I was never a fan of GTA back then and still aren't now either since we got an awful Definitive Edition collection out of it but this GBA and the two PSP GTA games aren't bad. I find to enjoy this one more than the PSP ones.
While Anbernic are getting better with their handheld design and controls, they still need to do something about those microSD card ports. Yes having both at the bottom is okay but would be really helpful if they had a hatch to cover em (like on phones, PSP, 3DS, PS Vita, and Nintendo Switch but not Steam Deck) as both card could easily be unloose by accidental touch.
I play it once and it was garbage, way worst than even Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Constant crashes, can't download the title for a smooth experience, and the webpage that host it had malware ads on it. The game doesn't even had controller support and I don't think Nintendo was even involve with the game either. The fact that Flash kept updating and this Flash game couldn't keep up means it still remains a buggy mess. Better to just leave it alone, no need to preserve garbages.
@tektite_captain Sega's value share were dropping so it's likely Nintendo and Sony took note of that. Also many of Sony and Nintendo's employees were friends of some of Sega's employees too so when the downfall started to cracks, the words will get around.
The reason why Sega failed in Japan was because they not only make games for their consoles but for Nintendo and NEC as well. Why would anyone buy Fantasy Zone on the Mark III and Sega Mega Drive when the same game is also on the Famicom? Same thing for games like Golden Axe and Thunder Blade which also had PC Engine ports. It's not Sony or Nintendo that killed Sega, it's Sega who killed Sega.
Looks like a Wii game that missed the mark. Maybe at one point they may had plan this for the Wii and then saw the sales of Castlevania Judgment and backed out. The fact that it's not in HD should be obvious too.
Ha he wanted attentions and he got it. I still don't get why that prototype or beta of games can't be dump and archive online. Not like anyone hadn't play Ocarina of Time countless times already and it's a prototype version of a game that wasn't complete or had spoiler contents, all are just work in process contents and those works are long overdue and finish already. Just dump the rom and move on.
Why put the shoulder buttons that high up on the screen? Why not just make a few grips on the back and add them there? This thing looks like it's gonna be frustrating to play with some games.
This add-on was Sega's competition to the Sega Channel. They were hoping that by introducing the Sega Channel, that Nintendo will bring the Satellaview service overseas as well, it's too bad it never happen due to online not the standard yet at the time.
Though I like the prototype GameCube, I love the prototype N64 more. We were promise a sleek looking Ultra 64 console with a cool name and we got robbed out of it. The controller even had a better looking analog stick too and it looks like it could be press as well.
Other than Monster World IV and Dragon's Trap both of which had a remake, I didn't really enjoy the rest all which don't had a remake. I also don't like the first game cause it plays too much like Adventure Island, a series I thorough don't enjoy due to its endless runner style gameplay though I do enjoy the superior 16-Bit Super Adventure Island series due to it having better graphics and tighter control.
Those glowing sticks will drain them batteries faster than the games would consume em. Not really sure why people would want them on their handheld unless for presentation purposes. A glowing keyboard I would understand but two glowing sticks, yeah good luck with handling that.
@Guitario The joycons are just Nintendo's replacement for the motion control hence why it's missing the d-pad. It's also their excuse of including two controllers with the system but hey if you're an arcade gamer from the old days this shouldn't bother you. The Atari 2600, NeoGeo AES, Sega Master System, PC, and the NeoGeo Pocket Color didn't come with d-pad either and people like those.
Thank you for making this awesome DX hack for an otherwise awesome game that really needs it. Going to download the patch later today and play the updated game for free on my various Chinese emulation handhelds, Analogue Pocket Nt, and GBA EverDrive for my GBA SP2.
@Christopher_Jones It's not just the Street Fighter series, almost every franchise/entries/collection/projects Capcom made almost always end with just 2 more than the rest. Breath of Fire ends with 2 on both SNES and GBA, yes we eventually get BOF 3 & 4 on PlayStation 1 but that was only two games and Dragon Quarter doesn't count. Here's some franchise/projects that never made it passed 2:
Star Gladiators only had one sequel on the Sega Dreamcast, Plasma Sword: Star Gladiators 2.
Rival Schools: United by Fate also only had one sequel on the Sega Dreamcast, Project Justice: Rival Schools 2.
Darkstalkers had two entry called Vampire Savior 2 and Vampire Hunter 2, never 3 of both though.
Power Stone only had 1 & 2, even when they re-released on PSP, the collection only had PS 1 & 2.
Resident Evil Chronicles series only had 2 games, Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles.
There's only 2 Final Fight games at the arcade: Final Fight 1 and Final Fight Revenge. There's also only 2 console exclusives Final Fight games for Super NES: Final Fight 2 & Final Fight 3. Yes even though it says Final Fight 3, it really count as just 2 console exclusives as the first and fourth one were just ports of Final Fight 1 just that one had Cody and the other one had Guy.
Viewtiful Joe only had 1 & 2, yes there are Red Hot Rumble for PSP and Double Trouble on Nintendo DS but there never was a Viewtiful Joe 3.
Okami only had 2 games, Okami and Okamiden.
Saturday Night Slam Masters only had one sequel, Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters 2 which is still arcade exclusives.
