"Years went by, and real life kept us both very busy, but we each made great progress, and neither of us ever considered abandoning the project. The GitHub, meanwhile, was never updated."
This sounds a lot like something the Wise Owl would say in Simon the Sorcerer.
I just finished watching the whole run! I love how he's chatting away and jokes for the first circa 100 stars, but then it's deathly silence! (Until the very end. Not silent then!)
It's a really impressive watch. I usually play Mario 64 every few years, but watching this is a good alternative if you're light on time haha
The way he moves about Tick Tock Clock is incredible. Just spending 5 minutes watching him get all the stars in that painting is highly recommended!
The amount of practice and precision involved... and the accuracy all in one go, for over 90 minutes continuous. It's easy for someone to look at it and be like "yea, so what? Is this even healthy?" and I get that, but it cannot be denied - even if the purpose is highly questionable - that this is an incredible feat. It's also a very entertaining thing to watch too!
The website says approx 140 people... seems a lot of effort for a few hundred quid. Or perhaps they are also deluded and thought they'd get thousands of people interested?
Even then, is it actually even worth it? I'm leaning more towards them being clowns and messing about. Still a scam either way.
I was suspicious when the pre-order was $3. Meanwhile Analogue charge $250 for their preorder.
Ask yourself this... in what reality does THREE dollars equate to anything being created? It's a suspiciously LOW amount.
Yes, an all conquering SEGA console would be popular... but popular amongst a small pool of fans (aka "us lot"). I don't see 10s of 1000s of comments guys... I see a handful. A handful of $3 builds NOTHING!
Also, and I'm sorry Time Extension because I do love you really... but the SuperSega website links off to Time Extension like it validates their product in some way. It obviously does not. It's just a news site... They put you in their footer and it looks like a desperate attempt at validation to me.
Is it just me with alarm bells going off that they're OK showing something this choppy? Less reading people's comments and making these videos - more getting things done so it actually works!
And clearly saving "the best" (the toughest) to last is never a good idea... I still have my fingers crossed they can pull it off, but they have a lot of work still to do. I'm kinda hoping for some radio silence now.
I played this using the Game Gear adapter on the Analogie Pocket back in June. It's a reasonably fun, albeit quite short and easy platformer. I gave it a score of 32 out of 50 (I was clearly my usual cheery self that day with that score...!!)
I can safely say it would have scored less if seal clubbing was in it...!!
@Jalex_64 Yep, fair point. I can certainly see why anyone that has gone down the upscale route may want a comparison.
I do agree with you on the respect piece too actually. I've said before (on a previous Analogue article - I think their Pocket GBC release recently) that they should invest some of their cash in a communications manager.
Whether that translates into sharing more video of their products ahead of sale... who knows - but at the very least we should be getting more emails from them, better social media posts (I.e. not just endless game gifs) and, here's a crazy one, updating their Press section on the website to have the latest information...
Even with the 3D pre-order announce, this very article is missing the fact it ships in Q1 2025, the fact it features save states, the fact it will function with the NSO N64 Controller- all because Analogue can't communicate properly.
@Jalex_64 It'll play N64 cartridges and it'll plug into a modern TV all for around 250 quid (once you add on postage and customs).
4K videos are entirely unnecessary. The 3D isn't going to make GoldenEye suddenly look like an amazing 4K game. It's simply going to make GoldenEye playable on a 4K television.
I don't need to see a video of that.
I cannot comprehend how anyone would seriously look at the 3D and think it's going to magically spit out N64 games in 4K versions. That's clearly not what Analogue are saying... the resolution has been improved. That's a given just to get it to play on a 4K TV.
Besides, who even cares about the 4K?! I'm not buying the 3D because of the 4K resolution. I'm buying it so I can finally play GoldenEye exactly as it is supposed to be. Not some buggy rom. Not the crappy NSO version packed full of glitches! The original game precisely as it was at launch.
Not a single soul on the planet has achieved that in over 25 years.
@Bonggon5 N64 emulation has been so bad for so long. This is long overdue.
As if it's taken this long to actually get to play a gaming classic such as GoldenEye properly again. People will say NSO was good enough, but anyone that played GoldenEye even half as much as I did back in the day will be able to spot, at regular intervals, things that just aren't right.
