that thing won't be out for a few years now likely due to the Pandemic.
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
@Dirty0814 Not sure what you mean lol.
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
@redd214 Ya! I am blown away by how seamless it is!
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
@redd214 Best guess people have had is it will be part of GamePass Ultimate and not the base GamePass which is fair enough if they take that route.
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
@redd214 xCloud will be added to GamePass at no additional cost as far as I can tell. I know the ability to stream your own console anywhere is going to be a free feature even without GamePass once the preview is over sometime in the fall which is very nice. I can tell you though, MS wins the game streaming battle, been using their xCloud servers on the beta/preview and it is damn nice, not one disconnect that wasn't my fault and very few hiccups.
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
Just to let people know, it will in fact not have all the streaming services as Stadia, GeForce Now, and xCloud (It will be added to GamePass once the preview is over at no additional cost) are all competing services and some of them do not play nice together or want to be on the same devices. At best they will end up with two of them.
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
@FragRed As far as I can tell they programmed their own BIOS for each core, so even if they piggy backed on an open source emulator this is still legit.
Re: New Game Footage Suggests The Intellivision Amico Will Struggle To Pull Families Away From Switch
Remember, Earthworm Jim 3 is coming to this thing, if it is good it actually may be worth it just for that one game lol.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
@Kalmaro Unfortunately Nintendo doesn't have enough news to supplement every news story so to keep these wonderful people working they have to make more than just Nintendo posts.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
Revenge of Death Adder I would argue is better than the first games, it is a very awesome playthrough. If you haven't just get MAME and play it on PC first if you are interested in the cabinet.
Re: Hardware Review: Should You Import The Japanese Mega Drive Mini?
I mean I have the entire library ready to go onto it once I get mine so not really worth it. Plus people will be able to dump the regional OS sets so we can flash them as well too if we want. Only need one of them to do all that.
Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System
@JRJalapeno I agree, I think this thing is really cool, and I also support hacking and roms as well. Just enjoy what you enjoy and stop bashing on others for it. This team vs team mentality is the worst of humanity, we are all on the same team with the same general goals in life.
Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System
@Bermanator No way to enforce it so who cares, I know many many people who have entire retro rom collections and will for ever lol.
Re: Polymega's "Next Gen" Light Gun Controller Will Let You Play Duck Hunt On Your HDTV
@Pichuka97 lol ya, that is why you wait for a sale.
Re: A Second Namco Collection Has Been Revealed For The Evercade Handheld System
This could end up being a decent handheld to be honest.
Re: Polymega's "Next Gen" Light Gun Controller Will Let You Play Duck Hunt On Your HDTV
@Ralizah Capcom should port the Umbrella Chronicles over.
Re: Exclusive: The Evercade Handheld Is Getting Earthworm Jim, Clayfigher And Midnight Resistance
@Tendogamerxxx Sunsoft made some of the best games on NES at least.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal
I am probably going to pick one up down the road since it can easily be modified to also play the entire libraries off an SD card as well as my legit Master System and Genesis games.
Anyone who is interested in tinkering there is something potentially better and that is the MiSTer FPGA console that does a ton more systems but it is more DIY.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit's Sega Genesis And Saturn Pads (Mostly) Hit The Right Spot
@Bomberman64 That is why I am waiting for the 8bitdo genesis ones, theirs are lag free or in other words the same or less than any other controller which is sweet.
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
@sleepinglion I plan on getting both systems, I was using the retron 3 for a long while but it just isn't too tier, mind you it is not the worst clone by any means.
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
@ramu-chan Custom firmware that is easy to install does though.
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
@Painkiller_Mike Ya I have a similar take on it too, I buy games all the time that I already own or bought before if I really want it on a new platform but people will still try and say you are stealing and a horrible person lol.
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
@Painkiller_Mike I would not and do not feel guilty for emulating 20-30 year old games that are unavailable now to purchase in any way for the vast majority of those libraries. People can be against it but that doesn't hurt my feelings or the developers that worked on them ages ago since most hold no stake in them.
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
@Painkiller_Mike Don't forget, it plays them as the original console model 1 did (and model 2 in a few cases) in HD since it is FPGA. Not to mention you have an SD slot and can load the entire library from all regions if that is your sort of thing. It is pricey though no argument there.