Comments 252

Re: New Fan Project Aims To Solve Ultima VII's "Greatest Problem"


Ultima VII is such a great game. It was impossible to finish pre-internet, but my goodness was it fun.

And I still don't understand how the game made me want to climb up the roof of that derelict building. Nothing SUGGESTED a secret there, yet I was compelled to climb up it.

The great mistery of gaming.

Re: The Challenge Of Teaching Game History In The Age Of Minecraft, Netflix And ChatGPT


Ah yes, teaching. See, the subject never matters, if you can't get them invested.

Even the most fun thing in the world can be turned into something dreadful if one needs to know. Make theem want ro know.

@Diogmites You hit the nail on the head. Make yourself interesting, or at least make the students curious. Either option works. I am an educator and you seem to understand the game pretty well.

Re: Zelda II Has Been Ported To The SNES


I want an animé of this game in the style of the artwork shown as the header.

This is what Zelda has always been for me. Zelda II was my first, and while I also adore Zelda III, I think II will always give me the most feels.

Re: How Rik Mayall Helped Bring Anarchy To Nintendo UK


@MysticX You might have forgotten Jiskefet.

Not that tame.

Anyways, I wasn't even aware he had passed away 10 years ago. As another Dutchman, I can tell you he was definitely known here.

I was mayhaps a tad too young to watch his style of comedy, and our alternative channel wasn't really something that would be tuned into in our household, so I never saw anything outside of a few clips of the Young Ones. I do remember that music video with them in it.

Re: This Astonishing Metal Gear Anime Is The Work Of Just One Person


@RetroGames Well, it's a style. Not one I like, but I don't think we can fault the animators for doing what they want to do. There's been plenty of hugely successful animations in that style.

Again, I dislike it, but there are plenty of people who seem to adore it, so I guess it's just tough luck for us.

Re: CEX Is Launching Its Own Repair Service For Retro Consoles


Not going to lie, that's kinda cool. I have a broken 2DS that I am sure I can find a repairshop for SOMEWHERE, but it would be nice if it were simpler to find.

That said., I REALLY dislike CEX. I didn't grow up with them being smaller stores, so I have no nostalgic feelings for them. They've only recently entered the shopping street scene in the Netherlands, as a chain, and it's definitely not my favourite chain.

Re: Anniversary: Super Metroid Is 30


@-wc- Oh no no noooo, you're not thrashing them in the slightest, nor do I feel you did. Super Metroid is easily in my top 10 and I hold SotN in very high regard as well, but the term is just... stupid.

A wonderful first world problem to have though, being annoyed by naming conventions.

Re: Anniversary: Super Metroid Is 30


@-wc- It is a terrible genre-title. But it's not as awful as "rogue-like" and the equally heinous "rogue-lite", or how about "souls-like"? Yuch.

Actually, Metroidvania is more terrible.

But yeah, I know it's a slog having to type out "game with perma-death", or even worse, "game with perma-death characters but some of your stats or items carry through", but in the case of souls-like, what does it even mean? Unfairly difficult? That's all I can think of, when some of the games don't even remotely look or feel like Dark Souls outside of being heinously difficult and requiring twitch movement. And indeed, how do you call those "metroidvanias"... I guess adventure platformer? Sounds about right, no?

Like calling platformers "mario-likes".

But I am a grognard. So...