@HoyeBoye you have to execute the move input in a single frame when both wrestles lock arms (the animation frame). If the other player of the CPU inputs it successfully first, their move will be executed.
High level CPU opponents are nearly impossible to beat in a straight grapple match. However you can't just start inputting your most powerful moves from the get go because you will be countered every time.
You need to take your time and wear off stamina (the game registers damage on head,body, arms and legs individually) so most matches have you using your light grapples and standing strikes to medium throw moves and submission holds until the adversary is properly spent and you can use your strong and finisher moves to either pin then for a 3 count or make them submit to a hold.
Easy to learn, difficult to master. Unlike what we were raised in the West, button mashing will get you nowhere here. Plus, beware of modern TV screens that add input lag due to image processing or even emulators that do so for the same reason. Every "Fire Pro" games demands proper timing and input lag can complexly ruin the game for you.
@HoyeBoye @RetroMasters the biggest issue is actually learning how to play "Fire Pro" because it is a really unique, single frame move execution system. The Champion Road matches are also not easy, and some of them are even impossible to win for plot purposes. I will be doing my best to put it all on my channel if you guys do want to check out. Also... yeah, I finally did it. After three decades, my Super Famicom copy of this game is on the way.
@RetroGames my concern is that a simple ROM won't run on any emulators due to specific stuff on the cartridge, like "Former Dawn" that needs a custom version of MESEN to run due to the custom mappers being used. Ill keep my fingers crossed.
Our time in this world is short and limited. It is stuff like this that we leave behind and what we will be remembered for. As such I consider the reward for his work is far more valuable than money.
A Chocobon(TM) TV Pong machine, a couple of years before my dad imported a 48k from the UK and...well, no way I was ever gonna have a normal life after that, right?
@carlos82 @845H It is not PAL compatible. OST can be anything you want, just drop any tracks numbered in the music folder. By default it will rip the CD red book audio from the game disc into .wav files and place it there.
@RetroGames Super Nintendo remains quite an issue because no one has ever managed to build a proper SDK for the system. Programming on the system is not something as simple today as say making a Game Boy or Mega Drive game thanks to stuff like GB Studio and SGDK. Maybe one day...
@Gs69 no clue but no way I will ever part from it. Really great memories of better, simpler times with friends as we looked every nook and cranny of Zebes fro 100% item completion.
@Gs69 bought it by accident if you can believe that. Went to the shop to pick up a Super Game Boy and Super Metroid box was on the window. The box was as big as the one for the Super Game Boy. Nearly three decades later... I guess I lucked out!
@DestructoDisk surprisingly already programmed and implemented in the prototype: levelling, spells, equipment, weapons (swords and shield), secondary weapons, relics, familiars (but I found none) and bosses (skip to the 18 minute mark on the video).
@Herna Master System is way overdue. Put "Ninja Gaiden" in there so I can stop being sad for not picking it up at Cash Converters for 15€ a couple of years ago.
@Herna would probably set the Mini's boards on fire. Mednafen is nothing short of a miracle at this point, it's amazing but not resource friendly or 100% accurate. In fact, I don't know any Saturn emulator who is.
@Herna that should be a no brainer, but considering how hard it is to perfectly emulate the system I'm not holding my breath for that... Prove me wrong, SEGA.
Daytona USA... mini. Feat. every model 1,2,3 racing games made by SEGA. A licensing nightmare, but oh so worth it for a mini wheel and mini foot-pedals add-on.
"Wizorb" has been around STEAM for many years now but it was only release on Switch this past week and it is by far the most brilliant "Breakout"/"Arkanoid" clone ever made. I must also try to "gather the gang" around "Prodeus" so we can set up some online matches and scratch that old school FPS itch I did not even knew I had.
@Hikingguy no, we are not. We are a worldwide website, no borders here. Just as video games are a universal language, so is Time Extension for everyone.
@Hikingguy that's what we call them in the West. Everyone is free to pick their favourite as long as all get what were saying. If a Japanese gamer doesn't understand what you mean by "side scrolling beat'emup" you now know why.
@Hikingguy the name originated in Japan. They got the name due to the scrolling of the levels and the need to differentiate from 1v1 beat-em ups. The action flows much like its happening on top of a conveyor belt, continuously bringing to the player the next pieces of scenario and new enemies. I learned that from watching Game Center CX many decades ago... geez, I'm old.
Comments 107
Re: You Can Now Witness One Of The Most Depressing Video Game Endings In English
@HoyeBoye once it clicks and you get the timing, the series becomes bliss to play around with.
Re: You Can Now Witness One Of The Most Depressing Video Game Endings In English
@HoyeBoye you have to execute the move input in a single frame when both wrestles lock arms (the animation frame). If the other player of the CPU inputs it successfully first, their move will be executed.
High level CPU opponents are nearly impossible to beat in a straight grapple match. However you can't just start inputting your most powerful moves from the get go because you will be countered every time.
