Comments 48

Re: 24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing"


I have never been a fan of suggestions in a UI which sadly Microsoft and Sony have fallen in love with. I just hope Nintendo abstains for the Switch 2.

MS/Sony should have left it at the abstracted, simmering floating-bits dashboards of the Ps2 and Xbox era. Reminds me of waiting by a fireplace or a bubbling skillet pot or a fogged up rain battered window while I decide what game to play. Calming with no distractions, advertisments, suggestions or auto-playing videos clutter.

Already casted the aul wallet vote. I wish we could just beat just them over the head with what was the main idea behind consoles till they see some sense

Re: The Making Of: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2's Surprisingly Stellar GBA Port


@ecco6t9 Absolutely. It’s the textbook drawback of using homogenised components and toolchains. The write once, run anywhere(& debug everywhere!) approach which I think Java popularised is in vogue now. We are left with unoptimised games on generic platforms.

I never had the console, but the Saturn is an example of creativity stemming from the “interesting” hardware design. I suppose most of the older consoles are like that in a way as this article suggests.

That unintentional creative parameter is lost these days. Can be both and bad. We now have bedroom indies making great things but also a whole ocean of ***** games to sift through.

Re: Taki Udon's Groundbreaking FPGA PS1 Gets Detailed, Pricing Starts At $149


@Poodlestargenerica I prefer not to upscale PS1 games. The textures are just too low res. I let the brain fill in the gaps on the native resolution instead which I would w**k-ily argue is part of the artists original intent. And, burying the lede here, I played the ps1 when it was out, so rose-tinted nostalgia there too of course.

Frame rate yes, agree with ya on that one, particularly in Gran Turismo 2’s case. This yoke-een will have a turbo boost mode if it’s truly a Mister knock off which helps tremendously.

Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History


Many companies protect game IPs from the past that they merely acquired nowadays. How many of the people who actually put the hours into them games still get paid. Is the original publisher even around any more? The whole law and culture around who owns what legacy/antiquated/obsolete piece of code is just objectively broken currently from an outsiders perspective.
It’s also impossible to fix. Take any old abandoned game that has licensed music in it. How do you even legally untangle that so it can be publicly loaned via a library. This is going to be a tricky issue made next to impossible by lobbyists pissing in the water at each step of the process.

Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated


@Serpenterror I agree with you there. Any time people try to make piracy or preservation (depending on the point of view) available to the layperson it is usually shot down. History has shown this to be true.

I see a grim future for these Chinese devices if they keep bundling SD cards full of games. Well at least in the US and EU markets. The latter has already busted an operation in Italy around this.

Taki Udon should probably observe carefully too a he tries to pitch a console-ised Mister. These attempts to lower barriers to entry generally end poorly. He may inadvertently paint a target on the back of the MisterFpga project.

Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated


My biggest concern of the modern internet is the centralisation of discussion, media sharing and consumption. It makes them easy targets for aggressive copyright claims. Before it was an impossible game of whack-a-mole for litigious companies.

It’s been going this way since the beginning of the smart phone app based internet unfortunately. A combination of less tech savvy smartphone users and now younger people brought up in a world with walled-garden app-based ecosystems has sadly created an inertia towards having big tech companies be the gatekeepers of online discussion, media creation and consumption.

Instagram(or insert other big corp product here) for photos, YouTube for video hosting, Reddit for forums & Discord for IRC and many more for other avenues. I even see people using telegram for Android custom rom discussions.

It boggles the mind to be honest.

Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming



I generally ignore them ***** elitists and dramatists. They ruin every hobby/interest/community if you pay attention to ‘em.

The draw of Mister for meself is a tiny <15W box that is quite accurate at emulation, feels like a single-use device and is more or less instant-on. Just flick switch turn on controller, and bang, you’re in.

ie. The traditional console experience that Sony and Microsoft would do well to remember.

There are still some major pieces missing, especially around the initial setup which is not trivial, but I’ll give it some leeway there since it’s a community project couched in the dubious area of roms.

Re: Egads, There's More Drama In The FPGA Retro Gaming Community


Why is this even an article? Put something more positive into the nether next time please. Ya know that amplifying this crap is damaging to the communities in question and therefore is damaging to the well you are dipping from.

In short:
No scraping twitter for sh1te talk. I can do that myself thanks.

Re: Samsung's New Odyssey 3D Monitor Might Be The Ultimate Way To Emulate Nintendo 3DS


@bippity_bop I’d say put away the tinfoil for this iteration. The chip on the monitor usually does the heavy lifting so it can be platform agnostic.

The only OS interface available to it is via video signal (HDMI DVI). Doubt they could send usage data from the monitor back to the OS and circumvent the sandboxing of the OS too without every Linux enthusiast calling their local politician.

Now if it comes with a WiFi chip for wireless mirroring then I will be borrowing your tinfoil thank you very much

Re: LemonAmiga & Lemon64 Community Sites Down After Web Attack


These cases are usually not targeted directly by someone. It’s usually bots crawling domains running known security exploits. I used to ask in the past why someone would target such a niche site. It really is eye opening when you host a site and check the apache logs.
The underlying internet sometimes feels like a crack district with desperate crack-heads trying to beat your door down 24 hours a day.

Re: Review: MiSTer FPGA - Still The Best Option For Hardcore Retro Gamers In 2024?


I really don’t give 2 fiddlers about cycle-accuracy and as long as the input latency is acceptable I can get by.

Why me love me Mister ha:

  • it is small
  • uses feck all power & turns on immediately (can’t stress this one enough)
  • doesn’t require internet access unless you are addicted to running “” instead of actually playing games.
  • it is reliable (unlike the Pi I set up that corrupted my Sd card within a week)
  • easy to sync new controllers and works with nearly any you may have lying around (god bless Linux kernel there)
  • Basic UI with no fluff or other bollocks

SNES/NES/Psx mini classic are other great devices in that respect. Instant-on & no service/subscription related ***** is the way consoles should be. Sadly lost by these newer “games as a service” consoles.

MiSTer should not be just for enthusiasts IMO. Taki Udon may strike gold if he can get a decent priced all-in-one Mister console going for people who don’t have time to set one up.

Weird. I can say bollocks but can’t say s.h.I.t.e above. Strange aul censor.

Re: Modern Vintage Gamer Digs Into The PS2's Much-Hyped "Emotion Engine"


For impoverished, mid-adolescent nerds like myself who were unsullied by the internet of the time, the Emotion Engine was a magic box of power.

My ignorant self thought it could recreate the entirety of New York in Metal Gear Solid 2 down to the buildings, where every single one was was enter-able, where even the post cards could be destroyed and where the populace could all be fully animated.

That was my expectation for MGS2 after playing the demo. Basically Escape From New York done in the Emotion Engine. You can imagine my disappointment when I first arrived at Big Shell.

That childlike optimism was kinda nice though.