Comments 60

Re: Hideki Kamiya Posts Unboxing Of X68000 Z Mini Early Access Kit


Are they releasing new games for it, I was looking at all its games on YouTube, ( showed about 500 games on video ) there was mostly 90% shooter games, counted about 50 games that arent shooters. Also spotted game called FOXY 2 It looks exactly like advance wars πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time


Only one I played was battletoads and double dragon, but would like to play some of the other ones. Best battletoads was actually battletoads on gameboy,πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘ŠβœŠοΈπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€²πŸ’ͺ

Re: Flashback: Did This 1982 Apple II Adventure Influence Metroid?


I think metroid is different as you go back and forward to different planets, use elivator shafts, a really brilliant story and after all metroid is a japan based game so difficulty is a big thing in japan and metroid is difficult in some section also even if they copyed aztec they added massive amounts of different gameplay in alot of places like the different jumps or the morph. There's alot of stuff from aztec in metroid but there is lots of extra different gameplay in metroid. I supose some people could have had similar ideas. Still love metroid

Re: Best PlayStation 1 Games


Not a bad top 25, but I'm sure the other ps1 games have been mentioned millions of times in mags, sites etc. Good to hear mention of othe ps1 games I would like to play though.πŸ˜·πŸ‘

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


I have a atari 2600 from 1977 and it never needed any work it still loads games, also a VC4000 ( A German console ) from 1976 it also never needed any work still works fine. A zx spectrum 16k and 48k still loads tapes and the tapes are 40 years old. A +2A spectrum , also a game boy from 30 years still play perfect. I think to keep your console working from day 1 without needing repair or servicing, just be careful not to drop them or knock them over and they will stay in perfect working order. That is what the experts said years ago and it works.

Re: Best Amstrad CPC Games


I bought one to play my fav game Rick dangerous on it, just cause I thought the picture/ graphics looked brilliant. also there was some different game play. I think there was 2500 releases for it, there was some exclusive I think. Its a computer up there with the best.I πŸ‘πŸ˜·

Re: RoboCop


This film games always worked great on these type of computers like batman, total recall, Hudson hawk.

Re: Jetpac


Love this game very simple but brilliant still load it up and play it today, also play it on zx spectrum vega and a few emulator

Re: Welcome To Time Extension


Was there no big launch or did I miss it. Anyway really really look forward to following the site. πŸ˜·πŸ‘πŸŽ‚ will the site be about zx spectrum , commodore or amstrad computers

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