I'm pretty new to emulation. N64 has given me more issues than NES, SNES, GB, GBA, Genesis, 2600 and 7800, but it really hasn't been so bad. Some games take a bit of poking around in the emulator's settings, and maybe they don't run exactly like I'd like them to, but hey-they seem pretty good to me. I've actually been pleasantly surprised by how well most of them run after years of hearing about how hard they are to emulate.
Dolphin, on the other hand, has been incredibly disappointing. I don't even bother with GC/Wii anymore. I just play on my Wii U.
I know some people have had issues with their "refurbished" systems, and yeah-that's pretty bogus. But as somebody who has only ever bought games from them (a lot of games!), I've only had good experiences. Some games are pretty expensive, but I think most are reasonable enough-especially with their coupons/rewards. I'd much rather buy from them (even if it costs a bit more) than some weirdo on ebay or something when I know how good their customer service is and how generous their return policy is. You can return a game for any reason for up to a year! Sure, you probably have to pay for the return shipping (unless there's actually something wrong with the game, in which case they'll give you a label), but that's not so bad. I don't know, man...most of the time, if you buy a game that they have listed as being in good condition, it's in pretty darn good condition. And if you don't care about that, their "cosmetically flawed" games are usually pretty reasonably priced. I like them-probably my favorite place to buy retro games. People are way too hard on them.
I loved these as a kid. I had books 2-8. Never got into the Zelda ones.
I was reading them to my son last year and my wife noticed that I had written on the order form in the back...I filled it out to order book 1, and there was a note saying that I was going to buy it as soon as I had the money or something, which never happened. She hopped on eBay and bought me a copy. Pretty awesome gift.
If only I hadn't written over all the puzzles as a kid! Makes them a little less fun to go through now, ha. Oh well.
@samuelvictor Your perspective on this is interesting to me. Personally, I've known about Flashback and Another World for years, and I had never even heard of the Amiga until Evercade announced that they were going to start releasing Amiga games, ha. I'm sure there are plenty of fans, especially over in Europe, but I'm guessing that way more people associate those games with SNES/Genesis than you may think.
Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm sure what we're getting is going to be great, and I'll probably love the Amiga versions.
By the way, I just poked around on the internet a bit, and it looks like Flashback may have actually been originally developed/planned for Genesis. I'll admit that I haven't read enough trusted sources to confirm that, but it would certainly explain it.
@samuelvictor personally, I prefer NES/SNES/Genesis versions, even if they are “worse”-just more my style. But yeah, it does seem like an odd choice for this collection.
“Based on the original Amiga versions, Delphine Collection 1 includes Another World (also known as Out of this World), Flashback, Future Wars and Operation Stealth.”
I love my Evercade, but Atari 50 is a significantly better way to go than these collections. No big loss here. Except maybe the Lynx collections-sorry to see those go. At least I already own ‘em.
@-wc- These games are all in the Morphcat collection for Evercade (which, by the way, is only $20). They're really solid. I especially liked Bobl. Cool mini (very mini) Metroidvania game with some uniqueness to it. Spacegulls was cool too. Kinda Mega Man-esque. I personally didn't get into Micro Mages, but I could see it being fun with some friends.
The Evercade cart is an easy recommendation. $50 for an NES cart, though? Man, I don't know. These games are small and pretty simple. Very fun, high quality, but I can't honestly say you'll get more than a couple hours of gameplay out of them (unless, maybe, you get really into MM).
It was really cool/helpful when you were adding the original platforms for each game. Looks like you stopped after Intellivision 2. Any chance you’ll go back to including that information?
Either way, thanks for this list. I use Evercade’s site a lot, but it’s really nice having all the games listed on one page!
Eh. I’ve said it before, but I have an Evercade for real retro games. I’ve purchased all of the carts so far, but I think this showcase convinced me I don’t have to. May even sell some. It’s great for the developers and I’m glad if other fans are happy with any of these announcements, but I have no interest in this stuff anymore. I play plenty of indie games on my Switch, but I just don’t care about them on Evercade.
