Nice that it offer microSD card rom support. Still disappointed that there won't be any built-in games but hey I like to have choices so this is okay. I do wish there to be Turbo Grafx-16, Sega Genesis, Game Gear, NeoGeo Pocket Color, and Sega Master System roms support as well, the Nintendo stuffs are just getting old at this point.
Sorry but I trust 8Bitdo more and the fact that the M30 controller is cheaper just destroy all interest I had with this controller. Now if it only use bluetooth instead of the 2.4ghz wireless signal then yeah maybe I will give it a shot but at this point 8Bitdo all the way. Perhaps the only positive about this one over the 8Bitdo ones is that the battery lasted longer for around 150 hours of play time whereas 8Bitdo will probably only lasted around 25 hours of play time just like the SN30.
I probably get this for the Saturn and PS1 support, all the NES and SNES FPGA stuff I need I already have with AVS and Super Analog Nt already. Now if only they support N64 and Dreamcast then I'm set.
More Chinese garbage from these clone makers. When will they move away from NES, SMS, Game Boy, Super NES, GBA, and Sega Genesis? Those are being milk to death already.
@ThanosReXXX Retron 5, Analog Super Nt, that one Fei Hao Genesis clone, the Retro Freak, and my PC which can be plug to the TV, and the damn Retro Pi all could handle most of the platform this supports. I don't see why I need this one right now unless I only care about Sega Saturn and Sega CD games which I don't as a majority of them were garbage games and the good ones are mostly ports or import titles. Also still got my PS3 for PS1 games so yeah not sure why I would need this one for that, like I said if I want to play better versions of NeoGeo games I already got a majority of them on the Switch without load times. Like I mention this thing would be worth it if it supports 3DO, N64, PS2, and Dreamcast games then that would be sweet but nope as of now it's not worth it yet.
Until it got 3DO, N64, Dreamcast, and PlayStation 2 support then I may eventually throw money at it but for now I'm not too interested in it just yet. Not really a fan of the PS1 library that much even though I own a lot of them games especially Tekken 3, Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy IX, Crash Bandicoot, and the Legend of Dragoon, don't own that many Sega Saturn games at the moment, the Sega CD library are basically just garbage other than Lunar and Sonic CD which already got better remastered on modern consoles, already got better versions of NeoGeo games on Switch via HAMSTER, and already got too many HD clones that could do HD better with Famicom, NES, SNES, SFC, Mega Drive, Genesis, SMS, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, and Game Gear games.
Seems like an interest system but one that would be very expensive to afford if one were to collect all the modules. This system reminds me of the old Pioneer Laseractive Gaming karaoke hybrid system they had back in the old days where it would had modules to support Sega Genesis, Turbo Grafx-16 games, Sega CD, and Turbo CD disc games. It's too bad they didn't offer more modules to help support it longer, would had been nice to have a 3DO and SNES modules as well
No HDMI cable included even though it's meant for the television, no battery back-up, no controllers, no power adapter included, no way to remap buttons, not compatible with other controllers, wasn't meant for portable play and they are asking for well over $120 (not including S & H) for this at Play-Asia and Nin-Nin Games? Ummm SNK, are you selling this product for customer to play or are you selling it for them to show off cause if it's for them to play then why are you not including the things they need to get started, Seriously Not Kool man. This makes the NeoGeo X feel less like a ripoff.
Though I never liked the movie I did like the game that is based on the movie which Capcom stupidly did not include in the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. Would had make for a good extra just for laughs.
Will it be able to play repros and homebrew games as well? I hope it support Pier Solar for Genesis and Dreamcast, Secret of Mana 2 for Super NES, Wolfenstein 3D for Sega Genesis, Final Fantasy VII demake for NES, and Mega Man: The Wily Wars for Sega Genesis.
@Darknyht Ouya failed cause they don't understand competition or their position in the market. They make a box that is too user friendly, very easily hackable, and open source with games having free-to-play options in them thus most of their audience simply just play the games once and never touch them ever again or just play free roms through emulators.
