Nintendo should release the Game Boy again - a new screen, rechargeable, online store where you can download games at reasonable prices, SD Card slot.
They should then put one of their dev teams on Game Boy game development. Let's have "Donkey Kong 24", "Super Mario Land 3 (without Wario!)", let's have a secret exit level in Super Mario Land 2's Mario Zone whilst you're at it.
Seriously though... there's a huge appetite for Retro gaming. The investment needed for producing "new old games" is so comfortable for Nintendo right now I can't really see why they wouldn't just go for it.
They would sell millions of new Game Boys. They should have done it 5 years ago - halfway through Switch lifecycle so sales are not impacted, and riding on the wave of the NES and SNES mini consoles.
Imagine how much amazing gaming content we would all be enjoying if Nintendo actually took a risk once in a while? What do they plan to do with all the money in their bank from Switch?! Are they really that paranoid the Switch follow up will be another Wii U/Gamecube?
Surely all the evidence points towards a NES into SNES scenario for Switch into next console. Take some risks and spend some money!
I moved away from physical with the Switch. I think it was the portability that cemented the idea of just having everything loaded and ready to play - anytime, anywhere with anyone, you could say!
But... then Analogue came along... and now I'm buying physical games more than ever before. And not just old ones either! I've bought new Gameboy and GameGear games!
@UK_Kev I couldn't agree more. There's actually a LOT of things I can't believe SEGA haven't done/aren't doing. I guess they're just not in any sort of rush?
I wasn't quite old enough at the time sadly, but amongst the friendship group I remember it being a big decision at the time whether to go for a PS1 or an N64 - Saturn wasn't even in the discussion.
Out of the four of us, 3 had an N64, 2 had a PS1 and no-one had a Saturn (so yes, one lucky git had both - not me incidentally!)
Did anyone have all three or know of someone with all three? That would have been awesome.
Saturn and Dreamcast are both uncharted territory in my gaming life. I'm looking forward to exploring them in a few years time - genuinely as excited for this as I am the third part of FF7 Remake and the next Switch.
I'd be well up for a Saturn Mini also - but I'm happy to wait for Analogue (assuming they continue their journey through gaming history...) and of course there's always Mister - which I believe very recently (earlier this year) has hit a new landmark milestone on the Saturn.
This looks pretty good actually, but at risk of sounding like a tool... "Fallen City Brawl" just seems a really strange name to go with. I don't like it at all.
Streets of Rage - it uses a more edgy reference to the setting by using "streets", it's sharp and to the point by using one connecting word with two main words and it uses "rage" to set the tone and feeling of the game perfectly.
Fallen City Brawl - by comparison this is too clunky. "City" sounds more like where bankers work, "Fallen" doesn't even seem to make sense? Who brawls over a fallen city? And then "brawl" sounds like a couple of posh people slapping each other!
It's like they've put Streets Of Rage in a thesaurus. Or worse... did they ask AI?!
What's in a name they say? A lot when it comes to gaming.
I've been hugely impressed with the Game Gear adapter on Analogue Pocket. Have loved exploring what is a hugely underrated library. Fantasy Zone, Crystal Warriors, Castle of Illusion and Shinobi were all excellent and I have a ton of games lined up: Shinobi 2, Sonic Triple Trouble, Defenders of Oasis, Streets Of Rage, Super Star Wars Return Of The Jedi, Land of Illusion, Ax Battler and an English translation cart of Royal Stone (saving this one for Xmas!)
Early days still, but based on experience to date it seems to me the Game Gear library has a bad rep because of the hardware having poor battery life and a really terrible screen. The games are great!
I'm just not convinced by these... I'd rather save up for one that is full size. And I think I'd rather make it myself too - as a fun project over a year. "One day...!"
Big question is which game do you choose. Bubble Bobble isn't a bad shout actually. 100 levels and 2 player too.
This is awesome. I recently picked up the GG adapter for the Analogue Pocket so I'll definitely check this out.
The combination of the Pocket's fantastic screen and the save state function not only make the entire Game Gear back catalogue accessible in a way they never have before, but it's made the games so much better. GG gets a bad rep, but the screen was the problem (and battery life!) - not the games. So many gems I've uncovered so far!
The target audience for this are, generalisation I know, money rich and time poor. It's not everyone, but it's a huge chunk of the core audience.
So, I'm sorry, but until you set about work on the save state functionality, I really don't care about saving some money on it.