Having said that, Flea, Tapeworm Disco Puzzle and the Morphcat games are pretty great. Glad I tried them before giving up on the indie carts. I just can’t keep buying them/making space for them on my shelf/forcing myself to play them just because they’re the latest carts.
I don’t mean to be so negative, I definitely get it…I just hope they keep releasing solid retro carts. Really looking forward to Sunsoft!
As a huge Evercade fan with a complete collection, I'll certainly watch/buy everything they show us, but also...eh. I'm more into Evercade for the retro stuff. Not a big fan of indies coming to the system.
Having said that, Flea, Tapeworm Disco Puzzle and pretty much all the Morphcat games have been some of my favorite experiences on Evercade, and I never would have tried those games anywhere else. So what do I know?
@samuelvictor I actually don't even care about them having digital-only software if that's what it takes to get certain games, but I HATE that it is console-specific. If I could get these Capcom and Taito collections on my VS too, I'd be fine. Would be nice to have an account system or be able to register your products for a download code or something. Heck, I'd even pay a few bucks to get this stuff on my VS too.
Of course, over time, more and more stuff would become digital only, which would ruin the whole Evercade thing for a lot of people.
@samuelvictor you know what? I bet that’s exactly why they didn’t make this an Evercade product. They want to be able to say they aren’t doing more non-cart Evercade releases. Answers my question above your post!
Huh. Maybe I'll get that Taito one. I already have the EXP with all those Capcom games (and more). I don't play it nearly as much as I play my VS, but I like the size/layout of this one way more. OK, I'm in. Not sure why this isn't just an Evercade product, though?
I threw this in my SNES the other day for the first time in probably 30 years. Pretty sure I got further in like 20 minutes than I ever did as a kid. The game made no sense to me back then, ha. It's fine for what it is. Not a good game, but there's something about it. Kinda charming. I like the music, too.
@-wc- it doesn’t really affect anybody, but I do think there’s something morally wrong with thinking you’re entitled to get something for free that other people paid for/you had an opportunity to pay for.
You could also argue that buying used games (instead of pirating) helps to keep stores that sell physical games around, I suppose, but I don’t know how much that actually matters. Plus, it doesn’t mean much when it comes to games that were digital only anyway.
@-wc- if you want to download a bunch of old NES games, SNES games, etc. instead of paying some dude on eBay hundreds of dollars, sure. It’s not for me, but do whatever you want to do. I have a real problem with people applying this to 3DS and Wii U games, though. People like me heard about the eShop closing, looked into what we wanted to buy and made our purchases. People deciding to just wait it out and download free games, pretending it’s ok just because the shop closed down when you had plenty of time to make legal purchases, is really lame. Why should you get free games that other people just paid for?
@RadioHedgeFund they're losing out on money because a bunch of people apparently decided to wait for the shop to close so they could steal games instead of paying for them when they had a chance to.
Outside of a bit of original hardware, I own an Evercade VS and an Evercade EXP, along with every cartridge they have released. I own the NES Classic, SNES Classic, Genesis Mini, Genesis Mini 2 and PC Engine Mini. I buy tons of retro game collections/releases on modern hardware. I'm a big supporter of "ethical emulation".
I also never download roms/emulators. Some of it is because I have no clue what I'm doing. Some of it is because I just don't like "fake owning" things. And some of it is because yeah, I think it's wrong. Certainly when it comes to games that are fairly easily accessible legally, anyway. I do think it's kinda funny that paying some dude on eBay hundreds of dollars for an old game is somehow better than just downloading a rom, but hey, I don't make the rules.
Having said all of that, there's clearly a problem here, and I don't know the solution. I'm definitely willing to give companies money for old games, but there are a ton of games that I just can't do this with. I usually just say "eh, can't play it-whatever, I have enough to play", but is that right? I don't know. I'm no preservationist, I'm just a guy who likes games. I really, really love what Evercade is doing-I'm hopeful that they can continue to bring back lots of games that have disappeared, but even then, I don't see it happening with much licensed stuff. Weird topic.