This means that there's literally no purchase to be made at all and when the money aren't coming, developers who put their games there won't see any royalty thus persuading them to move away from the platform (Square Enix only released one game for the Ouya and Sega only released 3, after not seeing sales result they just do not want to bother with it anymore). With no major developers on the platform it doesn't attract consumers so the console end up having little dev and consumer support which eventually contribute to its demise.
@BraveBiT That won't work here though, this is from Indiegogo, not Kickstarter. Atari may never deliver the product and could still get away with all those money. At least with the Ouya they actually did took a risk and start with Kickstarter but in the end failed due to financial burden and lack of sales for the product.
By the time this thing release the Nintendo Switch would had already got big in the console, mobile, handheld, and retro market making this thing completely obsolete. It's open source so that would kill it from day one as being open source means it could easily be hack and games could easily be acquired for free thus developers who jump on board won't be able to make money on it and if no games would sell no customers would support or buy this thing thus ending the same demise the Ouya did. All I could say is good luck Atari you already got close to $3 million from a bunch of believers now you gotta deliver the product or else you'll be the joke of next year. I'm not trolling you to fail nor I am accusing you of being a scammer but I do expect to hear more about the console as the campaign closes.
Ha my basement is like a whole library of old school retro games, some that I hadn't play for years and some I had not even beaten yet. Of course I ain't gonna sell them all away, I may eventually give them over to my next of kin or donate them to a dedicated collector if the gaming industry ever falls under.
Looks cool and all but I don't like how the START and SELECT buttons are located on the upper section of these controllers instead of the lower section. Hopefully these controllers doesn't cost more than $15. I bought TTX's Super NES controller and Hyperkin's GN6 Genesis controller for much less and they still work very well, if this cost more than those for having similar design and experience than it's a downer to me.
Sadly whoever made the film never sued Capcom for not only using the Street Fighter name but also the two background sceneries too so basically Capcom got lucky. Since the movie was called The Street Fighter in Japan and renamed to Hard Time everywhere else, Capcom wouldn't had been able to use the name Street Fighter everywhere else.
So the dude went mad and became Chris Benoit? Good riddance, only a coward would do that to his own flesh and blood. If you want to die just kill yourself so your wife and son can move on, no need to take them with you.
Wow that is cool, now imagine if they kept the Dragon Ball concept for Alex Kidd and go right into DBZ with his later games, maybe we might even see Alex Kidd go Super Saiyan. Oh wait... Poor Alex Kidd, you almost made it.
Meh another garbage system from another Chinese clone on a chip making company. I bet they still hadn't fix compatibility with Castlevania 3 either. The original SR3 got almost everything right except for compatibility. This one seem like it didn't fix any of the compatibility issues and just upscale the composite picture to 720p. If you want to play true solid HD for your NES, SNES, and Genesis with better compatibility just get the AVS, Analog Super Nt, and/or the Fei Hao HD Genesis clone. Avoid this cheap knockoff.
The NeoGeo ports on Switch are still better, you get them cheap and legit with more features plus the portability aspect for under $9 each. Unless you're a die hard collector, still owned a NeoGeo AES or MVS machine and got more money to waste, these flash cartridge are good alternatives.
I stopped buying these when they began taking out games I like such as the Ecco and Streets of Rage games. Also the HD Genesis Flashback they recently released was just pure garbage, the audio sounds okay but the compatibility was terrible, controller ports hardly ever work, the menu constantly freezes, there are scrolling and framerate issues on all games, and games such as Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Super Street Fighter II doesn't work on it.
They're nice retro clones but the speed of some of the games turn me off and the aspect ratio is a bit iffy. Sprite looks more fat than when compare to how they were presented in the original Game Boy Color aspect ratio. It's cheap though and got a nice backlit display so it makes for a good alternative, for me I rather stick with my backlit fully modded GBA.
@Yas I never own an Atari 2600 but I did get a chance to play one at a relatives house with games like Centipede, Frogs and Flies, Galaxian, and Pitfall. For some reason most people remember the bad games of the 2600 but not the good ones. I also got the chance to play the Atari Jaguar at one time and enjoy three of the four games (Cybermorph, AVP, Doom, and Tempest 2000) I tried on it. You never know, this new Atari system might be a game changer for Atari if they know how to market it successfully.