I don't have time to play a game in one sitting. Find me an average 30-40 year old that does! There's a mountain of work that needs to be done on save states, and no-one is doing it.
If we could just fast forward to the moment when they all catch up and realise they have to add this function...
I'm all for projects like this! I hope we see many more projects and I want to see Nintendo doing it too - I want Donkey Kong '24! I want a Super Mario Land 3 that isn't a Wario game!
It still amazes me that Nintendo sold millions of NES and SNES minis... They have millions in the bank from an overwhelmingly successful Switch console... but they just sit and watch while Analogue clean up. I don't understand it personally.
Those mini consoles absolutely should have played original software, and Nintendo should be selling the old games again, and making "new old games"!
I'm so glad I got myself off Apple. I love my iPhone back in the day, but the fact a Gameboy emulator makes headlines in 2024 when it's been playable on android for decades really does speak volumes.
Sounds pretty toxic to be honest. Who knows why. I think people are right to walk away if something is making them unhappy - so credit for that. All the fighting and bickering explains a lot with regards to the quality of many of these projects too. I'm solely a consumer, so who cares what I think, but the state of many of the cores leaves a lot to be desired. No doubt there's immense talent on display, but communication and people skills are clearly lacking. They need someone to manage them all!
@Arcata sorry I realise now my comment is misleading! I mean what I said in terms of an OOT Remake being an inevitability. It's not confirmed at all. Not yet...!
@dmcc0 I just finished Castle Of Illusion too. Looking forward to Land of Illusion and Legend of Illusion - both of which I didn't even know existed until a few weeks ago.
Game Gear gets a bad rep, and to be fair, the original screen and battery consumption was pretty bad... but I've played a lot of very good Game Gear games this year.
It's easy to forget the impact N64 games made when you first played them. You had to be there - and I don't mean to offend those that were not there, but it really is true.
That sense of wonder and discovery is genuinely unrivaled. The closest I've ever come to it is with the freedom of exploration in BotW - but ultimately the gameplay still fell into charted seas, so to speak.
OOT was all new. The possibilities were limitless. (Of course in reality, and we soon learned, they were not limitless at all. But this is my point. Ocarina of Time is the only game I have ever played where I had that feeling).
The remake of OOT that's coming will be great, but again it still won't beat that first time.
I've been picking up N64 games for the past 6 months or so. Got 30 lined up to play!
Oh and weird coincidence... but I've just started a playthrough of the Atlantis Indiana Jones adventure game on the Amiga 500. Never knew the 64 had an Indiana Jones game - will definitely check that out!
@delt75 I've done the same with Game Gear! Always wanted one growing up and now finally getting to play. It doesn't have the strongest library... but there's more than a handful of great games!
Analogue Pocket is at its best when you play the actual physical games on it.
How on earth can "yet another retro handheld" be considered a rival to that?
I've looked at the FPGA cores and most haven't been updated for years, they are plagued with numerous bugs and they do not offer the save state functionality (except for SMS and NES).
Pocket is about the physical games. Picking a single game to load up, play, enjoy and complete. Playing original cartridges with save state is an absolute joy.
This is in no way rivaled by the ability to stare at 100s of roms. And maybe play them for a few minutes before moving on.
The one FPGA project that I appreciate is the Amiga Vision. That is excellent and clearly a labour of love. Everything else I've looked at appears to be a rush job with numerous bugs that never got revisited as they're too busy on the next thing. Look how many of the cores are by the same people. No thanks.
Really useful list, but I'm resisting the temptation. Analogue Pocket's ability to play Gameboy and Game Gear games on such a brilliant screen, combined with the ability to save state (I didn't realise this would work on the actual games!) has led me down the route of buying the games and playing them individually.
I've had so many retro Handhelds down the years and honestly the ability to have everything available just left me playing almost nothing. It doesn't really make much sense, but Analogue Pocket has made me appreciate the individual game again and now I'm playing, and completing, more than ever (and yes, poorer than ever too - but hey, it's a hobby).
@veesonic It's highly probable that in the not too distant future there will be handhelds with foldable screens so the size can be reduced without losing the immersion. We just need the phone companies to push on with the development so the games industry can then jump in.
@Carck Yes, agreed. I dug out my Vita the other day as wanted to mess about a bit on my FF7 save ahead of Rebirth launching. Having used the Switch and Portal a lot recently, the Vita really feels small and portable enough. I'd never recommend a PSP Go - get a Vita!
