GT5 & 6 had triple monitor support (besides motion, 3D glasses with 3D TVs, GT PSP transfer and more crazy stuff for GT5 being delayed and all these things supported), PC games have had it of course in many games.
GT4 with printer support (PS3 had printer support of course among a whole bunch of other random features), even the GT4 Final Preview (made a wiki page for it) had it to demo the photo mode and pre-printer supported stuff (Japanese of course so had to translate it). Yeah these games just did a lot of crazy stuff back then that we don't see anymore even besides good progression/gameplay that nowadays ones just bore me so much and feel dull and underbaked of modes/event types and boring progression.
But yeah GT3 and 4 having it is still cool it's just who had iLink cables/hub in 2001? That and how the had 1080i for GT4 so progressive scan or 576 to 1080i is just wow then GT HD Concept sort of worked around things and we got 1080p later even if 30FPS for GT5 & 6.
I barely knew what iLink was in 2001 let alone what Ad Hoc meant back then, now I do and researched this stuff of many old technologies or understand Ad Hoc and other terms but it's just having the tech on hand and using it.
Having 3 PS2s is one thing of prices/replacements, friends consoles, etc. reasons to have 3 PS2s, 3 copies of the game is easy as it's a best selling game and racing so they are cheap but finding and getting working the order of monitors and enough iLink cables/a hub is something else as it's a dead format that had it's time and got fairly used I guess in PC land besides PS2 where it wasn't really used as much.
System Link/iLink and more just aren't a thing anymore with online as the focus and so no need to hook much multiple consoles to do this sort of thing of multiplayer besides split screen on 1 console still being around in some form/the more suitable option. Like DS Download Play single cart was just more suitable then multi-cart. PSP with it's game sharing and PS2/PSP Outrun 2006 cross save or ad hoc/multi disk multiplayer and not as much as DS (or not as clear) single disk play.
So it is kind of sad we don't need the sort of multiple PS1/2/3s with CRTs for LAN or the System Link on Xbox OG/360 that people have shown back compat or not to get games to work across all 4 gens of Xbox (for games you can do that with of course).
Fair. But to me it's not nostalgia it's game design quality. I played 30 PS2/Wii/PS3/360 games and 1 Switch game to story completion. All not bought/heard of before or researched prior.
Did I buy Switch/PS4 new or pre-owned in 2024 yes. But I was more committed to older consoles for their game design.
Not MTX, not live services, not online requirement, not anything other then better singleplayer modes and design, movesets of characters, better modes/missions/events/worlds in any platformers, shooters, open worlds, racing games, other genres (1-2 modes nowadays and too much simulation of the tires/motorsports focus and boring progression, GT7 as eh as it is is more compelling of events but it's progression sucks, others suck at both progression/event types or Indie nostalgia garbage, platformers same thing boring Indie platformers underbaked and uncreative).
Bland platformers by Indies, yes I'm that harsh they aren't doing more then the bare minimum I want their take on things not copy paste/minor spin so pathetic I would rather play Glover on modern consoles when it releases then an Indie. Yes I'm serious. Let alone nay other B grade platformers of 5-6th gen. Indies push worlds/ok ideas but the mechanics/movesets and level design or even sandbox tasks are boring, done to death or so lazy.
I'd rather play better C to AA/AAA game design of the past or the odd modern games that's AA or not nostalgia trash Indies. But 99% of the time it's old games I pick up that are gems or hits or terrible and still find something in them mechanically.
Their past trends were more compelling, because the settings, tone, mechanics and more still had enough to differ in shooters of PS3/360, racing of 5-6th gen, platformers of 5-6th gen.
I wouldn't buy any PS3/360/Wii shooters if I didn't think their mechanics 3rd person cover based or FPS didn't have more to them and many do. That's why. Why annual racing games were better in the past of management, challenges, career modes or more. Not teams, the gameplay aspects are why I buy them. Tracks can differ sure but I don't care about them I'm not into the sports I'm into racing gameplay.
WRC 3 PS3/360 is as fun as PGR is for me. Or going between Forza Motorsport bowling/other event types. That's what modern racing games lack. Wreckfest sure racing/derbies but a sofa/lawn mower and more doesn't change event types lacking does it.
Hack n slashes of any era to nowadays vary of quality and less of them as more soulslikes.
Tactics games being more fair I find of gameplay ideas but Diofield was pitiful and Valkyria Chronicles 4 had more task variety/situations.
it's not nostalgia for me. It's game design priorities are different now and I don't like that. Des too focused on lore/writing and eh graphics then a non empty world.
I don't want alive NPC routes I want hive mind enemies gaining, losing or stringing their own moves the devs have presets arrays of individuals ones to string along randomly.
I want fiction to embrace it's potential not recreate boring pop culture or boring real life locations/history. I don't want elves/dwarves repeated with tweaks I want original creatures in a fantasy world.
Cars on planets. Making things that don't make sense happen. But human beings are too simple for that extra step creativity they won't do it.
Western third parties went to mobile so they went oh well time to kill off the handheld studios. That's on them and their ignorance to balance things. PSVR1 they managed it. They didn't want to make Japan Studios type small scale games, that's also on them.
I was fine with Killzone Liberation or other type games, just because audiences don't always.
As more involved of tech as the handheld was I appreciate it.
But they didn't market the Japanese games or Indies very well or if at all. Fans had to do it.
For a dedicated audience or those that paid attention to it, it offering more than or under Wii U says a lot for dedicated fans buying one.
I didn't mind the dual stick or touchpad. I was fine with 1 stick of PSP just like N64/Dreamcast/Saturn did but with better controls then all of them as it had PS2 era control/feel of games in mind.
Different camera approaches were great. I liked the right stick not camera games with right stick of items (Pitfall Lost Expedition, Ape Escape, and more), dodging (God of War/Knack), combat, first person view, zoom in and out or not as flexible camera or more.
I found it fun. Vita is a great library. The big games I didn't miss out on for Wii U/Vita, I cared for the Indies and the PSP Minis, or WIi U eshop games. Most people don't. I enjoyed them a lot. I still find things on the Vita store from time to time I want.
The genre sucks on all fronts really, 5-6th gen for sure, everything 8th gen was eh good enough I mean Onrush and Driveclub are good, a few others but 9th gen is so bland and forgettable I couldn't care less.
What Ride 4 FM 1 & 2 region feature but expanded upon, or WRC EA 2023 car builder...... yeah not a lot exciting then just those to me at the moment. When WRC 3 PS3/360 had more cone/gate modes I had a blast with, same as PGR series.
I had fun with PGR2, others either like it or want a dream car to drive around. Having to cater to dream car/auto makers has made racing a boring genre nowadays.
Let alone boring open worlds with boring tasks in them.
I only go the circuit or odd highway ones with interesting ideas and they suck too this gen.
To me the dream car mentality is why I find modern racing games suck so much, let alone manufacturers.
Wreckfest to me is a good example, no licensed cars but besides being a kickstarter is a kind of weak game, it's modern in the weak sense I hate. Wow races and derbies and that's it. Oh a sofa/busses and such.... It's modern blandness at it's finest besides the great return of Bug Bear staying around. Unless Wrecreation or the 2nd game are good I'm not buying it. They need to try hardly the modes suck and the personality is "FINE" but I don't want personality I want modes, I want something to do, not be bored with their products.
Same with Grid Legends, races, time trials, drifting.... licenses for teams/race cars is fine but weak in the mode execution.
Dirt 5 to me the lack of gymkhana that 3 had more of let alone it's sandbox on top of that. 5 is just bad. Never played Showdown/4. Don't want to if 5 is so bad.
Grid Legends to me was passable., but still a bad game. I still said it was the most fun I had for a racing game but of this garbage modern era, I still find it pretty weak of a game.
Legends/Wreckfest are passable products.
GT7 has the mode variety but also kind of suck progression wise of GT5 and FM6t dialed up even worse let alone too many cars, weird presentation that's kind of weak. I'd take Jeff Gordon NPCs then ok at best profile picture with text when Tokyo Extreme Racer has better talking moments in it in Drift 2. Or PGR2's dealership to walk around not a cutscene like GT7 has. Other than fair restrictions to events GT7 is 7th gen design continued I'd like but just a lot of awful things added to it while others are just modern, empty and dull.
Barely much track support as takes too long for them to make them. Let alone the worse track redesigns, the fiction personality is gone and I liked the fictional personality, not realism, and they look horrible/boring to drive regardless of the esports side to "fix" them up for.
6th gen was the best era for racers, the mechanics, track design, fair physics even if not realistic enough I don't care.
The arcade/sims were doing great it was excellent. 7th gen tried but they kept failing and even then the casual nature of some makes some of them baffling. As good as Shift 1 is over 2 and Project Cars 3's design, it being I play half the game and the end game opens up is way too over accessible it's weird to me.
8th gen was just too eh. Regardless of the anti-grav return by some devs or the Indies offering really boring nostalgia ones and audiences not wanting much we get a lot of uninspired or weak garbage.
I don't want a Sega Rally successor by Indies because people are nostalgic and weak customers. I want a valuable successor with fair mix of old and new but nope customers don't care. They want their emotional stimulation then better value. No wonder companies can manipulate people they are too stupid.
We get the odd stuff but honestly the racing genre is so bad besides the few with good enough modes, execution, personality of a Distance, Art of Rally, Inertial Drift, I see mostly a lot of eh too nostalgia Indie games too weak to offer anything exciting at all, and a lot of safe AAA garbage.
Looks cool and furthers the like 2048 earlier eras, but to me that's just Xenon Racer and while it plays, not so great a better controlling future transition but not ships/hover vehicles...... Not sure how I feel about that really for WipEout.
This could have been like Unbound for Ridge Racer (ok direction but not what people really wanted) then a R Racing Evolution (solid enough competition regardless of the MotoGP3 menus/challenges for it's different side career mode then the story mode) type situation maybe but for WIpEout.
2048 MP no idea, but solo I think it was.... very restrictive in a not fun way for weapons/other factors. HD/Pulse were better and Pure was ok. Not played Fusion/the other entries yet.
Fury was good DLC modes to expand on HD and 2048 trying to be older era yeah with no equivalent (I get they want to fit the world state of 2048 then future but no equivalent 2048 era modes come on!!!!!) In comparison to Fury modes you can tell 2048 is a bit lacking there for too much personality. A prequel for this universe when modes matter, I couldn't care less about the lore that much as it really doesn't matter compared to other racing stories (even if Grid Legends could take notes from past racing games as well too with story/more modes or no license racing games, then again Wreckfest was just Flatout but no fling your driver at the things events so it was.... modern and ok but dull too, not as dull as many other racing games).
Not enough mode fun factor of zone/Fury modes outshining 2048 easily because they were too world committed or launch title limited. Either way disappointing.
Would have been interesting this prequel/older era again but not sure. Like I said Xenon Racer does it and it's eh. Onrush was more fun. Gravel thematically as a tv show type vibe and not much of modes was also more fun. The modes/personality/track design matters.
Still a collection because we didn't get another prequel/new entry is something at least but yeah disappointing. At least we got other games in the revival of anti-grav racers.
Better then WipEout Rush, what a great idea that was Sony. XD
Also with Firesprite as leftover or in some staff's case not of Liverpool I mean eh.
Then again whoever was going to make this or if a prototype during the Studio Liverpool death because this was what was planned/however much of concept/prototype or whichever along either way it's very cool but disappointing too that it didn't happen and we got more generic games to be part of 8th/9th gen (1st & 3rd party) and well the revival has happened and we barely see anything giving up a fair smaller scale WipEout till either on console. Arcade/anti-grav have it rough.
F Zero 99 is something but eh, not the same. Give us a X, GX or the story one on GBA kind with enough content then how fair the SNES entry with BR/other tweaks.
It's like GT Advance/Pro Series I enjoy them but yeah how they go to support games with 'console entries' with graphics when gameplay wise the Advance games are better with GBA limits & console wise the cell shading was fine but content was kind of weak because oh we have to have consoles suitable enough on console when GBA entries had a new track per EVENT, that's insane.
As if anti-grav racers aren't just kart racers or arcade racers with sci-fi hovercars/ships with weapons/no weapons but other goals, mechanics, worlds set in a sci-fi future like F Zero being survival/speed or Fast Racing being colour changing, etc.
Crash didn't. Sure Jak series ended on X or Lost Frontier. Some have kart racers but not all die. LBP had 3/others afterwards. Any puzzle game/party game/rhythm game spin-off.
Oh different genre. Uh.... as if trilogies/others consistent didn't get left behind for marketing, appealing to casuals blandness & when many left behind racing mechanics, shooters, platformers had more compelling of dream cars/easy to understand elements & marketed blander games that got popular/similar to mainstream stuff.
Why a WipEout kart racer to dumb it down? 2 brakes, zone mode survival, tighter tracks. It's more involved then a kart racer. Nintendo Land/99 have F Zero back. Mario Kart is just more safe for people.
I think it's more based on what it offers. People can go oh Mario Kart, the characters, tracks, nostalgia, the safeness of it, what easily appeals to them.
But that's for people not that interested and go for the character/safeness, none of them (unless care for wider then that) of the tracks, the DD 2 characters dynamic or missions of DS.
Well same with any dedicated fans then safe people.
I enjoy a good kart racer if weapons, tracks, characters, etc.
LBP Karting had changes to tracks, Modnation customisation. But who really cares.
Bad kart racers exist but the few good ones do land because of their adventure modes, their content, their handling to control, their balance of characters in variety and control, the track personality and more.
WipEout has gone many directions over it's time, even Pure/2048 differ from Pulse or other older ones.
It's a sci-fi/anti grav racer so has aspects of weapons and speed pads and other details from kart racers but still enough of it's own as an arcade racer.
F Zero they gave up on besides the SNES one for 99, Fast Racing/Redout are great, people just need to try more with mechanics, with world design/level design, teams, story, whatever to intrigue people.
I don't care for most nowadays because of the lack of modes, the lack of personality and more, safeness or basic design that's too shallow.
I can take anything without car licenses.
F1 All Stars was a kart racer but with real life tracks, team and more, it did a great job mixing the real licenses and the fantasy of a kart racer.
I mean Wreckfest is sofa/bus/others but racing/derby. It's 'very simplified modern' but it still has no licenses.
Devs just don't go as amibtious because audiences don't really care. But we don't need licenses for everything, I guess people wanting recogtnisable brands, or car fantasies or other things sure....
But those wanting more to the worlds, the fantasy, the modes.
I liked PGR because of the city layouts, the modes were good of the cones, kudos system and more, I didn't care where it was of cities.
Rush was not a good way to go with competition on model. So 'a kart racer' you set it up to die by mobile game competition when many on console the competition are and is where the core audience is.
Even a GT mobile with B Spec depth would have been better but I doubt they'd even bother and make it worse.
Rush was being idle but not a good manager game. People that play WipEout want control and the physics, the zone mode and more not a dull mobile game.
I think the emulation devs are allowed to change licenses.
To me emulation to PC communities are just loud. Oh we can't have multiple mod loaders, oh we can't have different licenses for emulation, oh emu devs want audiences to shut up and let them work on it and have time.
PC audiences and modding or licenses or wanting to mess with things when it's not theirs. I get it, but sometimes they go too far and I don't as much disagree with modding groups, emu devs or others in software spaces doing things, breaching licenses, altering things certain ways, changing licenses for whatever reasons they see fit just because they want to do something with it their way.
I understand why Fabric and Quilt or NeoForge exist for Minecraft is due to toxicity from many modders working on the APIs/modloaders so we have now 4 different modloaders then the 2 it usually was but people go we only had 1, yeah I do my research, but fanbases are idiots and go eh we only see what we want and go eh this shouldn't exist and ignore why the many exist is due to behind the scenes they are too stupid to understand and want things in one place when it doesn't work that way.
They make projects, they get along, they change direction with the code/possibilities, people disagree of what stays, gets cut, etc. and they make their own project.
I don't blame them, they don't have to make these emu tools for us to use, if audiences want to be difficult then sure.
I get the whole open sources side of things and not profiting off it and with emulation especially being closed sources but dontation and not paid for I think is understandable why they do that but either way. Emu audiences are vocal and yeah I get what devs want to work with here in certain situations.
Why vet devs split to do their own thing then deal with publishers or other possibilities.
Why mod devs don't deal with the toxicity/set path of a mod loader/direction of the code or asset handling and other aspects and go yep our APIs, our direction for modding and we see other mod loaders exist is disagreements and fan bases go NO! Even though let them code, let them work things of licenses/the state of the emulator or give up.
The Aether emu dev gave up and said stuff it, I'm getting ads from this because of the audience or whatever the issue was. By all means I get why they did it and gave up but gets the ads in it and people go for the older builds of Aether instead if they can find them/don't allow an update to it.
3DO at least was $700 because they did something different to make deals with different companies to make the hardware besides the blueprints that 3DO set up for Goldstar aka LG, Panasonic and Sanyo, not what PS5 is doing being an enhancement over the typical console per platform approach we are used to.
Also CD-i people go oh the bad Mario/Zelda games when they had encyclopedias and other stuff for it. It was to push more interactivity hence the i with CDs, why not. 3DO same thing it offered CD based features and was more involved.
So was the Pioneer device with the Laser Disks and Genesis model and such. These consoles aka multimedia devices were very particular hardware for entertainment not just gaming. The Nuon as well, obscure but DVD capability and gaming. But special DVD players with the functionality. It gives off a DVD based CD-i in a way.
Gamers don't look at some hardware as more than oh said familiar IPs and gaming, I know looking at Pocket PCs or cabled/docked devices and people go oh the Steam Deck, oh PSP/Nomad/Switch.
They count but as if other devices haven't pushed other features before. As if 3D wasn't a thing in the 50s/80s cinemas, or gaming consoles, or VR for Genesis/Jaguar. Those that know and pay attention to that stuff do, those that don't, don't. As if smartphones weren't a thing before the iPhone.