The first Resident Evil game on PS1 only had two remakes: one for the GameCube and one for the Nintendo DS.
Strider only had one true sequel, Strider 2, despite how many other games he had outside of those two.
Capcom only made two Legend of Zelda Oracle Games, Oracle of Ages (which had Nayru as the oracle) and Oracle of Seasons (which had Din as the oracle). The third game Oracle of Powers which would had Farore as the oracle is never made.
Of all the Disney games Capcom made, only DuckTales and Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers had sequel and only just one for both: DuckTales 2 and Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers 2, never 3.
Capcom's Firebrand mascot from the Ghosts and Goblins series had three games but of those three only the first two are main entries: Gargoyle's Quest 1 & 2, the third game is called Demon's Crest and doesn't carry the Gargoyle's Quest name which means it doesn't count as a main entry.
Street Fighter EX only had 2 entries at the arcade, the third game is a garbage PS2 launch title and doesn't count.
Aladdin only had 2 games even though the second one is not made by Capcom.
Street Fighter The movie the Game only had two versions, the home version plays more faithful to the Street Fighter game while the arcade one plays more faithful to Mortal Kombat.
Street Fighter only had two official live action movies so far: the Jean Claude Van-Damme Raul Julia film from 1994 and the Legend of Chun-Li.
Capcom had join Sega and Namco to make Project X Zone, the trio had only made one sequel for that so far, Project X Zone 2.
Capcom Arcade Stadia only had one sequel collection, Capcom 2nd Arcade Stadia.
Capcom vs. SNK 2 was the only sequel of that franchise crossover.
Super Gem Fighters: Mini-Mix (Pocket Fighter) only had one sequel, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Pocket Fighter 2) even though one is a fighting game and the other is a puzzle game both are entry to one another through the chibi artwork looks and design.
Capcom only made 2 Super NES MARVEL games (Mutant Apocalypse and War of the Gems), 2 regular arcade MARVEL games (Children of the Atom and MARVEL Super Heroes), 2 MARVEL vs. Street Fighter arcade games, and 2 MARVEL vs. Capcom arcade games. Capcom also made only two 3D MARVEL vs. Capcom games: MARVEL vs. Capcom 3/Ultimate MARVEL vs. Capcom 3 and MARVEL vs. Capcom Infinite. They never make a third entry of any of those.
Mega Man Xtreme for Game Boy Color only had one sequel, Mega Man Xtreme 2.
When Capcom decided to make some 8-Bit Mega Man reboots, they made only two entries: Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 10.
Mega Man only had two arcade entries: Mega Man: The Power Battles and Mega Man II: The Power Fighters.
Only two Mega Man X games used the Super NES Cx4 chips: Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3. The first Mega Man X game never had it.
Capcom only made two Mega Man brand games for PSP: Mega Man: Power-Up and Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X.
Mega Man Battle Network 3, 4, 5, & 6 only had two versions, never three. Even though Battle Network 5 had a DS port of both versions, it only contain the same two from the GBA versions and never a third unique one.
The first Street Fighter game Capcom bring to Switch was Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers.
The only 32-Bit Street Fighter game Capcom is willing to port to Super NES was Street Fighter Alpha 2.
The first Street Fighter game Capcom port to GBA was Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival.
Monster Hunter Stories only had one sequel so far: Monster Hunter Stories 2.
The main Monster Hunter number series only had 2 entries for PlayStation (Monster Hunter 1 & 2) and 2 entries for Nintendo (Monster Hunter 3 & 4).
Even though there are four Monster Hunter Freedom games for PSP, there are only two real entries of those released worldwide, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is just an upgrade of Monster Hunter Freedom 2. Monster Hunter Freedom 2 is the final game on PSP worldwide. There was no Monster Hunter Freedom 3 despite one was released in Japan as Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.
There are only two Giga Wing games, Giga Wing 1 & 2 for Arcade and Dreamcast.
Mega Man Legends only had one sequel, Mega Man Legends 2. The spinoff, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, doesn't count despite taking place in the same universe. Mega Man Legends 3 was cancelled forever.
Super Swing Golf is a Tecmo golf game developed by Camelot with some Capcom contents included. There are only 2 entries of that franchise so far with the second one, Super Swing Golf Season 2 been its only sequel.
Will probably either pick up the physical version or wait for a sale. No way am I paying $30 for a 2D retro game with only 6 levels. TMNT Shredder's Revenge had over 15 levels and cost less, the actual Strider game from Capcom only cost $2 via the Capcom Arcade Stadia collection that had 5 levels.
@Muriustar I agree, the AYN Odin was terrible but that's why you stick with a dedicated handheld console and not a cheap Chinese phone pretending to be a handheld.
This is basically just Shredder's Revenge engine but with Toxic Crusader IP which isn't a bad thing. Kinda weird they choose not to implement 6-Players co-op when they got 7 playable characters just like Shredder's Revenge.
Probably the Genesis, that's the only system that Sega consistently had good games for over its long lifespan. The Saturn was never really good until after launch and the Dreamcast was only good at launch. The 32X and Sega CD were hit or miss at most and the Sega Master System as well as its three previous predecessors were completely non-existence to me. The Game Gear was okay just didn't get as many support as I would want, the Pico was a toy, and the Nomad though good wasn't that comfortable or compatible with most Genesis stuff.