Nintendo used to be all about the tiny details. Switch era has been a huge success for them, but I tell you what, their standards have dropped a little.
Got one in white! Looking forward to it arriving hopefully nice and early next year.
Still available more than 30 minutes later. Looks like they're going to push the button on manufacture once they have a steer on volume to make.
Seems a fair and honest method to me - nobody can say they didn't have the chance... the "3D coming in 2024" has been advertised on their website for around a year, the pre-order warning was almost a week and had plenty of coverage including two reminder emails from Analogue and the store opened on time and handled the order perfectly.
They're a cute collectable, but they're just too fiddly and small to be anything else.
I really dislike their promotional photo that makes them seem bigger than they are too. I get it's a fun image, but it's also pretty misleading having it as the lead image like that.
@romanista I know I'm replying to your comment from over a year ago (lol) but I actually have a good reason! I've been adding loads of games to my Pocket library over the past 6 months, but I noticed the date added that it stores does not have the year...
... so I was hoping you could check to see what it does when you add a game a year later? Does it just say the date and time and there's no way of knowing which came first? Or does it add the year?
It's a shame there isn't a stronger selection of Lynx games on the Atari edition. Scrapyard Dog is a highlight, but there's a lot of great games missing.
EDIT: seems there are two Lynx Evercade cartridges which cover a few more of the classics. Still a LOT of gaps though. It's a shame we can't get everything covered off especially since the Lynx only had 70-odd official games released.
Genuinely cannot wait to play ISS 64 on the Analogue 3D. We are missing that arcade style football game today. FIFA/EAFC went down the hyper realism road, but that's gotten so sterile and boring.
ISS had some memorable commentary": "That looked like a penalty to me...!" "Fresh blood is coming on...". AND I loved the scenarios section where you had to secure a particular result in history.
I've already got my eye on Bitmap's N64 and GBA books that are out next month (N64 is a reprint I believe, good timing!) so I don't think I can justify this one on top... maybe further down the road. Does look good though.
@PopetheRev28 I don't know about previous Analogue releases but here's what I've experienced with the 3D.
1. They told us it was coming months and months ago.
2. They allowed us to sign up for an email when details of the pre-order would be revealed.
3. I received the email and I now have exact details of the pre-order a solid 5 full days before it opens.
So they've told me what it is. They've given me loads of time to save some money up. Theyve given me plenty of time to see the ore-order date. And they've told me exactly when and where to secure that pre-order.
If you really want one... then it's right there ready for you at 4pm BST on Monday.
Is that even a lot of effort? No it isn't. Can you rock up in Novemeber to get one? Of course not - and whilst I appreciate the low level stock is irritating for a lot of people, it's not going to impact the early adopters.
I've always wanted DJ Yoda to do something like this. He does reference videogames on his 80s Mix tape, but a full standalone mix and live show would be awesome. He's still touring (has done a history of hip hop set in 2024) so it's possible...!
The Dreamcast is going to have a second wind in the next few years. I never experienced it the first time around, I've deliberately avoided playing anything on ROMs etc. always with the plan to properly get stuck into it one day. That day is getting close.
@ChromaticDracula I was reading an article about the N64 version of Resident Evil 2 just the other day. Apparently it's the only Resident Evil game that 1. Has cheat codes (which is going to be a whole lot of fun for a second play through) and 2. Has the ability to toggle the gore level (just a fun option! Got to love Nintendo's take that it's the "pixelated red blobs" that make the game inappropriate in some way...! When it's actually practically everything else in the game lol)
@KingMike Yep, that's all true too... but Nintendo could re-release the old games. They could do limited editions, they could do collections (multiple titles on one cartridge), they could sell literally just the cartridge.
Nintendo should already have all the boxes, instruction manuals and pack art available as a resource. It's wrong of them to not have this widely available - just like how you can go on LEGO and get any instructions you need (even LEGO Dimensions). I appreciate there's the commercial side of things, but I really feel Nintendo don't do enough on all things retro - and I'm only picking on them because they have such a fantastic and rich history. I could point the finger just as easily at someone like Konami too.
@ChromaticDracula Yep, it's one of the highlights for sure. Battle for Naboo and Shadows Of the Empire too... I'm also really looking forward to playing Resident Evil 2 on the N64 for the very first time.
