@-wc- It's a given. Nintendo always deliver killers apps. I don't get why they always have to have some huge new feature. SNES and GameCube were definitely worthwhile despite not having a gimmick.
@Green_Devil So, if you're wanting to write an article about price increases, how does one do it without mentioning politics? It's like writing an article about modern games and how a lot of them have been increasing in price; you can't ignore the factors for the price increase (ever increasing budgets, shareholders wanting ever increasing profits, etc) .
I feel like I'm experiencing a Mandela Effect. I've never heard anyone say N64 was hard to emulate until this video and the associated comments. Sega Saturn? Absolutely. I've heard people say it was challenging for years, but not N64.
@Cheddar_Cheeseman That's not accurate. Both of the most well known PC light gun options (Sinden and AimTrak) have recoil.
@slider1983 It's not. It's available on Sinden's site.
@-wc- Pretty sure the article is talking about the fact you need a PC, an emulator, a rom, and calibrating Sinden (which can be a pain I've heard). The other option is finding a CRT and an original light gun. Thus, playing Time Crisis has been unobtainable for many people (i.e. casual players).
@PopetheRev28 Switch and PC are last gen? Runs on PS5 via backwards compatibility, so I'm failing to see how it's last gen only.
@KitsuneNight SNK published this, so they have no bearing on Fighting Jam getting published. BTW, I can't stop watching your profile pic gif. It's very... animated...
@NEStalgia It was even crazy back then. That's why stores didn't carry the game. That's why it was censored on PS2. It has nothing to do with "over-censored political correctness." Only Acclaim would've pulled a stunt like this for shock value; it wasn't the only time either. They were desperate because they were on the verge of bankruptcy.
@Hyena Riiiight. You play for the "gameplay and music." And people go to Hooters for the wings. 😏
@CasePB That's not specific to just games today. Plenty of games throughout the years have been all look and no substance.
@MarkyVigoroth Same here. I loved BMX 2, so I'm bummed to hear we missed out on it.
@Chocoburger You took me off guard with the "first person shooter" comment. Really? Weird.
@Chocoburger Really makes think I should create my own branding agency. I get paid big bucks even though my client doesn't end up using anything I came up with? Sounds awesome.
@foodmetaphors Is it really that amazing? The names don't sell the product. The product does. How many video game system actually had a good name? There's not a whole lot.
Comments 56
Re: The Must-Have RetroTINK 4K Upscaler Now Has A Cheaper Alternative
@Steel76 How much?
Re: New Xbox 360 Recompilation Tool Will Give Lost Classics Another Chance To Shine
@mjparker77 It's sad you don't see how big this is. It's not just arcade/Saturn to XBLA ports that will be rescued.
Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller
@-wc- Have you tried the Series or DualSense? Aside from the stick drift issues that plagues all three companies, they both are great controllers.
Re: 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller
@-wc- It's a given. Nintendo always deliver killers apps. I don't get why they always have to have some huge new feature. SNES and GameCube were definitely worthwhile despite not having a gimmick.
Re: Random: Sega's Winter Heat Hides A Chilling Prediction About The End Of The World
@CasePB Could be a little bit of both. 🥰
Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual
@GlamorousAlpaca Who's yours?
Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual
@Green_Devil So, if you're wanting to write an article about price increases, how does one do it without mentioning politics? It's like writing an article about modern games and how a lot of them have been increasing in price; you can't ignore the factors for the price increase (ever increasing budgets, shareholders wanting ever increasing profits, etc) .
Just ignore the article if you're not interested.
Re: You Can Now Run Your Entire PS2 Library From This $50 Memory Card
@PanicOnFunkatron This is good for someone like me with a slim model that doesn't have a hard drive expansion port.
Re: Konami's Bizarre Arcade Racing Game 'Escape Kids' Is Heading To PS4 & Switch
This looks unhinged. I love it.
Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates
I feel like I'm experiencing a Mandela Effect. I've never heard anyone say N64 was hard to emulate until this video and the associated comments. Sega Saturn? Absolutely. I've heard people say it was challenging for years, but not N64.
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@KitsuneNight But isn't going in on minis also "muhstalgia"?
Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles
@hashkey Sarcasm, I hope. I've seen plenty of crazy takes on the internet though, so I'm not always sure anymore.
Re: Virtua Fighter 2 Is Getting A Physical Release On Xbox
@Skynet04 You didn't like it, but still played it a lot?
Re: Sega Saturn Finally Gets Its Own Version Of Shenmue (Kinda)
@KitsuneNight Alright, why don't you create a proof of concept then?
Re: PS1 Exclusive Crash Bandicoot Gets Ported To Sega Saturn
@NinChocolate Wdym? Crash is great.
Re: Random: Tetris Forever Is The Closest We'll Get To Seeing Pokémon On PlayStation And Xbox
I wonder if Nintendo is cool with this?
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
Can't wait for all the YouTube videos talking about the history of this scam in a few months.
Re: Anniversary: Killer Instinct Is 30 Years Old
This makes me feel old and I'm barely older than KI.
Re: SNK "Very Aware" We All Want A New Capcom Vs. SNK Game, But "The Hurdle Is Quite High"
@Zeebor15 Is it a common trend? Lol
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
@nocdaes How is VR not decent now? Virtual Boy can't even be compared to VR. VR requires tracking. The Virtual Boy was solely 3D.
@Blast16 Did you read the article? Nintendo has acknowledged it over the years.
"it appeared in Tomodachi Life, WarioWare and even as a bonus item in the 3DS StreetPass mode."
Re: Time Crisis Is Coming To Modern TVs Thanks To A Plug-And-Play, AI-Powered Light Gun
@Cheddar_Cheeseman That's not accurate. Both of the most well known PC light gun options (Sinden and AimTrak) have recoil.
