Comments 19

Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You


All the nintendo consoles are brilliant here. Props to the Sony consoles as well, it's a shame they weren't supported properly. I'd rate the DS and 3DS higher than the GBA and even switch lite (i have a standard hybrid switch which is 95% used as a handheld!). This is because we enjoyed them most as a household together and compulsively so.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2013?


Ah the memories. Was it really 10 years ago? Wow. So much has happened since then....

Wii U had Wii Fit U which I played to death. Super Mario 3D World and the amazing Windwaker HD. 3DS was doing well and I adored Link Between Worlds. An all time great like WW.

The Mario and Sonic game was average on the WiiU if I remember