I LOVED the first 10 seconds I kept seeing from Last Ninja. Not having the hardware for it myself, I was stuck seeing it elsewhere. So this game has a sort of mystical status for me.
@somnambulance Those "not afraid to go against" games still exist though. One could argue Stardew Valley is one, and if you like impossibly huge, sprawling simulators, you owe it to yourself to give Dwarf Fortress a try.
Ultima VII is such a great game. It was impossible to finish pre-internet, but my goodness was it fun.
And I still don't understand how the game made me want to climb up the roof of that derelict building. Nothing SUGGESTED a secret there, yet I was compelled to climb up it.
I know nothing about any of these companies but if something happens between your company and another, and then a similar thing happens with you and yet another...
@KingMike Translation issue, most likely. Japanese is difficult to properly translate.
But anyhoo, "unfortunately" scrapped? Glad they ended up with FFT, because this looks worse, and the RTS part, which simply means "overhead map with real time movement until co tact is made" , like in Ogre Battle, would mean a completely different vibe.
Ah yes, teaching. See, the subject never matters, if you can't get them invested.
Even the most fun thing in the world can be turned into something dreadful if one needs to know. Make theem want ro know.
@Diogmites You hit the nail on the head. Make yourself interesting, or at least make the students curious. Either option works. I am an educator and you seem to understand the game pretty well.
@Ristar24 I think I read each of the Total! mags I had a 100 times over. I especially loved their review of Dizzy. Never got to play the game but their review spoke so much to me.
@hambury Total! was super fun to read. As a JRPG fan, sure, Super Play had the 1 up, but before I heard of Super Play I was a devoted Total! reader, I could read their reviews a 100 times and still enjoy them.
Anyways, I wasn't even aware he had passed away 10 years ago. As another Dutchman, I can tell you he was definitely known here.
I was mayhaps a tad too young to watch his style of comedy, and our alternative channel wasn't really something that would be tuned into in our household, so I never saw anything outside of a few clips of the Young Ones. I do remember that music video with them in it.
@RetroGames Well, it's a style. Not one I like, but I don't think we can fault the animators for doing what they want to do. There's been plenty of hugely successful animations in that style.
Again, I dislike it, but there are plenty of people who seem to adore it, so I guess it's just tough luck for us.
Not going to lie, that's kinda cool. I have a broken 2DS that I am sure I can find a repairshop for SOMEWHERE, but it would be nice if it were simpler to find.
That said., I REALLY dislike CEX. I didn't grow up with them being smaller stores, so I have no nostalgic feelings for them. They've only recently entered the shopping street scene in the Netherlands, as a chain, and it's definitely not my favourite chain.
@jesse_dylan Probably Active Time Battle, which is what they use in for example FF6 or Chrono Trigger, which is turn based but with a timer, so some characters get to act more often because their timer fills more quickly.
I know they are tiny, but I hope they add some differences in paint job aside from color. Unique race stripes and stuff would make it look even better.
@-wc- Oh no no noooo, you're not thrashing them in the slightest, nor do I feel you did. Super Metroid is easily in my top 10 and I hold SotN in very high regard as well, but the term is just... stupid.
A wonderful first world problem to have though, being annoyed by naming conventions.
@-wc- It is a terrible genre-title. But it's not as awful as "rogue-like" and the equally heinous "rogue-lite", or how about "souls-like"? Yuch.
Actually, Metroidvania is more terrible.
But yeah, I know it's a slog having to type out "game with perma-death", or even worse, "game with perma-death characters but some of your stats or items carry through", but in the case of souls-like, what does it even mean? Unfairly difficult? That's all I can think of, when some of the games don't even remotely look or feel like Dark Souls outside of being heinously difficult and requiring twitch movement. And indeed, how do you call those "metroidvanias"... I guess adventure platformer? Sounds about right, no?
Oooh that header was misleading. I thought Hul Hogan forcefully closed a door in someone's face. Well, the mental image was worth the confusion, I guess.