Or people knowing what a PDA even is besides what Android smartphone looking things looks like in retail staff use these days then how PDAs used to be with more particular codes to talk to people in almost texting like short character languages, or confusing that with the other devices many office staff of the 90s needed besides PDAs in the yes monochrome, touchscreen, fair applications type ones that businesses or tech enthusiasts had (more familiar with the HP IPaq or Palm devices for example and that Gizmondo, Tiger Gamecom or Tapwave Zodiac had their Pocket PC/PDA aspects about them to a handheld before PSP came out as a media device/handheld) of the 90s/00s then the Atari Profile being a DOS device of the past.
People that see things in their price range, or devices that appeal to them they pay attention.
Or Neo Geo as arcade in the home then watering down the ports.
Or the JVC X Eye, Panasonic Q and others are more particular consoles too.
Sony's messaging/project focus/strategy these days is very particular. The engineers do what they do and the marketers/leadership have theirs.
The deluxe console, enhancements and no disk drive, get the hype of loyal hardcore fans, yep..... It's a fair console but for the price, what's removed and select games it depends if it gets people as interested as they were of 4K to upgrade to and other benefits PS4 Pro/Xbox One X had.
While Xbox goes with a 2TB Series X that still has a disk drive and no need to go for a different rendering technique because they may make the Series X and Series S their last consoles and go eh streaming from now on.
Who knows about the gyro controller patent and other stuff of the next console it could never happen for all we know.
I hope audiences don't go oh nostalgia, then go wait what this is how it used to be eh? I hope the devs do realise a percentage are nostalgic, a percent do like it still, a percent that haven't played it heard about it and more and could get the wrong idea.
Get the expectations right devs, audiences and more.
I mean I play a lot of old games from 5-7th gen to not only enjoy the mechanics but also get used to old control schemes, not seek nostalgia like others do for that emotional fulfillment they crave.
I myself do want to play Croc again. Used to own it of course, but like with Malice or others I haven't played am existed to play them because they just seem interesting to me.
I emued Mort the Chicken and yeah I knew it wasn't great either. I knew it was short, easy and you can't die as wind saves you, didn't understand some power ups at all still and it's an ok game.
Done the same with 6-7th gen shooters 3rrd or 1st person as just curious what they were like besides the main ones we usually heard about.
Done the same with racing, many have interesting mechanics, how seeing how they competed is just interesting to me.
So doing so for many 5th gen or otherwise platformers, hack n slashes, etc. has been the case for me. I love platformers.
Croc isn't perfect, it's tank controls made sense for the time, Rascal ended up the way it did and yet it is a better game in some areas of 60FPS or it's world creativity even if the camera/tank controls or the death bubbles and more are a pain. It has it's moments.
Croc is the same, the tank controls/strafe are fair, we do or don't get analogue support for this remaster. The Gobbos hidden, the bosses, the music and motif between biomes/underwater/caves, it's a fair game for what was intended as a 3D Yoshi game to then being it's own thing for PS1/Saturn/PC, handheld games, cellphone games and more.
Argonaut were an interesting studio. I mean they aren't any Travelers Tales with some cool tech in games yet make Lego ones forever now so RIP Haven Call of the King, Rascal or others of the past for them.
But like with Eden or Telltale or Avalanche or other studios with veteran devs returning like Yooka Laylee or Bloodstained or Judas or other games then the splitting off to make No Man's Sky or Nightingale type studios, so seeing Argonaut back is cool but the name and how they handle things/who the staff really are two totally different things. The name only means so much over the years with staff in studios today being very different then years ago.
Them having Together or Ogre Battle 2 on PSP and remaster for modern platforms it did surprise me why they never did 1 or the N64 entry as remasters. Or why not just a port collection of all 3 they seem to be pretty lazy or pretty less interested and handing them off to other companies and seem to care less and less for those IPs which is sad.
I bought the remake of 2 and it's ok, not my thing. I'm glad I've experienced it though, I'll get back into it but it made it clear along with Front Mission 1st Remake and any others how careful I'll look at how older tactics games are (even the XCOM reboots were just as annoying at times) and I prefer the modern style ones quality of life and core design then older ones where while good just are enough to annoy me of grinding or core mechanics I just find tedious or not fun enough/flexible enough to enjoy.
I don't want to say only Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles, Fire Emblem or some Warhammer ones or even Mutant Zero are the best. Others from the past are probably good too. It's just the structure of them I find so much more flexible and engaging then the older Japanese games remade. Can't say for older western tactics as not explored them as much. At least of both Square's remakes so far.
I can stand grind but the limits in the 2 remake for levels is just stupid, attacking and it won't pass them it hits your party member in front is so stupid as well.
Front Mission it's fair and was a better experience but the grinding/win to lose ratio and I would have liked more selecting parts to attack not whatever health bars work themselves out during either attack as a modern attack method option. You know more hit each limb and see what it does. But nope. The games are fine to be on modern platforms but some of their details do annoy me. Not because oh too old but I'd prefer some other options for things as they are still tedious or silly details in some of them.
Not surprised, they had a good fishing rod controller I guess. They used the GBA/GameCube as well as the VMU, did cross save on PS2 with Outrun 2006 Coast to Coast. Sega still did a lot of cool stuff back then.
The Activator also for Genesis. They did a lot of stuff.
Kinect as more sensors/more tracing tech in the software and hardware then Eye Toy as just a webcam with software to try and back it up, while Kinect could understand the outlines and more of the shape of people to track them while Eye Toy could tell as much.
If the Genesis or Jaguar VR wasn't cancelled at Sega or Atari, and more motion Sega went for which I don't know how much they did motion really it would have been interesting.
It's probably why fair rail shooters, fair Samba De Amigo Wii port or other things in that era they use to a fair degree. Depends what Sega had in mind of hardware or games. Those that were on board then were cancelled as too early, too risky, not a price point/stable enough hardware to make people less sick or awkward to work around things.
Fair software nowadays but their past is exciting always to hear about.
Whether how Nintendo games are handled to the audiences, yeah there is a reason anything not Nintendo because oh nostalgia and oh they are so great because people are blinded when anything Sega, NEC, 3DO, PlayStation, Xbox, whatever.
I use all platforms, sure mostly PS, but had a Wii/Xbox and enjoyed them, prefer retro PS now, more into Switch of modern but retro of all platforms.
Disk System, SNES CD, CDi had more than just Mario/Zelda games, NEC Japan sales, etc. Super FX, Genesis chips.
Then again how many people know the Gizmondo/Tapware Zodiac did pretty much the same features and more then the PSP but the PSP is more well known then the failing sales of the other two & by companies most have never heard of or died. Capable of music playback, contacts, bluetooth, GPS & Cameras built in not addons like they were for Gameboy or PSP & more Eye Toy Chat before Wii U chat to me was a surprise.
But both handhelds were ex Palm or using a Rug company/other thing and used Windows CE like Dreamcast did in it's partial use, & whatever types of people for Gizmondo when it's well a PDA/Pocket PCs like any others of the 2000s before the iPhone or other pre-touchscreen/pre-iPhone smartphones came out Pocket PCs died in 2006/07.
Most care about their fav companies/pop history not fails/how build up, only popuarlised/use it & more on. Social/emotional priorities. You say anything about oh this could do this (Wii U community to say it could be improved here for future dual screen support or other devices) & instant down votes, a reddit for nostalgia/game recs. Always praise, no critiques or do but still suck up saying it's good. Sigh.
I've played better PS1 games/find N64 3rd parties more exciting, Mario 64 was well designed by limitations but it's not like other 3D platformers are that bad. DK64's it's barrel mechanic isn't great yet other games do a better job of the same concept.
We got Tiger Gamecom 2 game slots, where on DSi? Wii U gets focus yet phone apps, Vita second screen & Xbox Smartscreen existed at the same time. Impulse Triggers on Xbox One not even collectors doing getting started guides talk about them, Wii oh it was only this console with motion, not GBC/GBA/PS3 Sixaxis.
PS Classic, others, Jacks Pacific Plug n Plays, all nothing new before/after NES/SNES Classic. Nintendo has done a lot, but I mean Sega and Atari did VR or 3D glasses not just Nintendo, they did the modem/Sega Channel stuff not just NES Famicom Disk System banking and Satelliview games.
But yeah saving batteries/chips and carts not passwords, or the read write of Famicom Disk System. The Nomad/Mega Jet, PSP, Neo Geo X, Pocket PCs and PDAs all existed before the Switch did, a dockable devices or cabled handheld is nothing new.
Nintendo fans are in a box, the rest of us look at history from a further lens. Nintendo does a lot of cool things but I won't buy into a narrow vision lens of what people want to talk about when so many other companies did amazing things in history. Whatever gamers/'historians' and more want to present to people when sure some companies do hide things well but historians don't really get the answers, ask the right questions, get in touch with some people or care to do so or find whatever leaks from other companies pasts either.
Who cares about the Xavix Port by ex Nintendo employees? Probably not really many people.
The Game and Watch existed but so did Tiger handhelds, so did the Microvision, so did many others.
@Axelay71 Couldn't agree more many in their 40+ have more money indeed.
Many in our 20s are getting our lives together still or dealing with whatever compared to those in their later years having more money, more hours in a job, a few businesses by then whatever the case besides a family or those with family members moved on by then.
They seem to pay more attention to young audiences maybe because more vocal, they pay attention to trends, the 'buy this for me parent' or other factors maybe.
Or maybe thinking older are more complacent or have other things they focus on? Which it depends on the purpose. Even though second hand market sales are a good mix of statistics or any other older IPs revived people pick up due to nostalgia when they get revived on PC or Metroidvania, Boomer Shooters or others come out and are old genres modernised and mostly enjoyed by older audiences that grew up with them.
Oh please yes. I want more touge/hillclimbs, if it's more of the original series with the street racing that's fine and not drift series then sure but either way would so buy a new one if came overseas.
Whatever happened to this series or Genki for that matter?
Looks cool but yeah that small and controller ports while impressive is surprising but also questionable how well travel or just balancing/sitting on a table it will do. Like a PS Vita TV it easily can fall off an entertainment centre. I assume not the case here?
The Nintendo name is also questionable as no license from them to make it possible, they might want to remove it.
Other than those things the sensor bar, the emulation/virtualisation of the Wii as no way fitting all those parts into there only a few key ones or parts and to emulate it.
Portable Wiis with a screen make more sense really in some cases but this is still pretty cool without the screen, buttons and other factors but still a lot of cables to consider otherwise even besides GameCube controllers or maybe a Wiimote to GameCube controller adaptor if that's a thing.
Under the Skin and PN03 are my Capcom wants, have been for years.
Been waiting for the Piko Interactive Glover modern console port but that hasn't happened only PC and I think Antstream or something else.
The Alpha Protocol GOG situation was a great sign to see. Saw the Raycevick video on it. Glad I own the PS3 copy, did the same with Spec Ops. But for PC players as the last sales for games like this to get licensing and won't a physical or a console digital at all. PC is great to see some survive that bit longer for people to pick up and experience.
Source code, licensing from the publisher then the developer, licensing for ads, music, movie footage, whatever they put in games. I mean The Darkness would be cool too but the licensing for the comics, 2K, the footage in that game for the To Kill A Mockingbird movie was a surprise Easter egg and whatever else.
Some IPs are just too complicated to get revived.
But glad Alpha Protocol was revived for PC audiences.
@Axelay71 They are whatever profit, however many ways. Sorry for the long comment, had a lot on my mind.
Yeah the common age is what 18-34 or something? Which makes sense because they are the ones with jobs, making money, spending that money on games, hobbies, other responsibilities. Not in the kids/nerds era anymore or that only kids use social media & assuming oh casuals will just bend over for trends/popular titles, or other audiences they want to target that don't play games & yet they flop.
But oh skins and playground talk. I question it with journalists as well with their polls & the oh they focus on THIS age range audience. It's not like once 17+/18+ age rating they just give up on games. Same with TV shows for adult then highschool age tv shows/settings.
50s sounds fair. I'm in my late 20s but at the same time I got into games from people in their 50s I appreciate old games and do my internet research, even if mostly 5-7th gen, sometimes 1-4th.
I'll look into older consoles eventually within reach/enough knowledge about them.
Ah abandonware and homebrew devs.
Not checked out those Megadrive games I'll have to take a look. Astrobot I hope succeeds it looks excellent in the ways I want a platformer to be in the modern era on the gameplay side looks a lot of fun. Yeah got a PSVR2 as well, use it less than did the PSVR1 or HTC Vive Cosmos.
I agree, VR can be used in so many ways for Google Earth/Maps or other apps, even the Wii U panorama view was ok for travel videos playing, or any other games with a VR mode like PSVR1 yet nope. Or they could make other entries in a series be in VR. Why no Borderlands 3/Tiny Tina in VR? Some new, something old, something else.
Reading a PSVR2 article a few weeks ago, ah the excuses/wrong mindset is the downfall. Some people want realism or have no imagination/don't want to push other outside of the box ideas to get VR to work. Their design strategies/priorities are a joke it's just sad. An experimental system, with no experimental mindset to it.
That or control schemes like No Man's Sky to me felt worse on PSVR2 then PSVR1 & they still refuse to fix it. Or Star Wars the shooter forget the name of used the motion to reload but the motion isn't good enough to make it work. Sigh. Minecraft PS4 VR inventories has issues for months too.
Played Wii/PS3 Move games that understand the limits of the hardware & balancing buttons/motion then these VR developers do nowadays repeating the same issues, did the 2000s GDC talks mean nothing to them, they clearly don't watch them & learn the same lessons only follow same pitfalls.
I would have wanted Red Steel 2 in VR as it's one of my favourite modern design Wii shooters that used motion well I think in a modern shooter. Probably many rail shooters could too but we get enough of those I guess in VR but probably more recognisable IPs in VR, like a House of the Dead, Time Crisis or something.
Nintendo Labo could have had Duck Hunt with the VR kit even. It's why while Aveum/Space Marine 2 aren't much at least it's better to find some games that offer a solo campaign and not just be a typical military/SWAT shooter. If saw The Club like Project Gotham/Blur did well for arcade racers by an Indie would be something too.
This is really cool, quite the achievement to make a game for that audience but also make it possible as an audio book not just an audio based game.
In comparison to the Quiet Man (game about a deaf character) or other sorts of things (such as colour blind modes or closed captions or narrators in games or other accessibility features) covering the deaf or blind it's always cool to see what is made for that audience or characterisation of it if were in a tv show or game.
GBA versions are always interesting to see what they would do 2D/3D or whatever they could to mimic the console version or be a completely different game.
@Axelay71 I feel that way sometimes with roguelikes/soulslikes and metroidvanias. People run with trends too much. Inspiration and nostalgia and continuing a trend for a long time.
Even as someone that has branched out to other genres and tried a few metroidvanias/roguelikes it doesn't mean I want THAT many more.
Was fine with tactics, visual novels, hack n slashes or arcade racers as shooters (military/SWAT but less sci-fi/fantasy), racing (pushing licenses and business models but boring modes/mechanics) and platformers (nostalgia, weak character movesets/level design with too much Banjo, Sonic, Crash or Spyro nostalgia but not the quality of them or distinction or just boring missions in them in comparison, I don't expect the same skill but at the same time they try.....). But happened in my experience.
I won't deny some game mechanics have come out of competition when I looked at platformers, shooters or racing trends in the past (whether a factor of preferred trends or not over other players preferred trends and eating anything up/experiencing a trend to be part of it) but at the same time it doesn't make things half annoying when not much comes out of some games and more in other areas or more studios not wasting their time with too many trends, flopping because over crowded market and not good enough mechanics, art, story, whatever to set them apart, when they could be spending time on other possible games.
Other mechanics, settings and stories could be told/presented yet aren't because easy trend money then putting effort in, sigh.
Inspirations, emotional attachment, keeping up with others, narrow experiences of games and nostalgia making gaming worse since forever by certain audiences and developers that are those weak audiences too originally because they have played so little and too attached to what few they have played.
Like reviving an old game that introduced a mechanic is cool but who cares what introduced racing rewinds or the cover system for third person shooters. Killswitch doesn't probably play that differently from some others Uncharted/Gears that popuarlised it or others with more or less flexibility to wall move around in cover or not but Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano does compared to Grid 2008/Forza Motorsport 3 that dumbed the mechanic down, removed the RPG elements that made it great prior and popularised it.
Same as some movies may have been technologically great but it if worked for the time why bother. Brand name? Even if good, would it convey the same, remastered, remade for an audience not always.
To port an older game that coined the term I think it's cool but it doesn't have the same value as much.
It just seems like trend and label/brand marketing to push too far and a waste of dragging it on sometimes. Labels/terms used and over used and losing their meaning and impact over time till milked dry, then the next one, etc. Some people are brand/term level stupid to buy things after all.
Good interview, got the demo on my PS4, I came across it weeks ago when browsing the demos section as I do every few months apart, just haven't gotten to it yet. Not my thing that era of PC-98 games but was still curious what it was like.
Sure been reading 16bit Sensation manga so I have a certain idea of the era but not enough.
11.CDX assumed as Genesis/Mega Drive would be similar. Vectrex because it's hidden deeper you don't see it as much. Intelli/Coleco it was clear due to how odd connected to the console they were back then. Very sneaky that one.
12.I know that revision, I know those blue LED rings around those obvious ports anywhere. Not fooling me with that one.
13.Thought was 7800, MD/G is very clear but 7800 is more underneath. How it's Coleco made me confused as you can barely see in there for controllers/addons. Fair one there Time Extension. XD I'll leave this one as a fooling me.
14.Amstrad, C64GS and SG1000 really threw me off then I went hang on the more computer like systems have those ports, then the spacing of the ports, then narrowed it down. Too many 9 pin ports too that's for sure.