I remember playing this round my friend's house when it came out. He had a PS1, I had a 64. It was solid, but I do remember finding the story and setting less encapsulating than FF7 - but FF7 had all the rose tinted benefits of being first.
Not gonna lie, those are ugly designs. I'm not convinced by the customised Earphones market... they are in your ear, usually under hair or a hat or sweat band. I'd always prioritise sound quality and ambiance features. The charging boxes look clunky too!
Given how poorly Wii U performed, Christmas 2013 really was something of a sweet spot with Super Mario 3D World and then the excellent Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze released just 6 weeks later.
Link Between Worlds on the 3DS was pure joy though.
All the success Nintendo have enjoyed in the Switch era... has to be said that the lack of a new Donkey Kong and 2D Zelda are glaring omissions on the software front. It's been 10 years now for both...
How can anyone argue against this?! The PS2 install base is absolutely due to the DVD player. It was good value at launch for the spec versus other models, but as the years went by it became a cheap option for sticking under other TVs in your house.
I think people forget... this was a point in time where people put a TV bloody everywhere. Kitchen. Dining Room. Bathroom! The PS2 gave those TVs an easy DVD option!
PS2 was good for sure, Final Fantasy X a definite highlight for me.
However, let's not beat about the bush here... PS2 sold the volume it did because it was a cheap DVD player at the exact moment DVD's went mainstream.
There is no other reason behind the number. Its not the launch. Its not the marketing. Its not Sony. Its not the games.
Its the DVD player.
Genuine question for the site editors here. What was the attach rate for the PS2? How many games sold per console? I bet that paints a very different picture versus other consoles...
I respect Nintendo's right to protect their work, so I don't mind this. It's a harsh lesson, but just to be absolutely crystal clear... no-one at Nintendo is stopping FOI from existing in someone's basement as a personal collection kept offline.
The thing I do mind is how badly Nintendo preserve and share their history with fans. Virtual Console before, NSO now, could have loads more content from magazines, POS artwork, TV adverts, interviews, reviews, walkthroughs.
It's not just Nintendo either. All the money in the UK games industry... and look at how badly supported our videogame museums are. I went to an exhibit in Bradford recently and it's shocking how bad it was. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo especially, with hardware, should do loads more to preserve the history. They should have a department dedicated to it, and hire staff to sort it all out.
I'd pay a monthly subscription to a Sony Playstation Archives service for a start. It would be great! Seriously, just hire an intern to do it...
Funny, I literally dusted off my GG at the weekend and I downloaded 10 games onto my 3DS before the eShop closes.
Have to say, I never really got on well with the Sonic games on GG. You just can't see far enough ahead versus the rhythm of speed so it doesn't work well for me. Would love to play the GG Sonic games more zoomed out...!!
A company has let you down and are taking 40 weeks instead of the 16 they quoted you... and you are increasing your reliance on them by increasing orders?!
It's a shame they couldn't find an alternative provider.
@TJM well the A500 bundle that launched in 1987(?) opened up Amiga gaming to a huge new audience and that had Batman The Movie, Interceptor, and The New Zealand Story.
Cannot understate the amazing sound the Amiga had, particularly for the time, as a lot of my game memories from the time related to awesome soundtracks... Cannon Fodder, Captive, Xenon 2, Onslaught, Time Machine, Soldier Of Light and Blood Money all sounded great.
Other classics... A Rockstar Ate My Hamster, Rainbow Islands, Xybots, Buggy Boy, Eliminator, Nebulus (best version), IK+, Bubble Bobble (best version).
It literally makes no sense why no-one can make a successful show. Perhaps the focus is too much on competition and playing games?
Latest Releases.
Events. Report from all major gaming events.
History. Delve into the archives, on this day, feature on a franchise etc.
Meet The Dev Teams.
Is it really that difficult?
This Gamemaster reboot sounds like more of the stuff that has failed previously. They need to ask themselves if it's done better already online - competitions, races, fights - all done better online.
Celebrities playing FIFA and Fortnite will last one series at best... you know it. I know it. It is going to be rubbish.
Whereas a refined news led show with industry insiders is genuinely not easily found online.
Going back to the amount of money EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Take Two, WB Games, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo spend on TV advertising - why would they not support a TV show that promotes their products?