@slider1983 It's not. It's available on Sinden's site.
@-wc- Pretty sure the article is talking about the fact you need a PC, an emulator, a rom, and calibrating Sinden (which can be a pain I've heard). The other option is finding a CRT and an original light gun. Thus, playing Time Crisis has been unobtainable for many people (i.e. casual players).
Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming
@_Ex_ Isn't it still an issue? What's the draw of FPGA, if that's not a downside to software emulation?
Re: Egads, There's More Drama In The FPGA Retro Gaming Community
@CornNoble C'mon, you know why. Drama gets clicks. People say they don't like it, but they love negativity. It's why ragebait gets so much attention.
Re: Review: MagicX XU Mini M - A Cute And Powerful Emulation Handheld
@-wc- Exactly. There never seems to be a good time to buy one.
Re: Random: This Obscure Mario Game Copied Music From An X-Rated Film
No one's going to mention the "splat" sound in the Mario song? It's so on the nose.
@gmaxim We're calling porn masterpieces now?
Re: I Just Reshelled My Dreamcast, And You Should Too
I'm fine with my OEM shell. I do want to do the GDEmu mod though.
Re: This Impressive Dreamcast Realtime 3D Demo Features Sega Superfan Keith Apicary
@PopetheRev28 Did you really just "ummm actually 🤓"? You should read articles before commenting.
Re: SNK Vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos Is Coming To Modern Platforms
@PopetheRev28 Switch and PC are last gen? Runs on PS5 via backwards compatibility, so I'm failing to see how it's last gen only.
@KitsuneNight SNK published this, so they have no bearing on Fighting Jam getting published. BTW, I can't stop watching your profile pic gif. It's very... animated...
Re: A Double Dragon Revival Is Coming To Modern Consoles In 2025
@slider1983 You act like they're just redoing the same game over and over.
Re: $150 Handheld MiSTer With AMOLED Screen Starts To Take Shape
@SteveFox Why aren't you interested?
Re: $150 Handheld MiSTer With AMOLED Screen Starts To Take Shape
@nocdaes I want the accuracy of FPGA without needing to spend tons of money on carts. Software emulation on other devices is not the same.
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Can't Ditch Software Emulation Handhelds For The FPGA Analogue Pocket
@Bonggon5 Agreed. Same here.
Re: Random: Used Book Retailer Half Price Books Is Selling Zelda: Minish Cap For $400
I used to love HPB, then I started seeing more and more of these ridiculous prices. Nowadays, Gamestop's used prices don't seem so bad.
Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It
Good ol Konami has always screwed stuff up, huh?
Re: Streets Of Rage-Like Beat 'Em Up 'Fallen City Brawl' Gets Updated Steam Demo
@Poodlestargenerica Wdym? It looks so good.
Re: Please Don't Ask Who's In The Sonic Costume In This Rare Rosie O'Donnell Clip
@PinballBuzzbro Seems pretty dark for a Sonic villain.
Re: The Making Of: BMX XXX - "We Were Building This Beautiful Skate Park And Ended Up With A Strip Club"
@NEStalgia It was even crazy back then. That's why stores didn't carry the game. That's why it was censored on PS2. It has nothing to do with "over-censored political correctness." Only Acclaim would've pulled a stunt like this for shock value; it wasn't the only time either. They were desperate because they were on the verge of bankruptcy.
@Hyena Riiiight. You play for the "gameplay and music." And people go to Hooters for the wings. 😏
@CasePB That's not specific to just games today. Plenty of games throughout the years have been all look and no substance.
@MarkyVigoroth Same here. I loved BMX 2, so I'm bummed to hear we missed out on it.
@Chocoburger You took me off guard with the "first person shooter" comment. Really? Weird.
Re: Random: Watch Mike Haggar Beat Up Thugs In This Incredible Live-Action Final Fight 2 Ad
@Tasuki Same. I'd love that!
Re: Random: Bizarre Clip Resurfaces Of Sonic And Knuckles Twerking On Puerto Rican TV
They were really getting into it.
Re: Flashback: The History Of Sonic's First Animated Commercial Outside Of Japan
Blue arms? Don't let Chris Chan see this!
Re: The Making Of: Soleil / Crusader Of Centy, Sega's Answer To Zelda
@smoreon what did they say?
Re: The Making Of: Rez - Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Timeless Masterpiece
@RadioHedgeFund why can't you get past the first level?
Re: The Making Of: Dangerous Heaven, The DVD Game That Aimed To Unify Hardware Platforms
@-wc- Agreed!
Re: Sonic Bust: The Rise And Fall Of Sega Enterprises
@Serpenterror But that was their first generation. They went on to make the Saturn, which was a huge success in Japan.
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
@Chocoburger Really makes think I should create my own branding agency. I get paid big bucks even though my client doesn't end up using anything I came up with? Sounds awesome.
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
@foodmetaphors Is it really that amazing? The names don't sell the product. The product does. How many video game system actually had a good name? There's not a whole lot.
Re: To Make Sense Of Xbox Multiplatform Rumours, We Need Only Look To The Past
@BaldBelper78 And that's what happened. Lol
Re: To Make Sense Of Xbox Multiplatform Rumours, We Need Only Look To The Past
PS5 isn't selling at a loss now. It's breaking even.
Also, why is a 10th gen handheld crazy? It's most likely what Microsoft is doing. Nintendo is probably doing a system similar to the Switch too.
Re: To Make Sense Of Xbox Multiplatform Rumours, We Need Only Look To The Past
@Poodlestargenerica Not like covid helped.
Re: Review: AYANEO Flip DS - A Great (But Costly) Way To Play 3DS And Wii U In 2024
@Kulhy I feel that's a tad dramatic.