The reason why they stopped making emulation minis after the PS1 is that emulations after that are hit or miss otherwise we would had easily see an N64 Classic Edition and a Sega Saturn Mini. I don't get why y'all don't count the AtGames mini consoles stuff in here (the Colecovision Flashback HD, Atari Flashback HD, Intellivision Flashback HD, Sega Genesis Flashback HD, etc.), they are legitimate license products too and their latest models of some of the minis were actually very good and they had been making license mini consoles before the classic mini console hype.
I play mine the other day and it still works. Need For Speed: Most Wanted U, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Call of Duty Ghost, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Duck Tales Remaster, Mighty No.9, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Dungeons and Dragons Chronicles, Injustice, Rodea: The Sky Soldier by Yuji Naka, Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, and Paper Mario: Color Splash, all games for Nintendo forever stuck on the Wii U.
It's great that they choose to go the first person route on Metroid Prime, had the game go third person like it was originally suppose to be, I'm not sure if it will be well receive like it did. The good thing is the game is made by the Turok team who are familiar with Nintendo's hardware at the time. They then became their own studio, Retro Studio after Iguana Entertainment closed its doors. After Retro Studio was acquired by Nintendo, some members of the team went on to found Free Radical Design with some of the members from Rare (who quit after the Microsoft Rareware acquisition) who work on the GoldenEye and Perfect Dark games to create the TimeSplitter series. The rest is history.
While it's a nice looking controller, the placements of the X, Y, and Z buttons does seem to be locate a bit higher thus trying to press them could be a bit awkward. There's a reason Sega made their oem 6-buttons controller smaller, it's so to make easy reach of all 6 buttons when playing Comix Zone, Streets of Rage 3, and Eternal Champions.
Yes it was amazing back then and was the mode I spent most of my time with. It's too bad Subspace Emmisary won't be returning or will ever return in any form. Sakurai still felt that making all those CGi movies was a mistake as those could easily be upload for free to watch on YouTube without ever playing the game. I get not wanting people to get free movies but c'mon give us our Smash Run for Ultimate please.
While Nintendo rejected that, it doesn't seem like that's not entirely the truth. The worldwide web is still quite young at that time and yes it would hurt the retail market if Nintendo jump on some kind of international online network gaming service idea way too soon. The only reason they manage to do it for the Japanese market with the Satellaview for Super Famicom was because Japan was a smaller market and easy to manage since it's just one market whereas the outside market are still very tough to manage as they spread to different regions altogether and different regions had different laws and different perspective of the whole thing.
Here's my top 50 of the best controllers of all time that I used and to this day still used, only the top 5 matters but the rest also need a mentions:
1. 8BitDo SN30+ Pro Controller
2. Super NES Controller
3. Sega Saturn Controller 2
4. Sega Genesis 6-Button Controller
5. NES Dogbone Controller
6. NES Classic Controller
7. Super NES Fighter Pad
8. Sega Genesis Fighter Pad
9. PlayStation 2 Sega Saturn Controller
10. Hori GameCube Digital Controller for Game Boy Player
11. 8BitDo M30 Controller
12. NeoGeo Arcade Controller
13. Sega Master System Classic Controller
14. Wii U Pro Controller
15. Wii Classic Controller Pro
16. PlayStation Dual Shock 4 Controller
17. 8BitDo SN30 Controller
18. 8BitDo SN30 Pro Controller
19. SN Pro Pad
20. NES Advantage
21. Super NES Advantage
22. NES Max Pad
23. Wii Remote
24. Switch Pro Controller
25. Sega Dreamcast Controller
26. N64 Controller
27. Xbox One Controller
28. Xbox Series S Controller
29. Wii U Game Pad
30. Sega Genesis 3-Button Controller
31. Turbo Grafx-16 6-Button Controller
32. FC Twin Controller
33. Super Retro Trio Controller
34. Retro Fighter N64 Controller
35. GameCube Controller
36. PlayStation 5 DualSense Controller
37. PlayStation 3 Sixaxis Controller
38. Hori Super Game Boy Controller
39. Switch Joycons
40. Hori Fighter Pad for Sega Dreamcast
41. Atari 2600 Joystick Controller
42. Atari VCS Classic Controller from PowerA
43. Atari VCS Modern Controller from PowerA
44. Atari Jaguar 6-Button Controller
45. Sega Saturn 3D Controller
46. Steam Controller
47. OnLive Controller
48. Google Stadia Controller
49. Amazon Luna Controller
50. Ouya Controller
I'm glad Sega is finally doing this, it goes to show that Sega is also wary of its IPs. People kept thinking Sega would give them a free pass when it comes to fan making their IP or do anything they want with those but nope. Case in point, Sega still care about its other IPs, it's only Sonic that everyone could touch. Touch the rest and Sega will sent their squadrons on you too. The Nintendo Ninjas and the Sega Squadrons aren't to be mess with. If they want to make money out of this just make a Sonic Compendium and it will be fine. The Sega Genesis is all about Sonic anyways.