I didn't see it mentioned in the article, but in case anyone was curious... there are screenshots on the Analogue website that show Save States are included. Pretty significant detail in terms of being able to pick up and play through these games.
@Razieluigi Yep, I take your point that Nintendo have far bigger fish to fry. I still think they are missing a trick - it's as good a complimentary business as Amiibo and alarm clocks I'd say.
@Friendly That's a good point regarding LE colour versions. Not sure they'll do it with the 3D as demand is likely to be considerably lower than the Pocket, but maybe one day I guess.
@Serpenterror the NES mini and the SNES mini suggest otherwise. Nintendo would absolutely clean up if they released a new Gameboy that played original carts, Color and Advance. They would also clean up if they re-released original carts in limited volumes - you know... kinda like the Amiibos... but with an actual purpose. They could even stick a chip in the games so they unlock things like an amiibo.
Really simple, low risk, high reward stuff targeting the massive untapped retro games economy that is thriving.
But they give us NSO! I love them... but they are fools.
Likewise, SEGA would clean up with a Dreamcast or a Saturn. But no... we get yet another frigging Mega Drive collection with the same games. Over and over again. I mean you wouldn't believe it would you? Analogue selling gameboys at 250 a pop that can even play game gear games.
@N00BiSH I always thought they designed their stuff this way deliberately as it puts the focus on the Game. As in, the game stands out as the colour vs the backdrop.
@zer0coast Analogue are far from perfect and do many things that irritate me, but the Analogue Pocket is absolutely brilliant.
I agree we'd all have a better product if Nintendo did it themselves... but er, they haven't? In fact the great Nintendo gave us crappy mini consoles with a handful of games.
(Would it hurt them to indicate shipping date? Before Christmas...? After? Who knows?!)
EDIT: Analogue have updated their store listing ahead of pre-order opening. The 3D will ship in Q1 2025.
@Damo You should mention that it supports Save States. I know the Analogue writeup doesn't mention it, but it's visible in the screenshots they've shared. It shows "Memories" and you can see "Save States".
I remember Christmas 97 I got a red N64 controller and 2 games. At the time I remember being a bit surprised by the 2 choices, but they turned out to be really great games.
It wasn't Diddy Kong Racing and GoldenEye (although unsurprisingly those both got plenty of play via friends who pretty much all had those same games).
It was Top Gear Rally and Doom 64. Even today, I think Doom 64 is a great game and an excellent Doom game.
As I said on a previous article earlier in the year... the save states will come. There seemed to be a mad rush to add more and more cores at first, but finally, we are now seeing the earlier systems being revisited and much needed features are being added.
I don't remember this ever being a debate... we all sang Land round our parts.
(And when I say we sang it, I mean for the couple of weeks when we played it relentlessly after launch! We pretty soon stopped singing it as it's actually quite annoying!!!)
@Elitepatriot I'm holding off PS1 until much later. I'm currently working my way through all the Analogue Pocket supported cartridges (Gameboy, Color, Advance, Game Gear, Turbografx, Neo Geo Pocket and Atari Lynx). Growing up I had a Gameboy with a handful of games and never owned any of those other systems. It's been a hugely rewarding experience going back and researching the big games, buying the cartridges and then playing the games one by one, in full to completion, like they were new releases.
I've even been reading old magazines on my phone haha RAZE magazine only had 12 issues, but they can all be downloaded in PDF and it covers the Atari Lynx, Game Gear and Game Boy!
My plan is to stick with the handhelds for the next few years and then move onto Dreamcast and Saturn - I owned an N64 and a PS One. Never had a Dreamcast or Saturn.
I may be in a minority of people that doesn't play ROMs anymore. I did it with the NES, SNES and Mega Drive (thankfully not the Master System - so Game Gear has been all new experiences) and I found that having it all available, you just jump around all the games and don't play them or enjoy them properly. It's almost stressful having it all just there. I had no respect for the games, and that meant I ended up barely playing them. It's like having a huge backlog on Steam.
Looking forward to revisiting PS One, but yea, highly recommend diving into a system you've never played before too!
@LowDefAl I disagree. All you have to do is a little bit of research (prices, ratings, reviews), follow the "if it sounds too good to be true..." rule and if you have any doubts ensure you buy using a credit card - then you can charge the scammer back if you got caught out.