If they want to make some money, how about actually making it possible to buy that 50th anniversary Flashback console that apparently exists?
Too bad about the VCS. I've been tempted to buy it so many times (especially right now with it being $239 for the "all in package" on Atari's website), though I couldn't tell you why. Looks cool, I guess? I don't know. Neat idea, just so expensive for what (I think) it is.
Can't wait to get mine! I finally got in on the whole Evercade thing a few months ago by picking up the VS, and I absolutely love it. Having an awesome handheld version to go along with it is going to be great (even if I'm more of a "play on TV" guy). Really excited for the new collections, too.
Been playing a ton of Evercade stuff. Trying to wrap up Tanglewood before I start the Alwa/Cathedral cart. Fortunately(?) something happened to my delivery and it didn’t come yesterday, so I have a little extra time. I’m sure I’ll get some Sensible Soccer in too.
Been playing my Genesis Mini 2 a bit too…still a long way to go in Rainbow Islands!
Oh, and my son recently discovered my SMB Game & Watch, so I’ve been playing that with him too. Him shouting out “AGAIN?!” every time we are told the Princess is in another castle is the best ha. We paused it when we got to 8-4 last night. He’s gonna love what happens next.
My one year old has a Fisher Price video game controller toy. I was very pleased to find that whoever made it knows their stuff-you get a special “you win” sound if you press the buttons for the Konami code. Super cool.
Comments 47
Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates
I'm pretty new to emulation. N64 has given me more issues than NES, SNES, GB, GBA, Genesis, 2600 and 7800, but it really hasn't been so bad. Some games take a bit of poking around in the emulator's settings, and maybe they don't run exactly like I'd like them to, but hey-they seem pretty good to me. I've actually been pleasantly surprised by how well most of them run after years of hearing about how hard they are to emulate.
Dolphin, on the other hand, has been incredibly disappointing. I don't even bother with GC/Wii anymore. I just play on my Wii U.
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
@TJSpyke exactly what I was thinking as I read this article.
Re: Evercade And SNK Are Joining Forces To Celebrate "The Artistry And Legacy Of Neo Geo"
@buchu8oolong "my new Super Pocket plays everything I’ve tried fine"
As long as you don't need to use the d-pad, anyway.
Re: Evercade And SNK Are Joining Forces To Celebrate "The Artistry And Legacy Of Neo Geo"
This is fantastic news. Neo Geo games are awesome, and man...these are going to be so good on the Alpha. Man! They know what they're doing.
Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud
@ozyr PlayAsia has it available to order, and I’m pretty sure it’s about the same price after the conversion:
Re: Review: Piko Interactive Collection 4 (Evercade) - N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade
Looks great, can't wait!
Re: Review: Sunsoft Collection 2 (Evercade) - Another Fine Mix Of Sunsoft Classics
Really excited for this one. Looks like my kind of cart!
Re: Castaway Is An Adorable New Zelda-Like From The Developer Of Lunark
@NinChocolate yes! Ha.
Re: Castaway Is An Adorable New Zelda-Like From The Developer Of Lunark
@NinChocolate Zelda with bad level design and unnecessarily annoying enemies doesn't really sound fun.
Re: Controversial Retro Store DK Oldies Just Got Hacked
I know some people have had issues with their "refurbished" systems, and yeah-that's pretty bogus. But as somebody who has only ever bought games from them (a lot of games!), I've only had good experiences. Some games are pretty expensive, but I think most are reasonable enough-especially with their coupons/rewards. I'd much rather buy from them (even if it costs a bit more) than some weirdo on ebay or something when I know how good their customer service is and how generous their return policy is. You can return a game for any reason for up to a year! Sure, you probably have to pay for the return shipping (unless there's actually something wrong with the game, in which case they'll give you a label), but that's not so bad. I don't know, man...most of the time, if you buy a game that they have listed as being in good condition, it's in pretty darn good condition. And if you don't care about that, their "cosmetically flawed" games are usually pretty reasonably priced. I like them-probably my favorite place to buy retro games. People are way too hard on them.
