

"No Surrender, No Retreat."

Comments 102

Re: Feature: The Making Of The PC Engine, The 8-Bit Wonder That Took On Nintendo


@RogerFederer Yep, I would have to either pick it up from France or the UK at the time because the foreign magazines had import game store ads with price listings. But I started looking into those prices and it was just unfeasible. I instead gathered all my pennies and patiently awaited for the official PAL SNES to show up in my country.

Re: Mega CD Super Strike Trilogy Prototype Reaches A Playable State


@holygeez03 You must be new here... allow me to introduce myself:

Retro Contributor. Retro is history. Retro is important knowledge. Retro is not only Nintendo. If I didn't think this news was important, I would not have submitted it. I believe you will find most of the staff and public will agree. "Nintendo Life" isn't "Nintendo Supreme Doctrine". "Nintendo Life" is about video games, the industry as a whole. All of them!

Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Generations


I knew it all sounded to good to be true. I know I shouldn't expect much from a 60 bucks system, but still... I will gladly take 30 perfectly emulated games to 100 "so, so" ones any time. No deal for me.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter


It's silly the amount of great FPS games on N64. "Turok" did sell me that FPS on console were possible despite the lack of mouse, keyboard and even online play. Sure everyone will always recall "Goldeneye" before they mention "Turok", but the whole four games on the system were solid good fun. Nice one @Churchy.

Re: ​The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader


I remains my all time favourite Star Wars game with good reason. I dream of a new entry in the series, just imagine what could be done on current gen hardware (heck, even on 3DS it would look ace!). I hope somehow, somewhere Disney and EA are taking notes because I am not at all convinced with the new "Battlefront".

PS: That last video still brings me pain. I really wish they had release it.

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


If we ever got half the quality of the tiles for that were being released PC Engine CD from Japan released in the west along with what European and American companies where putting out on the Mega CD (I'm looking at you, "Dune"!), along with the proper "Secret of Mana" game that was initially developed and maybe even "Final Fantasy VI" on this instead of PSX, I do believe it would be very interesting time indeed (despite the odd FMV interactive movie and lots of games that where the same on cart but with extra FMV and red book audio). If this was successful, no doubt in my mind the Nintendo 64 would have CD storage instead of cartridges as well. What a wonderful, bizarro world we would be living in. Of course that would also mean no PSX, no PS2, no PSP, no PS3, no PS Vita, No PS TV, no PS4...

Re: Feature: The Making Of WipEout


Ok, that was brilliant! To think "WipEout" came out of SNES "Super Mario Kart" while listening to Jam & Spoon's "Age of Love" is surprising, and new info to me. Tim Wright is far too humble IMO. It is indeed because of his work in the original "WipEout" I took on music making as a hobby. Nintendo has been neglecting it's own "F-Zero" franchise for way too many years now (I am looking forward the portion of "Nintendo Land" that has it, but it's no sequel to GX) and if now Sony decides to give "WipEout" a back seat, where will I ever get my future racer fix from!? I am just very glad to have been around in the right time to enjoy all of this so far in person.