@aaronsullivan Failures often end up as scams. A sincere idea runs into financial difficulties... money is solicited under false pretenses to fund that "sincere idea"... the cycle repeats... a couple shady folks in the organized begin profiteering from the scam...
Unlike absurd vaporware like that "Amico" monstrosity, this looks like it has an actual niche and meaningful software. The crank control is EXACTLY the sort of hook I could imagine Nintendo using for a new platform. This is a creative and fun looking little device that 100% has my attention.
My only issue is that I think they've overshot the price point for a significant place in the market. At $99 with widespread availability, I'd pick it up tomorrow.
If people didn't see the massive VAPORWARE! subtext of the console's marketing, they can't be helped. There were dozens of red flags. That any question of these was shot down or deleted in Intellivision forums should have confirmed this.
EDIT: They're now saying they want to release their games as NFT's 🤣🤣🤣. It's almost comedic at this point. Anyone who gives them a nickel now should seek medical treatment.
It almost says to me that thoughtful programming and optimization allows pretty intensive games to run on not especially powerful systems. Seems like something Square should be made aware of.
Pity we're never getting the fan made RPG sequel to this classic... it has the greatest title ever:
The Magical Realms of TÃr na nÓg: Escape from Necron 7 – Revenge of Cuchulainn: The Official Game of the Movie – Chapter 2 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa
If they had come in with a 50 dollar price tag, I'd be bullish on their chances. At 250 (when the switch is teeming with family friendly and arcade titles)... not a chance. Ouya 2.0
@tgchan This is an excellent point. I have recently tried to be more disciplined about not game surfing from one title to the next. What I've discovered is that Nintendo packs their games with more content than I ever imagined. Not just a collectibles series of boxes to tick. More like "huh, I didn't know you could do X, maybe I should also try Y." In the days of cartridges and a limited library, I spent hours doing this. That has been lost a bit, unfortunately.
There is literally no market for this system. Casual players will find comparable games on mobile and (get this) the hundreds of well-made, family games ALREADY AVAILABLE ON CONSOLES.
At the price point this was pitched at... I really am at a loss as to how ANYONE got on board with this.
Emulation for the sake of piracy is problematic for companies. Emulation for purposes of preservation is necessary if we want the medium to have a complete history. Yes, emulation does not offer 1:1 authenticity... but neither does film conservation. It's about preserving as much of the genuine artifact as possible.
Articles like this are a good reminder of why it's necessary. Mario, Zelda, etc. will be fine. There are likely thousands of games that would rot out of existence if not for the work of conservationists (and emulation is one part of that).
Interesting premise. The old App store when the Iphone/Ipod Touch first launched was filled with graphically primitive but COMPLETELY ENGAGING titles that retailed for under $10. It was wonderful... the IAP fests that have largely replaced this make me sad. If there's a unique, inexpensive system focused on curiously addictive little games within a good console ecosystem, there might be something here.
At the very least, it's more promising than that Atari branded Steam-lite Machine that will never happen or the Ouya that was basically just phone games plugged into a TV.
I live in the states and I could imagine something like this Brooklyn, but I fear it would be drenched in a dated and off-putting level of hipster chic. Are the people who go to a bar like this just... normal folks with a shared interest who want a beer? That's the vibe and I really like that.
Comments 20
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
@aaronsullivan Failures often end up as scams. A sincere idea runs into financial difficulties... money is solicited under false pretenses to fund that "sincere idea"... the cycle repeats... a couple shady folks in the organized begin profiteering from the scam...
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
@johnvboy The Amico saga is like watching a Netflix doc about a con gone wrong in real time.
Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?
Unlike absurd vaporware like that "Amico" monstrosity, this looks like it has an actual niche and meaningful software. The crank control is EXACTLY the sort of hook I could imagine Nintendo using for a new platform. This is a creative and fun looking little device that 100% has my attention.
My only issue is that I think they've overshot the price point for a significant place in the market. At $99 with widespread availability, I'd pick it up tomorrow.
Re: Intellivision Admits Its Wii-Like Amico Console May Never See Release
I think their new shtick is "NFT's as cartridges" or some nonsense like that. It's just stuff being thrown against the wall at this point.
