Onimusha looking different than I remember gameplay wise, Okami 2 being my POP OFF OF THE NIGHT OH MY LORD and Ninja Gaiden getting a new game that looks smooth AND fast is good news.
Yes gaming WAS very troublesome for anything other than consoles for decades. Wrong sound card in my parents old PC ruined many a soundtrack when I found out later it wasn't SUPPOSED to be dogshit
Nintendo spited them and lead to the birth of the Playstation, SEGA showed them the value of 3D gaming with Virtua Fighter so they fully locked into a 3D console.....strange how things worked out
Both games and individuals have their own personal sensitivity to input lag, some people are sensitive to even 3-4 frames and while the degree to which lag damages gameplay is variable.....no game feels better with laggy inputs
Crash Team Racing is a game I'd rank higher than any of the original trilogy, it's fantastic. The franchise dies with a mediocre kart racer far as I'm concerned
Woah this game must be INCREDIBLE, so fast too!......and then you play Wipeout and while it's a treat it's only moderately fast and the anti-grav floatiness makes you feel very calm and serene~
It's always cool to see what people can do with old tech after decades of programming experience and console documentation. Kaze Emanuar doing a full video of all the ways he's rebuilt and optimised Mario 64 for his upcoming romhack was SUPER enlightening.
Physical media degrades and becomes more and more difficult to maintain, digital media is not considered owned.....really makes piracy and theft the only reliable way to ensure you'll ever see these things beyond a single generation.
Super Mario World hacks....hell romhacks in GENERAL are such a wonderful light of passion and creativity in an industry that can feel very dour depressing. Nothing but love of the game and some spare time is all it takes and I have mad respect for that.
It was the site that got me access to fan translation patches for games I would never have played without their assistance and presence. Damn shame to see it fade away even if it hangs around in some capacity
The kids are not going to be okay if they barely dip their toes in the pool and act like they even remotely understand the full depth of an ocean. We do not build things in isolation we built upon what came before us, Fortnite and Minecraft owe EVERYTHING to those that came before as they inspired them!
One thing that particularly irked me was trying to frame Minecraft as retro.....technology does not move at a consistent speed nor in a straight line, Minecraft was fully released in 2011 yes but it's both still getting updated so it's not a pure image of its time and is also not even remotely an older style of design? The transition from arcade design to console design was a SHIFT, the transition from early console games to mid 2000s console games was a SHIFT. There is no great shift here, we're still in it!
The Playdate is a cool little device but yeah I'm REAL happy it's coming to other platforms, I imagine a lot of neat games come from the Playdates crank
Jellycar is a fun time, glad to see he's not only making a racing game but a fully 3D one at that! Memories of that damn tutorial level in a parking garage in a game that escapes my memory
She doesn't sell a game to me visually and I wouldn't know it was the character from Perfect Dark unless you told me so it's gonna be a hard no, I think it's a failure of a main character on those fronts.
Only six levels? It's a shmup that's the point. The Easy mode being too easy is also an odd issue, it's being complimented by beginners everywhere as actually being approachable while having Hard and Inferno for people who are competent at the genre.
The game looks and sounds fantastic, Shigatake did everything but the music which was Hasu who did the OST for Path of the Abyss a dungeon crawl on Steam. Crazy to think one of the founding members of Vanillaware just dropped my possibly GOTY and the years almost half done!
Comments 42
Re: Retro Indie Title "Moons of Darsalon" Is Headed To Consoles, Complete With Icky AI Art
If I wanted to support a corner cutting loser who insults anyone who disagrees with them, I'd go to AAA games buddy.
Re: Review: Changeable Guardian Estique (NES) - Shmups Don't Get Much Better Than This On NES
Some old devs truly do still have it, wonderful to hear
Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans
Onimusha looking different than I remember gameplay wise, Okami 2 being my POP OFF OF THE NIGHT OH MY LORD and Ninja Gaiden getting a new game that looks smooth AND fast is good news.
