Comments 483

Re: Feature: An Ode To The Owl: The Inside Story Of Psygnosis


Amazing article on easily one of the best software houses ever. Will never forget playing Barbarian, obliterator, Shadow of the beast for the Amiga 500 truly ground breaking stuff. And games like Microcosm and Novastorm should be remastered or given true sequels. Imagine PS5 tech being exploited to it full potential running some awesome rail shooters.

Re: Ultimate Guide: Atari Jaguar - The Death Rattle Of A Pioneer


Brilliant article as usual, still would of been great to see the Jag pushed to its full potential. Bad marketing, poor software, always goes to show games will make or break a system seen it many times before. Gameboy destroyed the Lynx and the Gamegear, thanks to Tetris, Super Mario, and that was just for starters.

Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games


@BloodNinja just such an amazing game, along with Thunder force. Two of my favourite megadrive shooters ever. The soundtrack on both games are ingrained in my head lol.

Re: Best Sega Saturn Games


It's a joke when some regard the Saturn as a failure. Yes maybe commercially but boy its got some incredible games. Luckily I own a lot on this list, Hyper Duel for example is one amazing shmup from the masters of Technosoft. Personally I will always prefer it over the PS1, just a cooler system. Even though I do love PS1.

Re: Arcade Manufacturer ZUIKI Appears To Be Teasing A New X68000 Mini


Always wanted one of these beauties, but the price is way out of my reach. And with the initial price of the hardware, the games are really expensive!! I have a few emulation builds on my Raspberry pi. Still not sure how well it compares to the original tech though. This mini version sounds amazing for sure.

Re: Best ZX Spectrum Games


Legendary 8bit micro, still have one in my collection. Again you had to be there to appreciate this time. Along with the C64 and Amstrad, magical days!! The days of bedroom programming that ignited the industry. And made it what it is today

Re: Best SNES Games


@Hikingguy it's still a shame Atari lost there way. I still have a 7800 underrated console unfortunately. The funny thing is Nintendo approached Atari to market the Nes, they refused bet they regret that now. I could talk about this stuff all day. I don't think a lot of gamers realise tech wouldn't be where it is now without these amazing generations before. But to be honest a lot of today's stuff bores me.

Re: Best SNES Games


@Hikingguy hey I totally agree with you, but for me the Snes took everything that was great about the Nes and dialled it up to 11. Stuff like Pilot wings, Star Fox, Axelay, Contra was such a game changer for me personally. To this day I still love this stuff. 8/16 bit will always be the best generations in my eyes.

Re: Best SNES Games


@Guitar_bard yes your right mate shouldn't forget the 8bit era either the Nes is another iconic system that paved the way for the Snes.

Re: Best SNES Games


Firstly i love this site already, even more now thanks to this amazing piece on my favourite console ever!! God was this an exciting time, the 16bit era was/is magical. No generation will ever come close again regardless of how good tech gets. If you experienced it first hand you'll get what I'm on about:)

Re: The Making Of Split/Second


This game is a master piece, still playing it on my ps3. So underrated, easily one of the best racers ever. A sequel or remaster should be made. Reading this article proves the immense talent behind this title 👏

Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus


@ocarinaoftime Now I have retron 5 as well, and certain games don't run, Starfox, Thunderforce 4, Gynoug freezes through level 1. A bit annoying when these are some of my all time favourites. But the trio has no issues with these. Does your retron have issues with any of these.