Amazing article on easily one of the best software houses ever. Will never forget playing Barbarian, obliterator, Shadow of the beast for the Amiga 500 truly ground breaking stuff. And games like Microcosm and Novastorm should be remastered or given true sequels. Imagine PS5 tech being exploited to it full potential running some awesome rail shooters.
Brilliant article as usual, still would of been great to see the Jag pushed to its full potential. Bad marketing, poor software, always goes to show games will make or break a system seen it many times before. Gameboy destroyed the Lynx and the Gamegear, thanks to Tetris, Super Mario, and that was just for starters.
@BloodNinja just such an amazing game, along with Thunder force. Two of my favourite megadrive shooters ever. The soundtrack on both games are ingrained in my head lol.
It's a joke when some regard the Saturn as a failure. Yes maybe commercially but boy its got some incredible games. Luckily I own a lot on this list, Hyper Duel for example is one amazing shmup from the masters of Technosoft. Personally I will always prefer it over the PS1, just a cooler system. Even though I do love PS1.
Always wanted one of these beauties, but the price is way out of my reach. And with the initial price of the hardware, the games are really expensive!! I have a few emulation builds on my Raspberry pi. Still not sure how well it compares to the original tech though. This mini version sounds amazing for sure.
Legendary 8bit micro, still have one in my collection. Again you had to be there to appreciate this time. Along with the C64 and Amstrad, magical days!! The days of bedroom programming that ignited the industry. And made it what it is today
@Hikingguy it's still a shame Atari lost there way. I still have a 7800 underrated console unfortunately. The funny thing is Nintendo approached Atari to market the Nes, they refused bet they regret that now. I could talk about this stuff all day. I don't think a lot of gamers realise tech wouldn't be where it is now without these amazing generations before. But to be honest a lot of today's stuff bores me.
@Hikingguy hey I totally agree with you, but for me the Snes took everything that was great about the Nes and dialled it up to 11. Stuff like Pilot wings, Star Fox, Axelay, Contra was such a game changer for me personally. To this day I still love this stuff. 8/16 bit will always be the best generations in my eyes.
Firstly i love this site already, even more now thanks to this amazing piece on my favourite console ever!! God was this an exciting time, the 16bit era was/is magical. No generation will ever come close again regardless of how good tech gets. If you experienced it first hand you'll get what I'm on about:)
Always remember first seeing this in magazines and on a cover mount VHS!! Which I purchased. The early footage looked incredible, a true 3D action beat em up. Unfortunately it never lived up to the hype. Worse still I payed 70 quid for a Japanese import!! Its a shame the ideas were there but the execution wasn't.
I own a repro of this amazing game!! This looks like a definite purchase for the collection. Personally prefer this game to Turrican. Would love to see a fully fledged sequel.
This game is a master piece, still playing it on my ps3. So underrated, easily one of the best racers ever. A sequel or remaster should be made. Reading this article proves the immense talent behind this title 👏
@ocarinaoftime now weirdly it's the other way around for me trio plays my copy of over horizon nes no problem retron blank screen. Every nes/fsmicom has run on trio that I've thrown at including multi game bootlegs.
@ocarinaoftime Now I have retron 5 as well, and certain games don't run, Starfox, Thunderforce 4, Gynoug freezes through level 1. A bit annoying when these are some of my all time favourites. But the trio has no issues with these. Does your retron have issues with any of these.
@ocarinaoftime unfortunately haven't tested that one I don't own the game, sorry. I expect it would practically everything I have runs fine. Even new games run fine Xeno crisis, Ultra core.
@Alexface luckily have an original Saturn, only down side is modern TV doesn't do it justice, emulation is great for that reason. With filters scan lines etc.
@Alexface exactly why I won't bother mate the shipping along tax is far to much. Shame really, I do own a retron 5 and raspberry pi setups so not all bad. But the polymega does look cool.
Would love one of these systems, to complement my collection. But far to expensive, and only seems to be available in the states. Bring it officially to the UK with a decent price please.
Will definitely buy the A500 mini eventually, have the C64 mini which is brilliant. I also have the original computers, but the minis are more convenient. The A500 was certainly a great system, but when the Megadrive and Snes were launched they changed the gaming landscape forever.
@SalvorHardin had hopes for this but the games just weren't the kind of retro I was looking for to be honest. Looked to much like Apple store wii games.
Looks great but the only thing that stops me buying the evercade are the games. I have every game on raspberry pi builds, and my atgames legends cab. Would be nice if certain more unusual arcade gems became available. Also I just purchased a powkiddy A19 which looks amazing.