15.Knew was what it was, the others hadn't been the case in a while, the computer Atari ones sure but the console ones were clear by this point even though knew there differences. The 1 port with daisy chaining and it being the FZ 10 version not the other 3DO consoles made me go hang on same port, different edges of the rest of the other consoles by the rest of the images/photos.
16.Very good but knew there was something about it as no others have that detail on them compared to simple 1 or 2 or controller port here or whatever. Yeah obscure/failed consoles are very much a thing only collectors or those that actually bought those systems know but for the rest of us that don't know them or do research them but haven't memorised all their details as commonly as other systems it is a challenge, but a fun one to guess them.
17.Ah the mostly Atari consoles question and Intellivision. Well the designs have their details but for sure I was like hmm don't know about that detail but maybe and then went yeah the way the ports, material/shape, switches being on the top or something that looks like a switch next to the port seemed off to me.
18.Easy at the end.
Really good quiz.
Even if I failed 2 early on the rest I was really looking going hmm what details can I pinpoint. So this round with cheating 2 restarts I got the correct with I got only 17/18 with those two if I wasn't restarting I'd have gotten a 15/18. If I wasn't looking too close at the images and guessed I'd probably get in the other two worse off ones.
Looking at the material, the other ports/switches, the edges (lined/gapped parts on the console really helps narrow it down). Even the ethernet or some sort of other cable on the Amstread helped. Let alone the S video looking port on PC Engine for me. 9 pins make it hard but the writing for Jaguar, 3DO FZ10 and the colour being original versions helped.
Coleco/Intellvision are really tough to work out. Their designs are clear, but where the ports are for the consoles makes it really hard unless owned one to know how they connect as I always assume they are cabled inside, meaning it's an addon port for the Atari 2600 or voice modules or something not controllers. The coleco black and no one I've seen in videos/images while the different versions of Intellivision kind of complicated things.
4.Really tripped me, the NG and MG/G for sure look similar from that angle. Restarted but did fool me.
5.SG and Mk3 for sure is very close to be confusing there. Restarted but did fool me.
6.Very tricky, but knew by the rounded edge and console colour it wasn't the others, and they are Original consoles not variations either.
7.That edge/line gaps for sure made it clear and yeah not surprised it's the revision.
8.The controller port looked like a S video port to me and I was like wait what. That and with how small it is, up close it's a hmm I guess it is like that then the addons or the other regional versions looking different.
9.Tricky, I knew the Coleco/Fairchild had more connected controls but wasn't sure if for additional controllers for some reason or an expansion port for the Coleco. Also never seen them in white ever so that narrowed those down. I know the Wii one. Never looked at a Saturn controller port that closely before but went hmm yeah makes sense I guess.
10.Made sense, the 5200 knew (also no white console I'd seen before), the PC Engine I was like would a Duo RX have a different port I assume not and the Odyssey hides them at the back so much (making it hard to see in videos/images when people cover them) and didn't have typical ports in later consoles. I have only seen the PC FX in videos (as with most people) but yeah forgot it had the port there as hadn't watched a video on it in a while.
For the character I mean. I don't know how particular of a choice they would be over other Avengers that long ago. But I mean besides the Catwoman game or others I think a game with Black Widow would be interesting for sure.
Not like some particular characters or scenarios or gameplay couldn't work to a degree. Or other movesets or characters were more favoured.
In terms of lining up with the movie yeah I can see that it makes sense but even if one did happen and the movie later then lining up alongside each other I think it could have been alright. Though Bayo 2 is really good so no idea how that or others at that time could have changed things.
Not played the licensed Platinum games of Transformers, Korra or TMNT though even though know about them.
1.Opera then offer? 2.To me I assume US/UK version or some more edgy dialogue or just a more silly one like say Minecraft doing Pirate speak or something. Or just a cut localisation left over of a prior script.
Never heard of this about the GBA entries so pretty cool.
Sounds like a B team or C team or others just trying for a first game and just didn't make things work out. Even then just adapting to 3D or some game design decisions make sense for the time. Even some PS2 era cameras aren't great but they still make the game more interesting then the boring 'refined' and 'realistic/cinematic tasteless holiday destination boring moveset' current gen we see that's for sure alongside some ambitious AAA/AA or Indies or fair Indies alongside nostalgia or clone this popular Indie game type Indie devs making just as boring games for easy money from audiences.
Even if bad games many are still more compelling to see what misteps they had, why it got rushed, why it had that decision and design not overcome yet then people going only play good and don't understand WHY they did what they did in the design process, GOOD is subjective, how they got to that point to make a GOOD game takes time. Some mechanics of the past are excellent, they were good games just not profitable among other simpler and better marketed games. The simpler get sold the ambitious don't because audiences suck not the games themselves so to me GOOD means nothing sometimes. Can be said more many boring racing games and business models over genuine mechanics that made them better yet got left behind.
Same with many platformers I've researched and more appealing characters or familiar animals or whatever stories. Something simple for kids/parents to understand or looks cool not the actual game design. Because you can't put game design on the box. Just whatever characters and world they are in or just generic characters with a gun on the cover and repeated formats of artwork. Clearly quality games if the box areas are formuliac right? How can you tell a good game apart that way? Word of mouth of the story/gameplay right?
Then the most basic and refined games out there. To me any ambitious and bad are are still more fun to play casual basic games. In terms of journalists sure some don't' play games and have other skills but that's on the staff that assign them to play games when they have a different role entirely.
Even Enter the Dragonfly, to me it was fair for how rushed/bad communication between staff and some staff in interviews were right difficult people so not surprised even if 2002 so years ago compared to the interview period years later thanks to Mr FO1 covering many aspects about the game.
Even Dodge Charger Vs. Charger. To me just tweaks the physics/motion controls as fair button controls, and it's a fine game. Could have better menus sure, a bit more presentation that's worth it of excitement it'd be a fine game. Like Ford Racing 2 or Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano one make advergames that have actually good ideas of content. Heck Alfa Romeo started the rewind mechanic Grid and Forza Motorsport 3 dumbed down/borrowed later. Like Killswitch had cover based shooting GBA or console versions and Uncharted/Gears popularised to every other 7th gen shooter using it.
So yeah some developers make them but do try and push it to their other games (Milestone trying hard back then to innovate with Apex 2003, Alfa Romeo and Evolution GT besides the management systems in MotoGP 09/10 or WRC 2 and WRC 3 was really fun with it's many event types in it for a career mode).
Very interesting even music or story issues. Mechanics maybe too. I mean even if actually bad then just people didn't like it bad. I think it's an interesting piece of history. To show how difficult developing games is and to time things well with the hardware then incorrectly in this case.
I don't find many bad things funny, nor do I completely think they are bad. I mean games with glitchy graphics (not untextured remember many Jaguar games are good just not textured because of hardware limits or intended design).
Even besides unintended design I assume like backwards being faster or unfinished AI in Big Rigs. Games with 1 button isn't incorrect, some can be fine with it even if yes many times in development more are supposed to be added but the general input being the same then changed later is I assume what happens to just have the input code there during prototyping/testing.
But notable awful games in Japan, many I assume. Whether agree or not with experience of them it varies per person.
But yeah bad music timing hmm sounds strange I feel like they had to rush this game or really didn't know what to do to time it correctly or their dev build worked but the finally game didn't turn out as such with the build they shipped.
Pretty unfortunate. Bad or cancelled projects always cool to check out. It's what I'd do is cancel it/not announce it in such a prototype state trying to learn how to code/make assets work around models or other things and feed it to the console and just not say anything it would just stay on a hard drive abandoned.
I own a few shovelware games. I bought Alone in the Dark for PS2 out of curiosity (and because have a few horror games I think are safe enough for me to play, Zombi U, Fatal Frame 2) and to me it seems 'fine' annoying or awkward sure or not scary but otherwise I think yeah it doesn't capture what it's trying to but it's still interesting for what they did try to put together even for how annoying even the beginning is of the game at times.
Almost thought it was the Indie that made a different game and was making some that is like Sega Rally in the older style at first but this being a different one I mean sure.... To me the thing is I want more interesting ideas not just a successor or nostalgia excuse. So to me both aren't exciting enough.
Burnout was a good racing game for non-racing fans. Crash mode or just general modes. Making this is fine but it only does so much for that audience then it does the hardcore/nostalgic or me wanting more out of them then just a successor and nothing else to modernise it (I don't mean in themes/dialogue or generation I mean in just offering content of modes or physics or something) or make it stand out. Just replicating/repeating history isn't satisfying. Modes are why I find most racing games boring nowadays or the presentation in menus being so boring and streaming service like give me something exciting to look at, play of modes and fair amount of cars sure with whatever physics. But MODES matter.
Racing to me is fair it doesn't need to have weapons like a kart racer but I mean when shooters are as boring as they are and racing is boring me it says a lot when we get safe experiences. It's why Bright Memory Infinite (1 person, AAA looking quality, no matter how short, good refreshing ideas among that quality not just wow AAA quality, solo dev and recycling history sigh) was exciting and yet Immortals of Aveum as awkward as it was give me a fantasy spin then recycling history/other things a shooter generically fits into. Where is the imagination or game aspect of it.
If the tracks have presentation of seasons or dips or cars have whatever damage/details or whatever that's fine but I don't need realism I just other fun aspects in the games which we don't see.
If no interesting new modes or spins on existing ones and just the same cars over and over again or boring tracks why should I bother other than 'it's newer' or 'it's in such and such style' or 'it's how I remember it'. Using different cars was fun because of how you use them not just because the real life ones were there. Gaming to use them besides the fun of driving the real or arcade physics, what real/fictional tracks were fun to drive on not just the license.
Events giving reason to drive them not just yep time trials and racing....... Restrictions to the campaign events or different modes. Giving reasons to want to keep playing not just yep. Drifting being fun, cone modes, bowling, anything else.
The level design sure but how the level design is designed.
I remember more compelling niche games because of their ideas on top of the greats, because they had great ideas not just because oh insert cars/track/music/branding/nostalgia here.
I forget half these newer Indie or AAA racing games exist because they are so boring and nothing sets them apart.
Making games stand out is nonexistent anymore because the lines of that are so thin it's weird they don't get sued or oh it's different code or brand deals so it's fine?
Where is the imagination to try something different not nostalgia sell to us all the time. Give us something else "WITH what it's offering' but nope we get recycled to a tee with different code and assets but the same general experience. Audiences want nostalgia for particular reasons. I want more exciting games and we don't see them. I'll gladly play a new Sega Rally or WipEout but I got Redout or Fast Racing or other rally games I can play. I don't need insert brand here. I don't need the name, the feel and so on to be there. The nostalgia/emotion. I just find other games to play 'if they offer anything worth my time' but they don't. Just history recycling.
They can get good at replicating it but if it's nothing exciting alongside that what makes it worth while? Why bother? Oh it's newer and we don't need a Saturn or PS3/360/PSP gotcha or the emotions/what they offered. Sure but why should I buy the other Sega Rally inspired games?
I have had more fun playing WRC 3 the gate or combo modes in that were more fun to me of a campaign or MotoGP games management system or the challenge or MotoGP3's 20 custom fake tracks that offered interesting side modes. Why because they actually offer something different or FUN. Just teams or just branding isn't exciting to me if every game has them or the changed tracks/stages. I need something else to be compelling even if a little bit.
I don't care if it's a touge/hillclimbs that are dead or just gate/cone modes or something else more than just races/time trials/elimination seriously.
To me the cars are fine but I get more thrills 'using them in different situations' then just seeing the models/assets over and over again.
I want new ideas not recycling history for easy sales. If inspired sure but so many inspired lack their own ideas besides being too heavily inspired.
There is a reason I thought Ride 4 was a good continuation of Forza Motorsport 1 & 2's region system, it's a hard game and sucks as so do the many MotoGP games nowadays being hard to play but the different mechanics or progression is necessary to stand out among every other racing game and also show the genre can still do things not be as stereotypical and repetitive of annual games or recycling cars like people seem to want to. It's the most mechanically dry right now. Surface level offerings are just sad.
Why WRC 2023 I don't know how similar it is to Sega GT or Pure (the Disney ATV game) car or ATV builders. No different to if a robot had parts to separate but the chassis or parts from other cars to build with. Or could be fictional.
Or we could have Wreckfest silliness or Flatout it's obstacle course minigames. Racing games currently just suck.
I want mechanics not just car branding, boring repetitive modes and no new ones to offer. Sick of real life and branding being the thing for audiences. What happened to creativity or arcade handling. Does everything HAVE to have a real reference seriously. Why have imagination or what games are good at 'being ANYTHING'.
It's like with shooters they are arcadey to play yet have history settings we can't have fictional settings as much anymore or fictional weapons. I get the themes of reality and such is a bit much but some did it but still had fair ideas in them of mechanics. It's the only reason I buy 7th gen shooters the mechanics as the stories/worlds are ok but nothing special.
Even the upcoming Switch one is just like Grid Autosport but less exciting and too much budget in the cars/classes then modes.
Offer some new ideas, any different mode types not just branding/licenses and repetitive modes seriously the genre is getting boring.
Mechanics over licenses and 'roleplaying' or nostalgia. I've had enough of authenticity. I got that while playing the compelling mechanics in 5-6th gen as well now those are gone and the authenticity is 'fine' but not that exciting to compete with.
It's like many games dumbing things down all the time. From the rewind system from Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano to Grid 2008 to Forza Motorsport 3, to continued 10 years later or animal games to others. Characters get more bland to play as, mechanical depth just going backwards. Because I assume all people care about are the worlds/characters when to me they are pretty safe or passable but if playing isn't fun the world doesn't have enough value to me to explore it/enjoy the laps around tracks or other racing modes/event types or restrictions not just candy car rewards throwing them at the player when I didn't earn them really or can't even use them in events and why would I want a reward car to use in arcade mode anyway.
7th+ gen especially 8/9th has been boring and lost that mechanical or mode/event variety fun they used to have and some haven't been followed up. Like i said Ride 4/WRC 2023 as examples because the rest aren't offering that.
If people want just races/deathmatch how boring. Or just care about cars/guns sigh says a lot how basic or superficial things get or simple and boring to play.
Redout/Fast Racing sure or Inertial Drift/Distance but that's different.
It's like when games barely offer shortcuts in kart racers or the double characters or a mission/challenges mode, in arcade/sims I get they can't but I mean offer something exciting.,
The excitement in racing games is lacking for me because of how they handle them.
I like cars sure but I also want gameplay depth and I see it going away more and more.
I want a new Sega, Konami (Enthusia, Thrilldrive, GTI Club tomato or soccer modes like PSP entry) or Capcom (Auto Modellista, Group S Challenge) racing game as much as the next person but I also want DEPTH in them too.
Heard of Vimms but never used. Says a lot though. Archives or otherwise and companies go eh well we won't renew the license/resell them so we go and do this instead. Unfortunate but is what it is.
In terms of their priorities it makes sense but if they don't own the IPs anymore then.... But in terms of protecting themselves companies or these types of sites sure I get it.
At least other archive sources elsewhere exist but for how long and how many. It's like any old material of news and other games. They want to bury their past. Well we want to buy them, play them, document them, see the lessons learned, how audiences did or didn't respond to them, whether they can have a try again years later.
All that money, copies disappear. For niche games it's the worst but mainstream hits eh I mean you can get them anywhere let alone ROM hacks.
PS2 and PSP or GBA and GameCube of minigames or cross save sure or Gameboy Color and cellphones which that never happened I think but the GBC IR to do things did work in some games.
But crossplay between other platforms that early no never heard of that before. That or even PC. Maybe I did hear it somewhere I just can't remember.
With all the older console modems, Sega/Atari VR, 3D glasses attempts and other things of the past, horse betting, banking, game streaming over radio (SNES Satelliview and Sega Mega Modem/Sega Channel or N64 Randnet) and such to cross play that early yeah that's a lot of the industry trying for sure then finally getting around to it.
For what it is it's impressive. While GameCube disks are smaller even then the disk drive on the Wii Mini was enough to say ah yes disks do take up a lot of space on a console and people forget that.
So a diskless, Wii with yes the front of the opening as a similar to Wii/Family Edition shell but similar or enough of the necessary parts fit into a shell that size is impressive.
SD Card/bluetooth not surprised it's like having a hacked Wii basically.
The smaller the more tricky to fit components and leave good venting or however much they need of the thickness of the shell, the fans, and other components just fitting alongside different sides of the console. Unless they didn't need to do that which in that case is even more impressive because well its' the same shell well in concept but smaller and yet instead of spread around it's just trimmed enough then the thickness some boards have for their components or as much of the board is when manufactured and leftover encase I assume for fittings or just as much as they still felt was necessary.
Looks good. Expensive and any 3rd party solutions to mimic motion controls of any sort is understandable. Modern stylus or just a mouse pointer should work shouldn't it. I mean DS/Wii should be possible that way right you don't always need a 3rd party sensor bar for Dolphin after all.
The lid closing in Phantom Hourglass hmm I do wonder there but different apps/games on both screens as it's a PC I assume and separate on the bottom screen.
I have wanted that for years with official consoles. Finally. Sure it's emulation, sure it's a PC and sure PCs/phones have done this for years but I mean it's still good. Having a web browser or the game's manual on it. Wii U should have been able to do that. Like come on Nintendo. Let alone others. If DS could do two videos or two gameplay moments at once. I get better hardware now and yes of course priorities or that it's a PC still but sigh.
A dual screen PC can of course be like a screen controller or a dual screen laptop offer anything on it but I mean it's best for dual screen consoles besides just two web pages/study and a video. A guide/manual/movie and a game or two movies. Like that's the best part for sure.
It doesn't actually change Star Fox Zero that much though. If it were Wii controls which were used for co-op or it were tweaked (but it's emulation so a mod/patch/plugin to change controls if possible) then sure. But if not while I don't hate Zero's controls and they are very particular even if playing older games you get used to their weird controls even if most people forget/stick to modern. More could have been done and you go oh that 3rd party method fixed it even more.