You need to take your time and wear off stamina (the game registers damage on head,body, arms and legs individually) so most matches have you using your light grapples and standing strikes to medium throw moves and submission holds until the adversary is properly spent and you can use your strong and finisher moves to either pin then for a 3 count or make them submit to a hold.
Easy to learn, difficult to master. Unlike what we were raised in the West, button mashing will get you nowhere here. Plus, beware of modern TV screens that add input lag due to image processing or even emulators that do so for the same reason. Every "Fire Pro" games demands proper timing and input lag can complexly ruin the game for you.
Re: You Can Now Witness One Of The Most Depressing Video Game Endings In English
@HoyeBoye @RetroMasters the biggest issue is actually learning how to play "Fire Pro" because it is a really unique, single frame move execution system. The Champion Road matches are also not easy, and some of them are even impossible to win for plot purposes. I will be doing my best to put it all on my channel if you guys do want to check out. Also... yeah, I finally did it. After three decades, my Super Famicom copy of this game is on the way.
Re: Review: Changeable Guardian Estique (NES) - Shmups Don't Get Much Better Than This On NES
@Razieluigi @Sketcz oustanding!
Re: Review: Changeable Guardian Estique (NES) - Shmups Don't Get Much Better Than This On NES
@RetroGames my concern is that a simple ROM won't run on any emulators due to specific stuff on the cartridge, like "Former Dawn" that needs a custom version of MESEN to run due to the custom mappers being used. Ill keep my fingers crossed.
Re: Review: Changeable Guardian Estique (NES) - Shmups Don't Get Much Better Than This On NES
I hope this get released on STEAM or even Switch eventually because yours truly has no working Famicom at home. :x
Re: Hands On: Rebellion's Shock Speedball Reboot Is Off To A Promising Start
Ill keep this on radar and patiently wait out that 12 month road map.
Re: Rebellion Is Bringing Back The Amiga Classic Speedball As A Steam Early Access Title
Denuvo. Not touching this on PC then...
Re: Vanillaware Artist's 1996 PS1 Shmup 'Devil Blade' Is Getting A Modern-Day Reboot
@calbeau same here, the pushback release date got me back onto the PSP originals. :x
Re: Vanillaware Artist's 1996 PS1 Shmup 'Devil Blade' Is Getting A Modern-Day Reboot
@calbeau eh? You mean this?
Re: SNES Dev Explains Why He Spent 600 Hours And $2370 Just To Give His Game Away For Free
Our time in this world is short and limited. It is stuff like this that we leave behind and what we will be remembered for. As such I consider the reward for his work is far more valuable than money.
Re: Editorial: Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays From All At Time Extension!
Merry Xmas gang! Have a good one.
Re: CoLD SToRAGE Releasing Remastered Album Of His Classic WipEout Music On CD & Vinyl
Essential stuff.
Re: Dangan GB 2 Is An Awesome Bullet Hell Made For The Game Boy Color's 25th Anniversary
... I have never disagreed so much with a comment at Hookshot in my life than the one above.
Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?
A Chocobon(TM) TV Pong machine, a couple of years before my dad imported a 48k from the UK and...well, no way I was ever gonna have a normal life after that, right?
PS: It was a knock-off from this Nintendo unit.

Re: Exclusive: Xeno Crisis Is Finally Coming To The SNES
... I'll take two, please!
Re: Anniversary: F-Zero GX Is 20 Today
"F-Zero GX" is the reason I still play video games today. Two decades, uh? I've lived well...
Re: WipEout Phantom Edition Is An Enhanced PC Port Of The PS1 Classic
@carlos82 @845H It is not PAL compatible. OST can be anything you want, just drop any tracks numbered in the music folder. By default it will rip the CD red book audio from the game disc into .wav files and place it there.
Re: Terarin Games' Teases New After Burner-Style Game Coming To Nintendo Switch & Steam
"Galaxy Force II" will always be my favourite SEGA scaler game so I'm quite looking forward to see where this one is going.
Re: Hands On: Xeno Crisis Continues Its Quest To Be Released On Every Gaming System Ever Made
@RetroGames Indeed, when I actually had more time to contribute to the sites...
Re: Hands On: Xeno Crisis Continues Its Quest To Be Released On Every Gaming System Ever Made
@RetroGames fingers crossed... and never say I don't dream big!
Re: Hands On: Xeno Crisis Continues Its Quest To Be Released On Every Gaming System Ever Made
@RetroGames Super Nintendo remains quite an issue because no one has ever managed to build a proper SDK for the system. Programming on the system is not something as simple today as say making a Game Boy or Mega Drive game thanks to stuff like GB Studio and SGDK. Maybe one day...
Re: CIBSunday: Super Metroid (SNES / Super Famicom)
@Gs69 no clue but no way I will ever part from it. Really great memories of better, simpler times with friends as we looked every nook and cranny of Zebes fro 100% item completion.
