Comments 314

Re: This Castlevania Parody Is Surprisingly Fang-Tastic


As good a game as it may potentially be, I cannot STAND screaming YouTubers and Streamers. All the over-exaggerated nonsense really gets under my skin, so unless there's a way to mute those horrific vocal clips that seemingly feature during actual gameplay, then I doubt I will even give this a go.

It's a shame, because it looks like there are many other nods to other games in there too, which would be fun to discover in a play-through.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 5th)


Still playing Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Plus!!! I've added some codes to the Dolphin version to allow for better draw distances on everything and a level-faster code that helps me level at a rate like multiplayer. Trying to get my husband into it, maybe when we both have a bit more time.

Anyways, I am 400-odd EXP away from level 20, and I finally feel I have some decent weapons and armor that make me feel like a bit of a bad-ass. I'll be in the Mines before long.

Man, PSO is soooooo good. I don't think I ever progressed past the Forest when I had it on the Dreamcast back in the day... it's nice to see some variety in the scenery!

I maaaaaay have to dig into Blue Burst eventually, but I am super happy with the Gamecube version via Dolphin right now.

Have found the Wii U Pro Controller pretty amazing for it so far.

I am not too sure I'm inclined to play much else at the moment

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 29th)


Phantasy Star Online, offline, haha! The Gamecube version of Episode I & II. Chose to play via Dolphin this time around, I am a big fan of the art style for this one, and I think it looks amazing in high-res. Great music too! Hot-swapping controllers between the Gulikit KingKong 2 Pro and an 8bitdo Pro 2 too... not sure which I like the most for it at the moment.

Speaking of Gamecube and controllers, I'm really looking forward to the Retro Fighters BattlerGC. I hope it isn't delayed too much longer, it looks mighty comfortable!

Other than that, though, not too much gaming sadly. Got a bit of work on Sunday and starting a new second-job on Monday, so I will be quite the busy guy!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 22nd)


@BulkSlash <3 SEGA Rally. Going by your avatar, I am assuming the Saturn port?

It is the epitome of an evergreen title for me. Perfect for 5 mins or 5 hours, amazing courses, brilliant tunes and top gameplay .

I wish we had an AGES release for that game... an Arcade and Saturn side (a la the SEGA Touring Car Saturn Port) would be an absolute dream!

Re: The Making Of: WipEout, The Trailblazer Of 'Generation PlayStation'


@Shiryu Your WipEout Legacy stuff is amazing. No surprise at all that WipEout shaped your musical legacy!

I was very much the same, although I grew up with the 17-ish fps PAL Tantalus ports on the SEGA Saturn. Both were missing the licensed music, but the Tim Wright stuff was AMAZING and truly inspirational to shaping my own musical tastes and music writing. All said, I feel I got a unique WipEout experience relative to Sony Playstation owners. I do feel that I did get the best of both worlds however, because I picked up the two Sony Music releases of all the licensed music for WipEout and WipEout 2097; being able to pick them up locally from a big chain Sanity music store here in Australia was brilliant, and a memory I will cherish forever.

Classic WipEout is absolutely my jam, with only SEGA arcade and exclusive racers even able to match my love for the series.

I am also very, very thankful for BallisticNG - it is all the classic WipEout I will ever want in a modern package. I love all the amazing bespoke ships, tracks and music. I also adore the Steam Workshop, Custom soundtrack option, and all the other fan conversions. It means being able to play pretty much ANY WipEout track from the past with the corresponding classic teams and old-school musical selections. The slavish attention-to-detail that the controls were given - a heady mix of 2097 and Wip3out make it absolutely perfect!

Fantastic article! I would love to see BallisticNG get some kind of coverage, as I feel it has flown under the radar for far, far too long