Comments 57

Re: Retro-Bit Is Relaunching Rod Land On NES And Game Boy


Why was there no version for the TurboGrafx/PC Engine back in the day? This would have been a perfect fit for the console and likely one of it's best Hu Cards. Someone needs to do a homebrew port of Rod Land for the TG16/PCE. Combine the 6502 code from the NES version with the graphics of the Amiga release and have it run at 7MHz instead or 1.80Mhz mode.

Yes, I realise it's easier said than done...

Re: All Is Not Well In The World Of FPGA Retro Gaming


Very sad news. We can only hope that the passage of time will sufficiently heal these wounds. I will give credit to Pixel Cherry Ninja for his attempt to set things right, but I respect Pramod Somashekar's work and his decision to walk away.

Whatever Pixel Cherry Ninja may have done, I hope he won't be bullied and cancelled by the rest of community because of this episode. Besides, I doubt it would bring Somashekar back into the fold anyway.

Re: Sonic Co-Creator Yuji Naka Accuses Outgoing Dragon Quest Producer Of Fibbing In Court


@Zeebor15 have you even read the full article?

Naka-san might be a narcissist, but he hasn't murdered and sexual violated anyone. Also, just because someone pleads guilty to a crime doesn't actually mean they committed a crime. Countless innocent people plead guilty because they have no faith in the corrupt "criminal justice system" and would only get a disproportionately higher sentence if they plead innocence in the dock.

As for Naka-san, I keep an open mind as to whether he actually committed crime or not. Otherwise I think Naka is a talented programmer with an arrogant, petty narcissistic streak and many racist attitudes to most (not all) non-Japanese.

Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack-Sharing Site CDRomance Forced Underground After Legal Threat


CDRomance is a great resource for both ROM preservation and hacks. As I have said before on both YouTube and NintendoLife, if purchase no longer guarantees ownership (I'm looking at YOU Sony), then piracy is no longer theft. I have zero problem with the distribution (for free though, not for profit) of ROMs for discontinued gaming platforms. Pirating ACTIVE gaming platforms like Gary Bowser was involved in is obviously not okay.

Re: Does Your SNES Have A Ticking Time Bomb Inside?


Thank goodness for having a few Analogue Super Nts in my possession. Perhaps another petition is needed for Analogue to release an upgraded Super Nt like they did with the Nt Mini Noir.

Any future drop-in replacements for the S-CPU and 01CHIP processors will be a mix of ASIC and FPGA. I can see alot of ASICs from clone consoles such as the Super Players being harvested for use. This might even lead to a boost of Super Players being sold.

Re: A Bunch Of Data East Games Have Vanished From The Switch eShop


I actually noticed this about two weeks ago when I was searching for Super Real Darwin. I suppose we should give online content creator Kim Justice the credit for helping bring this delisting of Data East games to our attention as their recent video on 1980s Data East coin-ops has created a renewed interest their back catalogue.

Re: Review: Analogue Duo - The Best Way To Enjoy The Entire PC Engine / TG16 Library


A few points I'd like to make:

1) I believe you have to install alternative firmware from the 8bitdo website to get their 2.4g and bluetooth pads to work on the Duo.

2) Some people have complained about the colour of the JPN model of the Duo not being "HuWhite" enough (racist?) compared to the mock up images on the Analogue website. I personally don't mind the cream complexion as it's still faithful to the original PC Engine console. I also suspect that Analogue also chose cream to try and mitigate against the ABS plastic yellowing in the future. It could also be a side-effect of adding a textured finish to the plastic as what happened with the transparent Super Nt. Whatever the case, the cream white unit is excellent. That being said, I would have prefer if Analogue had released an off-blue Duo unit based on the colour of the Duo-RX console.

3) 8bitdo/Christopher Taber should have based their wireless Turbo Pads on the 6-button controllers like the Avenue Pad 6 or Hori Fighting Commander PC instead of the bog standard two-button versions.

4) The Analogue Duo is definitely a deep cut hardcore system for the serious retro gamer (at least in the West). If you just want to dip your toe into the world NEC gaming, you'd be better starting off with one of the branded Mini consoles or Analogue Pocket instead. The Analogue Duo is a niche of a niche. I'm looking forward to mine (presuming there no mishap in the shipping and delivery).

Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output


I have a feeling that there is even more to the Analogue 3D than even Analogue are letting on. I believe the choice of 3D rather than 64 or Ultra Nt is down to more than copyright concerns. What if the 3D contains a Trojan horse in the form of an extension port at the bottom that does more than connect to a 64DD. What if said extension port also allows the 3D to connect to a later-to-be release Analogue CD unit that plays PlayStation, Saturn and even Jaguar CD, 3DO and Amiga CD32 discs? What if Analogue also releases an top cartridge slot adaptor for Jaguar cartridges. All of this could be an FPGA f you to the Polymega.

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