To limit risk taking, this product will initially be launched within the framework of a crowdfunding campaign.
Wait they are just now planning to kickstart this? I previously thought that this console was years in the making meaning they already had the fund to produce it already. Well I guess it'll end up being an Ouya situation all over again. We probably won't see this in stores until late 2019 or early 2020 then which by that time the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two will probably be on their way. I guess the real factor that will decide whether I am excited for this is if the thing support physical copy of games or not as I'm not too fond of an all digital console.
Good update but then we won't be able to see the juggling monkey on the load screen anymore, I like that juggling monkey over the boring Polymega logo.
Looks like a nice attempt at cloning and playing old century games but still need a lot to prove for me to get excited. Also would be nice if they would at least put more controller ports on the NES, Super NES, Sega Genesis, PlayStation, and Sega Saturn modules so we don't have to rely on using multi-taps anymore.
@sevex My guess is that they'll eventually add Dreamcast and Xbox support to it at some point too but if you're a Nintendo player seeing the letters mess up does become a bothersome.
One of my bud bought one of these after failing to find an NES Classic Edition at store shelves and now he regret ever buying it as 70% of the games on there were disgustingly terrible. Now he went to lock himself in his room crying cause he just lose $60 to a product he never meant to buy. The poor guy, damn you Nintendo you ruin him.
Another failed hardware just like the PSP Go, PlayStation Move, PlayStation TV, Apple Pippin, Ouya, Tiger, OnLive microconsole, Kinect, Gizmondo, N-Gage, Tapwave Zodiac, Wii Vitality Sensor, and Analog Nt.
Wow, imagine if id Software patented 1st person shooter and Squaresoft patented the turn-base battle, all other games would be down the gutter including GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, Medal of Honor, Breath of Fire, Lufia, Lunar series and EarthBound.
In able for this thing to be a success in this time and age, it must launch at $199 and had at least 10 exclusive good games at launch. It must had more than just indies and arcade titles and it must had at least 20 of these companies on board in supporting it:
Way too bulky for my taste and without an NES cartridge slot, it's definitely a no for me. Also it cost over $300 to get it, I assume those emulator makers will be very pissed about this one too.
Either it's Sega (maker of the Mark III) or NEC (maker of the PC Engine), two competitors against Nintendo (maker of the Famicom) in Japan. It couldn't be Microsoft, Microsoft never made the MSX, instead they had other companies made it for them.
They could have use the Sega Genesis or Super NES console design and cartridge style, that will sell it for me but the Jaguar. Not a fan of that console, both its design and cartridge.
And Daikatana, Sonic 2006, Street Combat, Ballz, Rise of the Robots, Cheetahmen II, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Zelda CD-i games, Hotel Mario, Sword of Sodan, Mortal Kombat: Special Force, Aliens: Colonial Marine, SimCity (EA Edition), Sonic Genesis (GBA), all them games (except Lights Out), all them Virtual Boy games (except Wario Land), War Gods, Dark Rift, Awesome Possum, Sewer Shark, Karate Champ, Action 52, etc.
One of the best multiplayer racing game for the N64 next to WipEout 64, F-Zero X, Mario Kart 64, Top Gear Overdrive, Hydro Thunder, 1080 Snowboarding, Wace Race 64, Beetle Adventure Racing, and Snowboard Kids 1 & 2.
There is the Samurai Shodown Anthology on PSP which got Samurai Shodown III along with five others SS games), the rest of those other SNK games could easily be play on PSP via emulator which runs better than what was on Neo Geo X.
Though the games were good, the emulation on this thing is horrible especially when you play them through HDMI. Better to just get the many Neo Geo Collection for PS2, Wii and PSP.
Comments 451
Re: Hardware Review: 16Bit Pocket MD - An Unexpectedly Decent Portable Mega Drive
They had to come and make AtGames look better.
Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo
I thought this was a new article until I found my old comment and was like, "I was here before?"