More often than not, the person getting scammed on something falls for something being cheaper than it would normally be... I don't have much sympathy for those people to be frank. Pay the average price and you'll reduce the risk straight away.
I'm trying to work out where this ranks versus an adult colouring book in the list of things to do once you've completed absolutely everything that's possible to do...
Funny timing this as I finished the Game Gear version just a few weeks ago. It's a pretty good game for the time and platform. It captures the Garfield character really well and the levels have some good variety in them.
@Lanmanna I'm not comparing VB to, say PSVR, I'm just pointing out that VR is just as dreadful today as it has ever been.
The sales are low.
The technology is mediocre. The size of that battery pack. On my head...
The software is non existent.
But that's all nothing compared to the fact that nobody is even close to fulfilling the potential...
In 2024 I still can't use VR/AR to put a flat pack wardrobe together with ease.
I can't "visit" locations on a map - nowhere. Not even famous landmarks, let alone local beauty spots or even a shopping centre to see exactly where a shop is located / how accessible the store is.
I can't "sit" in the stadium of the World Cup Final and look around whilst the match plays out.
Nobody is selling me a VR ticket to a music festival. I watch Glastonbury on a flat TV screen. Still. Why? Why am I not being offered... say £50 for access to any stage I want, to watch anything I want at the show? The cameras are all there...?!
Seriously. VR and AR are closer to Virtual Boy than they are to being anywhere near meeting their potential.
I thought it was widely accepted that the Virtual Boy was vindicated by the fact it all but certainly laid down the foundations of, eventual, success with the 3DS?
I think the Virtual Boy is impressive for the time. Not being funny, but it's not like VR is anywhere near decent even now, in 2024.
AR and VR have massively stalled. Wearable technology in general has massively stalled. We haven't even reached a point where everyone wears a smart watch, let alone all the other items you would think could and should follow.
In terms of the merchandise... pretty uninspiring isn't it? A whole load of tat and a t shirt (which is all but certainly terrible quality and will look dreadful after 3 washes) if we're being honest?
Comments 199
Re: "Ours Will Be The Translation Worth Playing" - Team Behind Decade-Old Princess Crown Localisation Speak Out
"Years went by, and real life kept us both very busy, but we each made great progress, and neither of us ever considered abandoning the project. The GitHub, meanwhile, was never updated."
This sounds a lot like something the Wise Owl would say in Simon the Sorcerer.
That is all.
Re: Legendary Mario 64 Speedrunner Suigi Just Set A "Historic" World Record
I just finished watching the whole run! I love how he's chatting away and jokes for the first circa 100 stars, but then it's deathly silence! (Until the very end. Not silent then!)
It's a really impressive watch. I usually play Mario 64 every few years, but watching this is a good alternative if you're light on time haha
The way he moves about Tick Tock Clock is incredible. Just spending 5 minutes watching him get all the stars in that painting is highly recommended!
The amount of practice and precision involved... and the accuracy all in one go, for over 90 minutes continuous. It's easy for someone to look at it and be like "yea, so what? Is this even healthy?" and I get that, but it cannot be denied - even if the purpose is highly questionable - that this is an incredible feat. It's also a very entertaining thing to watch too!
Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console
@Razieluigi Yea, that's the "scam".
The website says approx 140 people... seems a lot of effort for a few hundred quid. Or perhaps they are also deluded and thought they'd get thousands of people interested?
Even then, is it actually even worth it? I'm leaning more towards them being clowns and messing about. Still a scam either way.
Re: Legendary Mario 64 Speedrunner Suigi Just Set A "Historic" World Record
@-wc- I remember my first time getting all 120 stars, and then finding Yoshi on the roof. Good times!
I recommend the DS version if you haven't already, as a way of revisiting but a few new elements too.
Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console
I believe it's a scam.
The promotional video is proof.
I was suspicious when the pre-order was $3. Meanwhile Analogue charge $250 for their preorder.
Ask yourself this... in what reality does THREE dollars equate to anything being created? It's a suspiciously LOW amount.
Yes, an all conquering SEGA console would be popular... but popular amongst a small pool of fans (aka "us lot"). I don't see 10s of 1000s of comments guys... I see a handful. A handful of $3 builds NOTHING!