I hope HAMSTER continues to give us more NeoGeo classics, I'm still waiting for Double Dragon, Rage of the Dragons, Power Instinct Matrimelee, SNK vs. Capcom Chaos, Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash, and Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer and even the non-Neo Geo games like Metal Slug 6, King of Fighters XI, Samurai Shodown 6, and Buriki One.
Sega could easily pay these guys a lump sum of money and get this game officially release for Switch and PC in the future. And if they could had them do a remake of Sonic Chaos in this style in the future too, that'll be great. This is a game hard to put down and it would be lame if they don't make easy money from this. Hired these guys Sega and had them make all the 2D Sonic games for you like Dimps and the Taxman.
While I do love the Sonic Rush and Advance games, those aren't really out performing the Genesis classics. They focus too much on speed yes but the way some of the levels are design just made for questionable decisions. Also way too many bottomless pits and too many unnecessary collectibles for un-interesting reward just aren't worth it. They are still fun to try and play to kill time with but that's it. They are above the Sega CD, 32X, Sega Saturn, Game Gear, 3DS, Wii, PS3, PS4, PSP, mobile, and NeoGeo Pocket Color Sonic games but came nowhere close to Sonic Mania or any of the four Sega Genesis titles in terms of level design, fun factor, secrets, rewards, and story set.
I knew a guy who own a Sega Saturn back then who was very pissed that the Sega Saturn version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 never got released in NA. He was planning to go on a trip to Japan to find a copy in 2002 but eventually saw an import copy of Street Fighter Zero 3 for Saturn at a local game store near the mall going for around $90. He then took his PlayStation and Dreamcast copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3 and trade those in so he could get the Saturn copy for $25. He was that serious about the game and the Sega Saturn that much.
To be honest they shouldn't even be making a new console to begin with, they should just focus on their software lineup as currently their software are getting better, they just need to make modern versions of all their classics and creating new ones. The recharge series were fantastic, the two collections they released both courtesy of AtGames and Digital Eclipse were also fantastic. If they remastered their Alone in the Dark series and their multiple older Dragon Ball Z games such as Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and Legacy of Goku 2/Buu's Fury they would be back on track. Bandai Namco couldn't remastered those games cause they don't own the source code for those.
So regarding games that required the Expansion Pak, how would those be implemented? Will the emulator instantly give those games Expansion Pak support upon loading onto that non-FPGA cartridge slot? This is the same question I had with the Saturn compatibility too, the Saturn also had RAM cart support, do any disc game actually support that upon loading the disc or do you had to configured the emulation option to get that? Also does that controller support the Rumble Pak and Transfer Pak add-on? Also why is 64DD not supported? The better version of F-Zero X and the Zelda Ocarina of Time Master Quest required that add-on.
They really need to stop making games on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. That thing is dead and ugly now. We all get it, you really want these on your old fanboyish console, just make it for modern consoles please. Really getting tired of all these games wasting resource releasing for an old relic like the Sega Mega Drive.
@LillianC14 The Sega Dreamcast technical specs says otherwise though.
SH-4 RISC CPU with 128 Bit FPU functions for 3D graphics computations (operating frequency: 200 MHz, 360 MIPS, 1.4 GFLOPS)
Graphics Engine
PowerVR2 CLX2, 7.0 Mil polygons/second peak performance, supports Trilinear filtering. Actual maximum in game performance (with full textures, lighting, gameplay, etc...) of over 5 Mil polygons/second.
Tile Based Deferred Rendering eliminates overdraw by only drawing visible fragments. This makes required fillrate almost independent from scene depth complexity, thus making up for a low, compared to other 6th generation consoles, no minal fillrate of 100 MPixels/s as effective fillrate can be triple that amount.
Yamaha GD-ROM Drive: 12x maximum speed (Constant Angular Velocity)
GD-ROM: Holds up to 1.0 GB of data{. A normal CD-ROM holds 700 MiBs.
Visual Memory Unit ("VMU") 1 Mbit (128 KiB) removable storage device and 4x memory cards that hold four times as much data.
Inputs: USB-like "Maple Bus". Four ports support devices such as digital and analog controllers, steering wheels, joysticks, keyboards and mice, and more.
Color Output: Approx. 16.78 million colors (24 bit)
189 mm x 195 mm x 76 mm (7 7/16in x 7 11/16in x 3in)
Weight: 1.9 kg (4.2 lb)
Color: White was the main color. The Sega Sports Pack included a black console instead. Limited edition variants, mostly confined to Japan, offered alternative colors.
Modem: Removable; Original Asia/Japan model had a 33.6 kbit/s; models released after September 9, 1999 had a 56 kbit/s modem (except PAL models). Broadband: these adapters are available separately and replace the removable modem:
HIT-400: "Broadband Adapter", the more common model, this used a Realtek 8139 chip and supported 10 and 100 Mbit speeds.
HIT-300: "Lan Adapter", this version used a Fujitsu MB86967 chip and supported only 10 Mbit speed. It also only worked
In comparison here's the Nintendo GameCube technical specs proving that it too was also a 128-Bit machine.