Re: The Company Behind An Essential Game Boy Accessory Is Making A SNES Version Next
The GB Operator is awesome. I’d be very into this if I didn’t already have a Retrode. I’m sure it’ll be great.
Re: JoeyN64 Lets You Legally Back Up Your N64 Games And Save Data
I’d love to get something this simple for NES and SNES games. Don’t really care about N64. But yeah, I love the concept.
Re: Nintendo Just Filed Multiple Trademarks For The GameCube Controller
@Poodlestargenerica PS3 "best objectively"? With that left stick placement? No way.
Re: The Making Of: Nintendo Adventure Books, Mario's 'Fighting Fantasy' Period
@CammyUnofficial I bet I have read that Mega Man 2 book 500 times, ha.
Re: The Making Of: Nintendo Adventure Books, Mario's 'Fighting Fantasy' Period
I loved these as a kid. I had books 2-8. Never got into the Zelda ones.
I was reading them to my son last year and my wife noticed that I had written on the order form in the back...I filled it out to order book 1, and there was a note saying that I was going to buy it as soon as I had the money or something, which never happened. She hopped on eBay and bought me a copy. Pretty awesome gift.
If only I hadn't written over all the puzzles as a kid! Makes them a little less fun to go through now, ha. Oh well.
Re: Analogue Is Teasing Something For Next Week, But What Is It?
@Tasuki yeah…I’m not gonna pay $400+, though.
Re: Analogue Is Teasing Something For Next Week
I just want them to bring back the Super Nt.
Re: Hands On: Evercade's Latest Crop Of Carts Offer Some Welcome Surprises
@samuelvictor Your perspective on this is interesting to me. Personally, I've known about Flashback and Another World for years, and I had never even heard of the Amiga until Evercade announced that they were going to start releasing Amiga games, ha. I'm sure there are plenty of fans, especially over in Europe, but I'm guessing that way more people associate those games with SNES/Genesis than you may think.
Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm sure what we're getting is going to be great, and I'll probably love the Amiga versions.
By the way, I just poked around on the internet a bit, and it looks like Flashback may have actually been originally developed/planned for Genesis. I'll admit that I haven't read enough trusted sources to confirm that, but it would certainly explain it.
Re: Hands On: Evercade's Latest Crop Of Carts Offer Some Welcome Surprises
@dconstantine ha, yeah. I had never heard of them by name, though I am familiar with some of their games.
Re: Hands On: Evercade's Latest Crop Of Carts Offer Some Welcome Surprises
@samuelvictor personally, I prefer NES/SNES/Genesis versions, even if they are “worse”-just more my style. But yeah, it does seem like an odd choice for this collection.
Re: Hands On: Evercade's Latest Crop Of Carts Offer Some Welcome Surprises
“Based on the original Amiga versions, Delphine Collection 1 includes Another World (also known as Out of this World), Flashback, Future Wars and Operation Stealth.”
Isn’t Flashback the Genesis version?
Re: Evercade's Atari Carts Are Being Discontinued
I love my Evercade, but Atari 50 is a significantly better way to go than these collections. No big loss here. Except maybe the Lynx collections-sorry to see those go. At least I already own ‘em.
Re: Triple Jump Is A New Multi-Cart Featuring 3 NES Platformers
@-wc- These games are all in the Morphcat collection for Evercade (which, by the way, is only $20). They're really solid. I especially liked Bobl. Cool mini (very mini) Metroidvania game with some uniqueness to it. Spacegulls was cool too. Kinda Mega Man-esque. I personally didn't get into Micro Mages, but I could see it being fun with some friends.
The Evercade cart is an easy recommendation. $50 for an NES cart, though? Man, I don't know. These games are small and pretty simple. Very fun, high quality, but I can't honestly say you'll get more than a couple hours of gameplay out of them (unless, maybe, you get really into MM).
Re: Evercade Games - All Evercade Cartridges Released So Far
It was really cool/helpful when you were adding the original platforms for each game. Looks like you stopped after Intellivision 2. Any chance you’ll go back to including that information?
Either way, thanks for this list. I use Evercade’s site a lot, but it’s really nice having all the games listed on one page!