Thing is because the Wii U/3DS had their limits or more differences. Like Wii U being wireless especially and TV casting or so I think coud have been possible. Connected so close or the way multi screen phones or all one screen phones of Flip/Duo do it to wrap around and such then a 2DS I mean possibilities are kind of lost or some OSs/UIs make you go oh that'd be cool then the PC way where well it's an app and sure but the other came with it or was built with it so unless it's replicated which in some cases they won't then well go the original hardware at that point if it still functions.
Or well someone create the possibility if they thought about it but most don't so it never happens. Few people think up the ideas. Most want games and simplicity/their favourite characters. Anyone into tech/game mechanics/structure no one cares about at all anyway. They just keep their thoughts to themselves of post them like I do. Doesn't mean anything happens still.
Still low battery. They push power and not good enough batteries inside or balance of it. Nintendo just gets better batteries or gets the software/TDP or more just right. I mean to me Sonys/Nintendos handhelds at 3 hours to even 7 is fair. 3 is short but not PC handhelds nowadays level of just a performance first, batteries so quick used up joke.
PC handhelds need better in that area it's getting ridiculous.
The form factor and materials seem passable I guess but even for the price, for the scale of the companies they are compared to OEMs usually seen with Windows PCs/Laptops eh I guess it makes sense for the price but still they need to work things out still.
That or Windows is also killing the battery life not just the apps/games are. Which is also likely the telemetry/other things it does all the time.
Imagine a laptop doing that. Do they nowadays I don't know. Let alone other handhelds by other companies with probably as comparable or even Pocket PCs of the 2000s that came before PC handhelds of these days. Did they have lower battery life I think so but still seem even if clunky better than today. Form factor doesn't change much to me if the battery/performance balance sucks still.
Windows 11 being a hog (that and not surprised these menus/UI struggles from the device makers or being different from Valve's overlay and other care maybe still exist it's just unfortunate many of these PC handhelds face still), being I guess part or pushed away from touch screens/tablet mode style even though the same marketing to a casual audience and the OS is the most joke thing out there of limits and oversimplification to things that worked well before sigh.
Multi-monitor/touch screen though hmm surprised. A different OS maybe but even then depends on the third party methods working on any of them Windows or Linux very well at all let alone 11 as the latest and so many changes/considerations instead then past Windows feature support more suited to the device let alone 11 being the default just because.
USB C to the TV is nice DS/3DS on the TV which other than Dev kits never happened. Or both Wii U screens on the TV interesting, or 2 TVs/two monitors if that works or not to split the images between them.
Motion/stylus are always tricky due to the differences of tech/screens nowadays for sure and methods to do it.
That or just say people even caring about the AR/camera uses of the gyro diorama videos on the Wii U eshop if anyone even used those. The first one was free after all. Compared to say virtual console where well other emulators are for that. Or just homebrew well there is ways for that as well of course.
That or of course Pretendo, Miiverse, Streetpass or others replicated by fans.
I mean yes Samsung dual screen phones/Surface Duo can too but to me consoles doing it I was like hmm if only we could have that Series S/X style two games approach or Windows 8 or Xbox One 2013 OS style approach of apps but oh well.
As to me from PS3/360 or 3DS/Vita/Wii U onwards with a menu or looking at trophies/achievements or manual you still had to close the game or had few moments where say Minecraft Vita 1.0 you can access more. Latest update it pushes the system so you can't use anything else at all. Makes later update trophy hunting a pain. But 1.0 version easy to open the trophies menu.
To me while PC or even mobile OSs have always offered it as not single app OS and multi OSs.
Xbox Series finally offering a similar approach with quick resume (not exactly dual screen but still allows swapping even if yes Xbox One app swapping and game swapping on a more particular scale works it just isn't the same).
Wii U having the manual pause for GBA virtual console just annoyed me. Like the limitations in those cases not just the only Indies and the odd Nintendo/big third parties found a good use for it.
Some are still TV first not Gamepad and that annoyed me a lot. DS/3DS you still had 2 videos from different angles, two screens inventory/gameplay mixed or two gameplay mixed. Wii U very few wanted to replicate that even though the Gamepad is the focus, is faster response time then the TV but people have to use the TV because customer expectations or not wanting to deal with a 480p Gamepad. Like come on developers what a disappointment.
This being a PC, sure the Xbox style button layout anyone that's used an Xbox controller with emulators knows to get used to it or re-assign the buttons to the ABXY equivalents to not throw themselves off of course.
@smoreon Clock 2025 limit (I assume not a Y2K situation? then the 2038 one that will come with other devices and their integer limits rather than this being integer just date limit to run out of, will they patch it or did they intend on going oh eshop off before 2025 or just in general supporting the services),
That and back compat internet access of OG Xbox games going away and any games not on Xbox One/Series back compat get cut support are the next questions I'd have for Microsoft.
If back compat does get cut off well time to get an OG Xbox then being selective of titles to pick up to play on the 360 but just more focused on an OG Xbox console to seek out.
They haven't mentioned or get asked about these questions by players or journalists as well only people that use their 360s think about it. Or probably just me as I don't see anyone ask these or answer my questions about it any time a 360 eshop news article appears.
The questions no one asks because they don't go looking for them but they matter more than people think.
@RG-Riven To me my only future questions for it is the 2025 (PS2 has 2100 I think I remember checking, no idea what OG Xbox or GameCube offer) end period in the system's clock (I don't assume it's a Y2K situation but even still the unplug and auto default to 2005 is fine to avoid it but will they patch it oif people want past 2025 dates?) and the back compat support being cut off after eshop/online services do.
As back compat is internet based (updates or just access in general). Unlike the downloads and the different games offered with Xbox One/Series X. If that happens well I'm not playing PGR 1 & 2 on my 360 anymore glad I did in 2020 when I bought up all 4 games but any future OG Xbox pick ups would be even more don't bother till I get an OG Xbox.
@TimeExtension Curious if anyone could reach out to Microsoft for comment on the clock 2025 limit or back compat. Or Pure Xbox could.
The thing to me is the 2025 clock limit, who checked that. It's going to be like anything with a Y2K limit I assume? Would Microsoft have to patch it to allow past 2025? I don't know what will happen so I just don't set it to anything 2020+ anymore I just leave it at the October 2005 day or whatever it defaults to. It does so by unplugging it anyway so like I have to worry.
Even the PS2 has 2100 of date reach or something. So I have my 360 unplugged to move consoles out and the 360/PS2 just reset themselves. That and the clock battery for my PS2 likely is broken as the dots don't rotate well. Or I just unplug it and replug it it messes up then when it's able to run better it does cycle the dots for the clock and I can change the date then it being just 'you can't change anything' and stuck.
But RIP the Indies on 360 eshop and other stuff or whatever left of physical DLCs like the Borderlands 1 DLC on disk I have but got a NTSC version (yes I have an NTSC version of BL1, Spec Ops The Line, and a few others on 360 or PS3, both consoles are region free out of the box but still for physical DLCs yeah be aware of that I guess the DLC would be region locked or region unapplyable for lack of better term/wordplay XD) of the game but can't use the Xbox One back compat PAL version download with the PAL DLC as it's only for 360 so that's fun. I need a PAL copy to add it like I have my Forza Motorsport 3 & 4 bonus content (both PAL of course) on the second disks installed just encase.
Glad got the demo disks for 360 or the Indie Triple Pack of Splosion Man, Trials HD and Limbo (I know you can get a Limbo/Inside physical PS4 as I own it, no idea Xbox pack). Even the Assassin's Creed/Far Cry 5 in 1 blu-ray disk I saw them in a retro store. Didn't buy them but took photos in person when they were available.
Also back compatibility OG Xbox games access on 360 will that disappear I hope not. It's internet based but not download like Xbox One/Series are.
There is a reason PS3 PS1 support is great even if hardware wise PS2 was cut. Or GameCube on most Wii models.
Besides virtual console or digital only back compatibility of PS1/PSP on Vita that at least OG Xbox isn't stuck on the eshop.
So moments like this and the Grandma's Boy Xbox game that was cancelled. The TV show with the Total War games.
The amount of games crossing over into tv shows is just funny but cool details. I don't wish for them but they are a nice nod I guess. Not for the licensing money for the time on screen though.
While they made miss steps to me 2D/32bit was a fair time. You had back and forth with Wario Land Virtual Boy, you had wire frames which weren't as much appearances since the Vectrex with Vectors or just early 3D with sprites.
I think it was fair to question it as it was a dramatic jump. To me even the Atari Jaguar polygon games. Sure the lacking textures are the case. Doesn't mean I didn't find the gameplay and worlds of Cybermorph less fun than Starfox I found them really fun for it's limits of the time of gameplay goals, the speeds, the world is really cool. Something like the car one was a bit eh just exploring a world in polygons is fine but not that impressive after a while compared to others on the Jaguar. The 2D games I think hold up better. I get oh Tempest but to me it still offered a fair amount of cool games and cool titles for games on the system.
FMV was something as well but yeah some it helps others it limited itself. 90s was a time for 2D, 3D, FMV, audio enhancements, effects, early VR with the Sega VR or Virtual Boy in a more 3D upon the NES/Master System glasses or the Sega 3D glasses arcade game they did and the Colecovision I think it was port dropped that of course as it couldn't do it at the time. Then GameCube 3D unused, then 3DS, Occulus then PSVR1 and more over time by different companies of now over the years.
Mario 64 sure the mission design and full 3D is nice but to me isn't that exciting. It is a step for sure but it's so overrated and I don't mind older 3D to be worse in some cases was more surprising. Jumping Flash was simpler but still a lot of fun. Crash was a fair 2D 3D transition for the time. Spyro did take from Mario 64 but to me it's minigames of missions besides sometimes just simple obstacle course worlds were more fun then more hub/open world missions or minigames over RPG style boring quests these days I don't care about because they aren't fun, the dialogue is boring, the worlds/gameplay are grounded and just not exciting to me which is why gaming is just so boring nowadays. Grounded for mass appeal but Infamous 1 organic dynamic momenets to gamey good/bad points scales. How immersive yeah what a step backwards there.
I don't think something like analogue stick realistic movement animations needs to be the case (would be cool but still) like Baby Steps but more on the hands scale and why motion controls are more superior for movement of certain things or a third analogue stick use case and VR is exciting of that next 3D wow moment successor just well like Kinect was good for other things besides gaming (or particular body tracking means over Eye Toy being ok but primitive and somewhat a web cam with Instagram filters of the time besides basic minigames and did do Wii Fit before Wii FIt, or Xavix port existed before the Wii did) not oh it sucks for gaming it sucks in general because to me tech can be used many ways just because people care about gaming so much and can't see past it.
Like to me I could play Killswitch/Dead to Rights by Namco and go oh so this is what early cover based systems were like. It isn't as much as jump as Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano yes a manufacturer advertising game people would think is shovelware innovated and in 2006 on PS2, not PS3/360 (limitations still offering possibilities hmm while other things yes hardware plays a part) like many others in the racing space of the 5-6th gen and me going oh Grid 2008 simplified that rewind system when Milestone had so much depth to it. Like to me that's glaring and rewind systems in racing games have been dumbed down since. It annoys me.
So to me the FMV/pre-rendered backgrounds or the Super FX and the Sega chip for polygons with Virtua Racing, Starfox SNES, Yoshi's Island, DK Country series, the other Sega arcade games like they mentioned of Space Harrier and Outrun.
To me games having 2D but voice acting for the first time to just CD audio OSTs, to more impressive backgrounds to me 2D games weren't a shame.
I mean even early Indies of PS2/Xbox OG/GameCube were more a wow of Alien Hominid and Yeti Sports, way before PS3/360 Live Arcade/Wiiware or PSP Minis/DSiware they were regular releases not labeled as Indies back before the 7th gen.
To me 2D can be more.
I mean just seeing many Indies be too nostaglic can be a point that annoys me. Or trend followers just like AAA but if your metroidvania/roguelike ok, or 90s 3D platformers big hit games inspiration happy or whatever fine.
To me I'm sick of the Mario, Sonic, Banjo, Spyro, Crash clones of Indies right now. I've had more fun with Glover, Space Station Silicon Valley, Chameleon Twist and more. Why because of the Glover character animations, or the gameplay among those games.
I mean if Space Station Silicon Valley in it's many animals is more exciting to insight me with Biomutant animal traits (dig, swim, fly, other animal moves, like the vehicle quests are fine but give me something exciting of the character moveset, give us fins or scales or something or just the traits to inject our character with or something actually platformer, combat or navigation cool) alongside it's gas immunity, and more generic animal moveset yeah. Says a lot right of left behind mechanically exciting IPs.
This is why gaming to me sucks and I'm so picky with games mechanics/gameplay for my purchase.
Visual techniques sure I look at but they aren't a factor for me. Even if 2D they are sometimes then just wow ray tracing, it's how they use it. Gimmicky not immersion when dynamic gameplay doesn't happen. Cough cough developers.
Even if a update/reprint of the article thanks TE. Never heard of this. I'm impressed but sad. Hopefully it's got more support nowadays with the IOS or maybe other versions since.
Wii Connect 24 was very underused for sure with games. Wii U Gamepad support would have been good too. Maybe Wii U Chat support? Like Nintendo would allow it I guess? Probably not. So many more things on Wii U that could be combined with it I think not just timing of release as well that it would have been maybe suitable. While 2006 on PC wouldn't be surprised with how long the Wii port would have been that if not other games in the mean times to Wii U if not Wii.
Or some other way on other platforms even if Wii Connect 24 was the point to replicate that of the email option the game had.
I mean if Wii home menu can be used for Another Code R why can't Naked War offer Wii Connect 24? Oh Nintendo didn't notice as not a big enough company that sucks. But other Indies could? Or was too early for Wiiware even maybe. Or whatever other you need to be a proper business they wanted of expectations.
A still keeping the game going like many may do a Chess game is awesome. Sure emails/texts/other notifications can be annoying but if people wanted to keep a game going they could I see the appeal. The artstyle looks nice enough.
I laughed at the publisher part. I won't deny during that era it was happening for sure quite a bit back then as it does nowadays. Trend following, maybe squeeze your ideas to put a spin on it not just theme copy paste of the trend hitter.
Some great idease have come from following trends like the Gran Turismo clone era while in other case many great platformers have come about in 5-6th gen while nowdays AAA are eh and many Indies follow the same 'only follow the big hitters blueprint' either because that's all they played, all they know will sell or they are too lazy to follow suit with the other N64/Saturn/PS1/other 5th gen third party games that were awesome, still hold up and are still unique that THEY won't look at inspiration for.
Let alone come up with their own ideas as just follow the hitters of the generation. Nostalgia narrow minded and pathetic Indies (or customers too nostalgic and pathetic which can also be the case) as much as AAA in some genres/corner of Indies. Not all Indies are that but some are just purely lazy as AAA.
Comments 130
Re: Almost 25 Years Ago, Gran Turismo 3 Offered Ultra-Widescreen Support On PS2
GT5 & 6 had triple monitor support (besides motion, 3D glasses with 3D TVs, GT PSP transfer and more crazy stuff for GT5 being delayed and all these things supported), PC games have had it of course in many games.
GT4 with printer support (PS3 had printer support of course among a whole bunch of other random features), even the GT4 Final Preview (made a wiki page for it) had it to demo the photo mode and pre-printer supported stuff (Japanese of course so had to translate it). Yeah these games just did a lot of crazy stuff back then that we don't see anymore even besides good progression/gameplay that nowadays ones just bore me so much and feel dull and underbaked of modes/event types and boring progression.
But yeah GT3 and 4 having it is still cool it's just who had iLink cables/hub in 2001? That and how the had 1080i for GT4 so progressive scan or 576 to 1080i is just wow then GT HD Concept sort of worked around things and we got 1080p later even if 30FPS for GT5 & 6.
I barely knew what iLink was in 2001 let alone what Ad Hoc meant back then, now I do and researched this stuff of many old technologies or understand Ad Hoc and other terms but it's just having the tech on hand and using it.
Having 3 PS2s is one thing of prices/replacements, friends consoles, etc. reasons to have 3 PS2s, 3 copies of the game is easy as it's a best selling game and racing so they are cheap but finding and getting working the order of monitors and enough iLink cables/a hub is something else as it's a dead format that had it's time and got fairly used I guess in PC land besides PS2 where it wasn't really used as much.
System Link/iLink and more just aren't a thing anymore with online as the focus and so no need to hook much multiple consoles to do this sort of thing of multiplayer besides split screen on 1 console still being around in some form/the more suitable option. Like DS Download Play single cart was just more suitable then multi-cart. PSP with it's game sharing and PS2/PSP Outrun 2006 cross save or ad hoc/multi disk multiplayer and not as much as DS (or not as clear) single disk play.
So it is kind of sad we don't need the sort of multiple PS1/2/3s with CRTs for LAN or the System Link on Xbox OG/360 that people have shown back compat or not to get games to work across all 4 gens of Xbox (for games you can do that with of course).
Re: 24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing"
Fair. But to me it's not nostalgia it's game design quality. I played 30 PS2/Wii/PS3/360 games and 1 Switch game to story completion. All not bought/heard of before or researched prior.
Did I buy Switch/PS4 new or pre-owned in 2024 yes. But I was more committed to older consoles for their game design.
Not MTX, not live services, not online requirement, not anything other then better singleplayer modes and design, movesets of characters, better modes/missions/events/worlds in any platformers, shooters, open worlds, racing games, other genres (1-2 modes nowadays and too much simulation of the tires/motorsports focus and boring progression, GT7 as eh as it is is more compelling of events but it's progression sucks, others suck at both progression/event types or Indie nostalgia garbage, platformers same thing boring Indie platformers underbaked and uncreative).
