Comments 119

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


Yeah... I turn that amazing 40 myself this year, Damien, so I know where you coming from. I have an NES I can still fire up when I get it out the closet, but I know one day emulation will be the norm for all my oldest retro memories. Sigh. What a future that's coming: More old systems breaking, emulation increasing for software and hardware, cloud gaming, physical media supplanted by digital... I have no idea what kind of gamer I'd be in another 40 years if I live that long.

Re: Feature: Shining A Light On Ikegami Tsushinki, The Company That Developed Donkey Kong


@Moroboshi876 Looking back at this... wow how things have changed lol. I don't know if it was an agreement that Hamster would divy up profits by 1/3 for Hamster, Nintendo, and Ikegami, or Nintendo and Ikegami allow Hamster 100% profits, or Nintendo and Ikegami squashed their differences, etc.... The world may never know, and I'd love to her it from Hamster themselves how they pulled this off. I'm STILL in shock that I am playing DK and DK Jr., RIGHT NOW, on my Switch...

Re: Feature: Dave "The Games Animal" Perry On Picking Sega Over Nintendo And Returning To Mario 64


I really don’t care what people think, which makes all the negative comments people write all the funnier. What a waste of time.

I genuinely lol'd at this. I may not agree one to one, but I share a slight sentiment all the same.

And Mario on the dartboard... love it!

Other than that, yeah, he's definitely a guy of the 90s. Nostalgia or not, for better or worse, I do remember and miss that age in gaming. Loyalty wasn't a bad thing, it made it all the more fun actually, but I guess the younger generation would've had to have been there to know. Ah well, good times

Re: Feature: Shining A Light On Ikegami Tsushinki, The Company That Developed Donkey Kong


I'm guessing the "terms" that these companies came to is an agreement to a stalemate-- Nintendo would never be able collect further royalties from the arcade DK ROM, but neither would Ikegami, so essentially, the original ROM would just fall into code purgatory, never to be profited from again. Just my observation based on the info we do know, and the lack thereof. Whelp... there goes my hopes for an Arcade Archives DK, and possibly DKJr. arcade since it was reverse engineered. Guess that leaves Arcade Archives DK3, lol.

Re: Feature: The Making of Shadowrun


With grinding, I thought it was a pretty long action RPG, but that was about a decade ago since I last played it, so maybe my skills weren't as up to par, idk. I knew NOTHING of this game until a friend of mine told me to play it... wow, just wow. It was hard as hell, intriguing, different, fun... the list goes on. Didn't even know NL did a review, so I'll be sure to read it. I would actually give this another go if it would come to VC, no doubt. Cheers Jake Armitage!