Re: Pre-Orders Open For New GBA Platformer 'Goodboy Galaxy'
You will also be able to get it, along with a game called Witch ‘N Wiz, on a $20 Evercade cart.
Re: Everything Revealed At The Evercade Showcase Vol. 2
Eh. I’ve said it before, but I have an Evercade for real retro games. I’ve purchased all of the carts so far, but I think this showcase convinced me I don’t have to. May even sell some. It’s great for the developers and I’m glad if other fans are happy with any of these announcements, but I have no interest in this stuff anymore. I play plenty of indie games on my Switch, but I just don’t care about them on Evercade.
Having said that, Flea, Tapeworm Disco Puzzle and the Morphcat games are pretty great. Glad I tried them before giving up on the indie carts. I just can’t keep buying them/making space for them on my shelf/forcing myself to play them just because they’re the latest carts.
I don’t mean to be so negative, I definitely get it…I just hope they keep releasing solid retro carts. Really looking forward to Sunsoft!
Re: The Next Evercade Showcase Airs This Coming Monday
As a huge Evercade fan with a complete collection, I'll certainly watch/buy everything they show us, but also...eh. I'm more into Evercade for the retro stuff. Not a big fan of indies coming to the system.
Having said that, Flea, Tapeworm Disco Puzzle and pretty much all the Morphcat games have been some of my favorite experiences on Evercade, and I never would have tried those games anywhere else. So what do I know?
Re: HyperMega Tech's 'Super Pocket' Is A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Plays Evercade Carts
@lemonjellydude why wouldn’t you want it? Personally, I’d love to need less devices.
Re: HyperMega Tech's 'Super Pocket' Is A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Plays Evercade Carts
@samuelvictor I actually don't even care about them having digital-only software if that's what it takes to get certain games, but I HATE that it is console-specific. If I could get these Capcom and Taito collections on my VS too, I'd be fine. Would be nice to have an account system or be able to register your products for a download code or something. Heck, I'd even pay a few bucks to get this stuff on my VS too.
Of course, over time, more and more stuff would become digital only, which would ruin the whole Evercade thing for a lot of people.
Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"
@Mgalens I was not trying to be even remotely serious/non-jokey or scientific. There sure are plenty of people like that out there, though.
Re: HyperMega Tech's 'Super Pocket' Is A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Plays Evercade Carts
@samuelvictor you know what? I bet that’s exactly why they didn’t make this an Evercade product. They want to be able to say they aren’t doing more non-cart Evercade releases. Answers my question above your post!
Re: HyperMega Tech's 'Super Pocket' Is A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Plays Evercade Carts
Huh. Maybe I'll get that Taito one. I already have the EXP with all those Capcom games (and more). I don't play it nearly as much as I play my VS, but I like the size/layout of this one way more. OK, I'm in. Not sure why this isn't just an Evercade product, though?
Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"
Interestingly, 87% is also the percent of people who pirate games and pretend to care about preservation but really just want free games.
Re: Everything Revealed At The Evercade Showcase Vol. 1
@Jacoby Do it! The Evercade VS is one of my favorite consoles I have ever purchased. Really good deal, too.
Re: Everything Revealed At The Evercade Showcase Vol. 1
Very happy with the presentation! I love my Evercade(s), and these were some awesome announcements.
Re: The Making Of: Mario Is Missing, The Legendary Plumber's Oddest Adventure
I threw this in my SNES the other day for the first time in probably 30 years. Pretty sure I got further in like 20 minutes than I ever did as a kid. The game made no sense to me back then, ha. It's fine for what it is. Not a good game, but there's something about it. Kinda charming. I like the music, too.
Re: Now's The Time To Hack Your 3DS
@-wc- it doesn’t really affect anybody, but I do think there’s something morally wrong with thinking you’re entitled to get something for free that other people paid for/you had an opportunity to pay for.
You could also argue that buying used games (instead of pirating) helps to keep stores that sell physical games around, I suppose, but I don’t know how much that actually matters. Plus, it doesn’t mean much when it comes to games that were digital only anyway.