Codename: Project Dolphin (the Dreamcast was Project Katana)
Processor: 128-bit IBM Gekko
CPU Speed: 485 MHz
Players: 4 per system
System Memory: 40MB
Main Memory: 24MB 1T S RAM
A- Memory: 16MB DRAM
Sound: 16bit DSP, 2MB RAM
Sound Compatibility: SPU2, 2MB RAM
Sound Support: Dolby, DTS, AC3
Video Memory: 4MB Visual RAM
Media: 8cm Mini-DVD
Disc Size: 1.5 GB (larger than a Dreamcast GD-Rom disc but still not as much as a PS2 DVD-Rom disc)
Disc Drive: CAV (Constant Angular V)
System Weight: 2.4 kg (5 lbs. 5 oz.)
Sys. Dimensions: 15 x 11 x 16 cm
Controllers: 4 Controller Ports
Memory Cards: 2 Digicard Ports
Various Input: 2 Serial Ports
Other Input: 1 Parallel Port
TV Connection: 1 Analog AV Output
Premium Output: 1 Digital Output
Expansion: 1 Type III PCMCIA
Official Name: NINTENDO GAMECUBE, Nintendo GameCube
System Main Memory: 24MB Sustainable Latency : 10ns or lower (1T-SRAM)
Power Supply: AC Adapter DC12V x 3.5A
Main Unit Dimensions: 150mm(W) x 110mm(H) x 161mm(D)
Display Capability: 6 million to 12 million polygons/second (Display capability assuming actual game with complexity model, texture, etc.)
Input/Output: 4 Controller Ports; 2 Digicard Slots; 2 High-Speed Serial Ports; 1 High-speed Parallel Port; 1 Analog AV Output; 1 Digital AV Output
Media Disc Drive: CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) System Average Access Time Data Transfer Speed 16Mbps to 25Mbps 128ms
Media Type: 8cm NINTENDO GAMECUBE Disc based on Matsushita's Optical Disc Technology Approx. 1.5GB Capacity
Optional Expansion: Game Boy Player adapter for compatibility with Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance playback (doesn't support Game Boy Advance Video cartridge unless hack).
Comments 451
Re: Three Of Taito's Classic '80s LaserDisc Games Are Coming To Nintendo Switch
@N00BiSH They got beat by CompactDisc (CD).
Re: The Making Of: Grand Theft Auto Advance, The GTA III Prequel You’ve (Probably) Never Heard Of
I was never a fan of GTA back then and still aren't now either since we got an awful Definitive Edition collection out of it but this GBA and the two PSP GTA games aren't bad. I find to enjoy this one more than the PSP ones.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG353PS - Decent Emulation For Under $100
While Anbernic are getting better with their handheld design and controls, they still need to do something about those microSD card ports. Yes having both at the bottom is okay but would be really helpful if they had a hatch to cover em (like on phones, PSP, 3DS, PS Vita, and Nintendo Switch but not Steam Deck) as both card could easily be unloose by accidental touch.
Re: This Lost Pokémon Game Is Being Resurrected By Fans
I play it once and it was garbage, way worst than even Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Constant crashes, can't download the title for a smooth experience, and the webpage that host it had malware ads on it. The game doesn't even had controller support and I don't think Nintendo was even involve with the game either. The fact that Flash kept updating and this Flash game couldn't keep up means it still remains a buggy mess. Better to just leave it alone, no need to preserve garbages.
Re: Sonic Bust: The Rise And Fall Of Sega Enterprises
@tektite_captain Sega's value share were dropping so it's likely Nintendo and Sony took note of that. Also many of Sony and Nintendo's employees were friends of some of Sega's employees too so when the downfall started to cracks, the words will get around.
Re: Sonic Bust: The Rise And Fall Of Sega Enterprises
The reason why Sega failed in Japan was because they not only make games for their consoles but for Nintendo and NEC as well. Why would anyone buy Fantasy Zone on the Mark III and Sega Mega Drive when the same game is also on the Famicom? Same thing for games like Golden Axe and Thunder Blade which also had PC Engine ports. It's not Sony or Nintendo that killed Sega, it's Sega who killed Sega.
Re: Intellivision Amico 'Exclusives' Shark! Shark! And Astrosmash Are Coming To Switch
My question is what happened to Dolphin Quest? That game was suppose to come to Switch and PC a long time ago.
Re: A Rare Castlevania Arcade Game Has Just Been Preserved, And Is Almost Playable
Looks like a Wii game that missed the mark. Maybe at one point they may had plan this for the Wii and then saw the sales of Castlevania Judgment and backed out. The fact that it's not in HD should be obvious too.
Re: Rare Co-Founder Under Fire For "Teasing People" With 1997 Space World Zelda Cart
Ha he wanted attentions and he got it. I still don't get why that prototype or beta of games can't be dump and archive online. Not like anyone hadn't play Ocarina of Time countless times already and it's a prototype version of a game that wasn't complete or had spoiler contents, all are just work in process contents and those works are long overdue and finish already. Just dump the rom and move on.
Re: The Anbernic RG Nano Is Like A Keyring-Sized Game Boy
Why put the shoulder buttons that high up on the screen? Why not just make a few grips on the back and add them there? This thing looks like it's gonna be frustrating to play with some games.
