Comments 69

Re: Best Retro Gaming Systems - What's The Dream Option For You?


@Belmont Agreed, I only wish the Steamdeck had a smaller form factor (I hope the next iterations do). It was actually my first choice but I was Q2 and got lucky with Ayn.

Also with OG hardware, lugging cartridges is a chore. I still have Vita and 3ds with a hundred cartridges apiece for which I don't really have an emulation option and I'd do away with both in a blink if I could put my libraries on a SD card or SSD.

Re: Best Final Fantasy Games - Every Mainline Game Ranked


I liked 7/6/12/15 and I'll reserve judgment on X (haven't really played it yet).
8 was a major letdown and 9 just didn't click (2 disappointments in a row at the time, too much for my student's wallet).
1&2 I just grinded the hell of when it was released on gba.
Also love the tactics series and 13 I forgot existed until now which says a lot I guess although I liked it better than 8/9...

Re: CIBSunday: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Super Famicom)


Yes, definitely the most important home port and one of the most important games for the console. I have definite memories of going the mall and seeing the game for the first time. It was playing on a demo screen next to a full row of videotapes for an erotic movie called "Leather Dreams", just the thing to sear the memory into the brain of a 13 year old boy.

Re: Poll: How Do You Play Your Retro Games?


Handheld emulators for me. I only care about playing the games and I try to keep as minimalist a place as I can. I ditched all game boxes along the way and keep my - hundreds of - PS3/360/One discs in organizers. One thing I can't stand is playing 4/3 on a 16/9 screen so everything up to PS1 I keep on my RG351MP&V. For the rest I use the Ayn Odin Pro and I also have my VITA and 3DS on the side. Everything other than the cds fits neatly into a plastic box.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Ridge Racer?


Rage and R4 were both real good on the PS1. I still dabble occasionally on my RG351 but my fav is R7 on ps3. Heck I'll fire up the old girl and give it a whirl. Also had good fun with R:Racing Evolution on the Ayn Odin Pro.

Re: Guide: Retro Game Shopping In Tokyo


Damn, things move fast. Wanted to recommend a great store near Super Potato but it's now a World Mobile on google maps. I was lucky to come in during a sale and scored a lot of PS3/vita games for such an insane price I asked the cashier if there was not a mistake.
Google maps also shows the creepy maids are still crowding the streets (if you went anywhere near Super Potato you know what I am talking about) though, so some things stay the same.

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