Bland platformers by Indies, yes I'm that harsh they aren't doing more then the bare minimum I want their take on things not copy paste/minor spin so pathetic I would rather play Glover on modern consoles when it releases then an Indie. Yes I'm serious. Let alone nay other B grade platformers of 5-6th gen. Indies push worlds/ok ideas but the mechanics/movesets and level design or even sandbox tasks are boring, done to death or so lazy.
I'd rather play better C to AA/AAA game design of the past or the odd modern games that's AA or not nostalgia trash Indies. But 99% of the time it's old games I pick up that are gems or hits or terrible and still find something in them mechanically.
Their past trends were more compelling, because the settings, tone, mechanics and more still had enough to differ in shooters of PS3/360, racing of 5-6th gen, platformers of 5-6th gen.
I wouldn't buy any PS3/360/Wii shooters if I didn't think their mechanics 3rd person cover based or FPS didn't have more to them and many do. That's why. Why annual racing games were better in the past of management, challenges, career modes or more. Not teams, the gameplay aspects are why I buy them. Tracks can differ sure but I don't care about them I'm not into the sports I'm into racing gameplay.
WRC 3 PS3/360 is as fun as PGR is for me. Or going between Forza Motorsport bowling/other event types. That's what modern racing games lack. Wreckfest sure racing/derbies but a sofa/lawn mower and more doesn't change event types lacking does it.
Hack n slashes of any era to nowadays vary of quality and less of them as more soulslikes.
Tactics games being more fair I find of gameplay ideas but Diofield was pitiful and Valkyria Chronicles 4 had more task variety/situations.
it's not nostalgia for me. It's game design priorities are different now and I don't like that. Des too focused on lore/writing and eh graphics then a non empty world.
I don't want alive NPC routes I want hive mind enemies gaining, losing or stringing their own moves the devs have presets arrays of individuals ones to string along randomly.
I want fiction to embrace it's potential not recreate boring pop culture or boring real life locations/history. I don't want elves/dwarves repeated with tweaks I want original creatures in a fantasy world.
Cars on planets. Making things that don't make sense happen. But human beings are too simple for that extra step creativity they won't do it.
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Explains Why The PS Vita Flopped
Western third parties went to mobile so they went oh well time to kill off the handheld studios. That's on them and their ignorance to balance things. PSVR1 they managed it. They didn't want to make Japan Studios type small scale games, that's also on them.
I was fine with Killzone Liberation or other type games, just because audiences don't always.
As more involved of tech as the handheld was I appreciate it.
But they didn't market the Japanese games or Indies very well or if at all. Fans had to do it.
For a dedicated audience or those that paid attention to it, it offering more than or under Wii U says a lot for dedicated fans buying one.
I didn't mind the dual stick or touchpad. I was fine with 1 stick of PSP just like N64/Dreamcast/Saturn did but with better controls then all of them as it had PS2 era control/feel of games in mind.
Different camera approaches were great. I liked the right stick not camera games with right stick of items (Pitfall Lost Expedition, Ape Escape, and more), dodging (God of War/Knack), combat, first person view, zoom in and out or not as flexible camera or more.
I found it fun. Vita is a great library. The big games I didn't miss out on for Wii U/Vita, I cared for the Indies and the PSP Minis, or WIi U eshop games. Most people don't. I enjoyed them a lot. I still find things on the Vita store from time to time I want.
Re: The Untold Story Of WipEout Zero, The PS4 Anti-Grav Racer We Never Got To Play
Part 2 from dream cars above paragraph:
The genre sucks on all fronts really, 5-6th gen for sure, everything 8th gen was eh good enough I mean Onrush and Driveclub are good, a few others but 9th gen is so bland and forgettable I couldn't care less.
What Ride 4 FM 1 & 2 region feature but expanded upon, or WRC EA 2023 car builder...... yeah not a lot exciting then just those to me at the moment. When WRC 3 PS3/360 had more cone/gate modes I had a blast with, same as PGR series.
I had fun with PGR2, others either like it or want a dream car to drive around. Having to cater to dream car/auto makers has made racing a boring genre nowadays.
Let alone boring open worlds with boring tasks in them.
I only go the circuit or odd highway ones with interesting ideas and they suck too this gen.
Re: The Untold Story Of WipEout Zero, The PS4 Anti-Grav Racer We Never Got To Play
To me the dream car mentality is why I find modern racing games suck so much, let alone manufacturers.
Wreckfest to me is a good example, no licensed cars but besides being a kickstarter is a kind of weak game, it's modern in the weak sense I hate. Wow races and derbies and that's it. Oh a sofa/busses and such.... It's modern blandness at it's finest besides the great return of Bug Bear staying around. Unless Wrecreation or the 2nd game are good I'm not buying it. They need to try hardly the modes suck and the personality is "FINE" but I don't want personality I want modes, I want something to do, not be bored with their products.
Same with Grid Legends, races, time trials, drifting.... licenses for teams/race cars is fine but weak in the mode execution.
Dirt 5 to me the lack of gymkhana that 3 had more of let alone it's sandbox on top of that. 5 is just bad. Never played Showdown/4. Don't want to if 5 is so bad.
Grid Legends to me was passable., but still a bad game. I still said it was the most fun I had for a racing game but of this garbage modern era, I still find it pretty weak of a game.
Legends/Wreckfest are passable products.
GT7 has the mode variety but also kind of suck progression wise of GT5 and FM6t dialed up even worse let alone too many cars, weird presentation that's kind of weak. I'd take Jeff Gordon NPCs then ok at best profile picture with text when Tokyo Extreme Racer has better talking moments in it in Drift 2. Or PGR2's dealership to walk around not a cutscene like GT7 has. Other than fair restrictions to events GT7 is 7th gen design continued I'd like but just a lot of awful things added to it while others are just modern, empty and dull.
Barely much track support as takes too long for them to make them. Let alone the worse track redesigns, the fiction personality is gone and I liked the fictional personality, not realism, and they look horrible/boring to drive regardless of the esports side to "fix" them up for.
6th gen was the best era for racers, the mechanics, track design, fair physics even if not realistic enough I don't care.
The arcade/sims were doing great it was excellent. 7th gen tried but they kept failing and even then the casual nature of some makes some of them baffling. As good as Shift 1 is over 2 and Project Cars 3's design, it being I play half the game and the end game opens up is way too over accessible it's weird to me.
8th gen was just too eh. Regardless of the anti-grav return by some devs or the Indies offering really boring nostalgia ones and audiences not wanting much we get a lot of uninspired or weak garbage.
I don't want a Sega Rally successor by Indies because people are nostalgic and weak customers. I want a valuable successor with fair mix of old and new but nope customers don't care. They want their emotional stimulation then better value. No wonder companies can manipulate people they are too stupid.
We get the odd stuff but honestly the racing genre is so bad besides the few with good enough modes, execution, personality of a Distance, Art of Rally, Inertial Drift, I see mostly a lot of eh too nostalgia Indie games too weak to offer anything exciting at all, and a lot of safe AAA garbage.
Re: The Untold Story Of WipEout Zero, The PS4 Anti-Grav Racer We Never Got To Play
Looks cool and furthers the like 2048 earlier eras, but to me that's just Xenon Racer and while it plays, not so great a better controlling future transition but not ships/hover vehicles...... Not sure how I feel about that really for WipEout.
This could have been like Unbound for Ridge Racer (ok direction but not what people really wanted) then a R Racing Evolution (solid enough competition regardless of the MotoGP3 menus/challenges for it's different side career mode then the story mode) type situation maybe but for WIpEout.
2048 MP no idea, but solo I think it was.... very restrictive in a not fun way for weapons/other factors. HD/Pulse were better and Pure was ok. Not played Fusion/the other entries yet.
Fury was good DLC modes to expand on HD and 2048 trying to be older era yeah with no equivalent (I get they want to fit the world state of 2048 then future but no equivalent 2048 era modes come on!!!!!) In comparison to Fury modes you can tell 2048 is a bit lacking there for too much personality. A prequel for this universe when modes matter, I couldn't care less about the lore that much as it really doesn't matter compared to other racing stories (even if Grid Legends could take notes from past racing games as well too with story/more modes or no license racing games, then again Wreckfest was just Flatout but no fling your driver at the things events so it was.... modern and ok but dull too, not as dull as many other racing games).
Not enough mode fun factor of zone/Fury modes outshining 2048 easily because they were too world committed or launch title limited. Either way disappointing.
Would have been interesting this prequel/older era again but not sure. Like I said Xenon Racer does it and it's eh. Onrush was more fun. Gravel thematically as a tv show type vibe and not much of modes was also more fun. The modes/personality/track design matters.
Still a collection because we didn't get another prequel/new entry is something at least but yeah disappointing. At least we got other games in the revival of anti-grav racers.
Better then WipEout Rush, what a great idea that was Sony. XD
Also with Firesprite as leftover or in some staff's case not of Liverpool I mean eh.
Then again whoever was going to make this or if a prototype during the Studio Liverpool death because this was what was planned/however much of concept/prototype or whichever along either way it's very cool but disappointing too that it didn't happen and we got more generic games to be part of 8th/9th gen (1st & 3rd party) and well the revival has happened and we barely see anything giving up a fair smaller scale WipEout till either on console. Arcade/anti-grav have it rough.
F Zero 99 is something but eh, not the same. Give us a X, GX or the story one on GBA kind with enough content then how fair the SNES entry with BR/other tweaks.
It's like GT Advance/Pro Series I enjoy them but yeah how they go to support games with 'console entries' with graphics when gameplay wise the Advance games are better with GBA limits & console wise the cell shading was fine but content was kind of weak because oh we have to have consoles suitable enough on console when GBA entries had a new track per EVENT, that's insane.
Re: We Didn't Get 'WipEout Kart' Because Phil Harrison Thinks "Kart Games Are Where Franchises Go To Die"
As if anti-grav racers aren't just kart racers or arcade racers with sci-fi hovercars/ships with weapons/no weapons but other goals, mechanics, worlds set in a sci-fi future like F Zero being survival/speed or Fast Racing being colour changing, etc.
Crash didn't. Sure Jak series ended on X or Lost Frontier. Some have kart racers but not all die. LBP had 3/others afterwards. Any puzzle game/party game/rhythm game spin-off.
Oh different genre. Uh.... as if trilogies/others consistent didn't get left behind for marketing, appealing to casuals blandness & when many left behind racing mechanics, shooters, platformers had more compelling of dream cars/easy to understand elements & marketed blander games that got popular/similar to mainstream stuff.
Why a WipEout kart racer to dumb it down? 2 brakes, zone mode survival, tighter tracks. It's more involved then a kart racer. Nintendo Land/99 have F Zero back. Mario Kart is just more safe for people.
I think it's more based on what it offers. People can go oh Mario Kart, the characters, tracks, nostalgia, the safeness of it, what easily appeals to them.
But that's for people not that interested and go for the character/safeness, none of them (unless care for wider then that) of the tracks, the DD 2 characters dynamic or missions of DS.
Well same with any dedicated fans then safe people.
I enjoy a good kart racer if weapons, tracks, characters, etc.
LBP Karting had changes to tracks, Modnation customisation. But who really cares.
Bad kart racers exist but the few good ones do land because of their adventure modes, their content, their handling to control, their balance of characters in variety and control, the track personality and more.
WipEout has gone many directions over it's time, even Pure/2048 differ from Pulse or other older ones.
It's a sci-fi/anti grav racer so has aspects of weapons and speed pads and other details from kart racers but still enough of it's own as an arcade racer.
F Zero they gave up on besides the SNES one for 99, Fast Racing/Redout are great, people just need to try more with mechanics, with world design/level design, teams, story, whatever to intrigue people.
I don't care for most nowadays because of the lack of modes, the lack of personality and more, safeness or basic design that's too shallow.
I can take anything without car licenses.
F1 All Stars was a kart racer but with real life tracks, team and more, it did a great job mixing the real licenses and the fantasy of a kart racer.
I mean Wreckfest is sofa/bus/others but racing/derby. It's 'very simplified modern' but it still has no licenses.
Devs just don't go as amibtious because audiences don't really care. But we don't need licenses for everything, I guess people wanting recogtnisable brands, or car fantasies or other things sure....
But those wanting more to the worlds, the fantasy, the modes.
I liked PGR because of the city layouts, the modes were good of the cones, kudos system and more, I didn't care where it was of cities.
Rush was not a good way to go with competition on model. So 'a kart racer' you set it up to die by mobile game competition when many on console the competition are and is where the core audience is.
Even a GT mobile with B Spec depth would have been better but I doubt they'd even bother and make it worse.
Rush was being idle but not a good manager game. People that play WipEout want control and the physics, the zone mode and more not a dull mobile game.
Re: PS1 Net Yaroze Game 'Insta Death' Gets Ported To NUON
Fair for more Nuon games/use of the platform.
Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change
I think the emulation devs are allowed to change licenses.
To me emulation to PC communities are just loud. Oh we can't have multiple mod loaders, oh we can't have different licenses for emulation, oh emu devs want audiences to shut up and let them work on it and have time.
PC audiences and modding or licenses or wanting to mess with things when it's not theirs. I get it, but sometimes they go too far and I don't as much disagree with modding groups, emu devs or others in software spaces doing things, breaching licenses, altering things certain ways, changing licenses for whatever reasons they see fit just because they want to do something with it their way.
I understand why Fabric and Quilt or NeoForge exist for Minecraft is due to toxicity from many modders working on the APIs/modloaders so we have now 4 different modloaders then the 2 it usually was but people go we only had 1, yeah I do my research, but fanbases are idiots and go eh we only see what we want and go eh this shouldn't exist and ignore why the many exist is due to behind the scenes they are too stupid to understand and want things in one place when it doesn't work that way.
They make projects, they get along, they change direction with the code/possibilities, people disagree of what stays, gets cut, etc. and they make their own project.
I don't blame them, they don't have to make these emu tools for us to use, if audiences want to be difficult then sure.
I get the whole open sources side of things and not profiting off it and with emulation especially being closed sources but dontation and not paid for I think is understandable why they do that but either way. Emu audiences are vocal and yeah I get what devs want to work with here in certain situations.
Why vet devs split to do their own thing then deal with publishers or other possibilities.
Why mod devs don't deal with the toxicity/set path of a mod loader/direction of the code or asset handling and other aspects and go yep our APIs, our direction for modding and we see other mod loaders exist is disagreements and fan bases go NO! Even though let them code, let them work things of licenses/the state of the emulator or give up.
The Aether emu dev gave up and said stuff it, I'm getting ads from this because of the audience or whatever the issue was. By all means I get why they did it and gave up but gets the ads in it and people go for the older builds of Aether instead if they can find them/don't allow an update to it.
Re: Namco's Tank Shooter Game 'VS. Battle City' Is Coming To Switch & PS4 This Week
Fair to see older vehicle games ported to modern platforms, no Tank Tank Tank port though?
Happy with it on Wii U but it was the only console platform besides the original arcade game.
Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word
3DO at least was $700 because they did something different to make deals with different companies to make the hardware besides the blueprints that 3DO set up for Goldstar aka LG, Panasonic and Sanyo, not what PS5 is doing being an enhancement over the typical console per platform approach we are used to.
Also CD-i people go oh the bad Mario/Zelda games when they had encyclopedias and other stuff for it. It was to push more interactivity hence the i with CDs, why not. 3DO same thing it offered CD based features and was more involved.
So was the Pioneer device with the Laser Disks and Genesis model and such. These consoles aka multimedia devices were very particular hardware for entertainment not just gaming. The Nuon as well, obscure but DVD capability and gaming. But special DVD players with the functionality. It gives off a DVD based CD-i in a way.
Gamers don't look at some hardware as more than oh said familiar IPs and gaming, I know looking at Pocket PCs or cabled/docked devices and people go oh the Steam Deck, oh PSP/Nomad/Switch.
They count but as if other devices haven't pushed other features before. As if 3D wasn't a thing in the 50s/80s cinemas, or gaming consoles, or VR for Genesis/Jaguar. Those that know and pay attention to that stuff do, those that don't, don't. As if smartphones weren't a thing before the iPhone.
Or people knowing what a PDA even is besides what Android smartphone looking things looks like in retail staff use these days then how PDAs used to be with more particular codes to talk to people in almost texting like short character languages, or confusing that with the other devices many office staff of the 90s needed besides PDAs in the yes monochrome, touchscreen, fair applications type ones that businesses or tech enthusiasts had (more familiar with the HP IPaq or Palm devices for example and that Gizmondo, Tiger Gamecom or Tapwave Zodiac had their Pocket PC/PDA aspects about them to a handheld before PSP came out as a media device/handheld) of the 90s/00s then the Atari Profile being a DOS device of the past.
People that see things in their price range, or devices that appeal to them they pay attention.
Or Neo Geo as arcade in the home then watering down the ports.
Or the JVC X Eye, Panasonic Q and others are more particular consoles too.
Sony's messaging/project focus/strategy these days is very particular. The engineers do what they do and the marketers/leadership have theirs.
The deluxe console, enhancements and no disk drive, get the hype of loyal hardcore fans, yep..... It's a fair console but for the price, what's removed and select games it depends if it gets people as interested as they were of 4K to upgrade to and other benefits PS4 Pro/Xbox One X had.
While Xbox goes with a 2TB Series X that still has a disk drive and no need to go for a different rendering technique because they may make the Series X and Series S their last consoles and go eh streaming from now on.
Who knows about the gyro controller patent and other stuff of the next console it could never happen for all we know.
Re: Argonaut "Hadn't Completely Understood" How Much You All Love Croc
I hope audiences don't go oh nostalgia, then go wait what this is how it used to be eh? I hope the devs do realise a percentage are nostalgic, a percent do like it still, a percent that haven't played it heard about it and more and could get the wrong idea.
Get the expectations right devs, audiences and more.