Also, and I'm sorry Time Extension because I do love you really... but the SuperSega website links off to Time Extension like it validates their product in some way. It obviously does not. It's just a news site... They put you in their footer and it looks like a desperate attempt at validation to me.
So I conclude it's a scam.
Re: Legendary Mario 64 Speedrunner Suigi Just Set A "Historic" World Record
Wow! Good job! That's stressful even just to watch lol
Re: There's Some Drama Surrounding The New Princess Crown English Patch
This does beg the question... why hasn't a more recent version been shared? They've used 0.2 but you claim to be on 0.9?!
Really?! 7 versions without sharing? I'm not surprised someone pressed on with 0.2.
Re: Worms' Creator Shows Off Impressive Easter Egg-Filled Red Dwarf Level
Surely the Red Dwarf's opponents should be the smeg heads!
Re: Random: That Time Sega Got Donald Duck In Trouble With Disney For Animal Cruelty
@MontyCircus I know right? How on earth did people think ground beef was made?!
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
Is it just me with alarm bells going off that they're OK showing something this choppy? Less reading people's comments and making these videos - more getting things done so it actually works!
And clearly saving "the best" (the toughest) to last is never a good idea... I still have my fingers crossed they can pull it off, but they have a lot of work still to do. I'm kinda hoping for some radio silence now.
Re: Random: That Time Sega Got Donald Duck In Trouble With Disney For Animal Cruelty
I played this using the Game Gear adapter on the Analogie Pocket back in June. It's a reasonably fun, albeit quite short and easy platformer. I gave it a score of 32 out of 50 (I was clearly my usual cheery self that day with that score...!!)
I can safely say it would have scored less if seal clubbing was in it...!!
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Are Open Now
@Jalex_64 Yep, fair point. I can certainly see why anyone that has gone down the upscale route may want a comparison.
I do agree with you on the respect piece too actually. I've said before (on a previous Analogue article - I think their Pocket GBC release recently) that they should invest some of their cash in a communications manager.
Whether that translates into sharing more video of their products ahead of sale... who knows - but at the very least we should be getting more emails from them, better social media posts (I.e. not just endless game gifs) and, here's a crazy one, updating their Press section on the website to have the latest information...
Even with the 3D pre-order announce, this very article is missing the fact it ships in Q1 2025, the fact it features save states, the fact it will function with the NSO N64 Controller- all because Analogue can't communicate properly.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Are Open Now
@Jalex_64 It'll play N64 cartridges and it'll plug into a modern TV all for around 250 quid (once you add on postage and customs).
4K videos are entirely unnecessary. The 3D isn't going to make GoldenEye suddenly look like an amazing 4K game. It's simply going to make GoldenEye playable on a 4K television.
I don't need to see a video of that.
I cannot comprehend how anyone would seriously look at the 3D and think it's going to magically spit out N64 games in 4K versions. That's clearly not what Analogue are saying... the resolution has been improved. That's a given just to get it to play on a 4K TV.
Besides, who even cares about the 4K?! I'm not buying the 3D because of the 4K resolution. I'm buying it so I can finally play GoldenEye exactly as it is supposed to be. Not some buggy rom. Not the crappy NSO version packed full of glitches! The original game precisely as it was at launch.
Not a single soul on the planet has achieved that in over 25 years.
Analogue deserve a bit more respect imo.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Are Open Now
Interesting that the white has gone out of stock. Black is still available to pre-order.
Based on the comments above, most went with black, so perhaps they made less white?
Re: Fan Creates A "First Of Its Kind" Xbox Portable Using Real Hardware
@Blue_Rover Haha just a smidge indeed.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Are Open Now
@Bonggon5 N64 emulation has been so bad for so long. This is long overdue.
As if it's taken this long to actually get to play a gaming classic such as GoldenEye properly again. People will say NSO was good enough, but anyone that played GoldenEye even half as much as I did back in the day will be able to spot, at regular intervals, things that just aren't right.
Nintendo used to be all about the tiny details. Switch era has been a huge success for them, but I tell you what, their standards have dropped a little.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
Got one in white! Looking forward to it arriving hopefully nice and early next year.
Still available more than 30 minutes later. Looks like they're going to push the button on manufacture once they have a steer on volume to make.