Re: Hardware Review: To Enjoy The New BittBoy, You'll Need To Get Your Hands Dirty
Nice that it offer microSD card rom support. Still disappointed that there won't be any built-in games but hey I like to have choices so this is okay. I do wish there to be Turbo Grafx-16, Sega Genesis, Game Gear, NeoGeo Pocket Color, and Sega Master System roms support as well, the Nintendo stuffs are just getting old at this point.
Re: Hardware Review: Krikzz Joyzz Wireless Sega Mega Drive Controller - Perfection Comes At A Price
Sorry but I trust 8Bitdo more and the fact that the M30 controller is cheaper just destroy all interest I had with this controller. Now if it only use bluetooth instead of the 2.4ghz wireless signal then yeah maybe I will give it a shot but at this point 8Bitdo all the way. Perhaps the only positive about this one over the 8Bitdo ones is that the battery lasted longer for around 150 hours of play time whereas 8Bitdo will probably only lasted around 25 hours of play time just like the SN30.
Re: There's A New Intellivision Coming, And A Trio Of Former Nintendo Staffers Are Helping Launch It
My one main question about this console. Where are the gameplay of the games?
Re: Exclusive: Polymega Creator Playmaji On FPGA, Sega Saturn And Dealing With 'Healthy' Scepticism
I probably get this for the Saturn and PS1 support, all the NES and SNES FPGA stuff I need I already have with AVS and Super Analog Nt already. Now if only they support N64 and Dreamcast then I'm set.
Re: Hardware Review: The Retro-Bit Go Retro! Portable Is A Rose-Tinted Disappointment
More Chinese garbage from these clone makers. When will they move away from NES, SMS, Game Boy, Super NES, GBA, and Sega Genesis? Those are being milk to death already.
Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo
The same old story that was cover so many times already.
Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor
@ThanosReXXX Retron 5, Analog Super Nt, that one Fei Hao Genesis clone, the Retro Freak, and my PC which can be plug to the TV, and the damn Retro Pi all could handle most of the platform this supports. I don't see why I need this one right now unless I only care about Sega Saturn and Sega CD games which I don't as a majority of them were garbage games and the good ones are mostly ports or import titles. Also still got my PS3 for PS1 games so yeah not sure why I would need this one for that, like I said if I want to play better versions of NeoGeo games I already got a majority of them on the Switch without load times. Like I mention this thing would be worth it if it supports 3DO, N64, PS2, and Dreamcast games then that would be sweet but nope as of now it's not worth it yet.
Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor
Until it got 3DO, N64, Dreamcast, and PlayStation 2 support then I may eventually throw money at it but for now I'm not too interested in it just yet. Not really a fan of the PS1 library that much even though I own a lot of them games especially Tekken 3, Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy IX, Crash Bandicoot, and the Legend of Dragoon, don't own that many Sega Saturn games at the moment, the Sega CD library are basically just garbage other than Lunar and Sonic CD which already got better remastered on modern consoles, already got better versions of NeoGeo games on Switch via HAMSTER, and already got too many HD clones that could do HD better with Famicom, NES, SNES, SFC, Mega Drive, Genesis, SMS, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, and Game Gear games.
Re: Polymega Launch Trailer Reveals Sega Saturn Support
Seems like an interest system but one that would be very expensive to afford if one were to collect all the modules. This system reminds me of the old Pioneer Laseractive Gaming karaoke hybrid system they had back in the old days where it would had modules to support Sega Genesis, Turbo Grafx-16 games, Sega CD, and Turbo CD disc games. It's too bad they didn't offer more modules to help support it longer, would had been nice to have a 3DO and SNES modules as well

Re: Hardware Review: The Sega Saturn Bluetooth Pad Doesn't Live Up To Its Inspiration
I rather just wait for the Retro-Bit ones, perhaps those will be better since they are approved by Sega.
Re: Feature: Take A Peek Behind The Curtain At Rare With This New Exhibit
Now if only Microsoft is nice enough to share Rare with Nintendo. Seriously I need my Banjo back so I can Conker again.
Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?