Re: Now's The Time To Hack Your 3DS
@-wc- if you want to download a bunch of old NES games, SNES games, etc. instead of paying some dude on eBay hundreds of dollars, sure. It’s not for me, but do whatever you want to do. I have a real problem with people applying this to 3DS and Wii U games, though. People like me heard about the eShop closing, looked into what we wanted to buy and made our purchases. People deciding to just wait it out and download free games, pretending it’s ok just because the shop closed down when you had plenty of time to make legal purchases, is really lame. Why should you get free games that other people just paid for?
Re: Now's The Time To Hack Your 3DS
@RadioHedgeFund they're losing out on money because a bunch of people apparently decided to wait for the shop to close so they could steal games instead of paying for them when they had a chance to.
Re: Castlevania Fans, Take Note - Crypt Of Dracula On Mega Drive Looks Fang-Tastic
I’d play it if they put it on Evercade.
Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?
Outside of a bit of original hardware, I own an Evercade VS and an Evercade EXP, along with every cartridge they have released. I own the NES Classic, SNES Classic, Genesis Mini, Genesis Mini 2 and PC Engine Mini. I buy tons of retro game collections/releases on modern hardware. I'm a big supporter of "ethical emulation".
I also never download roms/emulators. Some of it is because I have no clue what I'm doing. Some of it is because I just don't like "fake owning" things. And some of it is because yeah, I think it's wrong. Certainly when it comes to games that are fairly easily accessible legally, anyway. I do think it's kinda funny that paying some dude on eBay hundreds of dollars for an old game is somehow better than just downloading a rom, but hey, I don't make the rules.
Having said all of that, there's clearly a problem here, and I don't know the solution. I'm definitely willing to give companies money for old games, but there are a ton of games that I just can't do this with. I usually just say "eh, can't play it-whatever, I have enough to play", but is that right? I don't know. I'm no preservationist, I'm just a guy who likes games. I really, really love what Evercade is doing-I'm hopeful that they can continue to bring back lots of games that have disappeared, but even then, I don't see it happening with much licensed stuff. Weird topic.
Re: Atari And MyArcade Are Launching A New Home Console This Year
Definitely intrigued by this Game Station thing. Looking forward to hearing more!
Re: Atari's Revived VCS Has Flopped, And Now It Needs More Cash
If they want to make some money, how about actually making it possible to buy that 50th anniversary Flashback console that apparently exists?
Too bad about the VCS. I've been tempted to buy it so many times (especially right now with it being $239 for the "all in package" on Atari's website), though I couldn't tell you why. Looks cool, I guess? I don't know. Neat idea, just so expensive for what (I think) it is.
Re: 'Anniversary Wonder Boy Collection' Gets A Digital Release Next Year
This is great news. I'll definitely be getting this! Glad I was too annoyed to purchase the lame version.
Re: Evercade EXP - Superior In Every Way That Matters
Can't wait to get mine! I finally got in on the whole Evercade thing a few months ago by picking up the VS, and I absolutely love it. Having an awesome handheld version to go along with it is going to be great (even if I'm more of a "play on TV" guy). Really excited for the new collections, too.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 5th)
Been playing a ton of Evercade stuff. Trying to wrap up Tanglewood before I start the Alwa/Cathedral cart. Fortunately(?) something happened to my delivery and it didn’t come yesterday, so I have a little extra time. I’m sure I’ll get some Sensible Soccer in too.
Been playing my Genesis Mini 2 a bit too…still a long way to go in Rainbow Islands!
Oh, and my son recently discovered my SMB Game & Watch, so I’ve been playing that with him too. Him shouting out “AGAIN?!” every time we are told the Princess is in another castle is the best ha. We paused it when we got to 8-4 last night. He’s gonna love what happens next.
Re: The Creator Of The World's Most Famous Cheat Code Has Died
Sad to hear.
My one year old has a Fisher Price video game controller toy. I was very pleased to find that whoever made it knows their stuff-you get a special “you win” sound if you press the buttons for the Konami code. Super cool.