I mean I play a lot of old games from 5-7th gen to not only enjoy the mechanics but also get used to old control schemes, not seek nostalgia like others do for that emotional fulfillment they crave.
I myself do want to play Croc again. Used to own it of course, but like with Malice or others I haven't played am existed to play them because they just seem interesting to me.
I emued Mort the Chicken and yeah I knew it wasn't great either. I knew it was short, easy and you can't die as wind saves you, didn't understand some power ups at all still and it's an ok game.
Done the same with 6-7th gen shooters 3rrd or 1st person as just curious what they were like besides the main ones we usually heard about.
Done the same with racing, many have interesting mechanics, how seeing how they competed is just interesting to me.
So doing so for many 5th gen or otherwise platformers, hack n slashes, etc. has been the case for me. I love platformers.
Croc isn't perfect, it's tank controls made sense for the time, Rascal ended up the way it did and yet it is a better game in some areas of 60FPS or it's world creativity even if the camera/tank controls or the death bubbles and more are a pain. It has it's moments.
Croc is the same, the tank controls/strafe are fair, we do or don't get analogue support for this remaster. The Gobbos hidden, the bosses, the music and motif between biomes/underwater/caves, it's a fair game for what was intended as a 3D Yoshi game to then being it's own thing for PS1/Saturn/PC, handheld games, cellphone games and more.
Argonaut were an interesting studio. I mean they aren't any Travelers Tales with some cool tech in games yet make Lego ones forever now so RIP Haven Call of the King, Rascal or others of the past for them.
But like with Eden or Telltale or Avalanche or other studios with veteran devs returning like Yooka Laylee or Bloodstained or Judas or other games then the splitting off to make No Man's Sky or Nightingale type studios, so seeing Argonaut back is cool but the name and how they handle things/who the staff really are two totally different things. The name only means so much over the years with staff in studios today being very different then years ago.
Re: "Please Let Us Remaster Ogre Battle," Says Atari And Infogrames Boss
Them having Together or Ogre Battle 2 on PSP and remaster for modern platforms it did surprise me why they never did 1 or the N64 entry as remasters. Or why not just a port collection of all 3 they seem to be pretty lazy or pretty less interested and handing them off to other companies and seem to care less and less for those IPs which is sad.
I bought the remake of 2 and it's ok, not my thing. I'm glad I've experienced it though, I'll get back into it but it made it clear along with Front Mission 1st Remake and any others how careful I'll look at how older tactics games are (even the XCOM reboots were just as annoying at times) and I prefer the modern style ones quality of life and core design then older ones where while good just are enough to annoy me of grinding or core mechanics I just find tedious or not fun enough/flexible enough to enjoy.
I don't want to say only Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles, Fire Emblem or some Warhammer ones or even Mutant Zero are the best. Others from the past are probably good too. It's just the structure of them I find so much more flexible and engaging then the older Japanese games remade. Can't say for older western tactics as not explored them as much. At least of both Square's remakes so far.
I can stand grind but the limits in the 2 remake for levels is just stupid, attacking and it won't pass them it hits your party member in front is so stupid as well.
Front Mission it's fair and was a better experience but the grinding/win to lose ratio and I would have liked more selecting parts to attack not whatever health bars work themselves out during either attack as a modern attack method option. You know more hit each limb and see what it does. But nope. The games are fine to be on modern platforms but some of their details do annoy me. Not because oh too old but I'd prefer some other options for things as they are still tedious or silly details in some of them.
Re: Sega Almost Created A Wii Remote-Style Controller For Dreamcast And VR Headset For Saturn
Not surprised, they had a good fishing rod controller I guess. They used the GBA/GameCube as well as the VMU, did cross save on PS2 with Outrun 2006 Coast to Coast. Sega still did a lot of cool stuff back then.
The Activator also for Genesis. They did a lot of stuff.
Sega Pods too the self contained game with lights that had motion sensing as well.
Eye Toy was more software with a webcam, that PC did like in 1999 then what 2003 Eye Toy for PS2 was. It's called Reality Vision
Kinect as more sensors/more tracing tech in the software and hardware then Eye Toy as just a webcam with software to try and back it up, while Kinect could understand the outlines and more of the shape of people to track them while Eye Toy could tell as much.
If the Genesis or Jaguar VR wasn't cancelled at Sega or Atari, and more motion Sega went for which I don't know how much they did motion really it would have been interesting.
It's probably why fair rail shooters, fair Samba De Amigo Wii port or other things in that era they use to a fair degree. Depends what Sega had in mind of hardware or games. Those that were on board then were cancelled as too early, too risky, not a price point/stable enough hardware to make people less sick or awkward to work around things.
Fair software nowadays but their past is exciting always to hear about.
Re: Fresh 'Tokyo Xtreme Racer' Trademark Appears In Japan
@KitsuneNight Thanks I'll have to check that out.
Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?
Whether how Nintendo games are handled to the audiences, yeah there is a reason anything not Nintendo because oh nostalgia and oh they are so great because people are blinded when anything Sega, NEC, 3DO, PlayStation, Xbox, whatever.
I use all platforms, sure mostly PS, but had a Wii/Xbox and enjoyed them, prefer retro PS now, more into Switch of modern but retro of all platforms.
Disk System, SNES CD, CDi had more than just Mario/Zelda games, NEC Japan sales, etc. Super FX, Genesis chips.
Then again how many people know the Gizmondo/Tapware Zodiac did pretty much the same features and more then the PSP but the PSP is more well known then the failing sales of the other two & by companies most have never heard of or died. Capable of music playback, contacts, bluetooth, GPS & Cameras built in not addons like they were for Gameboy or PSP & more Eye Toy Chat before Wii U chat to me was a surprise.
But both handhelds were ex Palm or using a Rug company/other thing and used Windows CE like Dreamcast did in it's partial use, & whatever types of people for Gizmondo when it's well a PDA/Pocket PCs like any others of the 2000s before the iPhone or other pre-touchscreen/pre-iPhone smartphones came out Pocket PCs died in 2006/07.
Most care about their fav companies/pop history not fails/how build up, only popuarlised/use it & more on. Social/emotional priorities. You say anything about oh this could do this (Wii U community to say it could be improved here for future dual screen support or other devices) & instant down votes, a reddit for nostalgia/game recs. Always praise, no critiques or do but still suck up saying it's good. Sigh.
I've played better PS1 games/find N64 3rd parties more exciting, Mario 64 was well designed by limitations but it's not like other 3D platformers are that bad. DK64's it's barrel mechanic isn't great yet other games do a better job of the same concept.
We got Tiger Gamecom 2 game slots, where on DSi? Wii U gets focus yet phone apps, Vita second screen & Xbox Smartscreen existed at the same time. Impulse Triggers on Xbox One not even collectors doing getting started guides talk about them, Wii oh it was only this console with motion, not GBC/GBA/PS3 Sixaxis.
PS Classic, others, Jacks Pacific Plug n Plays, all nothing new before/after NES/SNES Classic. Nintendo has done a lot, but I mean Sega and Atari did VR or 3D glasses not just Nintendo, they did the modem/Sega Channel stuff not just NES Famicom Disk System banking and Satelliview games.
But yeah saving batteries/chips and carts not passwords, or the read write of Famicom Disk System. The Nomad/Mega Jet, PSP, Neo Geo X, Pocket PCs and PDAs all existed before the Switch did, a dockable devices or cabled handheld is nothing new.
Nintendo fans are in a box, the rest of us look at history from a further lens. Nintendo does a lot of cool things but I won't buy into a narrow vision lens of what people want to talk about when so many other companies did amazing things in history. Whatever gamers/'historians' and more want to present to people when sure some companies do hide things well but historians don't really get the answers, ask the right questions, get in touch with some people or care to do so or find whatever leaks from other companies pasts either.
Who cares about the Xavix Port by ex Nintendo employees? Probably not really many people.
The Game and Watch existed but so did Tiger handhelds, so did the Microvision, so did many others.
Re: The Game That Inspired The Term 'Roguelike' Is Now Available On Switch
@Axelay71 Couldn't agree more many in their 40+ have more money indeed.
Many in our 20s are getting our lives together still or dealing with whatever compared to those in their later years having more money, more hours in a job, a few businesses by then whatever the case besides a family or those with family members moved on by then.
They seem to pay more attention to young audiences maybe because more vocal, they pay attention to trends, the 'buy this for me parent' or other factors maybe.
Or maybe thinking older are more complacent or have other things they focus on? Which it depends on the purpose. Even though second hand market sales are a good mix of statistics or any other older IPs revived people pick up due to nostalgia when they get revived on PC or Metroidvania, Boomer Shooters or others come out and are old genres modernised and mostly enjoyed by older audiences that grew up with them.
Either way completely agree with you there.
Re: Fresh 'Tokyo Xtreme Racer' Trademark Appears In Japan
Oh please yes. I want more touge/hillclimbs, if it's more of the original series with the street racing that's fine and not drift series then sure but either way would so buy a new one if came overseas.
Whatever happened to this series or Genki for that matter?
The more arcade racers is fine by me.
Re: The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain
Looks cool but yeah that small and controller ports while impressive is surprising but also questionable how well travel or just balancing/sitting on a table it will do. Like a PS Vita TV it easily can fall off an entertainment centre. I assume not the case here?
The Nintendo name is also questionable as no license from them to make it possible, they might want to remove it.
Other than those things the sensor bar, the emulation/virtualisation of the Wii as no way fitting all those parts into there only a few key ones or parts and to emulate it.
Portable Wiis with a screen make more sense really in some cases but this is still pretty cool without the screen, buttons and other factors but still a lot of cables to consider otherwise even besides GameCube controllers or maybe a Wiimote to GameCube controller adaptor if that's a thing.
Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics
Under the Skin and PN03 are my Capcom wants, have been for years.
Been waiting for the Piko Interactive Glover modern console port but that hasn't happened only PC and I think Antstream or something else.
The Alpha Protocol GOG situation was a great sign to see. Saw the Raycevick video on it. Glad I own the PS3 copy, did the same with Spec Ops. But for PC players as the last sales for games like this to get licensing and won't a physical or a console digital at all. PC is great to see some survive that bit longer for people to pick up and experience.
Source code, licensing from the publisher then the developer, licensing for ads, music, movie footage, whatever they put in games. I mean The Darkness would be cool too but the licensing for the comics, 2K, the footage in that game for the To Kill A Mockingbird movie was a surprise Easter egg and whatever else.
Some IPs are just too complicated to get revived.
But glad Alpha Protocol was revived for PC audiences.
Re: The Game That Inspired The Term 'Roguelike' Is Now Available On Switch
@Axelay71 They are whatever profit, however many ways. Sorry for the long comment, had a lot on my mind.
Yeah the common age is what 18-34 or something? Which makes sense because they are the ones with jobs, making money, spending that money on games, hobbies, other responsibilities. Not in the kids/nerds era anymore or that only kids use social media & assuming oh casuals will just bend over for trends/popular titles, or other audiences they want to target that don't play games & yet they flop.
But oh skins and playground talk. I question it with journalists as well with their polls & the oh they focus on THIS age range audience. It's not like once 17+/18+ age rating they just give up on games. Same with TV shows for adult then highschool age tv shows/settings.
50s sounds fair. I'm in my late 20s but at the same time I got into games from people in their 50s I appreciate old games and do my internet research, even if mostly 5-7th gen, sometimes 1-4th.
I'll look into older consoles eventually within reach/enough knowledge about them.
Ah abandonware and homebrew devs.
Not checked out those Megadrive games I'll have to take a look. Astrobot I hope succeeds it looks excellent in the ways I want a platformer to be in the modern era on the gameplay side looks a lot of fun. Yeah got a PSVR2 as well, use it less than did the PSVR1 or HTC Vive Cosmos.
I agree, VR can be used in so many ways for Google Earth/Maps or other apps, even the Wii U panorama view was ok for travel videos playing, or any other games with a VR mode like PSVR1 yet nope. Or they could make other entries in a series be in VR. Why no Borderlands 3/Tiny Tina in VR? Some new, something old, something else.
Reading a PSVR2 article a few weeks ago, ah the excuses/wrong mindset is the downfall. Some people want realism or have no imagination/don't want to push other outside of the box ideas to get VR to work. Their design strategies/priorities are a joke it's just sad. An experimental system, with no experimental mindset to it.
That or control schemes like No Man's Sky to me felt worse on PSVR2 then PSVR1 & they still refuse to fix it. Or Star Wars the shooter forget the name of used the motion to reload but the motion isn't good enough to make it work. Sigh. Minecraft PS4 VR inventories has issues for months too.
Played Wii/PS3 Move games that understand the limits of the hardware & balancing buttons/motion then these VR developers do nowadays repeating the same issues, did the 2000s GDC talks mean nothing to them, they clearly don't watch them & learn the same lessons only follow same pitfalls.
I would have wanted Red Steel 2 in VR as it's one of my favourite modern design Wii shooters that used motion well I think in a modern shooter. Probably many rail shooters could too but we get enough of those I guess in VR but probably more recognisable IPs in VR, like a House of the Dead, Time Crisis or something.
Nintendo Labo could have had Duck Hunt with the VR kit even. It's why while Aveum/Space Marine 2 aren't much at least it's better to find some games that offer a solo campaign and not just be a typical military/SWAT shooter. If saw The Club like Project Gotham/Blur did well for arcade racers by an Indie would be something too.
Re: Kenji Eno's Groundbreaking Saturn Title 'Real Sound: Kaze No Regret' Is Now An Audiobook
This is really cool, quite the achievement to make a game for that audience but also make it possible as an audio book not just an audio based game.
In comparison to the Quiet Man (game about a deaf character) or other sorts of things (such as colour blind modes or closed captions or narrators in games or other accessibility features) covering the deaf or blind it's always cool to see what is made for that audience or characterisation of it if were in a tv show or game.
Re: Rockstar Came Extremely Close To Releasing 'The Warriors' On GBA
GBA versions are always interesting to see what they would do 2D/3D or whatever they could to mimic the console version or be a completely different game.
Re: The Game That Inspired The Term 'Roguelike' Is Now Available On Switch
@Axelay71 I feel that way sometimes with roguelikes/soulslikes and metroidvanias. People run with trends too much. Inspiration and nostalgia and continuing a trend for a long time.
Even as someone that has branched out to other genres and tried a few metroidvanias/roguelikes it doesn't mean I want THAT many more.
Was fine with tactics, visual novels, hack n slashes or arcade racers as shooters (military/SWAT but less sci-fi/fantasy), racing (pushing licenses and business models but boring modes/mechanics) and platformers (nostalgia, weak character movesets/level design with too much Banjo, Sonic, Crash or Spyro nostalgia but not the quality of them or distinction or just boring missions in them in comparison, I don't expect the same skill but at the same time they try.....). But happened in my experience.
I won't deny some game mechanics have come out of competition when I looked at platformers, shooters or racing trends in the past (whether a factor of preferred trends or not over other players preferred trends and eating anything up/experiencing a trend to be part of it) but at the same time it doesn't make things half annoying when not much comes out of some games and more in other areas or more studios not wasting their time with too many trends, flopping because over crowded market and not good enough mechanics, art, story, whatever to set them apart, when they could be spending time on other possible games.
Other mechanics, settings and stories could be told/presented yet aren't because easy trend money then putting effort in, sigh.
Inspirations, emotional attachment, keeping up with others, narrow experiences of games and nostalgia making gaming worse since forever by certain audiences and developers that are those weak audiences too originally because they have played so little and too attached to what few they have played.
Like reviving an old game that introduced a mechanic is cool but who cares what introduced racing rewinds or the cover system for third person shooters. Killswitch doesn't probably play that differently from some others Uncharted/Gears that popuarlised it or others with more or less flexibility to wall move around in cover or not but Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano does compared to Grid 2008/Forza Motorsport 3 that dumbed the mechanic down, removed the RPG elements that made it great prior and popularised it.
Same as some movies may have been technologically great but it if worked for the time why bother. Brand name? Even if good, would it convey the same, remastered, remade for an audience not always.
To port an older game that coined the term I think it's cool but it doesn't have the same value as much.
It just seems like trend and label/brand marketing to push too far and a waste of dragging it on sometimes. Labels/terms used and over used and losing their meaning and impact over time till milked dry, then the next one, etc. Some people are brand/term level stupid to buy things after all.
Re: The Crazy Taxi Team Almost Made A Resident Evil-Style Survival Horror For The PS2
So a camraggedon kind of game? Or something else? The Carbondale made me think carbonated like Sunset Overdrive style apocalyse kind of thing.
Then the setting of a different sort to be based on real or horror fitting or whatever else they can name things to have some relation.
Re: Interview: "A Relic From A Past That Never Was" - How Stories From Sol - The Gun-Dog Emulates The Golden Days Of The PC-98
Good interview, got the demo on my PS4, I came across it weeks ago when browsing the demos section as I do every few months apart, just haven't gotten to it yet. Not my thing that era of PC-98 games but was still curious what it was like.
Sure been reading 16bit Sensation manga so I have a certain idea of the era but not enough.
Re: Can You Match These Consoles With Their Controller Ports?
Part 2
11.CDX assumed as Genesis/Mega Drive would be similar. Vectrex because it's hidden deeper you don't see it as much. Intelli/Coleco it was clear due to how odd connected to the console they were back then. Very sneaky that one.
12.I know that revision, I know those blue LED rings around those obvious ports anywhere. Not fooling me with that one.
13.Thought was 7800, MD/G is very clear but 7800 is more underneath. How it's Coleco made me confused as you can barely see in there for controllers/addons. Fair one there Time Extension. XD I'll leave this one as a fooling me.
14.Amstrad, C64GS and SG1000 really threw me off then I went hang on the more computer like systems have those ports, then the spacing of the ports, then narrowed it down. Too many 9 pin ports too that's for sure.