Seems a fair and honest method to me - nobody can say they didn't have the chance... the "3D coming in 2024" has been advertised on their website for around a year, the pre-order warning was almost a week and had plenty of coverage including two reminder emails from Analogue and the store opened on time and handled the order perfectly.
Re: Taito Staff Get Hands-On With Quarter Arcades Elevator Action, Qix And Zoo Keeper Mini-Cabs
They're a cute collectable, but they're just too fiddly and small to be anything else.
I really dislike their promotional photo that makes them seem bigger than they are too. I get it's a fun image, but it's also pretty misleading having it as the lead image like that.
Re: Analogue Pocket Update Adds New Library Function
@romanista Nice one, thanks mate. Yea it always seemed odd to me that they included the time the game was added to the library but not the year!
Re: Analogue Pocket Update Adds New Library Function
@romanista I know I'm replying to your comment from over a year ago (lol) but I actually have a good reason! I've been adding loads of games to my Pocket library over the past 6 months, but I noticed the date added that it stores does not have the year...
... so I was hoping you could check to see what it does when you add a game a year later? Does it just say the date and time and there's no way of knowing which came first? Or does it add the year?
Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions
It's a shame there isn't a stronger selection of Lynx games on the Atari edition. Scrapyard Dog is a highlight, but there's a lot of great games missing.
EDIT: seems there are two Lynx Evercade cartridges which cover a few more of the classics. Still a LOT of gaps though. It's a shame we can't get everything covered off especially since the Lynx only had 70-odd official games released.
Re: Review: A Tale Of Two Halves: The History Of Football Video Games
Genuinely cannot wait to play ISS 64 on the Analogue 3D. We are missing that arcade style football game today. FIFA/EAFC went down the hyper realism road, but that's gotten so sterile and boring.
ISS had some memorable commentary": "That looked like a penalty to me...!" "Fresh blood is coming on...". AND I loved the scenarios section where you had to secure a particular result in history.
I've already got my eye on Bitmap's N64 and GBA books that are out next month (N64 is a reprint I believe, good timing!) so I don't think I can justify this one on top... maybe further down the road. Does look good though.
Re: Raise A Glass To A Video Game Icon With This New Atari Decanter Set
For the retro gamer in your life that literally has everything... lol
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@PopetheRev28 I don't know about previous Analogue releases but here's what I've experienced with the 3D.
1. They told us it was coming months and months ago.
2. They allowed us to sign up for an email when details of the pre-order would be revealed.
3. I received the email and I now have exact details of the pre-order a solid 5 full days before it opens.
So they've told me what it is. They've given me loads of time to save some money up. Theyve given me plenty of time to see the ore-order date. And they've told me exactly when and where to secure that pre-order.
If you really want one... then it's right there ready for you at 4pm BST on Monday.
Is that even a lot of effort? No it isn't. Can you rock up in Novemeber to get one? Of course not - and whilst I appreciate the low level stock is irritating for a lot of people, it's not going to impact the early adopters.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@romanista Yes, but you're forgetting that it's the 10% that spend ALL the money...!
Re: "The Wrong Console Won" - Dreamcast Is Getting Its Own Rave Event "To Correct The Record"
I've always wanted DJ Yoda to do something like this. He does reference videogames on his 80s Mix tape, but a full standalone mix and live show would be awesome. He's still touring (has done a history of hip hop set in 2024) so it's possible...!
The Dreamcast is going to have a second wind in the next few years. I never experienced it the first time around, I've deliberately avoided playing anything on ROMs etc. always with the plan to properly get stuck into it one day. That day is getting close.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@ChromaticDracula I was reading an article about the N64 version of Resident Evil 2 just the other day. Apparently it's the only Resident Evil game that 1. Has cheat codes (which is going to be a whole lot of fun for a second play through) and 2. Has the ability to toggle the gore level (just a fun option! Got to love Nintendo's take that it's the "pixelated red blobs" that make the game inappropriate in some way...! When it's actually practically everything else in the game lol)
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@KingMike Yep, that's all true too... but Nintendo could re-release the old games. They could do limited editions, they could do collections (multiple titles on one cartridge), they could sell literally just the cartridge.