@NEStalgia I agree with what you've said, but I think you underestimated the power of Nintendo's IP. I know what you're getting at likening with designer brand but seriously Mario and Zelda are in a completely different universe to anything else.
If Nintendo came out tomorrow and said BotW2 cannot be played unless you have the "Switch 2" which costs £800. I'd be spending £800 tomorrow. No hesitation.
Wow... I'm still not convinced on this as feels like everyone with a mobile or tablet... oh wait, that's everyone... Also, that Earthworm Jim 4 trailer is diabolical, and I'm being generous! Are they even allowed to call this a first look?! Pretty sure everything I've seen and heard here is from the original game !!
I just don't get it! Why are they wasting time on this instead of a mini Master System or mini Dreamcast? Why did they price something so small and impractical as high as 50 quid?!
SEGA lows are so low... yet hope springs eternal! A decent 3D Sonic and a mini Dreamcast - one day. Surely!
I knew about long before this article, but I didnt know about it at the time of playing Goldeneye on the 64. I think it's a combination of two reasons: all my friends had their own controller and we'd obviously all jump straight onto multiplayer. I honestly dont think I ever played single player Goldeneye with more than 1 controller plugged in, so the option never got uncovered!
Sounds like, overall, they've done a pretty good job with this. I'm not a big enough fan of the Neo Geo to justify putting down that much cash... but, for those that do, it looks like a really cool product. Enjoy!
I think retro gamers, generally, are much more of a casual consumer. Seems Polymega is targeting the higher disposable income of a 30 something year old, but, for me at least, the problem is with having to buy the games separately. I can't see this doing anywhere near the volume it will need to in order to be deemed a success...
I'm happy waiting, patiently for now, for SEGA to walk away from ATgames and find a new partner to bring a solid emulation package to MasterSystem, Mega Drive, DreamCast and Saturn - even if it means, what 5 years at least(?) before Saturn gets it's turn :/
Comments 199
Re: Former Nintendo World Champ Jeff Hansen On Teaming Up With Nintendo Again, 30 Years Later
This is great! Good on them.
Re: Nintendo's Game Boy Is A Hot Item In Japan Again
Nintendo should release the Game Boy again - a new screen, rechargeable, online store where you can download games at reasonable prices, SD Card slot.
They should then put one of their dev teams on Game Boy game development. Let's have "Donkey Kong 24", "Super Mario Land 3 (without Wario!)", let's have a secret exit level in Super Mario Land 2's Mario Zone whilst you're at it.
Seriously though... there's a huge appetite for Retro gaming. The investment needed for producing "new old games" is so comfortable for Nintendo right now I can't really see why they wouldn't just go for it.
They would sell millions of new Game Boys. They should have done it 5 years ago - halfway through Switch lifecycle so sales are not impacted, and riding on the wave of the NES and SNES mini consoles.
Imagine how much amazing gaming content we would all be enjoying if Nintendo actually took a risk once in a while? What do they plan to do with all the money in their bank from Switch?! Are they really that paranoid the Switch follow up will be another Wii U/Gamecube?
Surely all the evidence points towards a NES into SNES scenario for Switch into next console. Take some risks and spend some money!
Re: Ever Wondered What The Symbols On The PlayStation Controller Really Mean?
That explains the use of the shapes... but it doesn't explain the colour choices!
If the circle and cross represent yes and no, wouldn't you make those green and red?
Just looks like it was random to me.
Re: Game Boy Color "Technical Showpiece" Zephyr's Pass Launches This June
Going to pick up the physical. Looks great!
Re: Workshop Of Retro Modder And Engineer Voultar Has Been "Ransacked"
It's the combination of "nothing was stolen" with "no idea who did it" that is unusual.
I'd be spooked to know there was someone living close that has pounced on the one time I didn't lock the door just to trash my business.
I mean... surely the suspect list to fit that scenario is very short?!
Re: AYANEO Is Showing Off Two Game Boy-Style Handhelds This Week
@Bonggon5 I don't think it'll be that long, but yes, the wait continues for now.
N64 and Saturn look set to be soon. The OpenFPGA is finally there and the hardware options are pretty vast now!
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
I moved away from physical with the Switch. I think it was the portability that cemented the idea of just having everything loaded and ready to play - anytime, anywhere with anyone, you could say!
But... then Analogue came along... and now I'm buying physical games more than ever before. And not just old ones either! I've bought new Gameboy and GameGear games!