No HDMI cable included even though it's meant for the television, no battery back-up, no controllers, no power adapter included, no way to remap buttons, not compatible with other controllers, wasn't meant for portable play and they are asking for well over $120 (not including S & H) for this at Play-Asia and Nin-Nin Games? Ummm SNK, are you selling this product for customer to play or are you selling it for them to show off cause if it's for them to play then why are you not including the things they need to get started, Seriously Not Kool man. This makes the NeoGeo X feel less like a ripoff.
Re: Hardware Classics: Uncovering The Tragic Tale Of The Philips CD-i
The scary part is that this thing was on the market longer than the Dreamcast but had none of the fun that the Dreamcast offered.
Re: Drugs, Military Coups And Reshoots: The Amazing Story Of Street Fighter: The Movie
Though I never liked the movie I did like the game that is based on the movie which Capcom stupidly did not include in the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. Would had make for a good extra just for laughs.
Re: Hands On: Exploring The Future Of Retro Gaming With Polymega
@Yorumi Cool man, yeah I hope they get the Super FX games issue fix soon. Nice that homebrew and repros won't be hampers.
Re: Hands On: Exploring The Future Of Retro Gaming With Polymega
Will it be able to play repros and homebrew games as well? I hope it support Pier Solar for Genesis and Dreamcast, Secret of Mana 2 for Super NES, Wolfenstein 3D for Sega Genesis, Final Fantasy VII demake for NES, and Mega Man: The Wily Wars for Sega Genesis.
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
@Darknyht Ouya failed cause they don't understand competition or their position in the market. They make a box that is too user friendly, very easily hackable, and open source with games having free-to-play options in them thus most of their audience simply just play the games once and never touch them ever again or just play free roms through emulators.
This means that there's literally no purchase to be made at all and when the money aren't coming, developers who put their games there won't see any royalty thus persuading them to move away from the platform (Square Enix only released one game for the Ouya and Sega only released 3, after not seeing sales result they just do not want to bother with it anymore). With no major developers on the platform it doesn't attract consumers so the console end up having little dev and consumer support which eventually contribute to its demise.
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
@BraveBiT That won't work here though, this is from Indiegogo, not Kickstarter. Atari may never deliver the product and could still get away with all those money. At least with the Ouya they actually did took a risk and start with Kickstarter but in the end failed due to financial burden and lack of sales for the product.
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
By the time this thing release the Nintendo Switch would had already got big in the console, mobile, handheld, and retro market making this thing completely obsolete. It's open source so that would kill it from day one as being open source means it could easily be hack and games could easily be acquired for free thus developers who jump on board won't be able to make money on it and if no games would sell no customers would support or buy this thing thus ending the same demise the Ouya did. All I could say is good luck Atari you already got close to $3 million from a bunch of believers now you gotta deliver the product or else you'll be the joke of next year. I'm not trolling you to fail nor I am accusing you of being a scammer but I do expect to hear more about the console as the campaign closes.
Re: Feature: What Makes A Person Sell Their Entire Retro Games Collection?
Ha my basement is like a whole library of old school retro games, some that I hadn't play for years and some I had not even beaten yet. Of course I ain't gonna sell them all away, I may eventually give them over to my next of kin or donate them to a dedicated collector if the gaming industry ever falls under.
Re: Polymega's 'Element Modules' Will Come With Wired Classic Controllers
Looks cool and all but I don't like how the START and SELECT buttons are located on the upper section of these controllers instead of the lower section. Hopefully these controllers doesn't cost more than $15. I bought TTX's Super NES controller and Hyperkin's GN6 Genesis controller for much less and they still work very well, if this cost more than those for having similar design and experience than it's a downer to me.
Re: Video: Polymega Gears Up For Marketing Blitz With Footage Of PCB Creation
I hope they take pre-order soon, I need to breathe new life to all my Sega CD and PlayStation games and this may be just that.
Re: Random: Street Fighter II's Most Iconic Stages May Have Been Inspired By A Charles Bronson Movie
Sadly whoever made the film never sued Capcom for not only using the Street Fighter name but also the two background sceneries too so basically Capcom got lucky. Since the movie was called The Street Fighter in Japan and renamed to Hard Time everywhere else, Capcom wouldn't had been able to use the name Street Fighter everywhere else.