15.Knew was what it was, the others hadn't been the case in a while, the computer Atari ones sure but the console ones were clear by this point even though knew there differences. The 1 port with daisy chaining and it being the FZ 10 version not the other 3DO consoles made me go hang on same port, different edges of the rest of the other consoles by the rest of the images/photos.
16.Very good but knew there was something about it as no others have that detail on them compared to simple 1 or 2 or controller port here or whatever. Yeah obscure/failed consoles are very much a thing only collectors or those that actually bought those systems know but for the rest of us that don't know them or do research them but haven't memorised all their details as commonly as other systems it is a challenge, but a fun one to guess them.
17.Ah the mostly Atari consoles question and Intellivision. Well the designs have their details but for sure I was like hmm don't know about that detail but maybe and then went yeah the way the ports, material/shape, switches being on the top or something that looks like a switch next to the port seemed off to me.
18.Easy at the end.
Really good quiz.
Even if I failed 2 early on the rest I was really looking going hmm what details can I pinpoint. So this round with cheating 2 restarts I got the correct with I got only 17/18 with those two if I wasn't restarting I'd have gotten a 15/18. If I wasn't looking too close at the images and guessed I'd probably get in the other two worse off ones.
Re: Can You Match These Consoles With Their Controller Ports?
Looking at the material, the other ports/switches, the edges (lined/gapped parts on the console really helps narrow it down). Even the ethernet or some sort of other cable on the Amstread helped. Let alone the S video looking port on PC Engine for me. 9 pins make it hard but the writing for Jaguar, 3DO FZ10 and the colour being original versions helped.
Coleco/Intellvision are really tough to work out. Their designs are clear, but where the ports are for the consoles makes it really hard unless owned one to know how they connect as I always assume they are cabled inside, meaning it's an addon port for the Atari 2600 or voice modules or something not controllers. The coleco black and no one I've seen in videos/images while the different versions of Intellivision kind of complicated things.
4.Really tripped me, the NG and MG/G for sure look similar from that angle. Restarted but did fool me.
5.SG and Mk3 for sure is very close to be confusing there. Restarted but did fool me.
6.Very tricky, but knew by the rounded edge and console colour it wasn't the others, and they are Original consoles not variations either.
7.That edge/line gaps for sure made it clear and yeah not surprised it's the revision.
8.The controller port looked like a S video port to me and I was like wait what. That and with how small it is, up close it's a hmm I guess it is like that then the addons or the other regional versions looking different.
9.Tricky, I knew the Coleco/Fairchild had more connected controls but wasn't sure if for additional controllers for some reason or an expansion port for the Coleco. Also never seen them in white ever so that narrowed those down. I know the Wii one. Never looked at a Saturn controller port that closely before but went hmm yeah makes sense I guess.
10.Made sense, the 5200 knew (also no white console I'd seen before), the PC Engine I was like would a Duo RX have a different port I assume not and the Odyssey hides them at the back so much (making it hard to see in videos/images when people cover them) and didn't have typical ports in later consoles. I have only seen the PC FX in videos (as with most people) but yeah forgot it had the port there as hadn't watched a video on it in a while.
Re: Platinum Games Almost Tackled Marvel's Black Widow After Bayonetta
For the character I mean. I don't know how particular of a choice they would be over other Avengers that long ago. But I mean besides the Catwoman game or others I think a game with Black Widow would be interesting for sure.
Not like some particular characters or scenarios or gameplay couldn't work to a degree. Or other movesets or characters were more favoured.
In terms of lining up with the movie yeah I can see that it makes sense but even if one did happen and the movie later then lining up alongside each other I think it could have been alright. Though Bayo 2 is really good so no idea how that or others at that time could have changed things.
Not played the licensed Platinum games of Transformers, Korra or TMNT though even though know about them.
Re: Feature: Cracking The Mystery Of Duke Nukem Advance's Two English Localizations
1.Opera then offer?
2.To me I assume US/UK version or some more edgy dialogue or just a more silly one like say Minecraft doing Pirate speak or something. Or just a cut localisation left over of a prior script.
Never heard of this about the GBA entries so pretty cool.
Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation
Another angle:
Sounds like a B team or C team or others just trying for a first game and just didn't make things work out. Even then just adapting to 3D or some game design decisions make sense for the time. Even some PS2 era cameras aren't great but they still make the game more interesting then the boring 'refined' and 'realistic/cinematic tasteless holiday destination boring moveset' current gen we see that's for sure alongside some ambitious AAA/AA or Indies or fair Indies alongside nostalgia or clone this popular Indie game type Indie devs making just as boring games for easy money from audiences.
Even if bad games many are still more compelling to see what misteps they had, why it got rushed, why it had that decision and design not overcome yet then people going only play good and don't understand WHY they did what they did in the design process, GOOD is subjective, how they got to that point to make a GOOD game takes time. Some mechanics of the past are excellent, they were good games just not profitable among other simpler and better marketed games. The simpler get sold the ambitious don't because audiences suck not the games themselves so to me GOOD means nothing sometimes. Can be said more many boring racing games and business models over genuine mechanics that made them better yet got left behind.
Same with many platformers I've researched and more appealing characters or familiar animals or whatever stories. Something simple for kids/parents to understand or looks cool not the actual game design. Because you can't put game design on the box. Just whatever characters and world they are in or just generic characters with a gun on the cover and repeated formats of artwork. Clearly quality games if the box areas are formuliac right? How can you tell a good game apart that way? Word of mouth of the story/gameplay right?
Then the most basic and refined games out there. To me any ambitious and bad are are still more fun to play casual basic games. In terms of journalists sure some don't' play games and have other skills but that's on the staff that assign them to play games when they have a different role entirely.
Even Enter the Dragonfly, to me it was fair for how rushed/bad communication between staff and some staff in interviews were right difficult people so not surprised even if 2002 so years ago compared to the interview period years later thanks to Mr FO1 covering many aspects about the game.
Even Dodge Charger Vs. Charger. To me just tweaks the physics/motion controls as fair button controls, and it's a fine game. Could have better menus sure, a bit more presentation that's worth it of excitement it'd be a fine game. Like Ford Racing 2 or Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano one make advergames that have actually good ideas of content. Heck Alfa Romeo started the rewind mechanic Grid and Forza Motorsport 3 dumbed down/borrowed later. Like Killswitch had cover based shooting GBA or console versions and Uncharted/Gears popularised to every other 7th gen shooter using it.
So yeah some developers make them but do try and push it to their other games (Milestone trying hard back then to innovate with Apex 2003, Alfa Romeo and Evolution GT besides the management systems in MotoGP 09/10 or WRC 2 and WRC 3 was really fun with it's many event types in it for a career mode).
Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation
Very interesting even music or story issues. Mechanics maybe too. I mean even if actually bad then just people didn't like it bad. I think it's an interesting piece of history. To show how difficult developing games is and to time things well with the hardware then incorrectly in this case.
I don't find many bad things funny, nor do I completely think they are bad. I mean games with glitchy graphics (not untextured remember many Jaguar games are good just not textured because of hardware limits or intended design).
Even besides unintended design I assume like backwards being faster or unfinished AI in Big Rigs. Games with 1 button isn't incorrect, some can be fine with it even if yes many times in development more are supposed to be added but the general input being the same then changed later is I assume what happens to just have the input code there during prototyping/testing.
But notable awful games in Japan, many I assume. Whether agree or not with experience of them it varies per person.
But yeah bad music timing hmm sounds strange I feel like they had to rush this game or really didn't know what to do to time it correctly or their dev build worked but the finally game didn't turn out as such with the build they shipped.
Pretty unfortunate. Bad or cancelled projects always cool to check out. It's what I'd do is cancel it/not announce it in such a prototype state trying to learn how to code/make assets work around models or other things and feed it to the console and just not say anything it would just stay on a hard drive abandoned.
I own a few shovelware games. I bought Alone in the Dark for PS2 out of curiosity (and because have a few horror games I think are safe enough for me to play, Zombi U, Fatal Frame 2) and to me it seems 'fine' annoying or awkward sure or not scary but otherwise I think yeah it doesn't capture what it's trying to but it's still interesting for what they did try to put together even for how annoying even the beginning is of the game at times.
Re: Cancelled SNES Game 'Cooly Skunk' Could Finally Be Getting A Cartridge Release
So the PS1 game finally getting a SNES release when it was originally intended for that platform, interesting.
Punky Skunk or Cooly Skunk either are very strange names but is what it is.
Re: Unearthed Footage Shows Early '90s Office Of Star Fox Developer Argonaut
Very cool. Enjoying Malice a lot, ah Argonaut still miss them.
Once I get my chance at Croc 1 again or find the GBC games/PS1 2nd game or do some of their others.
Re: Is This The First American Nintendo TV Commercial?
Seen the VGHF ad. Seems fine. Pocketable Ball/Toss Up Game and Watch.
Yeah the GB Micro mouse maze ad, the Yoshi gluttony one, some others. Spongecake with swearing for some rhythm game ad (was or wasn't Guitar Hero).
Many interesting ads of the past by gaming or even tech advertisers those are hmm very strange.
Re: Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel
Almost thought it was the Indie that made a different game and was making some that is like Sega Rally in the older style at first but this being a different one I mean sure.... To me the thing is I want more interesting ideas not just a successor or nostalgia excuse. So to me both aren't exciting enough.
Burnout was a good racing game for non-racing fans. Crash mode or just general modes. Making this is fine but it only does so much for that audience then it does the hardcore/nostalgic or me wanting more out of them then just a successor and nothing else to modernise it (I don't mean in themes/dialogue or generation I mean in just offering content of modes or physics or something) or make it stand out. Just replicating/repeating history isn't satisfying. Modes are why I find most racing games boring nowadays or the presentation in menus being so boring and streaming service like give me something exciting to look at, play of modes and fair amount of cars sure with whatever physics. But MODES matter.
Racing to me is fair it doesn't need to have weapons like a kart racer but I mean when shooters are as boring as they are and racing is boring me it says a lot when we get safe experiences. It's why Bright Memory Infinite (1 person, AAA looking quality, no matter how short, good refreshing ideas among that quality not just wow AAA quality, solo dev and recycling history sigh) was exciting and yet Immortals of Aveum as awkward as it was give me a fantasy spin then recycling history/other things a shooter generically fits into. Where is the imagination or game aspect of it.
If the tracks have presentation of seasons or dips or cars have whatever damage/details or whatever that's fine but I don't need realism I just other fun aspects in the games which we don't see.
If no interesting new modes or spins on existing ones and just the same cars over and over again or boring tracks why should I bother other than 'it's newer' or 'it's in such and such style' or 'it's how I remember it'. Using different cars was fun because of how you use them not just because the real life ones were there. Gaming to use them besides the fun of driving the real or arcade physics, what real/fictional tracks were fun to drive on not just the license.
Events giving reason to drive them not just yep time trials and racing....... Restrictions to the campaign events or different modes. Giving reasons to want to keep playing not just yep. Drifting being fun, cone modes, bowling, anything else.
The level design sure but how the level design is designed.
I remember more compelling niche games because of their ideas on top of the greats, because they had great ideas not just because oh insert cars/track/music/branding/nostalgia here.
I forget half these newer Indie or AAA racing games exist because they are so boring and nothing sets them apart.
Making games stand out is nonexistent anymore because the lines of that are so thin it's weird they don't get sued or oh it's different code or brand deals so it's fine?
Where is the imagination to try something different not nostalgia sell to us all the time. Give us something else "WITH what it's offering' but nope we get recycled to a tee with different code and assets but the same general experience. Audiences want nostalgia for particular reasons. I want more exciting games and we don't see them. I'll gladly play a new Sega Rally or WipEout but I got Redout or Fast Racing or other rally games I can play. I don't need insert brand here. I don't need the name, the feel and so on to be there. The nostalgia/emotion. I just find other games to play 'if they offer anything worth my time' but they don't. Just history recycling.
They can get good at replicating it but if it's nothing exciting alongside that what makes it worth while? Why bother? Oh it's newer and we don't need a Saturn or PS3/360/PSP gotcha or the emotions/what they offered. Sure but why should I buy the other Sega Rally inspired games?
I have had more fun playing WRC 3 the gate or combo modes in that were more fun to me of a campaign or MotoGP games management system or the challenge or MotoGP3's 20 custom fake tracks that offered interesting side modes. Why because they actually offer something different or FUN. Just teams or just branding isn't exciting to me if every game has them or the changed tracks/stages. I need something else to be compelling even if a little bit.
I don't care if it's a touge/hillclimbs that are dead or just gate/cone modes or something else more than just races/time trials/elimination seriously.
To me the cars are fine but I get more thrills 'using them in different situations' then just seeing the models/assets over and over again.
I want new ideas not recycling history for easy sales. If inspired sure but so many inspired lack their own ideas besides being too heavily inspired.
There is a reason I thought Ride 4 was a good continuation of Forza Motorsport 1 & 2's region system, it's a hard game and sucks as so do the many MotoGP games nowadays being hard to play but the different mechanics or progression is necessary to stand out among every other racing game and also show the genre can still do things not be as stereotypical and repetitive of annual games or recycling cars like people seem to want to. It's the most mechanically dry right now. Surface level offerings are just sad.
Why WRC 2023 I don't know how similar it is to Sega GT or Pure (the Disney ATV game) car or ATV builders. No different to if a robot had parts to separate but the chassis or parts from other cars to build with. Or could be fictional.
Or we could have Wreckfest silliness or Flatout it's obstacle course minigames. Racing games currently just suck.
I want mechanics not just car branding, boring repetitive modes and no new ones to offer. Sick of real life and branding being the thing for audiences. What happened to creativity or arcade handling. Does everything HAVE to have a real reference seriously. Why have imagination or what games are good at 'being ANYTHING'.
It's like with shooters they are arcadey to play yet have history settings we can't have fictional settings as much anymore or fictional weapons. I get the themes of reality and such is a bit much but some did it but still had fair ideas in them of mechanics. It's the only reason I buy 7th gen shooters the mechanics as the stories/worlds are ok but nothing special.
Even the upcoming Switch one is just like Grid Autosport but less exciting and too much budget in the cars/classes then modes.
Offer some new ideas, any different mode types not just branding/licenses and repetitive modes seriously the genre is getting boring.
Mechanics over licenses and 'roleplaying' or nostalgia. I've had enough of authenticity. I got that while playing the compelling mechanics in 5-6th gen as well now those are gone and the authenticity is 'fine' but not that exciting to compete with.
It's like many games dumbing things down all the time. From the rewind system from Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano to Grid 2008 to Forza Motorsport 3, to continued 10 years later or animal games to others. Characters get more bland to play as, mechanical depth just going backwards. Because I assume all people care about are the worlds/characters when to me they are pretty safe or passable but if playing isn't fun the world doesn't have enough value to me to explore it/enjoy the laps around tracks or other racing modes/event types or restrictions not just candy car rewards throwing them at the player when I didn't earn them really or can't even use them in events and why would I want a reward car to use in arcade mode anyway.
7th+ gen especially 8/9th has been boring and lost that mechanical or mode/event variety fun they used to have and some haven't been followed up. Like i said Ride 4/WRC 2023 as examples because the rest aren't offering that.
If people want just races/deathmatch how boring. Or just care about cars/guns sigh says a lot how basic or superficial things get or simple and boring to play.
Redout/Fast Racing sure or Inertial Drift/Distance but that's different.
It's like when games barely offer shortcuts in kart racers or the double characters or a mission/challenges mode, in arcade/sims I get they can't but I mean offer something exciting.,
The excitement in racing games is lacking for me because of how they handle them.
I like cars sure but I also want gameplay depth and I see it going away more and more.
I want a new Sega, Konami (Enthusia, Thrilldrive, GTI Club tomato or soccer modes like PSP entry) or Capcom (Auto Modellista, Group S Challenge) racing game as much as the next person but I also want DEPTH in them too.
Re: One Of The Web's Oldest ROM Sites Removes Games By Nintendo, Sega And Lego
Heard of Vimms but never used. Says a lot though. Archives or otherwise and companies go eh well we won't renew the license/resell them so we go and do this instead. Unfortunate but is what it is.
In terms of their priorities it makes sense but if they don't own the IPs anymore then.... But in terms of protecting themselves companies or these types of sites sure I get it.
At least other archive sources elsewhere exist but for how long and how many. It's like any old material of news and other games. They want to bury their past. Well we want to buy them, play them, document them, see the lessons learned, how audiences did or didn't respond to them, whether they can have a try again years later.
All that money, copies disappear. For niche games it's the worst but mainstream hits eh I mean you can get them anywhere let alone ROM hacks.
Re: Remember When PS2 And Dreamcast Had Cross-Play In 2001?
PS2 and PSP or GBA and GameCube of minigames or cross save sure or Gameboy Color and cellphones which that never happened I think but the GBC IR to do things did work in some games.
But crossplay between other platforms that early no never heard of that before. That or even PC. Maybe I did hear it somewhere I just can't remember.
With all the older console modems, Sega/Atari VR, 3D glasses attempts and other things of the past, horse betting, banking, game streaming over radio (SNES Satelliview and Sega Mega Modem/Sega Channel or N64 Randnet) and such to cross play that early yeah that's a lot of the industry trying for sure then finally getting around to it.
Re: LittleBigPlanet 3 Servers Taken Offline "Indefinitely"
@TechaNinja Cyber attacks/hackers yes. trans, no idea.
pick an article any article/source
2021 period this was happening, LBP youtubers touched on some things that's how i heard about it, not full details of course but articles offer enough
Re: Meet Short Stack, The World's Smallest Nintendo Wii
For what it is it's impressive. While GameCube disks are smaller even then the disk drive on the Wii Mini was enough to say ah yes disks do take up a lot of space on a console and people forget that.
So a diskless, Wii with yes the front of the opening as a similar to Wii/Family Edition shell but similar or enough of the necessary parts fit into a shell that size is impressive.
SD Card/bluetooth not surprised it's like having a hacked Wii basically.
