Sometimes, these interviews display communication disconnects between developer/publisher and gamer. As Hordak mentions above, game rentals were also a driving factor for making games in the 80's and 90's difficult. This could have been why the NA division decided to make the decisions it did. As far as taste, that's an interesting topic! I see just as many videos on YT displaying insanely difficult challenge runs from Japanese players as well as Westerners. Just another example where preferences of an individual does not define the preferences of a group.
All these whiny blokes complaining about graphics, while in other posts on NL people are claiming that "graphics aren't important to a game as long as gameplay is good." Pick a side of the fence to be on instead of straddling it!
After having actually played this gem, I have to say, for a fan game it's quite impressive in motion. The screens don't do it justice.
@Not_Soos "It just feels superfluous to me." You...did say exactly that in post #3 lul. No need to be rude about where they decide to write their content.
Surprised none of the 8bit-Do controllers are on here, they definitely improved upon their original counterparts. The SNES controller is great for people with small hands, but for adults the 8Bit-Do offerings just feel so much more comfortable.
I voted Xbox 360, since that controller can basically do no wrong for modern PC gaming, and it's in the correct stick format
@Poodlestargenerica I have an RG351V and I never use the analogue stick. Since these handhelds essentially go up to PS1, there's not much use for it, since barely any PS1 games utilized the stick. You can barely play N64 on some of these handhelds, so I see why it's there on some models. I do wish mine didn't have one, but I'm still blown away by the quality that Anbernic put out on their devices from last year. This year's devices seem to have taken a hit in the QA department from what I hear.
I don’t know why I adore demakes like this so much. My favorite is the Mega Man 2 Atari demake. Great little title with a lot of clever design choices.
@ItsBillsFault I'm familiar with rom hacking and how they can add new life to older games. I did happen to check out the combat improvement one on rom hacking .net but it still didn't really address the gripes I have with that game as an adult that I didn't mind when I was a kid.
Mega Man was a defining game of my youth, hopefully Capcom does something good with the series, soon. It’s been in a constant nosedive since MM6. Modders and romhackers do the series more justice in modern times!
The game had a good flow for it's time, though I don't believe it's aged too well. Modded Secret of Mana feels better, imo. Evermore's combat really pulls it down.
If this were a person collecting random nick-knacks, it would be considered hoarding and people would shun the collector. But because it's video games, instead of it being considered hoarding, it's celebrated. Weird world we live in.
I adore SOTN (obviously) but the Saturn port is awful. Even with the romhack that's available that attempts to fix it, there are still numerous issues. It honestly didn't add all that much to the mix. I can see why Igarashi couldn't put his seal of approval on it.
Comments 92
Re: It's Official, Jonathan Ross Has The Best Office In The World
@Zisssou Don’t make assumptions
Re: It's Official, Jonathan Ross Has The Best Office In The World
It’s not impressive to hoard a bunch of rare stuff.
Re: Street Fighter Is Getting A Free Mobile RPG This Month
Why do companies waste resources on ***** like this.
Re: Soon You'll Be Able To Play This Castlevania Classic On Your Analogue Pocket
Already runs perfectly on the RV351V and other similar things, thankfully! Here's to hoping the Analogue scene grows to similar compatibility.
Re: Metal Black S-Tribute Canned For PS4 And Switch
@BionicDodo Mismanagement, probably. Sounds like a breakdown in their chain of communication between management and the dev team.
Re: You Can Play This Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Remake Right Now, For Free
Looks great, I'm glad we are seeing an influx of fan-games lately!
Re: Don't Like What Enix Did With ActRaiser 2? Blame North American Gamers
Sometimes, these interviews display communication disconnects between developer/publisher and gamer. As Hordak mentions above, game rentals were also a driving factor for making games in the 80's and 90's difficult. This could have been why the NA division decided to make the decisions it did. As far as taste, that's an interesting topic! I see just as many videos on YT displaying insanely difficult challenge runs from Japanese players as well as Westerners. Just another example where preferences of an individual does not define the preferences of a group.
Re: Arcade Classic Raiden III Coming To Modern Consoles (And Steam) This Summer
Interesting. They took down Raiden III Digital Deluxe version, probably to make room for this one.
Re: Aya Neo Is Moving Into Low-Cost, Android-Based Emulation Handhelds
If it's able to emulate some of the tougher games, like Mushihimesama Futari, Dreamcast, Saturn, etc then I would be in.
Re: PlayStation Support Could Be Coming To Analogue Pocket
@Damo Dual analogue was used in what, 3 games? Shouldn't be a big deal at all!
This is exciting, thank you for sharing, Mr. Damo
Re: Analogue Pocket WonderSwan Support Is Here
@Razieluigi Interesting! Well, thanks for all the info!
Re: Hands On: Golden Axe Returns Is So Good, Sega Itself Probably Couldn't Do Any Better
All these whiny blokes complaining about graphics, while in other posts on NL people are claiming that "graphics aren't important to a game as long as gameplay is good." Pick a side of the fence to be on instead of straddling it!
After having actually played this gem, I have to say, for a fan game it's quite impressive in motion. The screens don't do it justice.
Re: Analogue Pocket WonderSwan Support Is Here
@Razieluigi Definitely worth a look. Can it handle arcade emus like Mushihimesama Futari? Are there cores for Saturn/PS1/Dreamcast?
Re: Analogue Pocket WonderSwan Support Is Here
@Razieluigi Good to know! If emulation ever picks up on it I may grab one. Right now the RG351V is already doing everything I want in a handheld.
Re: Electronic Music Pioneer Yukihiro Takahashi Has Passed Away Aged 70
Wow, Yellow Magic Orchestra. I would have never expected that name to show up on this site. Rest in peace.