Nintendo should already have all the boxes, instruction manuals and pack art available as a resource. It's wrong of them to not have this widely available - just like how you can go on LEGO and get any instructions you need (even LEGO Dimensions). I appreciate there's the commercial side of things, but I really feel Nintendo don't do enough on all things retro - and I'm only picking on them because they have such a fantastic and rich history. I could point the finger just as easily at someone like Konami too.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@ChromaticDracula Yep, it's one of the highlights for sure. Battle for Naboo and Shadows Of the Empire too... I'm also really looking forward to playing Resident Evil 2 on the N64 for the very first time.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
I didn't see it mentioned in the article, but in case anyone was curious... there are screenshots on the Analogue website that show Save States are included. Pretty significant detail in terms of being able to pick up and play through these games.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@Razieluigi Yep, I take your point that Nintendo have far bigger fish to fry. I still think they are missing a trick - it's as good a complimentary business as Amiibo and alarm clocks I'd say.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@Friendly That's a good point regarding LE colour versions. Not sure they'll do it with the 3D as demand is likely to be considerably lower than the Pocket, but maybe one day I guess.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@Serpenterror the NES mini and the SNES mini suggest otherwise. Nintendo would absolutely clean up if they released a new Gameboy that played original carts, Color and Advance. They would also clean up if they re-released original carts in limited volumes - you know... kinda like the Amiibos... but with an actual purpose. They could even stick a chip in the games so they unlock things like an amiibo.
Really simple, low risk, high reward stuff targeting the massive untapped retro games economy that is thriving.
But they give us NSO! I love them... but they are fools.
Likewise, SEGA would clean up with a Dreamcast or a Saturn. But no... we get yet another frigging Mega Drive collection with the same games. Over and over again. I mean you wouldn't believe it would you? Analogue selling gameboys at 250 a pop that can even play game gear games.
Nintendo and SEGA - tumbleweed.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@N00BiSH I always thought they designed their stuff this way deliberately as it puts the focus on the Game. As in, the game stands out as the colour vs the backdrop.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@zer0coast Analogue are far from perfect and do many things that irritate me, but the Analogue Pocket is absolutely brilliant.
I agree we'd all have a better product if Nintendo did it themselves... but er, they haven't? In fact the great Nintendo gave us crappy mini consoles with a handful of games.
At least Analogue are having a good go at this.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
Finally!! Day one. Can't wait!
(Would it hurt them to indicate shipping date? Before Christmas...? After? Who knows?!)
EDIT: Analogue have updated their store listing ahead of pre-order opening. The 3D will ship in Q1 2025.
@Damo You should mention that it supports Save States. I know the Analogue writeup doesn't mention it, but it's visible in the screenshots they've shared. It shows "Memories" and you can see "Save States".
Re: The Bonk Designer Who Helped Shape Croc "Never Received The Credit He Deserves"
I picked up a copy of Bonk for the Turbografx a few months ago. Looking forward to playing it in January.
Looking forward to revisiting Croc too!
Re: Brand New Mod Gives A Doom 64-Style Overhaul To The First Two Games
I remember Christmas 97 I got a red N64 controller and 2 games. At the time I remember being a bit surprised by the 2 choices, but they turned out to be really great games.
It wasn't Diddy Kong Racing and GoldenEye (although unsurprisingly those both got plenty of play via friends who pretty much all had those same games).
It was Top Gear Rally and Doom 64. Even today, I think Doom 64 is a great game and an excellent Doom game.
Re: MiSTer FPGA SNES Core Gets A Much-Requested Feature
As I said on a previous article earlier in the year... the save states will come. There seemed to be a mad rush to add more and more cores at first, but finally, we are now seeing the earlier systems being revisited and much needed features are being added.
Re: New Sega Rally Soundtrack Just Settled A Decades-Old Argument
I don't remember this ever being a debate... we all sang Land round our parts.
(And when I say we sang it, I mean for the couple of weeks when we played it relentlessly after launch! We pretty soon stopped singing it as it's actually quite annoying!!!)
Re: What Do You See In Sonic The Hedgehog's Waterfalls?
There was definitely a faint rainbow effect on the waterfalls. The examples above are just silly - it never, ever looked anything like that.