@Blofse @Pally356 - These "Best" lists are live and change, depending on the votes. If nobody votes, or few people vote poorly, then a title will go down in the list.
Comments 252
Re: Opinion: Electronic Arts Used To Empower Developers; Now It Looks To Replace Them With AI
"Users will be able to take EA assets and create their own games"
So... we can take soccer players and soldiers and create... what? Battlefield Soccer?
Re: Hudson Soft Almost Created A Castlevania-Style Dungeons & Dragons Game For SNES
Anybody here know anything about unreleased games?
Re: Namco's Tank Shooter Game 'VS. Battle City' Is Coming To Switch & PS4 This Week
I was just thinking about this game last night. I had this on one of those 32 or 31 in 1 cartridges. Pretty magical.
Re: Last Ninja Collection Will Bring The Classic Beat 'Em Up Series To PC & Switch
I LOVED the first 10 seconds I kept seeing from Last Ninja. Not having the hardware for it myself, I was stuck seeing it elsewhere. So this game has a sort of mystical status for me.
Re: Peter Molyneux Reunites With Ex-Lionhead Staff To Create 'Masters Of Albion'
@somnambulance Those "not afraid to go against" games still exist though. One could argue Stardew Valley is one, and if you like impossibly huge, sprawling simulators, you owe it to yourself to give Dwarf Fortress a try.
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
@Poodlestargenerica You design games? You had my curiosity, now you have my attention. Pray do tell.
Re: Review: PowKiddy V10 - Excellent GBA Emulation (And More) For $45
Can it connect to a GC with a link cable? That is all I need...
Or Swuare finally patching in proper multiplayer in the FF CC Remaster...
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
@Poodlestargenerica You have a top 100?!?
I kinda wanna know about it. Can I find it somewhere online?
Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"
My guess is the fan translation is better anyways, so let's not get our panties in a bunch.
Re: Ex-Capcom Artist Launches Kickstarter For Dhalman, And Boy, Does It Look Like Street Fighter
@WaffleRaptor01 Well, I also clearly see Dhalsim, so you can't really argue that they are not taking more than a little inspiration.
Re: New Fan Project Aims To Solve Ultima VII's "Greatest Problem"
Ultima VII is such a great game. It was impossible to finish pre-internet, but my goodness was it fun.
And I still don't understand how the game made me want to climb up the roof of that derelict building. Nothing SUGGESTED a secret there, yet I was compelled to climb up it.
The great mistery of gaming.
Re: Cyber Mission's Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Port Is In Trouble
I know nothing about any of these companies but if something happens between your company and another, and then a similar thing happens with you and yet another...
That doesn't breed a lot of confidence...
Re: The Upcoming 8-Bit RPG 'Scarmonde' Is Giving Us Major Final Fantasy Vibes
These are not merely vibes, this is a deliberate hommage. Which is fine, but it doesn't just feel like an early FF game, it's supposed to mimic it.
But I like getting bogged down in lore, so probably not for me.
Re: Final Fantasy Tactics Was Originally An RTS, And Here's What It Almost Looked Like
@KingMike Translation issue, most likely. Japanese is difficult to properly translate.
But anyhoo, "unfortunately" scrapped? Glad they ended up with FFT, because this looks worse, and the RTS part, which simply means "overhead map with real time movement until co tact is made" , like in Ogre Battle, would mean a completely different vibe.
Re: The Challenge Of Teaching Game History In The Age Of Minecraft, Netflix And ChatGPT
Ah yes, teaching. See, the subject never matters, if you can't get them invested.
Even the most fun thing in the world can be turned into something dreadful if one needs to know. Make theem want ro know.
@Diogmites You hit the nail on the head. Make yourself interesting, or at least make the students curious. Either option works. I am an educator and you seem to understand the game pretty well.
Re: Namco's 'Tinkle Pit' Is This Week's Arcade Archives Release
Tinkle Pit REALLY sounds like a euphemism for a toilet.
Almost makes me want to buy it.