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
@UK_Kev I couldn't agree more. There's actually a LOT of things I can't believe SEGA haven't done/aren't doing. I guess they're just not in any sort of rush?
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
I wasn't quite old enough at the time sadly, but amongst the friendship group I remember it being a big decision at the time whether to go for a PS1 or an N64 - Saturn wasn't even in the discussion.
Out of the four of us, 3 had an N64, 2 had a PS1 and no-one had a Saturn (so yes, one lucky git had both - not me incidentally!)
Did anyone have all three or know of someone with all three? That would have been awesome.
Saturn and Dreamcast are both uncharted territory in my gaming life. I'm looking forward to exploring them in a few years time - genuinely as excited for this as I am the third part of FF7 Remake and the next Switch.
I'd be well up for a Saturn Mini also - but I'm happy to wait for Analogue (assuming they continue their journey through gaming history...) and of course there's always Mister - which I believe very recently (earlier this year) has hit a new landmark milestone on the Saturn.
Re: Streets Of Rage-Like Beat 'Em Up 'Fallen City Brawl' Gets Updated Steam Demo
@Poodlestargenerica yea might be an "other side of the pond" thing...!
Re: Streets Of Rage-Like Beat 'Em Up 'Fallen City Brawl' Gets Updated Steam Demo
This looks pretty good actually, but at risk of sounding like a tool... "Fallen City Brawl" just seems a really strange name to go with. I don't like it at all.
Streets of Rage - it uses a more edgy reference to the setting by using "streets", it's sharp and to the point by using one connecting word with two main words and it uses "rage" to set the tone and feeling of the game perfectly.
Fallen City Brawl - by comparison this is too clunky. "City" sounds more like where bankers work, "Fallen" doesn't even seem to make sense? Who brawls over a fallen city? And then "brawl" sounds like a couple of posh people slapping each other!
It's like they've put Streets Of Rage in a thesaurus. Or worse... did they ask AI?!
What's in a name they say? A lot when it comes to gaming.
Re: Modder Uses Raspberry Pi To Create "Game Gear Classic Edition"
I've been hugely impressed with the Game Gear adapter on Analogue Pocket. Have loved exploring what is a hugely underrated library. Fantasy Zone, Crystal Warriors, Castle of Illusion and Shinobi were all excellent and I have a ton of games lined up: Shinobi 2, Sonic Triple Trouble, Defenders of Oasis, Streets Of Rage, Super Star Wars Return Of The Jedi, Land of Illusion, Ax Battler and an English translation cart of Royal Stone (saving this one for Xmas!)
Early days still, but based on experience to date it seems to me the Game Gear library has a bad rep because of the hardware having poor battery life and a really terrible screen. The games are great!
Re: Taito Classic Qix Joins The Quarter Arcades Range
I'm just not convinced by these... I'd rather save up for one that is full size. And I think I'd rather make it myself too - as a fun project over a year. "One day...!"
Big question is which game do you choose. Bubble Bobble isn't a bad shout actually. 100 levels and 2 player too.
Re: The Sword Of Stone Is A New Narrative Adventure For Your Sega Game Gear
This is awesome. I recently picked up the GG adapter for the Analogue Pocket so I'll definitely check this out.
The combination of the Pocket's fantastic screen and the save state function not only make the entire Game Gear back catalogue accessible in a way they never have before, but it's made the games so much better. GG gets a bad rep, but the screen was the problem (and battery life!) - not the games. So many gems I've uncovered so far!
Re: The Cost Of Owning A MiSTer FPGA Is About To Come Down Dramatically
The target audience for this are, generalisation I know, money rich and time poor. It's not everyone, but it's a huge chunk of the core audience.
So, I'm sorry, but until you set about work on the save state functionality, I really don't care about saving some money on it.
I don't have time to play a game in one sitting. Find me an average 30-40 year old that does! There's a mountain of work that needs to be done on save states, and no-one is doing it.
If we could just fast forward to the moment when they all catch up and realise they have to add this function...
Re: This Indie Dev Is Bringing Project Gotham Racing To The Game Boy, Sort Of
I'm all for projects like this! I hope we see many more projects and I want to see Nintendo doing it too - I want Donkey Kong '24! I want a Super Mario Land 3 that isn't a Wario game!
It still amazes me that Nintendo sold millions of NES and SNES minis... They have millions in the bank from an overwhelmingly successful Switch console... but they just sit and watch while Analogue clean up. I don't understand it personally.
