@Aiodensghost Blaze aren't some big international company and if it wasn't for the likes of Amazon there'd be no presence in the US. If people stop buying the carts they will stop offering them at all.
@vicviper001 I always found the best way to deal with Pi's is clone the SD card once you have a decent working setup. Then you can just fall back on that if it falls over.
Sadly this seems to have been discontinued and you can only buy it for mega prices on ebay. Quick look this morning and its close to £200 on some auctions!
Amazing story and a heroic effort. DC will always be my fav launch console, I sold an arm and a leg to buy the Game launch day pack with every title released. Even ended up with some awful titles but man what an amazing time, weeks exploring the new catalogue.
I think there might have been problems getting an Amiga license for carts at the time because of legal battles between 2 Amiga companies. Probably easier for Blaze to go for the console versions and then when the legal stuff was sorted they released some Amiga games.
Comments 38
Re: Review: Broken Sword Collection (Evercade) - A Pair Of Point-And-Click Classics
@Martin_H it's £24.99 not £30.
Re: GoRetroid Unveils The Retroid Pocket Classic, A New Game Boy-Style Handheld
@NinChocolate think that was a one off so all done.
Re: 'Dream Ride' Is A New Micro Machines-Esque Party Game For The Sega Dreamcast
Looks like a lot of fun!
Re: Valve's Unshackling Of SteamOS Could Give Switch 2 Some Welcome Competition
I hate Windows 11 and can't wait to move away to SteamOS.
Re: Blaze Announces Price Increase For New & Existing Evercade Carts
@Aiodensghost Blaze aren't some big international company and if it wasn't for the likes of Amazon there'd be no presence in the US. If people stop buying the carts they will stop offering them at all.
Re: Guide: 25 Years Later, Getting Your Dreamcast Online Has Never Been Easier
Very handy, thanks for this!
Re: Classic Disney Titles Lion King, Jungle Book And Aladdin Come To Antstream Arcade
@wiiware because its easy to have it all tucked away nicely under the TV on the Xbox with achievements, saves and pretty good emulation.
Re: Review: Polymega Collection Vol. 1 - Asteroids (Polymega) - Sadly Overshadowed By Atari 50
does this system actually exist? See very little about it beyond the initial reviews and always seems to be out of stock.
Re: Polymega System Update 1.1.32 Now Available, And Boy Does It Do A Lot Of Stuff
sold out everywhere. Bit of a pointless system if no one can ever buy it!
Re: Talking Point: With Sonic's Movie Series Set To Cross A Billion Dollars At The Box Office, It's A Shame His Creator Doesn't Get Credit
Does anyone know who created Enduro Racer on the Master System? Its my all time fav game for it but no one knows anything about it.
Re: Epic Games Is Totally Chill About You Downloading Unreal And Unreal Tournament For Nothing
Good on them! Wish more companies did this.
Re: Interview: How NES RPG Former Dawn Is Bringing CD-ROM Power To Nintendo's 8-Bit System
Looks good and I'd be tempted but $30 is just too much for a basic digital copy. That's probably why it's not reaching it goal.
Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions
@MegaManFan buy an old cheap laptop off Facebook marketplace and save it for things like this.
Re: The Making Of: Do Me A Favour (Sega Master Mix '90) - Sega's Fan-Made Rap Masterpiece
Amazing story!
Re: The Director Behind Cult Dreamcast RPG SEGAGAGA Wants To Translate It Into English
Maybe something for Evercade?
Re: Review: Dreamcast VM2 - An Essential VMU Upgrade For All Sega Fans
@Boogly would the DC be able to recognise the larger size?
Re: This Sega Genesis RAM Cart Could Take Homebrew Development To A New Level
@KingMike well you can't run either system without a Genesis/Mega Drive.
Re: We're Getting A Full-Size Amiga 'Console' In 2024
Any more news on this?
Re: Iconic Issues: Mean Machines Issue Zero
@Yousef- this is a gaming magazine, not a comic.
Re: We Helped Unite A GTA Developer With His Missing BAFTA After 25 Years
Amazing work!
Re: StreetPass Fans, Take Note - NetPass Resurrects One Of The 3DS' Best Features
@Poodlestargenerica not everyone likes the same things.
Re: Limited Run Under Fire For "Horrible" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vinyl Release
What a joke of a company. Everyone should just avoid them.
Re: The Cost Of Owning A MiSTer FPGA Is About To Come Down Dramatically
@vicviper001 I always found the best way to deal with Pi's is clone the SD card once you have a decent working setup. Then you can just fall back on that if it falls over.
Re: The Original Version Of Columns For The HP-UX Has Just Been Found
@Poodlestargenerica all about the marketing execs, so long as it was bigger, better and prettier than their competition to stand out in stores/media.
Re: The Original Version Of Columns For The HP-UX Has Just Been Found
@Poodlestargenerica they were simply trying to make it look better than Tetris which was selling loads.
Re: The Cost Of Owning A MiSTer FPGA Is About To Come Down Dramatically
@KitsuneNight reminds me of Analogue. Completely underestimating demand.
Re: Review: Team17 Collection 1 (Evercade) - A Fine Celebration Of The Veteran's Amiga Years
@Damo Is it because of the Lucozade bottles?
Re: Evercade Sunsoft Collection 2 Arrives This April
@Tasuki license fees would be astronomical for such small production runs. Cost more than they'd be able to make in profit.
Re: Discworld Remasters May Happen, According To Series Designer
@Mrakey Well worth getting a PS1 emulator and going back to it that way. Wish it was on the likes of GoG.
Re: Review: Piko Interactive Collection 1 - One Evercade's Best-Value Carts
Sadly this seems to have been discontinued and you can only buy it for mega prices on ebay. Quick look this morning and its close to £200 on some auctions!
Re: Who Created Dreamcast's Logo? We Spent A Year Trying To Find Out
Amazing story and a heroic effort. DC will always be my fav launch console, I sold an arm and a leg to buy the Game launch day pack with every title released. Even ended up with some awful titles but man what an amazing time, weeks exploring the new catalogue.
Re: Freshly Translated 1995 Interview Reveals Miyamoto's Indie Aspirations For The SNES Satellaview
@Poodlestargenerica Well they did in a way with the MD modem and Sega Channel.
Re: Review: Codemasters Collection 1 - A Sensible Purchase For Evercade Fans
I think there might have been problems getting an Amiga license for carts at the time because of legal battles between 2 Amiga companies. Probably easier for Blaze to go for the console versions and then when the legal stuff was sorted they released some Amiga games.
Re: Evercade Reveals TheC64 Collection 3, Coming In 2024
@cyxceven They haven't finished with the C64 so might be on later releases. A System 3 cart with MYTH on would be amazing.
Re: Best Atari Jaguar Games Of All Time
@killroy10 The article mentions Towers II.
Re: Review: Duke Nukem Collection 1 - The King's First Three Adventures In One Place
Can't wait for this to arrive!
Re: Review: Demons of Asteborg / Astebros - Two Excellent Mega Drive Games On Evercade
Had some amazing stuff on Evercade recently.
Re: Feature: The Making of TOTAL! Magazine
For anyone interested there's a couple of issues hosted over on NES-Bit.com