Re: Random: Did This '80s Furniture Commercial Inspire Super Mario 64?
Removed; user is banned
Re: Random: Did This '80s Furniture Commercial Inspire Super Mario 64?
@Not_Soos "It just feels superfluous to me." You...did say exactly that in post #3 lul. No need to be rude about where they decide to write their content.
Re: Hands On: We Went To Japan To Play M2's Amazing 'SenXin Aleste'
I love bullet hells, but I wish Japan would move away from this style of advertising. It's so annoying.
Re: Random: Controversial AI Art Program Creates A Visual Backstory For Haggar From Final Fight
Funny, he resembles a super-muscular Dr. Disrespect in some of those photos.
Re: Analogue Pocket WonderSwan Support Is Here
Do they still sell Analogue Pockets? Their other consoles were super-limited releases.
Re: Random: Did This '80s Furniture Commercial Inspire Super Mario 64?
@Not_Soos Thanks for clicking the article and commenting TWICE on a superfluous article lul
Note: Remember when Nintendo Life would post stuff like this and people would comment "hurr durr not Nintendo Switch slow news day amirite"
Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?
Surprised none of the 8bit-Do controllers are on here, they definitely improved upon their original counterparts. The SNES controller is great for people with small hands, but for adults the 8Bit-Do offerings just feel so much more comfortable.
I voted Xbox 360, since that controller can basically do no wrong for modern PC gaming, and it's in the correct stick format
Re: Watch Castlevania: SotN Speedrunner Slay The Game's Bosses In Half An Hour
That’s so much work to save just a few minutes. I can do it in 50 minutes without the movement glitches. Much easier on the hands.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX - Looks Like A Game Boy, But Does A Lot More
@Poodlestargenerica I have an RG351V and I never use the analogue stick. Since these handhelds essentially go up to PS1, there's not much use for it, since barely any PS1 games utilized the stick. You can barely play N64 on some of these handhelds, so I see why it's there on some models. I do wish mine didn't have one, but I'm still blown away by the quality that Anbernic put out on their devices from last year. This year's devices seem to have taken a hit in the QA department from what I hear.
Re: Resident Evil Gets 16-Bit Makeover In Impressive Mega Drive/Genesis Fan Demake
I don’t know why I adore demakes like this so much. My favorite is the Mega Man 2 Atari demake. Great little title with a lot of clever design choices.
Re: Random: WATA Graded A 2016 Castlevania Repro, And Now It's On eBay For $4,000
@SoulChimera A takedown request on YT is not legal action; that’s more of a TOS thing.
Re: Random: WATA Graded A 2016 Castlevania Repro, And Now It's On eBay For $4,000
@Stocksy Greed is the source of all of the things you mentioned, hence why I mentioned human nature as the impetous for this problem.
Re: The Making Of: Secret Of Evermore, Square's Western 'Secret Of Mana'
@ItsBillsFault I'm familiar with rom hacking and how they can add new life to older games. I did happen to check out the combat improvement one on rom hacking .net but it still didn't really address the gripes I have with that game as an adult that I didn't mind when I was a kid.
Re: Random: WATA Graded A 2016 Castlevania Repro, And Now It's On eBay For $4,000
The people that are shocked by something like this clearly don't understand human nature.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX - Looks Like A Game Boy, But Does A Lot More
A lot of the reviews for this device are pointing to poor quality control. Screen/light bleed in, buttons not working, etc.
Re: All Analogue Pocket OpenFPGA Cores And Where To Download Them
This is fascinating, how is the performance?
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2012?
I was basically learning to master Dark Souls speedrunning, so I played literally nothing on that list lul
Re: Anniversary: The First Mega Man Game Released 35 Years Ago Today
Mega Man was a defining game of my youth, hopefully Capcom does something good with the series, soon. It’s been in a constant nosedive since MM6. Modders and romhackers do the series more justice in modern times!
Re: John Carmack Has Resigned From Facebook Parent Meta
Meta is a dumpster fire; hopefully this is the beginning of the end of a terrible project.
Re: The Making Of: Secret Of Evermore, Square's Western 'Secret Of Mana'
The game had a good flow for it's time, though I don't believe it's aged too well. Modded Secret of Mana feels better, imo. Evermore's combat really pulls it down.
Re: Meet The Man With World's Largest Collection Of Video Games
If this were a person collecting random nick-knacks, it would be considered hoarding and people would shun the collector. But because it's video games, instead of it being considered hoarding, it's celebrated. Weird world we live in.
Re: Random: Castlevania: SotN On Game Boy Color? We Can But Dream
@Serpenterror Wasting resources? Are you their investor? lul
Re: Random: Castlevania: SotN On Game Boy Color? We Can But Dream
I look good on the GBC. Didn't quite capture my magnificent hair, but it's a good attempt.
Re: CIBSunday: Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PlayStation / Saturn)
I adore SOTN (obviously) but the Saturn port is awful. Even with the romhack that's available that attempts to fix it, there are still numerous issues. It honestly didn't add all that much to the mix. I can see why Igarashi couldn't put his seal of approval on it.
Re: Hacker Adds Incredible Contravania Mode To Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia
Gotta enjoy the little things in life.
Re: God Of War Ragnarök Director Wants To Make A Castlevania Game
Oh yeah, let's have edgy, dark-father Dracula with edgier teen-Alucard in a game /s
Re: Random: 21 Years Later, People Are Discovering The GameCube's 'Hidden Eject Button'
Are people really struggling with this? You had to really pull hard on the disc to get it out unless you pushed the button.