Re: CIBSunday: Super Metroid (SNES / Super Famicom)
@Gs69 bought it by accident if you can believe that. Went to the shop to pick up a Super Game Boy and Super Metroid box was on the window. The box was as big as the one for the Super Game Boy. Nearly three decades later... I guess I lucked out!
Re: CIBSunday: Super Metroid (SNES / Super Famicom)
My PAL box and included German guide is huge! Kinda stands out way too much on my SNES shelf.
Re: Editorial: Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays From Time Extension
Have a good one gang!
Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?
I knew it and used it. I also used the same scheme for "Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer", it was rad!
Re: CIBSunday: Soldier Blade (PC Engine)
We really do need a "Soldier" collection on modern consoles.
Re: World Fighting Soccer 22 Is The Perfect Tonic To All This World Cup Nonsense
@RetroGames hmmm , might have been the video encode at YouTube. Looks pixel sharp ingame.
Re: World Fighting Soccer 22 Is The Perfect Tonic To All This World Cup Nonsense
@RetroGames oh? They give me great nostalgic memories of "Super Soccer".
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 19th)
@Slowdive great choice good sir, great choice.
Re: Did You Know That Front Mission, Cybernator And Assault Suit Leynos Are All Connected?
Now that article made me smile.
Re: Pixel Cup Soccer: Ultimate Edition Is Perfect For Fans Of Kunio-Kun Sports Games
... yeah, I'm gonna sink months of my life into this. :x
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 5th)
Turn & burn!

Re: Unseen Prototype For Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night On Game.com Is Unearthed
@DestructoDisk surprisingly already programmed and implemented in the prototype: levelling, spells, equipment, weapons (swords and shield), secondary weapons, relics, familiars (but I found none) and bosses (skip to the 18 minute mark on the video).
Re: Sega Wants To Know What Mini Console You Want Next
@Herna Master System is way overdue. Put "Ninja Gaiden" in there so I can stop being sad for not picking it up at Cash Converters for 15€ a couple of years ago.
Re: Sega Wants To Know What Mini Console You Want Next
@Herna would probably set the Mini's boards on fire. Mednafen is nothing short of a miracle at this point, it's amazing but not resource friendly or 100% accurate. In fact, I don't know any Saturn emulator who is.
Re: Sega Wants To Know What Mini Console You Want Next
@Herna that should be a no brainer, but considering how hard it is to perfectly emulate the system I'm not holding my breath for that... Prove me wrong, SEGA.
Re: Sega Wants To Know What Mini Console You Want Next
Daytona USA... mini.
Feat. every model 1,2,3 racing games made by SEGA. A licensing nightmare, but oh so worth it for a mini wheel and mini foot-pedals add-on.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 22nd)
...what is this, everyone took the weekend off to play modern games or something?
Anyway, as I mentioned above: It's very weird.
Re: The Making Of: WipEout, The Trailblazer Of 'Generation PlayStation'
@AJB83 Thanks, glad you enjoyed! That game series truly shaped a lot of my life, music career included.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 15th)
Gonna crack open the paddle controller on my Taito EGRET ][ Mini. Otherwise the usual Switch related shenanigans, including "Arcade Paradise".
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 9th)
"Wizorb" has been around STEAM for many years now but it was only release on Switch this past week and it is by far the most brilliant "Breakout"/"Arkanoid" clone ever made. I must also try to "gather the gang" around "Prodeus" so we can set up some online matches and scratch that old school FPS itch I did not even knew I had.
Re: Saint Seiya: The Phoenix Returns Is A Brilliant New Fangame Based On The Iconic Anime
@Herna I hear he is a pretty good choice... if you ever get to recruit him.
Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
@Hikingguy no, we are not. We are a worldwide website, no borders here. Just as video games are a universal language, so is Time Extension for everyone.
Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
@Hikingguy that's what we call them in the West. Everyone is free to pick their favourite as long as all get what were saying. If a Japanese gamer doesn't understand what you mean by "side scrolling beat'emup" you now know why.
Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
@Hikingguy the name originated in Japan. They got the name due to the scrolling of the levels and the need to differentiate from 1v1 beat-em ups. The action flows much like its happening on top of a conveyor belt, continuously bringing to the player the next pieces of scenario and new enemies. I learned that from watching Game Center CX many decades ago... geez, I'm old.
Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
@Herna oh and I guess I forgot to mention the other fan game I played during Summer: https://www.timeextension.com/news/2022/08/someone-finally-made-the-original-street-fighter-worth-playing Definitely give this a spin.
Re: Guide: Best Golden Axe Games - Every Golden Axe Game Ranked
@Herna Keep your eyes on this: https://www.timeextension.com/news/2022/09/golden-axe-returns-is-a-promising-new-fangame-in-early-development
Re: The Bouncer: Misunderstood Classic, Or Off-Brand Final Fantasy Fan-Fiction?
Make "Tobal Nº3", you cowards!