Love the idea and look of the console, but I doubt it will ever get a UK release. So i won't be getting ripped off from some seller in the states charging even more plus the postage, no thanks!!
Comments 483
Re: Zzap!64 And CRASH Illustrator Oliver Frey Has Passed Away
Definitely RIP to a Legend. Crash, Zzap 64 were brilliant mags, made even better by that incredible cover art. Very sad news 😢
Re: Guide: Retro Game Shopping In Tokyo
@Muriustar good point lol
Re: Retail Therapy: Sore Thumb Retro Games, York, United Kingdom
Sounds incredible, seriously need to visit this shop:)
Re: Fans Are Bringing 'Real Bout Fatal Fury Special' To Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
Definitely interested to see how this develops.
Re: Guide: Retro Game Shopping In Tokyo
Absolutely amazing, one day I will get there. With a big suitcase!! Lol 😆
Re: Feature: An Ode To The Owl: The Inside Story Of Psygnosis
Amazing article on easily one of the best software houses ever. Will never forget playing Barbarian, obliterator, Shadow of the beast for the Amiga 500 truly ground breaking stuff. And games like Microcosm and Novastorm should be remastered or given true sequels. Imagine PS5 tech being exploited to it full potential running some awesome rail shooters.
Re: Feature: Git Gud Or Go Home: An Introduction To The 'SoulsBorne' Series
Unfortunately I went home lol 😆
Re: Best SNES Games
@SpecialT yes still the best mate 👍
Re: Ultimate Guide: Atari Jaguar - The Death Rattle Of A Pioneer
Brilliant article as usual, still would of been great to see the Jag pushed to its full potential. Bad marketing, poor software, always goes to show games will make or break a system seen it many times before. Gameboy destroyed the Lynx and the Gamegear, thanks to Tetris, Super Mario, and that was just for starters.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
@BloodNinja and you my friend.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
@BloodNinja just such an amazing game, along with Thunder force. Two of my favourite megadrive shooters ever. The soundtrack on both games are ingrained in my head lol.
Re: Best Sega Saturn Games
It's a joke when some regard the Saturn as a failure. Yes maybe commercially but boy its got some incredible games. Luckily I own a lot on this list, Hyper Duel for example is one amazing shmup from the masters of Technosoft. Personally I will always prefer it over the PS1, just a cooler system. Even though I do love PS1.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
@BloodNinja totally agree absolutely love Gleylancer, everything about it is pure class.
Re: Arcade Manufacturer ZUIKI Appears To Be Teasing A New X68000 Mini
Always wanted one of these beauties, but the price is way out of my reach. And with the initial price of the hardware, the games are really expensive!! I have a few emulation builds on my Raspberry pi. Still not sure how well it compares to the original tech though. This mini version sounds amazing for sure.
Re: CIBSunday: Ridge Racer (PS1, Japanese)
90s classic arcade racers!!! Absolutely timeless.
Re: Best ZX Spectrum Games
Legendary 8bit micro, still have one in my collection. Again you had to be there to appreciate this time. Along with the C64 and Amstrad, magical days!! The days of bedroom programming that ignited the industry. And made it what it is today
Re: Best SNES Games
@Hikingguy it's still a shame Atari lost there way. I still have a 7800 underrated console unfortunately. The funny thing is Nintendo approached Atari to market the Nes, they refused bet they regret that now. I could talk about this stuff all day. I don't think a lot of gamers realise tech wouldn't be where it is now without these amazing generations before. But to be honest a lot of today's stuff bores me.
Re: Best SNES Games
@Hikingguy hey I totally agree with you, but for me the Snes took everything that was great about the Nes and dialled it up to 11. Stuff like Pilot wings, Star Fox, Axelay, Contra was such a game changer for me personally. To this day I still love this stuff. 8/16 bit will always be the best generations in my eyes.
Re: Best SNES Games
@Guitar_bard yes your right mate shouldn't forget the 8bit era either the Nes is another iconic system that paved the way for the Snes.
Re: Best SNES Games
Firstly i love this site already, even more now thanks to this amazing piece on my favourite console ever!! God was this an exciting time, the 16bit era was/is magical. No generation will ever come close again regardless of how good tech gets. If you experienced it first hand you'll get what I'm on about:)
Re: The Bouncer: Misunderstood Classic, Or Off-Brand Final Fantasy Fan-Fiction?
Always remember first seeing this in magazines and on a cover mount VHS!! Which I purchased. The early footage looked incredible, a true 3D action beat em up. Unfortunately it never lived up to the hype. Worse still I payed 70 quid for a Japanese import!! Its a shame the ideas were there but the execution wasn't.