Re: Intellivision Admits Its Wii-Like Amico Console May Never See Release
If people didn't see the massive VAPORWARE! subtext of the console's marketing, they can't be helped. There were dozens of red flags. That any question of these was shot down or deleted in Intellivision forums should have confirmed this.
EDIT: They're now saying they want to release their games as NFT's 🤣🤣🤣. It's almost comedic at this point. Anyone who gives them a nickel now should seek medical treatment.
Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision
Vaporware soaked up all available investment money from the marks. Time to move on...
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides
This is the niche Amico should have gone for rather than whatever bizarre (and costly) thing they're doing.
Re: Street Fighter II On The NES Looks Better Than You Might Expect
It almost says to me that thoughtful programming and optimization allows pretty intensive games to run on not especially powerful systems. Seems like something Square should be made aware of.
Re: Random: What Happens When You Remove Charles Barkley From His Own Video Game?
Pity we're never getting the fan made RPG sequel to this classic... it has the greatest title ever:
The Magical Realms of TÃr na nÓg: Escape from Necron 7 – Revenge of Cuchulainn: The Official Game of the Movie – Chapter 2 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
Good interview. The system seems predicated on the belief that the smart phone exclusive gamer wants a console, too. I've seen no evidence of this.
Coupled with the fact you can enter the Switch ecosystem for the same price and get better "casual" games, this has no chance.
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
If they had come in with a 50 dollar price tag, I'd be bullish on their chances. At 250 (when the switch is teeming with family friendly and arcade titles)... not a chance. Ouya 2.0
Re: Feature: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
@Pokester99 Please understand
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?
@tgchan This is an excellent point. I have recently tried to be more disciplined about not game surfing from one title to the next. What I've discovered is that Nintendo packs their games with more content than I ever imagined. Not just a collectibles series of boxes to tick. More like "huh, I didn't know you could do X, maybe I should also try Y." In the days of cartridges and a limited library, I spent hours doing this. That has been lost a bit, unfortunately.
Re: New Game Footage Suggests The Intellivision Amico Will Struggle To Pull Families Away From Switch
There is literally no market for this system. Casual players will find comparable games on mobile and (get this) the hundreds of well-made, family games ALREADY AVAILABLE ON CONSOLES.
At the price point this was pitched at... I really am at a loss as to how ANYONE got on board with this.
Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall
Well, they're certainly celebrating Atari's legacy with this... probably not in the ways people were hoping for.
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
Emulation for the sake of piracy is problematic for companies. Emulation for purposes of preservation is necessary if we want the medium to have a complete history. Yes, emulation does not offer 1:1 authenticity... but neither does film conservation. It's about preserving as much of the genuine artifact as possible.
Articles like this are a good reminder of why it's necessary. Mario, Zelda, etc. will be fine. There are likely thousands of games that would rot out of existence if not for the work of conservationists (and emulation is one part of that).
Re: There's A New Intellivision Coming, And A Trio Of Former Nintendo Staffers Are Helping Launch It
Interesting premise. The old App store when the Iphone/Ipod Touch first launched was filled with graphically primitive but COMPLETELY ENGAGING titles that retailed for under $10. It was wonderful... the IAP fests that have largely replaced this make me sad. If there's a unique, inexpensive system focused on curiously addictive little games within a good console ecosystem, there might be something here.
At the very least, it's more promising than that Atari branded Steam-lite Machine that will never happen or the Ouya that was basically just phone games plugged into a TV.
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
I understand Mighty Number Nine is a launch title.
Re: Feature: A Tour Of Game Bar A Button, Tokyo's Treasure Trove Of Gaming Kitch
I live in the states and I could imagine something like this Brooklyn, but I fear it would be drenched in a dated and off-putting level of hipster chic. Are the people who go to a bar like this just... normal folks with a shared interest who want a beer? That's the vibe and I really like that.
Re: Hardware Review: Sega's Heritage Deserves Better Than The Mega Drive Ultimate Portable
Horrible sound and unreliable inputs on games that frequently required lightning quick reflexes? SOLD!