Re: The Incredible Story Of Satellaview, Nintendo's Satellite Modem SNES Add-On
This add-on was Sega's competition to the Sega Channel. They were hoping that by introducing the Sega Channel, that Nintendo will bring the Satellaview service overseas as well, it's too bad it never happen due to online not the standard yet at the time.
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow Turns 20 Today
Definitely one of GBA's best entry in the franchise.
Re: Insanely Rare Nintendo GameCube Found 23 Years After SpaceWorld Unveiling
Though I like the prototype GameCube, I love the prototype N64 more. We were promise a sleek looking Ultra 64 console with a cool name and we got robbed out of it. The controller even had a better looking analog stick too and it looks like it could be press as well.
Re: Guide: Best Wonder Boy Games, Ranked By You
Other than Monster World IV and Dragon's Trap both of which had a remake, I didn't really enjoy the rest all which don't had a remake. I also don't like the first game cause it plays too much like Adventure Island, a series I thorough don't enjoy due to its endless runner style gameplay though I do enjoy the superior 16-Bit Super Adventure Island series due to it having better graphics and tighter control.
Re: "Forgotten" Zelda Adventure Gets Ported To Game Boy
Such an awesome demake. Turning a bad game good never felt so awesome.
Re: Review: Aya Neo Air Plus - 2022's Best Steam Deck Rival Is Back
Those glowing sticks will drain them batteries faster than the games would consume em. Not really sure why people would want them on their handheld unless for presentation purposes. A glowing keyboard I would understand but two glowing sticks, yeah good luck with handling that.
Re: M2 Explains Why Switch Is The "Perfect" Console For Retro Games
@Guitario The joycons are just Nintendo's replacement for the motion control hence why it's missing the d-pad. It's also their excuse of including two controllers with the system but hey if you're an arcade gamer from the old days this shouldn't bother you. The Atari 2600, NeoGeo AES, Sega Master System, PC, and the NeoGeo Pocket Color didn't come with d-pad either and people like those.
Re: Kirby's Dream Land 2 Gets The 'DX' Treatment
Thank you for making this awesome DX hack for an otherwise awesome game that really needs it. Going to download the patch later today and play the updated game for free on my various Chinese emulation handhelds, Analogue Pocket Nt, and GBA EverDrive for my GBA SP2.
Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Potentially Sees The Return Of An Old Foe
The return of a legend.

Re: I'm Just Joking When I Tell Valve To Make Portal 3, Says Series Co-Writer
@Christopher_Jones It's not just the Street Fighter series, almost every franchise/entries/collection/projects Capcom made almost always end with just 2 more than the rest. Breath of Fire ends with 2 on both SNES and GBA, yes we eventually get BOF 3 & 4 on PlayStation 1 but that was only two games and Dragon Quarter doesn't count. Here's some franchise/projects that never made it passed 2:
Re: Modder Is Resurrecting Dead Wii U Consoles With Free NAND Rebuilder
Thank you for keeping the Wii U alive.
Re: Cannon Dancer's Digital Release Date Slips To April 13th
Will probably either pick up the physical version or wait for a sale. No way am I paying $30 for a 2D retro game with only 6 levels. TMNT Shredder's Revenge had over 15 levels and cost less, the actual Strider game from Capcom only cost $2 via the Capcom Arcade Stadia collection that had 5 levels.
Re: M2 Explains Why Switch Is The "Perfect" Console For Retro Games
@Muriustar I agree, the AYN Odin was terrible but that's why you stick with a dedicated handheld console and not a cheap Chinese phone pretending to be a handheld.
Re: The Toxic Crusaders Are Back In An All-New Beat 'Em Up Adventure
This is basically just Shredder's Revenge engine but with Toxic Crusader IP which isn't a bad thing. Kinda weird they choose not to implement 6-Players co-op when they got 7 playable characters just like Shredder's Revenge.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?
Probably the Genesis, that's the only system that Sega consistently had good games for over its long lifespan. The Saturn was never really good until after launch and the Dreamcast was only good at launch. The 32X and Sega CD were hit or miss at most and the Sega Master System as well as its three previous predecessors were completely non-existence to me. The Game Gear was okay just didn't get as many support as I would want, the Pico was a toy, and the Nomad though good wasn't that comfortable or compatible with most Genesis stuff.
Re: Best Mini Classic Consoles
The reason why they stopped making emulation minis after the PS1 is that emulations after that are hit or miss otherwise we would had easily see an N64 Classic Edition and a Sega Saturn Mini. I don't get why y'all don't count the AtGames mini consoles stuff in here (the Colecovision Flashback HD, Atari Flashback HD, Intellivision Flashback HD, Sega Genesis Flashback HD, etc.), they are legitimate license products too and their latest models of some of the minis were actually very good and they had been making license mini consoles before the classic mini console hype.
Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead
I play mine the other day and it still works. Need For Speed: Most Wanted U, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Call of Duty Ghost, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Duck Tales Remaster, Mighty No.9, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Dungeons and Dragons Chronicles, Injustice, Rodea: The Sky Soldier by Yuji Naka, Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, and Paper Mario: Color Splash, all games for Nintendo forever stuck on the Wii U.