Re: After 27 Years, Rare Region-Locked Classic Rendering Ranger: R2 Is Heading To Consoles
I own a repro of this amazing game!! This looks like a definite purchase for the collection. Personally prefer this game to Turrican. Would love to see a fully fledged sequel.
Re: The Making Of Split/Second
This game is a master piece, still playing it on my ps3. So underrated, easily one of the best racers ever. A sequel or remaster should be made. Reading this article proves the immense talent behind this title 👏
Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them
Maybe I can rent the space for the new Coleco vision I'm working on lol !!!
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
Looked promising but DOA I reckon now.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
@ocarinaoftime now weirdly it's the other way around for me trio plays my copy of over horizon nes no problem retron blank screen. Every nes/fsmicom has run on trio that I've thrown at including multi game bootlegs.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
@ocarinaoftime Now I have retron 5 as well, and certain games don't run, Starfox, Thunderforce 4, Gynoug freezes through level 1. A bit annoying when these are some of my all time favourites. But the trio has no issues with these. Does your retron have issues with any of these.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
@ocarinaoftime unfortunately haven't tested that one I don't own the game, sorry. I expect it would practically everything I have runs fine. Even new games run fine Xeno crisis, Ultra core.
Re: Evercade Is Getting An "EXP" Upgrade, Complete With Irem And Toaplan Collections
Don't really need one, but I want one !!
Re: Dreamcast Support Could Come To Polymega In The Future
Just buy a real Dreamcast much easier:)
Re: Review: RAD2X Is The Only HDMI Cable You Need For Your Retro Consoles
This is a God send for me, an easy plug and play solution. Now my wonderful retro systems can look great again, the way they were intended.
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
@Alexface luckily have an original Saturn, only down side is modern TV doesn't do it justice, emulation is great for that reason. With filters scan lines etc.
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
@JedRock again system interests me, but its the price. If it was £199 something like that I would of had one by now. Thanks for the heads up.
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
@Alexface nice mate, it looks amazing. How does the Saturn stuff run ?
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
@Alexface exactly why I won't bother mate the shipping along tax is far to much. Shame really, I do own a retron 5 and raspberry pi setups so not all bad. But the polymega does look cool.
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
Would love one of these systems, to complement my collection. But far to expensive, and only seems to be available in the states. Bring it officially to the UK with a decent price please.
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
Will definitely buy the A500 mini eventually, have the C64 mini which is brilliant. I also have the original computers, but the minis are more convenient. The A500 was certainly a great system, but when the Megadrive and Snes were launched they changed the gaming landscape forever.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
I have the Retro trio plus and the Retron 5. Both brilliant to be honest not perfect but the pros out way the cons for me personally.
Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision
@SalvorHardin had hopes for this but the games just weren't the kind of retro I was looking for to be honest. Looked to much like Apple store wii games.
Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision
I think its the beginning of the end for this system.
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Adds Game Boy And Virtual Boy Screen Filters
@WhiteUmbrella thanks for the heads up.
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Adds Game Boy And Virtual Boy Screen Filters
@HamatoYoshi same ***** either way!!
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Adds Game Boy And Virtual Boy Screen Filters
Give me a UK release and I'm interested.
Re: Feature: More Than Four Years Of Painful Waiting Later, We've Finally Got Paprium - But Is It Any Good?
Had my copy ages ago, lovely quality, box, cart, instruction booklet. Enjoyable game as well.
Re: Gaiares Is Getting A Physical Re-Release With The Help Of The Kid Who Promoted It 31 Years Ago
Fantastic to see, own the original Japanese version. But very tempted for the collection:)
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides
Looks great but the only thing that stops me buying the evercade are the games. I have every game on raspberry pi builds, and my atgames legends cab. Would be nice if certain more unusual arcade gems became available. Also I just purchased a powkiddy A19 which looks amazing.
Re: Polymega Units Are Finally Arriving In The Hands Of Customers
Love the idea and look of the console, but I doubt it will ever get a UK release. So i won't be getting ripped off from some seller in the states charging even more plus the postage, no thanks!!
Re: Evercade's 'Renovation Collection 1' Will Bring A Dozen Rare Games To The System
I seriously need to get an Evercade.
Re: Castlevania: Rondo Of Blood Is Finally Coming To The West In Physical Form
Owned the original Engine version for years:)
Re: Konami's Cancelled Castlevania Game For Dreamcast Has Been Resurrected
Love the DC still have mine, was playing Border down yesterday. Died far to soon it should of easily co existed with ps2.