Those mini consoles absolutely should have played original software, and Nintendo should be selling the old games again, and making "new old games"!
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
I'm so glad I got myself off Apple. I love my iPhone back in the day, but the fact a Gameboy emulator makes headlines in 2024 when it's been playable on android for decades really does speak volumes.
Re: All Is Not Well In The World Of FPGA Retro Gaming
Sounds pretty toxic to be honest. Who knows why. I think people are right to walk away if something is making them unhappy - so credit for that. All the fighting and bickering explains a lot with regards to the quality of many of these projects too. I'm solely a consumer, so who cares what I think, but the state of many of the cores leaves a lot to be desired. No doubt there's immense talent on display, but communication and people skills are clearly lacking. They need someone to manage them all!
(No thanks!!)
Re: Game Informer Readers Label Ocarina Of Time "The Greatest Game Of All Time"
@Arcata sorry I realise now my comment is misleading! I mean what I said in terms of an OOT Remake being an inevitability. It's not confirmed at all. Not yet...!
Re: All Analogue Pocket OpenFPGA Cores And Where To Download Them
@dmcc0 I just finished Castle Of Illusion too. Looking forward to Land of Illusion and Legend of Illusion - both of which I didn't even know existed until a few weeks ago.
Game Gear gets a bad rep, and to be fair, the original screen and battery consumption was pretty bad... but I've played a lot of very good Game Gear games this year.
Recommend Fantasy Zone and both Shinobi games.
Re: Game Informer Readers Label Ocarina Of Time "The Greatest Game Of All Time"
It's a fair choice.
It's easy to forget the impact N64 games made when you first played them. You had to be there - and I don't mean to offend those that were not there, but it really is true.
That sense of wonder and discovery is genuinely unrivaled. The closest I've ever come to it is with the freedom of exploration in BotW - but ultimately the gameplay still fell into charted seas, so to speak.
OOT was all new. The possibilities were limitless. (Of course in reality, and we soon learned, they were not limitless at all. But this is my point. Ocarina of Time is the only game I have ever played where I had that feeling).
The remake of OOT that's coming will be great, but again it still won't beat that first time.
Re: Interview: Factor 5's Julian Eggebrecht On Star Wars, Indiana Jones And Choosing N64 Over PS1
I've said it before but worth repeating...
Christmas 2024. Analogue 3D. Rogue Squadron. Cannot. Wait.
I've been picking up N64 games for the past 6 months or so. Got 30 lined up to play!
Oh and weird coincidence... but I've just started a playthrough of the Atlantis Indiana Jones adventure game on the Amiga 500. Never knew the 64 had an Indiana Jones game - will definitely check that out!
Re: All Analogue Pocket OpenFPGA Cores And Where To Download Them
@delt75 I've done the same with Game Gear! Always wanted one growing up and now finally getting to play. It doesn't have the strongest library... but there's more than a handful of great games!
Re: Analogue Pocket Is Getting A Game Boy Micro-Style FPGA-Based Handheld Rival
Analogue Pocket is at its best when you play the actual physical games on it.
How on earth can "yet another retro handheld" be considered a rival to that?
I've looked at the FPGA cores and most haven't been updated for years, they are plagued with numerous bugs and they do not offer the save state functionality (except for SMS and NES).
Pocket is about the physical games. Picking a single game to load up, play, enjoy and complete. Playing original cartridges with save state is an absolute joy.
This is in no way rivaled by the ability to stare at 100s of roms. And maybe play them for a few minutes before moving on.
The one FPGA project that I appreciate is the Amiga Vision. That is excellent and clearly a labour of love. Everything else I've looked at appears to be a rush job with numerous bugs that never got revisited as they're too busy on the next thing. Look how many of the cores are by the same people. No thanks.
Re: All Analogue Pocket OpenFPGA Cores And Where To Download Them
Really useful list, but I'm resisting the temptation. Analogue Pocket's ability to play Gameboy and Game Gear games on such a brilliant screen, combined with the ability to save state (I didn't realise this would work on the actual games!) has led me down the route of buying the games and playing them individually.
I've had so many retro Handhelds down the years and honestly the ability to have everything available just left me playing almost nothing. It doesn't really make much sense, but Analogue Pocket has made me appreciate the individual game again and now I'm playing, and completing, more than ever (and yes, poorer than ever too - but hey, it's a hobby).