Re: Feature: The Tragic Story Behind The Man Who Helped Create Tetris
So the dude went mad and became Chris Benoit? Good riddance, only a coward would do that to his own flesh and blood. If you want to die just kill yourself so your wife and son can move on, no need to take them with you.
Re: Alex Kidd In Miracle World Was Supposed To Be A Dragon Ball Game
Wow that is cool, now imagine if they kept the Dragon Ball concept for Alex Kidd and go right into DBZ with his later games, maybe we might even see Alex Kidd go Super Saiyan. Oh wait...

Poor Alex Kidd, you almost made it.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
Meh another garbage system from another Chinese clone on a chip making company. I bet they still hadn't fix compatibility with Castlevania 3 either. The original SR3 got almost everything right except for compatibility. This one seem like it didn't fix any of the compatibility issues and just upscale the composite picture to 720p. If you want to play true solid HD for your NES, SNES, and Genesis with better compatibility just get the AVS, Analog Super Nt, and/or the Fei Hao HD Genesis clone. Avoid this cheap knockoff.
Re: Feature: Neo Geo's First Flash Cart Is Here, So What Now For Switch-Owning SNK Fans?
The NeoGeo ports on Switch are still better, you get them cheap and legit with more features plus the portability aspect for under $9 each. Unless you're a die hard collector, still owned a NeoGeo AES or MVS machine and got more money to waste, these flash cartridge are good alternatives.
Re: Hardware Review: Sega's Heritage Deserves Better Than The Mega Drive Ultimate Portable
I stopped buying these when they began taking out games I like such as the Ecco and Streets of Rage games. Also the HD Genesis Flashback they recently released was just pure garbage, the audio sounds okay but the compatibility was terrible, controller ports hardly ever work, the menu constantly freezes, there are scrolling and framerate issues on all games, and games such as Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Super Street Fighter II doesn't work on it.
Re: Hardware Review: GB Boy Classic And GB Boy Colour: The Best Way To Play Game Boy Today?
They're nice retro clones but the speed of some of the games turn me off and the aspect ratio is a bit iffy. Sprite looks more fat than when compare to how they were presented in the original Game Boy Color aspect ratio. It's cheap though and got a nice backlit display so it makes for a good alternative, for me I rather stick with my backlit fully modded GBA.
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
@Yas I never own an Atari 2600 but I did get a chance to play one at a relatives house with games like Centipede, Frogs and Flies, Galaxian, and Pitfall. For some reason most people remember the bad games of the 2600 but not the good ones. I also got the chance to play the Atari Jaguar at one time and enjoy three of the four games (Cybermorph, AVP, Doom, and Tempest 2000) I tried on it. You never know, this new Atari system might be a game changer for Atari if they know how to market it successfully.
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
To limit risk taking, this product will initially be launched within the framework of a crowdfunding campaign.
Wait they are just now planning to kickstart this? I previously thought that this console was years in the making meaning they already had the fund to produce it already. Well I guess it'll end up being an Ouya situation all over again. We probably won't see this in stores until late 2019 or early 2020 then which by that time the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two will probably be on their way. I guess the real factor that will decide whether I am excited for this is if the thing support physical copy of games or not as I'm not too fond of an all digital console.
Re: Modular Retro Console Polymega's Mystery CD-ROM Format Is Revealed
Good update but then we won't be able to see the juggling monkey on the load screen anymore, I like that juggling monkey over the boring Polymega logo.
Re: RetroBlox Becomes Polymega, Joypad And User Interface Get Shown Off
Looks like a nice attempt at cloning and playing old century games but still need a lot to prove for me to get excited. Also would be nice if they would at least put more controller ports on the NES, Super NES, Sega Genesis, PlayStation, and Sega Saturn modules so we don't have to rely on using multi-taps anymore.
Re: RetroBlox Becomes Polymega, Joypad And User Interface Get Shown Off
@sevex My guess is that they'll eventually add Dreamcast and Xbox support to it at some point too but if you're a Nintendo player seeing the letters mess up does become a bothersome.