Re: Phantasy Star Is Getting Its Own Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Miniatures!! Give us miniatures!!
Re: Legendary's Street Fighter Movie Gets 2026 Release Date
@Tasuki It would be silly of them if they didn't put him in. Same with how it was awesome that Ricci was in the Wednesday series.
Re: 'Roguecraft' Is A Stunning New Roguelike Coming To Amiga This Year
The standard edition will already include a crapton of awesome wannahaves and will cost you less than than the cost of games even in the 90s.
Meanwhile, modern games have nothing extra in the box and cost thrice as much.
Re: "The Reader Should Be The Beneficiary Of The Writing. No One Else" - A Tribute To Andy Dyer
@Ristar24 I think I read each of the Total! mags I had a 100 times over. I especially loved their review of Dizzy. Never got to play the game but their review spoke so much to me.
Re: Zelda II Has Been Ported To The SNES
I want an animé of this game in the style of the artwork shown as the header.
This is what Zelda has always been for me. Zelda II was my first, and while I also adore Zelda III, I think II will always give me the most feels.
Re: Car Park Capital Is A New Sim Game Inspired By RollerCoaster Tycoon & SimCity
Love these types of games but don't like this premise.
Re: The Making Of: Worms, The Bedroom-Coded Classic That Spawned A Million-Selling Series
I still draw Worms characters (my own style) from time to time. Loved this game. Not so much the later games, the original is where it's at for me.
Re: Andy Dyer Of Commodore Format, Total! And Mega Fame Has Passed Away
@hambury Total! was super fun to read. As a JRPG fan, sure, Super Play had the 1 up, but before I heard of Super Play I was a devoted Total! reader, I could read their reviews a 100 times and still enjoy them.
Re: Taki Udon's $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Won't Be $99 - It Will Be Even Cheaper
@Spider-Kev I was just about to say the exact same thing, almost word for word.
@Azuris Thank you for the explanation.
I don't think I am in the market for any of this.
Re: Alien Abduction! Is A New Atari 2600 Cart From Activision Legends
Atari games were always expensive. I am glad I only had a brief run before the NES came into our household.
Re: Random: Hilarious Puyo Puyo SUN Review Mistake Resurfaces Online
This is kinda hillarious.
Re: How Rik Mayall Helped Bring Anarchy To Nintendo UK
@MysticX You might have forgotten Jiskefet.
Not that tame.
Anyways, I wasn't even aware he had passed away 10 years ago. As another Dutchman, I can tell you he was definitely known here.
I was mayhaps a tad too young to watch his style of comedy, and our alternative channel wasn't really something that would be tuned into in our household, so I never saw anything outside of a few clips of the Young Ones. I do remember that music video with them in it.
Re: 10 Forgotten Gaming Magazines That Are Worth Remembering
Without reading too much of the article, I miss then90s dearly. I LOVED reading magazines. Could read them over and over. And over and over.
If I kept them, I could honestly read them now and enjoy it greatly.
Re: Peter Molyneux Declined McDonald's Video Game Because "Kids Imagine Ronald Skewering Them"
I absolutely loved that NES game.
Re: 30 Years On, And This Iconic Super Metroid Art Lives Again
I love Wil Overton. Ace guy!
Re: Do You Remember Scavengers, The Alien-Style UK Game Show From The '90s?
Soooo... remake when?
Re: This Astonishing Metal Gear Anime Is The Work Of Just One Person
@RetroGames Well, it's a style. Not one I like, but I don't think we can fault the animators for doing what they want to do. There's been plenty of hugely successful animations in that style.
Again, I dislike it, but there are plenty of people who seem to adore it, so I guess it's just tough luck for us.
Re: This Astonishing Metal Gear Anime Is The Work Of Just One Person
@RetroGames I had that with Castlevania. It was simply unwatchable for me. Happy for folks who loved it but it was impossible for me to enjoy.