Re: Here's Why It Took Almost A Decade To Achieve This Zelda: Wind Waker Speedrun Record
An arms race eternal, speedruns are so very cool
Re: Raiden Spin-Off 'Viper Phase 1' Is Finally Getting An Official Release On Consoles
Was expecting it to find its way into the upcoming Raiden Fighter collection, I suppose this is fine too
Re: A New Project Is Making Strides To End The N64 "Controller Lottery"
May they succeed and the suffering cease
Re: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman
Japan Studios last hurrah of weird titles, my beloved
Re: Missed ZPF's Kickstarter? You Can Now Pre-Order The Promising Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup Online
Here's hoping everybody gets their shot at nabbing a copy!
Re: Eternal Darkness Playable On Dolphin Again After Being "A Thorn" In Its Developers' Sides
Emulation adjustments really are exhausting, good on em. Some games will fight you for perfect emulation for years and years
Re: Baldur's Gate 3's Astarion Voice Actor Neil Newbon Talks ZX Spectrum, Julian Gollop And Modern Gamers Having It Easy
Yes gaming WAS very troublesome for anything other than consoles for decades. Wrong sound card in my parents old PC ruined many a soundtrack when I found out later it wasn't SUPPOSED to be dogshit
Re: Anti Gravity Tournament Is A New Six-Track Album Inspired By WipEout
Ah the soundtrack of a Wipeout game was a marvellous thing, like a mixtape of the UK scene every few years
Re: Former Sony President Would "Love Another Whack At MediEvil"
Always happy to say you'd like another go when you don't have to deal with the people saying no
Re: "Nintendo Left Us Standing At The Altar" - Shawn Layden On The Vengeful Birth Of PlayStation
Nintendo spited them and lead to the birth of the Playstation, SEGA showed them the value of 3D gaming with Virtua Fighter so they fully locked into a 3D console.....strange how things worked out
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
Both games and individuals have their own personal sensitivity to input lag, some people are sensitive to even 3-4 frames and while the degree to which lag damages gameplay is variable.....no game feels better with laggy inputs
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Genesis Shmup Earthion Is Getting An Upgraded Arcade Release
Every time something is announced for the Exa arcade I cry a little more, THEY'RE NEVER GOING TO BE ACCESSIBLE
Re: After 22 Years, The Cult Claymation Shoot 'Em Up 'Platypus' Is Being Remade
Through the fire and the flames huh......dedicated developer I'll give em that!
Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Is Set To Make Its Steam Debut
All we need now is Soul Caliber back with rollback netcode and the 3D era can return!
Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"
A daring challenge for anyone looking to make a name for themselves
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Stunning Genesis Shmup Earthion Delayed Until 2025
Earthion AND Danmaku Festival 3 looking to be 2025......not surprised but damn guess my shmup of the year is undoubtedly Devil Blade Reboot~
Re: The Untold Story Of WipEout Zero, The PS4 Anti-Grav Racer We Never Got To Play
I would have loved to hear the full soundtrack they'd pick for it, always a treat to check out the new Wipeout music as a kid.
Re: We Didn't Get 'WipEout Kart' Because Phil Harrison Thinks "Kart Games Are Where Franchises Go To Die"
Crash Team Racing is a game I'd rank higher than any of the original trilogy, it's fantastic. The franchise dies with a mediocre kart racer far as I'm concerned
Re: We Now Have Our First Images Of M2's New 'Night Striker' Game
Thank GOD, it looks immaculate
Re: Flashback: "The S**t Absolutely Hit The Fan" - When WipEout (And Sara Cox's Bloody Nose) Shocked A Nation
Woah this game must be INCREDIBLE, so fast too!......and then you play Wipeout and while it's a treat it's only moderately fast and the anti-grav floatiness makes you feel very calm and serene~
Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie
Movie adaptation before a new game........pain
Re: We Can't Quite Believe That Former Dawn Is Running On Real NES Hardware
It's always cool to see what people can do with old tech after decades of programming experience and console documentation. Kaze Emanuar doing a full video of all the ways he's rebuilt and optimised Mario 64 for his upcoming romhack was SUPER enlightening.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
Even mediocrity should be remembered, lest we repeat it
Re: Visegunne Is A Gorgeous-Looking Mecha Shmup That's Coming To Steam Soon
God DAMN ***** is always exploding and falling apart in the background, very cool
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
Physical media degrades and becomes more and more difficult to maintain, digital media is not considered owned.....really makes piracy and theft the only reliable way to ensure you'll ever see these things beyond a single generation.