Re: Polymega's Next Trick? Ditching Dedicated Hardware
I already got this app on my PC and other devices, it's called RetroArch, Batocera, and Emulation Station.
Re: SNES Classic Cybernator Is Coming To Switch Next Month, Thanks To M2
Nice at first I thought it was just going to be an NSO game glad that it's not.
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
It's great that they choose to go the first person route on Metroid Prime, had the game go third person like it was originally suppose to be, I'm not sure if it will be well receive like it did. The good thing is the game is made by the Turok team who are familiar with Nintendo's hardware at the time. They then became their own studio, Retro Studio after Iguana Entertainment closed its doors. After Retro Studio was acquired by Nintendo, some members of the team went on to found Free Radical Design with some of the members from Rare (who quit after the Microsoft Rareware acquisition) who work on the GoldenEye and Perfect Dark games to create the TimeSplitter series. The rest is history.
Re: Review: Retro-Bit 'BIG6' Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Controller - Bigger Is Better
While it's a nice looking controller, the placements of the X, Y, and Z buttons does seem to be locate a bit higher thus trying to press them could be a bit awkward. There's a reason Sega made their oem 6-buttons controller smaller, it's so to make easy reach of all 6 buttons when playing Comix Zone, Streets of Rage 3, and Eternal Champions.
Re: Best Neo Geo Pocket Color Games
If you could mod your NeoGeo Pocket Color with a backlit screen, you would be amaze how good each game looks and run.
Re: Anniversary: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Is 15 Today
Yes it was amazing back then and was the mode I spent most of my time with. It's too bad Subspace Emmisary won't be returning or will ever return in any form. Sakurai still felt that making all those CGi movies was a mistake as those could easily be upload for free to watch on YouTube without ever playing the game. I get not wanting people to get free movies but c'mon give us our Smash Run for Ultimate please.
Re: Random: Hyperkin Wants To Make The Sega Dreamcast 2
We already had a Dreamcast 2, it's called the Xbox, PS2, and GameCube all duct tape together.
Re: Sierra And Nintendo Almost Joined Forces To Create An Online Network In The '80s
While Nintendo rejected that, it doesn't seem like that's not entirely the truth. The worldwide web is still quite young at that time and yes it would hurt the retail market if Nintendo jump on some kind of international online network gaming service idea way too soon. The only reason they manage to do it for the Japanese market with the Satellaview for Super Famicom was because Japan was a smaller market and easy to manage since it's just one market whereas the outside market are still very tough to manage as they spread to different regions altogether and different regions had different laws and different perspective of the whole thing.
Re: Random: Did This '80s Furniture Commercial Inspire Super Mario 64?
@N64-ROX No they don't, you just need to go shop more.
Re: Square's "Lost" SNES Title 'Treasure Conflix' Gets Translated Into English
Well be getting this from a repro soon.
Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?
Here's my top 50 of the best controllers of all time that I used and to this day still used, only the top 5 matters but the rest also need a mentions:
1. 8BitDo SN30+ Pro Controller
2. Super NES Controller
3. Sega Saturn Controller 2
4. Sega Genesis 6-Button Controller
5. NES Dogbone Controller
6. NES Classic Controller
7. Super NES Fighter Pad
8. Sega Genesis Fighter Pad
9. PlayStation 2 Sega Saturn Controller
10. Hori GameCube Digital Controller for Game Boy Player
11. 8BitDo M30 Controller
12. NeoGeo Arcade Controller
13. Sega Master System Classic Controller
14. Wii U Pro Controller
15. Wii Classic Controller Pro
16. PlayStation Dual Shock 4 Controller
17. 8BitDo SN30 Controller
18. 8BitDo SN30 Pro Controller
19. SN Pro Pad
20. NES Advantage
21. Super NES Advantage
22. NES Max Pad
23. Wii Remote
24. Switch Pro Controller
25. Sega Dreamcast Controller
26. N64 Controller
27. Xbox One Controller
28. Xbox Series S Controller
29. Wii U Game Pad
30. Sega Genesis 3-Button Controller
31. Turbo Grafx-16 6-Button Controller
32. FC Twin Controller
33. Super Retro Trio Controller
34. Retro Fighter N64 Controller
35. GameCube Controller
36. PlayStation 5 DualSense Controller
37. PlayStation 3 Sixaxis Controller
38. Hori Super Game Boy Controller
39. Switch Joycons
40. Hori Fighter Pad for Sega Dreamcast
41. Atari 2600 Joystick Controller
42. Atari VCS Classic Controller from PowerA
43. Atari VCS Modern Controller from PowerA
44. Atari Jaguar 6-Button Controller
45. Sega Saturn 3D Controller
46. Steam Controller
47. OnLive Controller
48. Google Stadia Controller
49. Amazon Luna Controller
50. Ouya Controller
Re: Bitmap Books Pulls Mega Drive / Genesis 'Visual Compendium' After Legal Threat From Sega
I'm glad Sega is finally doing this, it goes to show that Sega is also wary of its IPs. People kept thinking Sega would give them a free pass when it comes to fan making their IP or do anything they want with those but nope. Case in point, Sega still care about its other IPs, it's only Sonic that everyone could touch. Touch the rest and Sega will sent their squadrons on you too. The Nintendo Ninjas and the Sega Squadrons aren't to be mess with. If they want to make money out of this just make a Sonic Compendium and it will be fine. The Sega Genesis is all about Sonic anyways.