Re: Just Like Streets Of Rage, Altered Beast Is Getting An Action Figure
@Zeebor15 "laws that make sense". Yes... because America has so many of those...!!
Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You
@veesonic It's highly probable that in the not too distant future there will be handhelds with foldable screens so the size can be reduced without losing the immersion. We just need the phone companies to push on with the development so the games industry can then jump in.
Re: $13 Mod Makes Sony's PSP Go Useful Again In 2024
@Carck Yes, agreed. I dug out my Vita the other day as wanted to mess about a bit on my FF7 save ahead of Rebirth launching. Having used the Switch and Portal a lot recently, the Vita really feels small and portable enough. I'd never recommend a PSP Go - get a Vita!
Re: Anniversary: Final Fantasy VIII Is 25 Years Old
I remember playing this round my friend's house when it came out. He had a PS1, I had a 64. It was solid, but I do remember finding the story and setting less encapsulating than FF7 - but FF7 had all the rose tinted benefits of being first.
Re: Check Out These Sega Dreamcast And Mega Drive Wireless Headphones
Not gonna lie, those are ugly designs. I'm not convinced by the customised Earphones market... they are in your ear, usually under hair or a hat or sweat band. I'd always prioritise sound quality and ambiance features. The charging boxes look clunky too!
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2013?
Given how poorly Wii U performed, Christmas 2013 really was something of a sweet spot with Super Mario 3D World and then the excellent Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze released just 6 weeks later.
Link Between Worlds on the 3DS was pure joy though.
All the success Nintendo have enjoyed in the Switch era... has to be said that the lack of a new Donkey Kong and 2D Zelda are glaring omissions on the software front. It's been 10 years now for both...
Re: Flashback: Remembering The Time Robbie Williams Did Motion Capture For FIFA
Remains my favourite Robbie song!
Re: Like Zelda And Mario, Donkey Kong Was Supposed To Get A Philips CD-i Game - What Happened?
So it's not just the Switch that hasn't received a Donkey Kong game then...!
Re: The Making Of: PlayStation 2, The World's Most Successful Video Game Console
How can anyone argue against this?! The PS2 install base is absolutely due to the DVD player. It was good value at launch for the spec versus other models, but as the years went by it became a cheap option for sticking under other TVs in your house.
I think people forget... this was a point in time where people put a TV bloody everywhere. Kitchen. Dining Room. Bathroom! The PS2 gave those TVs an easy DVD option!
Re: The Making Of: PlayStation 2, The World's Most Successful Video Game Console
PS2 was good for sure, Final Fantasy X a definite highlight for me.
However, let's not beat about the bush here... PS2 sold the volume it did because it was a cheap DVD player at the exact moment DVD's went mainstream.
There is no other reason behind the number. Its not the launch. Its not the marketing. Its not Sony. Its not the games.
Its the DVD player.
Genuine question for the site editors here. What was the attach rate for the PS2? How many games sold per console? I bet that paints a very different picture versus other consoles...
Re: Nintendo History Site 'Forest Of Illusion' Announces Its Closure
I respect Nintendo's right to protect their work, so I don't mind this. It's a harsh lesson, but just to be absolutely crystal clear... no-one at Nintendo is stopping FOI from existing in someone's basement as a personal collection kept offline.
The thing I do mind is how badly Nintendo preserve and share their history with fans. Virtual Console before, NSO now, could have loads more content from magazines, POS artwork, TV adverts, interviews, reviews, walkthroughs.
It's not just Nintendo either. All the money in the UK games industry... and look at how badly supported our videogame museums are. I went to an exhibit in Bradford recently and it's shocking how bad it was. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo especially, with hardware, should do loads more to preserve the history. They should have a department dedicated to it, and hire staff to sort it all out.
I'd pay a monthly subscription to a Sony Playstation Archives service for a start. It would be great! Seriously, just hire an intern to do it...
Re: Sea Of Stars Composer Shares SNES Homage Hidden Within Game's Audio
This is a really nice touch!
I'm looking forward to playing this when it launches in August. Love the art direction.
Re: Poll: Are Game Boy Games Still Worth Playing In 2023?
Gameboy is timeless. Much more so than PS1, N64 and even Xbox and PS2 I'd argue.
Re: Best Sega Game Gear Games
Funny, I literally dusted off my GG at the weekend and I downloaded 10 games onto my 3DS before the eShop closes.