Re: Modular Console RetroBlox Could Be The Ultimate Old-School Gaming Platform
No 3DO, Sega Saturn, and Sega Dreamcast then no buy.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Generations
One of my bud bought one of these after failing to find an NES Classic Edition at store shelves and now he regret ever buying it as 70% of the games on there were disgustingly terrible. Now he went to lock himself in his room crying cause he just lose $60 to a product he never meant to buy. The poor guy, damn you Nintendo you ruin him.
Re: Coleco Chameleon Saga Draws To A Close As Creator Finally Pulls The Plug
I assume Nintendolife paid Silvermania to take picture of his box and fake system for this article.
Re: Coleco Chameleon's Future In Doubt Following Claims That SNES Hardware Was Used In Prototype
Another failed hardware just like the PSP Go, PlayStation Move, PlayStation TV, Apple Pippin, Ouya, Tiger, OnLive microconsole, Kinect, Gizmondo, N-Gage, Tapwave Zodiac, Wii Vitality Sensor, and Analog Nt.
Re: How Star Wars Helped Nintendo Defeat One Of Sega's Most Ludicrous Patents
Wow, imagine if id Software patented 1st person shooter and Squaresoft patented the turn-base battle, all other games would be down the gutter including GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, Medal of Honor, Breath of Fire, Lufia, Lunar series and EarthBound.
Re: The Retro VGS Is Reborn As The Coleco Chameleon
In able for this thing to be a success in this time and age, it must launch at $199 and had at least 10 exclusive good games at launch. It must had more than just indies and arcade titles and it must had at least 20 of these companies on board in supporting it:
Re: Hardware Review: Cyber Gadget Retro Freak
Way too bulky for my taste and without an NES cartridge slot, it's definitely a no for me. Also it cost over $300 to get it, I assume those emulator makers will be very pissed about this one too.
Re: Rumour: Leading Japanese Game Company Kidnapped Dev's Sister To Stop Them From Working With Nintendo
Either it's Sega (maker of the Mark III) or NEC (maker of the PC Engine), two competitors against Nintendo (maker of the Famicom) in Japan. It couldn't be Microsoft, Microsoft never made the MSX, instead they had other companies made it for them.
Re: Retro VGS Crowdfunding Campaign "Dead In The Water" But Work Will Continue
They could have use the Sega Genesis or Super NES console design and cartridge style, that will sell it for me but the Jaguar. Not a fan of that console, both its design and cartridge.
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill
And Daikatana, Sonic 2006, Street Combat, Ballz, Rise of the Robots, Cheetahmen II, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Zelda CD-i games, Hotel Mario, Sword of Sodan, Mortal Kombat: Special Force, Aliens: Colonial Marine, SimCity (EA Edition), Sonic Genesis (GBA), all them games (except Lights Out), all them Virtual Boy games (except Wario Land), War Gods, Dark Rift, Awesome Possum, Sewer Shark, Karate Champ, Action 52, etc.
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill
WTF Centipede for the Atari 2600 was a good game, whoever buried that one must had been an idiot. Stupid Atari, should had sold me a copy.
Re: Month Of Kong: The Making Of Diddy Kong Racing
One of the best multiplayer racing game for the N64 next to WipEout 64, F-Zero X, Mario Kart 64, Top Gear Overdrive, Hydro Thunder, 1080 Snowboarding, Wace Race 64, Beetle Adventure Racing, and Snowboard Kids 1 & 2.
Re: Hardware Review: Neo Geo X Gold & Mega Pack Volume 1
There is the Samurai Shodown Anthology on PSP which got Samurai Shodown III along with five others SS games), the rest of those other SNK games could easily be play on PSP via emulator which runs better than what was on Neo Geo X.
Re: Hardware Review: Neo Geo X Gold & Mega Pack Volume 1
Though the games were good, the emulation on this thing is horrible especially when you play them through HDMI. Better to just get the many Neo Geo Collection for PS2, Wii and PSP.