Re: Best Neo Geo Games
I hope HAMSTER continues to give us more NeoGeo classics, I'm still waiting for Double Dragon, Rage of the Dragons, Power Instinct Matrimelee, SNK vs. Capcom Chaos, Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash, and Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer and even the non-Neo Geo games like Metal Slug 6, King of Fighters XI, Samurai Shodown 6, and Buriki One.
Re: The Making Of: Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit, 2022's Best Fan-Made Reboot
Sega could easily pay these guys a lump sum of money and get this game officially release for Switch and PC in the future. And if they could had them do a remake of Sonic Chaos in this style in the future too, that'll be great. This is a game hard to put down and it would be lame if they don't make easy money from this. Hired these guys Sega and had them make all the 2D Sonic games for you like Dimps and the Taxman.
Re: Ken Killed? Ryu And Chun-Li Kissing? Space Aliens? These Street Fighter II Comics Had It All
@sdelfin Oh my gosh they killed Ken, those ba$ta(r)ds.
Re: Remembering Sonic Rush, The Coolest Sonic Game From His Barren Period
While I do love the Sonic Rush and Advance games, those aren't really out performing the Genesis classics. They focus too much on speed yes but the way some of the levels are design just made for questionable decisions. Also way too many bottomless pits and too many unnecessary collectibles for un-interesting reward just aren't worth it. They are still fun to try and play to kill time with but that's it. They are above the Sega CD, 32X, Sega Saturn, Game Gear, 3DS, Wii, PS3, PS4, PSP, mobile, and NeoGeo Pocket Color Sonic games but came nowhere close to Sonic Mania or any of the four Sega Genesis titles in terms of level design, fun factor, secrets, rewards, and story set.
Re: Full Of Eastern Promise: The Rise And Fall Of Grey Importing
I knew a guy who own a Sega Saturn back then who was very pissed that the Sega Saturn version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 never got released in NA. He was planning to go on a trip to Japan to find a copy in 2002 but eventually saw an import copy of Street Fighter Zero 3 for Saturn at a local game store near the mall going for around $90. He then took his PlayStation and Dreamcast copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3 and trade those in so he could get the Saturn copy for $25. He was that serious about the game and the Sega Saturn that much.
Re: Atari's Revived VCS Has Flopped, And Now It Needs More Cash
To be honest they shouldn't even be making a new console to begin with, they should just focus on their software lineup as currently their software are getting better, they just need to make modern versions of all their classics and creating new ones. The recharge series were fantastic, the two collections they released both courtesy of AtGames and Digital Eclipse were also fantastic. If they remastered their Alone in the Dark series and their multiple older Dragon Ball Z games such as Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and Legacy of Goku 2/Buu's Fury they would be back on track. Bandai Namco couldn't remastered those games cause they don't own the source code for those.
Re: Flashback: The Origin Of Rare's Iconic "Golden Toilet Roll" Logo
It all make sense now, Rare was hinting this game all along throughout the 90s.
Re: Pre-Orders Open For Polymega's N64 Module Ahead Of Spring 2023 Release
So regarding games that required the Expansion Pak, how would those be implemented? Will the emulator instantly give those games Expansion Pak support upon loading onto that non-FPGA cartridge slot? This is the same question I had with the Saturn compatibility too, the Saturn also had RAM cart support, do any disc game actually support that upon loading the disc or do you had to configured the emulation option to get that? Also does that controller support the Rumble Pak and Transfer Pak add-on? Also why is 64DD not supported? The better version of F-Zero X and the Zelda Ocarina of Time Master Quest required that add-on.
Re: The Making Of: Secret Of Evermore, Square's Western 'Secret Of Mana'
This is one of the better western Square of America RPG.
Re: Random: Castlevania: SotN On Game Boy Color? We Can But Dream
They really need to stop making games on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. That thing is dead and ugly now. We all get it, you really want these on your old fanboyish console, just make it for modern consoles please. Really getting tired of all these games wasting resource releasing for an old relic like the Sega Mega Drive.
Re: Light Gun Fans Rejoice! Hacker Gets Wii Remote Working With Sega Dreamcast
@LillianC14 The Sega Dreamcast technical specs says otherwise though.
SH-4 RISC CPU with 128 Bit FPU functions for 3D graphics computations (operating frequency: 200 MHz, 360 MIPS, 1.4 GFLOPS)
Graphics Engine
Sound Engine
Storage, Media Format, and Disc Drive
Inputs: USB-like "Maple Bus". Four ports support devices such as digital and analog controllers, steering wheels, joysticks, keyboards and mice, and more.
Color Output: Approx. 16.78 million colors (24 bit)
Modem: Removable; Original Asia/Japan model had a 33.6 kbit/s; models released after September 9, 1999 had a 56 kbit/s modem (except PAL models). Broadband: these adapters are available separately and replace the removable modem:
In comparison here's the Nintendo GameCube technical specs proving that it too was also a 128-Bit machine.