Re: "This Could Be Crippling" - Fake PS1 Discs Just Got Harder To Spot
@Elitepatriot I'm holding off PS1 until much later. I'm currently working my way through all the Analogue Pocket supported cartridges (Gameboy, Color, Advance, Game Gear, Turbografx, Neo Geo Pocket and Atari Lynx). Growing up I had a Gameboy with a handful of games and never owned any of those other systems. It's been a hugely rewarding experience going back and researching the big games, buying the cartridges and then playing the games one by one, in full to completion, like they were new releases.
I've even been reading old magazines on my phone haha RAZE magazine only had 12 issues, but they can all be downloaded in PDF and it covers the Atari Lynx, Game Gear and Game Boy!
My plan is to stick with the handhelds for the next few years and then move onto Dreamcast and Saturn - I owned an N64 and a PS One. Never had a Dreamcast or Saturn.
I may be in a minority of people that doesn't play ROMs anymore. I did it with the NES, SNES and Mega Drive (thankfully not the Master System - so Game Gear has been all new experiences) and I found that having it all available, you just jump around all the games and don't play them or enjoy them properly. It's almost stressful having it all just there. I had no respect for the games, and that meant I ended up barely playing them. It's like having a huge backlog on Steam.
Looking forward to revisiting PS One, but yea, highly recommend diving into a system you've never played before too!
Re: "This Could Be Crippling" - Fake PS1 Discs Just Got Harder To Spot
@LowDefAl I disagree. All you have to do is a little bit of research (prices, ratings, reviews), follow the "if it sounds too good to be true..." rule and if you have any doubts ensure you buy using a credit card - then you can charge the scammer back if you got caught out.
More often than not, the person getting scammed on something falls for something being cheaper than it would normally be... I don't have much sympathy for those people to be frank. Pay the average price and you'll reduce the risk straight away.
Re: Blindfolded Speedrunner Completes Mario 64 In Under 20 Minutes
I'm trying to work out where this ranks versus an adult colouring book in the list of things to do once you've completed absolutely everything that's possible to do...
Re: Brand New Footage Of "Lost" Garfield Sega Channel Game Emerges Online
Funny timing this as I finished the Game Gear version just a few weeks ago. It's a pretty good game for the time and platform. It captures the Garfield character really well and the levels have some good variety in them.
Re: Namco's Splatterhouse Is Getting An Unofficial Mega Drive / Genesis Port
Funnily enough I just picked up a Hucard of the original Splatterhouse. Looking forward to playing it on my Pocket at some point next year...!
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
@Lanmanna I'm not comparing VB to, say PSVR, I'm just pointing out that VR is just as dreadful today as it has ever been.
The sales are low.
The technology is mediocre. The size of that battery pack. On my head...
The software is non existent.
But that's all nothing compared to the fact that nobody is even close to fulfilling the potential...
In 2024 I still can't use VR/AR to put a flat pack wardrobe together with ease.
I can't "visit" locations on a map - nowhere. Not even famous landmarks, let alone local beauty spots or even a shopping centre to see exactly where a shop is located / how accessible the store is.
I can't "sit" in the stadium of the World Cup Final and look around whilst the match plays out.
Nobody is selling me a VR ticket to a music festival. I watch Glastonbury on a flat TV screen. Still. Why? Why am I not being offered... say £50 for access to any stage I want, to watch anything I want at the show? The cameras are all there...?!
Seriously. VR and AR are closer to Virtual Boy than they are to being anywhere near meeting their potential.
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
@VGScrapbook Now that's a water bottle, key ring, t shirt, fridge magnet and pencil case I NEED!
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
I thought it was widely accepted that the Virtual Boy was vindicated by the fact it all but certainly laid down the foundations of, eventual, success with the 3DS?
I think the Virtual Boy is impressive for the time. Not being funny, but it's not like VR is anywhere near decent even now, in 2024.
AR and VR have massively stalled. Wearable technology in general has massively stalled. We haven't even reached a point where everyone wears a smart watch, let alone all the other items you would think could and should follow.
In terms of the merchandise... pretty uninspiring isn't it? A whole load of tat and a t shirt (which is all but certainly terrible quality and will look dreadful after 3 washes) if we're being honest?
Re: Time Crisis Is Coming To Modern TVs Thanks To A Plug-And-Play, AI-Powered Light Gun
I'd definitely be up for this, but, I'd also want to be able to play the Point Blank games!