The smaller the more tricky to fit components and leave good venting or however much they need of the thickness of the shell, the fans, and other components just fitting alongside different sides of the console. Unless they didn't need to do that which in that case is even more impressive because well its' the same shell well in concept but smaller and yet instead of spread around it's just trimmed enough then the thickness some boards have for their components or as much of the board is when manufactured and leftover encase I assume for fittings or just as much as they still felt was necessary.
Re: Here's How Many Playdate Games Have Been Sold Since Launch
Very interesting numbers. Didn't expect games to be that big of MB sometimes wow. Impressive stuff.
For players that's really impressive.
Prices seem fair for sure.
The Playdate is a really interesting handheld.
Re: iPhone NES Emulator Pulled From App Store "Out Of Fear"
Being on the safe side is understandable. But unless it uses Nintendo code very hard to tell how Apple will be towards this like the others were.
Then again will Apple if a Pippin emulator was on iPhone/iPad/Mac OS?
Re: Review: Piko Interactive Collection 4 (Evercade) - N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade
While fair. Still waiting on the modern console release not just Evercade and PC. Come on make it happen.
Re: Review: AYANEO Flip DS - A Great (But Costly) Way To Play 3DS And Wii U In 2024
Looks good. Expensive and any 3rd party solutions to mimic motion controls of any sort is understandable. Modern stylus or just a mouse pointer should work shouldn't it. I mean DS/Wii should be possible that way right you don't always need a 3rd party sensor bar for Dolphin after all.
The lid closing in Phantom Hourglass hmm I do wonder there but different apps/games on both screens as it's a PC I assume and separate on the bottom screen.
I have wanted that for years with official consoles. Finally. Sure it's emulation, sure it's a PC and sure PCs/phones have done this for years but I mean it's still good. Having a web browser or the game's manual on it. Wii U should have been able to do that. Like come on Nintendo. Let alone others. If DS could do two videos or two gameplay moments at once. I get better hardware now and yes of course priorities or that it's a PC still but sigh.
A dual screen PC can of course be like a screen controller or a dual screen laptop offer anything on it but I mean it's best for dual screen consoles besides just two web pages/study and a video. A guide/manual/movie and a game or two movies. Like that's the best part for sure.
It doesn't actually change Star Fox Zero that much though. If it were Wii controls which were used for co-op or it were tweaked (but it's emulation so a mod/patch/plugin to change controls if possible) then sure. But if not while I don't hate Zero's controls and they are very particular even if playing older games you get used to their weird controls even if most people forget/stick to modern. More could have been done and you go oh that 3rd party method fixed it even more.
Thing is because the Wii U/3DS had their limits or more differences. Like Wii U being wireless especially and TV casting or so I think coud have been possible. Connected so close or the way multi screen phones or all one screen phones of Flip/Duo do it to wrap around and such then a 2DS I mean possibilities are kind of lost or some OSs/UIs make you go oh that'd be cool then the PC way where well it's an app and sure but the other came with it or was built with it so unless it's replicated which in some cases they won't then well go the original hardware at that point if it still functions.
Or well someone create the possibility if they thought about it but most don't so it never happens. Few people think up the ideas. Most want games and simplicity/their favourite characters. Anyone into tech/game mechanics/structure no one cares about at all anyway. They just keep their thoughts to themselves of post them like I do. Doesn't mean anything happens still.
Still low battery. They push power and not good enough batteries inside or balance of it. Nintendo just gets better batteries or gets the software/TDP or more just right. I mean to me Sonys/Nintendos handhelds at 3 hours to even 7 is fair. 3 is short but not PC handhelds nowadays level of just a performance first, batteries so quick used up joke.
PC handhelds need better in that area it's getting ridiculous.
The form factor and materials seem passable I guess but even for the price, for the scale of the companies they are compared to OEMs usually seen with Windows PCs/Laptops eh I guess it makes sense for the price but still they need to work things out still.
That or Windows is also killing the battery life not just the apps/games are. Which is also likely the telemetry/other things it does all the time.
Imagine a laptop doing that. Do they nowadays I don't know. Let alone other handhelds by other companies with probably as comparable or even Pocket PCs of the 2000s that came before PC handhelds of these days. Did they have lower battery life I think so but still seem even if clunky better than today. Form factor doesn't change much to me if the battery/performance balance sucks still.
Windows 11 being a hog (that and not surprised these menus/UI struggles from the device makers or being different from Valve's overlay and other care maybe still exist it's just unfortunate many of these PC handhelds face still), being I guess part or pushed away from touch screens/tablet mode style even though the same marketing to a casual audience and the OS is the most joke thing out there of limits and oversimplification to things that worked well before sigh.
Multi-monitor/touch screen though hmm surprised. A different OS maybe but even then depends on the third party methods working on any of them Windows or Linux very well at all let alone 11 as the latest and so many changes/considerations instead then past Windows feature support more suited to the device let alone 11 being the default just because.
USB C to the TV is nice DS/3DS on the TV which other than Dev kits never happened. Or both Wii U screens on the TV interesting, or 2 TVs/two monitors if that works or not to split the images between them.
Motion/stylus are always tricky due to the differences of tech/screens nowadays for sure and methods to do it.
That or just say people even caring about the AR/camera uses of the gyro diorama videos on the Wii U eshop if anyone even used those. The first one was free after all. Compared to say virtual console where well other emulators are for that. Or just homebrew well there is ways for that as well of course.
That or of course Pretendo, Miiverse, Streetpass or others replicated by fans.
I mean yes Samsung dual screen phones/Surface Duo can too but to me consoles doing it I was like hmm if only we could have that Series S/X style two games approach or Windows 8 or Xbox One 2013 OS style approach of apps but oh well.
As to me from PS3/360 or 3DS/Vita/Wii U onwards with a menu or looking at trophies/achievements or manual you still had to close the game or had few moments where say Minecraft Vita 1.0 you can access more. Latest update it pushes the system so you can't use anything else at all. Makes later update trophy hunting a pain. But 1.0 version easy to open the trophies menu.
To me while PC or even mobile OSs have always offered it as not single app OS and multi OSs.
Xbox Series finally offering a similar approach with quick resume (not exactly dual screen but still allows swapping even if yes Xbox One app swapping and game swapping on a more particular scale works it just isn't the same).
Wii U having the manual pause for GBA virtual console just annoyed me. Like the limitations in those cases not just the only Indies and the odd Nintendo/big third parties found a good use for it.
Some are still TV first not Gamepad and that annoyed me a lot. DS/3DS you still had 2 videos from different angles, two screens inventory/gameplay mixed or two gameplay mixed. Wii U very few wanted to replicate that even though the Gamepad is the focus, is faster response time then the TV but people have to use the TV because customer expectations or not wanting to deal with a 480p Gamepad. Like come on developers what a disappointment.
This being a PC, sure the Xbox style button layout anyone that's used an Xbox controller with emulators knows to get used to it or re-assign the buttons to the ABXY equivalents to not throw themselves off of course.
Re: Xbox 360 Online Store A Hot Mess Ahead Of July 2024 Closure
@smoreon Clock 2025 limit (I assume not a Y2K situation? then the 2038 one that will come with other devices and their integer limits rather than this being integer just date limit to run out of, will they patch it or did they intend on going oh eshop off before 2025 or just in general supporting the services),
That and back compat internet access of OG Xbox games going away and any games not on Xbox One/Series back compat get cut support are the next questions I'd have for Microsoft.
If back compat does get cut off well time to get an OG Xbox then being selective of titles to pick up to play on the 360 but just more focused on an OG Xbox console to seek out.
They haven't mentioned or get asked about these questions by players or journalists as well only people that use their 360s think about it. Or probably just me as I don't see anyone ask these or answer my questions about it any time a 360 eshop news article appears.
The questions no one asks because they don't go looking for them but they matter more than people think.
Re: Xbox 360 Online Store A Hot Mess Ahead Of July 2024 Closure
@RG-Riven To me my only future questions for it is the 2025 (PS2 has 2100 I think I remember checking, no idea what OG Xbox or GameCube offer) end period in the system's clock (I don't assume it's a Y2K situation but even still the unplug and auto default to 2005 is fine to avoid it but will they patch it oif people want past 2025 dates?) and the back compat support being cut off after eshop/online services do.
As back compat is internet based (updates or just access in general). Unlike the downloads and the different games offered with Xbox One/Series X. If that happens well I'm not playing PGR 1 & 2 on my 360 anymore glad I did in 2020 when I bought up all 4 games but any future OG Xbox pick ups would be even more don't bother till I get an OG Xbox.
Re: Xbox 360 Online Store A Hot Mess Ahead Of July 2024 Closure
@TimeExtension Curious if anyone could reach out to Microsoft for comment on the clock 2025 limit or back compat. Or Pure Xbox could.
The thing to me is the 2025 clock limit, who checked that. It's going to be like anything with a Y2K limit I assume? Would Microsoft have to patch it to allow past 2025? I don't know what will happen so I just don't set it to anything 2020+ anymore I just leave it at the October 2005 day or whatever it defaults to. It does so by unplugging it anyway so like I have to worry.
Even the PS2 has 2100 of date reach or something. So I have my 360 unplugged to move consoles out and the 360/PS2 just reset themselves. That and the clock battery for my PS2 likely is broken as the dots don't rotate well. Or I just unplug it and replug it it messes up then when it's able to run better it does cycle the dots for the clock and I can change the date then it being just 'you can't change anything' and stuck.
But RIP the Indies on 360 eshop and other stuff or whatever left of physical DLCs like the Borderlands 1 DLC on disk I have but got a NTSC version (yes I have an NTSC version of BL1, Spec Ops The Line, and a few others on 360 or PS3, both consoles are region free out of the box but still for physical DLCs yeah be aware of that I guess the DLC would be region locked or region unapplyable for lack of better term/wordplay XD) of the game but can't use the Xbox One back compat PAL version download with the PAL DLC as it's only for 360 so that's fun. I need a PAL copy to add it like I have my Forza Motorsport 3 & 4 bonus content (both PAL of course) on the second disks installed just encase.
Glad got the demo disks for 360 or the Indie Triple Pack of Splosion Man, Trials HD and Limbo (I know you can get a Limbo/Inside physical PS4 as I own it, no idea Xbox pack). Even the Assassin's Creed/Far Cry 5 in 1 blu-ray disk I saw them in a retro store. Didn't buy them but took photos in person when they were available.
Also back compatibility OG Xbox games access on 360 will that disappear I hope not. It's internet based but not download like Xbox One/Series are.
There is a reason PS3 PS1 support is great even if hardware wise PS2 was cut. Or GameCube on most Wii models.
Besides virtual console or digital only back compatibility of PS1/PSP on Vita that at least OG Xbox isn't stuck on the eshop.
Re: Remember When Virtua Fighter 2 Was In The X-Files?
So moments like this and the Grandma's Boy Xbox game that was cancelled. The TV show with the Total War games.
The amount of games crossing over into tv shows is just funny but cool details. I don't wish for them but they are a nice nod I guess. Not for the licensing money for the time on screen though.
Re: Even Yu Suzuki Didn't Expect 3D To Become So Big, So Quickly
While they made miss steps to me 2D/32bit was a fair time. You had back and forth with Wario Land Virtual Boy, you had wire frames which weren't as much appearances since the Vectrex with Vectors or just early 3D with sprites.
I think it was fair to question it as it was a dramatic jump. To me even the Atari Jaguar polygon games. Sure the lacking textures are the case. Doesn't mean I didn't find the gameplay and worlds of Cybermorph less fun than Starfox I found them really fun for it's limits of the time of gameplay goals, the speeds, the world is really cool. Something like the car one was a bit eh just exploring a world in polygons is fine but not that impressive after a while compared to others on the Jaguar. The 2D games I think hold up better. I get oh Tempest but to me it still offered a fair amount of cool games and cool titles for games on the system.
FMV was something as well but yeah some it helps others it limited itself. 90s was a time for 2D, 3D, FMV, audio enhancements, effects, early VR with the Sega VR or Virtual Boy in a more 3D upon the NES/Master System glasses or the Sega 3D glasses arcade game they did and the Colecovision I think it was port dropped that of course as it couldn't do it at the time. Then GameCube 3D unused, then 3DS, Occulus then PSVR1 and more over time by different companies of now over the years.
Mario 64 sure the mission design and full 3D is nice but to me isn't that exciting. It is a step for sure but it's so overrated and I don't mind older 3D to be worse in some cases was more surprising. Jumping Flash was simpler but still a lot of fun. Crash was a fair 2D 3D transition for the time. Spyro did take from Mario 64 but to me it's minigames of missions besides sometimes just simple obstacle course worlds were more fun then more hub/open world missions or minigames over RPG style boring quests these days I don't care about because they aren't fun, the dialogue is boring, the worlds/gameplay are grounded and just not exciting to me which is why gaming is just so boring nowadays. Grounded for mass appeal but Infamous 1 organic dynamic momenets to gamey good/bad points scales. How immersive yeah what a step backwards there.
I don't think something like analogue stick realistic movement animations needs to be the case (would be cool but still) like Baby Steps but more on the hands scale and why motion controls are more superior for movement of certain things or a third analogue stick use case and VR is exciting of that next 3D wow moment successor just well like Kinect was good for other things besides gaming (or particular body tracking means over Eye Toy being ok but primitive and somewhat a web cam with Instagram filters of the time besides basic minigames and did do Wii Fit before Wii FIt, or Xavix port existed before the Wii did) not oh it sucks for gaming it sucks in general because to me tech can be used many ways just because people care about gaming so much and can't see past it.
Like to me I could play Killswitch/Dead to Rights by Namco and go oh so this is what early cover based systems were like. It isn't as much as jump as Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano yes a manufacturer advertising game people would think is shovelware innovated and in 2006 on PS2, not PS3/360 (limitations still offering possibilities hmm while other things yes hardware plays a part) like many others in the racing space of the 5-6th gen and me going oh Grid 2008 simplified that rewind system when Milestone had so much depth to it. Like to me that's glaring and rewind systems in racing games have been dumbed down since. It annoys me.
So to me the FMV/pre-rendered backgrounds or the Super FX and the Sega chip for polygons with Virtua Racing, Starfox SNES, Yoshi's Island, DK Country series, the other Sega arcade games like they mentioned of Space Harrier and Outrun.
To me games having 2D but voice acting for the first time to just CD audio OSTs, to more impressive backgrounds to me 2D games weren't a shame.
I mean even early Indies of PS2/Xbox OG/GameCube were more a wow of Alien Hominid and Yeti Sports, way before PS3/360 Live Arcade/Wiiware or PSP Minis/DSiware they were regular releases not labeled as Indies back before the 7th gen.
To me 2D can be more.
I mean just seeing many Indies be too nostaglic can be a point that annoys me. Or trend followers just like AAA but if your metroidvania/roguelike ok, or 90s 3D platformers big hit games inspiration happy or whatever fine.
To me I'm sick of the Mario, Sonic, Banjo, Spyro, Crash clones of Indies right now. I've had more fun with Glover, Space Station Silicon Valley, Chameleon Twist and more. Why because of the Glover character animations, or the gameplay among those games.
I mean if Space Station Silicon Valley in it's many animals is more exciting to insight me with Biomutant animal traits (dig, swim, fly, other animal moves, like the vehicle quests are fine but give me something exciting of the character moveset, give us fins or scales or something or just the traits to inject our character with or something actually platformer, combat or navigation cool) alongside it's gas immunity, and more generic animal moveset yeah. Says a lot right of left behind mechanically exciting IPs.
This is why gaming to me sucks and I'm so picky with games mechanics/gameplay for my purchase.
Visual techniques sure I look at but they aren't a factor for me. Even if 2D they are sometimes then just wow ray tracing, it's how they use it. Gimmicky not immersion when dynamic gameplay doesn't happen. Cough cough developers.
Re: Meet Naked War, The Wii 'Advance Wars' Beater That Never Was
Even if a update/reprint of the article thanks TE. Never heard of this. I'm impressed but sad. Hopefully it's got more support nowadays with the IOS or maybe other versions since.
Wii Connect 24 was very underused for sure with games. Wii U Gamepad support would have been good too. Maybe Wii U Chat support? Like Nintendo would allow it I guess? Probably not. So many more things on Wii U that could be combined with it I think not just timing of release as well that it would have been maybe suitable. While 2006 on PC wouldn't be surprised with how long the Wii port would have been that if not other games in the mean times to Wii U if not Wii.
Or some other way on other platforms even if Wii Connect 24 was the point to replicate that of the email option the game had.
I mean if Wii home menu can be used for Another Code R why can't Naked War offer Wii Connect 24? Oh Nintendo didn't notice as not a big enough company that sucks. But other Indies could? Or was too early for Wiiware even maybe. Or whatever other you need to be a proper business they wanted of expectations.
A still keeping the game going like many may do a Chess game is awesome. Sure emails/texts/other notifications can be annoying but if people wanted to keep a game going they could I see the appeal. The artstyle looks nice enough.
I laughed at the publisher part. I won't deny during that era it was happening for sure quite a bit back then as it does nowadays. Trend following, maybe squeeze your ideas to put a spin on it not just theme copy paste of the trend hitter.
Some great idease have come from following trends like the Gran Turismo clone era while in other case many great platformers have come about in 5-6th gen while nowdays AAA are eh and many Indies follow the same 'only follow the big hitters blueprint' either because that's all they played, all they know will sell or they are too lazy to follow suit with the other N64/Saturn/PS1/other 5th gen third party games that were awesome, still hold up and are still unique that THEY won't look at inspiration for.
Let alone come up with their own ideas as just follow the hitters of the generation. Nostalgia narrow minded and pathetic Indies (or customers too nostalgic and pathetic which can also be the case) as much as AAA in some genres/corner of Indies. Not all Indies are that but some are just purely lazy as AAA.