Re: The MSX2 Version Of Dragon Slayer IV Is Coming To Switch
I was like, wait a minute, isn't that lewd game Knights of Xentar part of this series? But that was Dragon Knight.
This looks cool but not too interesting for me personally.
Re: 'Super Xevious: Gamp no Nazo' Is Next Week's Arcade Archives Release
The art for these games is always so awesome.
The games themselves are awesome too, of course, but the art for these games is really cool too.
Re: CEX Is Launching Its Own Repair Service For Retro Consoles
Not going to lie, that's kinda cool. I have a broken 2DS that I am sure I can find a repairshop for SOMEWHERE, but it would be nice if it were simpler to find.
That said., I REALLY dislike CEX. I didn't grow up with them being smaller stores, so I have no nostalgic feelings for them. They've only recently entered the shopping street scene in the Netherlands, as a chain, and it's definitely not my favourite chain.
Re: Namco's 1992 Arcade Game 'Exvania' Is About To Get Its First Ever Console Release
Oooh fantasy Bomberman. I do not object.
Re: Former Dawn Is An Impressive-Looking NES RPG That's Also Coming To PC
@jesse_dylan Probably Active Time Battle, which is what they use in for example FF6 or Chrono Trigger, which is turn based but with a timer, so some characters get to act more often because their timer fills more quickly.
Re: Felvidek Is A PS1-Style JRPG Starring A Boozed-Up Knight
Looks great and I can already relate to the character. Color me interested.
Re: Tiny Tires Is The Micro Machines Successor We've Always Wanted
I know they are tiny, but I hope they add some differences in paint job aside from color. Unique race stripes and stuff would make it look even better.
Re: Flashback: The Fallout Ad Which Mocked JRPGs Like Final Fantasy And Dragon Quest
Life on rails sounds great. Where do I sign up?
Re: The History of Erotic Games In Japan
Dutch wives? What the heck did we do?
Well, it doesn't matter. I am going upstairs with my Dutch wife now. My wife, who is Dutch, like me, just to clear any confusion.
Re: Anniversary: Super Metroid Is 30
@-wc- Oh no no noooo, you're not thrashing them in the slightest, nor do I feel you did. Super Metroid is easily in my top 10 and I hold SotN in very high regard as well, but the term is just... stupid.
A wonderful first world problem to have though, being annoyed by naming conventions.
Re: Anniversary: Super Metroid Is 30
@-wc- It is a terrible genre-title. But it's not as awful as "rogue-like" and the equally heinous "rogue-lite", or how about "souls-like"? Yuch.
Actually, Metroidvania is more terrible.
But yeah, I know it's a slog having to type out "game with perma-death", or even worse, "game with perma-death characters but some of your stats or items carry through", but in the case of souls-like, what does it even mean? Unfairly difficult? That's all I can think of, when some of the games don't even remotely look or feel like Dark Souls outside of being heinously difficult and requiring twitch movement. And indeed, how do you call those "metroidvanias"... I guess adventure platformer? Sounds about right, no?
Like calling platformers "mario-likes".
But I am a grognard. So...
Re: Miyamoto Has Admitted This Zelda Game Is "Bad"
Oooooh this was clickbait!! You had me up in arms and ready to defend Zelda II with all my might, but it was all a ruse!! You trickster!
Re: Anniversary: Super Metroid Is 30
Fake news. All of this is fake news. Stop spreading this nasty propaganda, please. You're embarassing yourselves.
Re: You Won't Believe How Little Ocean Paid For RoboCop's Global Video Game Rights
The movie traumatised me as a kid. I don't think I will ever be able to watch or play anything RoboCop related ever again.
Re: Wrestle War's Unauthorised Hulk Hogan Cover Got Sega Into Legal Trouble
Oooh that header was misleading. I thought Hul Hogan forcefully closed a door in someone's face. Well, the mental image was worth the confusion, I guess.
Re: Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked By You
@Blofse @Pally356 - These "Best" lists are live and change, depending on the votes. If nobody votes, or few people vote poorly, then a title will go down in the list.