Re: Arika Signs Agreement To Develop New 'Tetris The Grand Master' Game
Fiscal year Tetris, fine by me!
Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack
Quite ambitious, I owe it to their years of dedication to give it a shot!
Re: Simpatico Is A New Super Mario World Hack That Took "Nearly Three Years" To Make
Super Mario World hacks....hell romhacks in GENERAL are such a wonderful light of passion and creativity in an industry that can feel very dour depressing. Nothing but love of the game and some spare time is all it takes and I have mad respect for that.
Re: 'SANAE's Sylphid Breeze' Is A New 'Touhou Project' Fangame Inspired By Kirby
This is Sanae propoganda to push out Reimu for best shrine girl........I shall wishlist it in solidarity, it's Sanae Time!
Re: ROMHacking.net Is Winding Down After Almost 20 Years
It was the site that got me access to fan translation patches for games I would never have played without their assistance and presence. Damn shame to see it fade away even if it hangs around in some capacity
Re: The Upcoming 8-Bit RPG 'Scarmonde' Is Giving Us Major Final Fantasy Vibes
It's most certainly....a vibe~
Re: Castlemania Is Super Mario World With Castlevania's Bite
Richter with a stache.....it shouldn't work but I kinda dig it
Re: The Challenge Of Teaching Game History In The Age Of Minecraft, Netflix And ChatGPT
The kids are not going to be okay if they barely dip their toes in the pool and act like they even remotely understand the full depth of an ocean. We do not build things in isolation we built upon what came before us, Fortnite and Minecraft owe EVERYTHING to those that came before as they inspired them!
One thing that particularly irked me was trying to frame Minecraft as retro.....technology does not move at a consistent speed nor in a straight line, Minecraft was fully released in 2011 yes but it's both still getting updated so it's not a pure image of its time and is also not even remotely an older style of design? The transition from arcade design to console design was a SHIFT, the transition from early console games to mid 2000s console games was a SHIFT. There is no great shift here, we're still in it!
Re: The Amazing Playdate Exclusive 'Gun Trails' Is Coming To Other Platforms
The Playdate is a cool little device but yeah I'm REAL happy it's coming to other platforms, I imagine a lot of neat games come from the Playdates crank
Re: Interview: "No One Is Doing Saturn" - How Parking Garage Rally Circuit Brings The Spirit Of Sega's 32-bit Console To PC
Jellycar is a fun time, glad to see he's not only making a racing game but a fully 3D one at that! Memories of that damn tutorial level in a parking garage in a game that escapes my memory
Re: "I Was Moved To Tears" - How Capcom Responded To King Of Fighters' Cheeky Street Fighter Easter Egg
Capcom hit em with the "yo that's sick actually", can't imagine how proud he was after that
Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?
She doesn't sell a game to me visually and I wouldn't know it was the character from Perfect Dark unless you told me so it's gonna be a hard no, I think it's a failure of a main character on those fronts.
Re: Devil Blade And Aleste Devs Share Fan Art Of Each Other's Games
"I loved your work back in the day, here's some cool fanart I did 30 years ago"
Well I love YOUR work, here's some cool fanart I just did!
Bunch of nerds, love to see it truly
Re: Review: Devil Blade Reboot (Steam) - An Utterly Essential Shmup
Only six levels? It's a shmup that's the point. The Easy mode being too easy is also an odd issue, it's being complimented by beginners everywhere as actually being approachable while having Hard and Inferno for people who are competent at the genre.
The game looks and sounds fantastic, Shigatake did everything but the music which was Hasu who did the OST for Path of the Abyss a dungeon crawl on Steam. Crazy to think one of the founding members of Vanillaware just dropped my possibly GOTY and the years almost half done!