Have to say, I never really got on well with the Sonic games on GG. You just can't see far enough ahead versus the rhythm of speed so it doesn't work well for me. Would love to play the GG Sonic games more zoomed out...!!
Re: We've Got Some Bad News If You're Still Waiting For A Polymega
A company has let you down and are taking 40 weeks instead of the 16 they quoted you... and you are increasing your reliance on them by increasing orders?!
It's a shame they couldn't find an alternative provider.
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
@TJM well the A500 bundle that launched in 1987(?) opened up Amiga gaming to a huge new audience and that had Batman The Movie, Interceptor, and The New Zealand Story.
Cannot understate the amazing sound the Amiga had, particularly for the time, as a lot of my game memories from the time related to awesome soundtracks... Cannon Fodder, Captive, Xenon 2, Onslaught, Time Machine, Soldier Of Light and Blood Money all sounded great.
Other classics... A Rockstar Ate My Hamster, Rainbow Islands, Xybots, Buggy Boy, Eliminator, Nebulus (best version), IK+, Bubble Bobble (best version).
Re: Evercade's Latest Carts Offer Inexpensive Access To Yet More Retro Classics
I'd love to see an Ocean Software cartridge. That would be a very tempting purchase!
Re: Channel 4 Is Resurrecting GamesMaster, The UK's Most Popular Video Game TV Show
The amount of money publishers spend on TV adverts in the UK alone justifies a dedicated gaming TV show.
Growing industry...
Worth billions...
It literally makes no sense why no-one can make a successful show. Perhaps the focus is too much on competition and playing games?
Latest Releases.
Events. Report from all major gaming events.
History. Delve into the archives, on this day, feature on a franchise etc.
Meet The Dev Teams.
Is it really that difficult?
This Gamemaster reboot sounds like more of the stuff that has failed previously. They need to ask themselves if it's done better already online - competitions, races, fights - all done better online.
Celebrities playing FIFA and Fortnite will last one series at best... you know it. I know it. It is going to be rubbish.
Whereas a refined news led show with industry insiders is genuinely not easily found online.
Going back to the amount of money EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Take Two, WB Games, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo spend on TV advertising - why would they not support a TV show that promotes their products?
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
@NEStalgia I agree with what you've said, but I think you underestimated the power of Nintendo's IP. I know what you're getting at likening with designer brand but seriously Mario and Zelda are in a completely different universe to anything else.
If Nintendo came out tomorrow and said BotW2 cannot be played unless you have the "Switch 2" which costs £800. I'd be spending £800 tomorrow. No hesitation.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
Wow... I'm still not convinced on this as feels like everyone with a mobile or tablet... oh wait, that's everyone... Also, that Earthworm Jim 4 trailer is diabolical, and I'm being generous! Are they even allowed to call this a first look?! Pretty sure everything I've seen and heard here is from the original game !!
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
I just don't get it! Why are they wasting time on this instead of a mini Master System or mini Dreamcast? Why did they price something so small and impractical as high as 50 quid?!
SEGA lows are so low... yet hope springs eternal! A decent 3D Sonic and a mini Dreamcast - one day. Surely!
Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?
I knew about long before this article, but I didnt know about it at the time of playing Goldeneye on the 64. I think it's a combination of two reasons: all my friends had their own controller and we'd obviously all jump straight onto multiplayer. I honestly dont think I ever played single player Goldeneye with more than 1 controller plugged in, so the option never got uncovered!
Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Mini International Edition - Different Design, Different Games, Same Problems?
Sounds like, overall, they've done a pretty good job with this. I'm not a big enough fan of the Neo Geo to justify putting down that much cash... but, for those that do, it looks like a really cool product. Enjoy!
Re: Polymega Answers Critics With 25 Minutes Of Sega Saturn Gameplay Footage
@GravyThief Yep, I feel the exact same.
I think retro gamers, generally, are much more of a casual consumer. Seems Polymega is targeting the higher disposable income of a 30 something year old, but, for me at least, the problem is with having to buy the games separately. I can't see this doing anywhere near the volume it will need to in order to be deemed a success...
I'm happy waiting, patiently for now, for SEGA to walk away from ATgames and find a new partner to bring a solid emulation package to MasterSystem, Mega Drive, DreamCast and Saturn - even if it means, what 5 years at least(?) before Saturn gets it's turn :/