Comments 1,004

Re: Square Had Huge Plans For The N64 Before It Fell Out With Nintendo


Not using disks was the smartest thing Nintendo did at the time. Loading times were nonexistent, and the console didn't have to rely on prerendered backgrounds like the weaker disc based systems, so that wasn't even an issue. This whole story shows that square had incorrect vision of what could be done on a cartridge, of course they didn't know that at the time and had to make a decision.

Re: $13 Mod Makes Sony's PSP Go Useful Again In 2024


I know you guys can't know everything but I hate these articles where you act like something is some brand new development without even checking you work. This changes nothing. There was already a mod for this, the dude on Etsy has sold hundreds if not thousands of them. Psp go's have been really sought after for years now. I have a modded psp and was playing it two days ago and it's great, and perfectly comfortable and all the people complaining are whiners.

Also to be clear, I never had to cut anything off to fit the other adapter. Anyone thinking of getting one of these, I'd consider his first, before this.

Re: Anniversary: Video Game Database MobyGames Celebrates 25 Years


@Sketcz I am altering the deal, pray I not alter it any further.

But seriously, yeah they bought the site, a year ago you still couldn't search for multiple terms, they made it better with an amazingly updated search and collation system, and then suddenly it's "if you want to see more of the collaborations between the team that made this game, it's 5 dollars per month". Who the hell is going to pay five dollars a month?!?! Do you know how much internet access costs?

You need to act as a database for a marketplace like discogs. You don't even need to run it, just take affiliate clicks.

Re: "Why The F**k Did You Put Music In?" - How FIFA's Love Of Licensed Songs Almost Didn't Happen


@Damo I actually really like Song 2, but you have to understand, here Blur was basically a one hit wonder. The radio station I grew up listening to played it at least two times a day, and that was when it wasn't on the charts. That album is the only one that sold a million copies here. So when I actually started listening to Blur it was sort of this weird one off, like Creep by Radiohead. It's probably my 40th favorite blur song or something?

@-wc- I really cant add anything to that excellent analogy.

@mariteaux I didn't say every young person. They didn't make an electronic remix because sports fans got older and more into rock music.

Re: Why Infernal Machine's Director Put A Stop To Indiana Jones's Womanizing


Indiana Jones is not really a womanizer, he just lives a lifestyle that's not conducive to having steady relationships. All of the women in the Indiana Jones trilogy are strong and intelligent, and can make their own decisions who they want to sleep with. It's a pity we never got to see too many more competent writers handle the character, and the ones who did (one of whom I know personally) didn't usually write love interests. All I know is that the Mata Hari episode of Young Indiana Jones, make Shia Labeuf and the poorly rendered cgi Monkeys seem like Raiders.